Ding Yu is drinking fish soup, a little light! But Ding Yu didn't care! Pour all the fish soup in the basin into your stomach! After all, this represents the heart of father and mother! Absolutely can't have any waste!

The two nephews even ran to Ding Yu's side and carefully touched uncle Ding Yu's stomach. They were very suspicious. Although they had drunk it, they felt a little bit up after drinking a bowl. However, they drank all the big pots? Then they also looked at their father with suspicion!

Cao Zhen is hard to say. There is a difference between people, OK? Can I compete with your uncle? You two bastards look at me at this time, that look! What do you mean? Do you mean to despise me?

After drinking the fish soup, Ding Yu also nodded to his parents, "Mom, your craft is good!"

"Yes, but not too much! I've inquired, once a week is OK! No one can stand drinking every day

Zhao Shuying is very happy, useful or useless. Anyway, the eldest son likes it very much. As long as the eldest son likes it, the rest is nothing! As for whether to make up for it, it's another thing!

For Ding Yu, it is not enough! The intake is really not so much! But my parents' heart really felt it! But Ding Yu didn't express it! Some things in their own heart is good!

"Brother, I want to ask you something!"

Taking advantage of the two children to make trouble with their father, Ding Ding came to her eldest brother's side position, "I have a friend, something happened, my side is not very easy to solve, can you help me?"

Ding Yu looked at his sister suspiciously, "what's the matter? You can't help anything, isn't it? " Although his sister's reputation is not obvious, but we are due to their own reasons, give Ding Ding three points thin surface! Now even Ding Ding Ding has some thorny problems. Although Ding Yu is not a very curious person, he still feels very strange!

"It's not that we don't help, but we need a little help from the farm! It's a bit of a problem! " Ding Ding is a little hesitant!

Ding Yu pondered for a while, then took out a telephone number to Ding Ding Ding! "Just call this number. If you have something to do with him, you can do it! He will handle it according to your request! "

Don't you ask me anything Ding Ding is a little confused! But it's good!

"You! Although it's a little farce, it's still very good to be a person. I believe you can handle quite a lot of things. If there must be any requirements, then I hope you can think more about things when you deal with things, not only from your own point of view, but also from the Perspective of other people, even higher than everyone else To consider the problem, can not be too one-sided! That's all! "

"Brother, can I understand that you are deliberately lazy?"

"It's not a big deal anyway. If it's a big thing, you won't have such an attitude!" Ding Yu waved his hand at will. "I have something else on my side. If you can't handle it, tell me. If you can handle it, you can handle it by yourself. Moreover, after staying at home for such a long time, if there is nothing, you can go out for a walk. But you can't go out alone and take your father and mother with you!"

Ah? Then Ding Ding Ding jumped up and said, "it's ok?" That expression, how much surprise, how much surprise!

"On the whole, there's nothing wrong with it! The follow-up has nothing to do with you, you! I've never been stable! It's not easy for you to stay at home for such a long time! I didn't think of it, but don't go back to the capital for the moment! My situation you also know, although father and mother did not say, but there is a considerable pressure in the heart, so don't let them hold in the heart! "

After thinking about it, Ding Yu suddenly said, "I'll make a proposal. If I have time, I'll take my father and mother to see your father-in-law and mother-in-law. Although the two families are far away, where are the relatives? It's not a bad thing for the two families to move around each other! But this is just a personal suggestion! "

"Listen to you! I'm going to talk to mom and Dad However, before walking a few steps, Ding Ding Ding suddenly turned around, "brother, there is no problem with your father and mother, but your plane must be picked up by me, otherwise it will be too inconvenient!"

Ding Yu is a little funny, but still nods!

But when Ding Lin heard about this, he was quite surprised, "boss, don't you go? Can you be alone at home? " It is obvious that Ding Lin is still worried about his eldest son!

"Dad, you may have quite a feeling. After Ding Ding came back, I didn't let her leave, and Cao Zhen came along with her! But now the matter has been basically solved! What about Ding Ding Ding's temperament? Sometimes a little jump, she did not have to be able to carry those old slickers! So I've kept it for her. I've been locked up for so many days. It's good to have no hair"You! What things are stuffy in their own heart, do not say a word

The words are full of blame, but there are some pride and pride!

"I can't say that. I can't make you worry. There's nothing wrong now! It's not appropriate for ding ding ding to hold back for such a long time. What's more, she also has the idea of this aspect. The two children come back for such a long time, they can't make them go around for our family, can't they? We need to broaden our horizons! "

After thinking about it, Ding Yu continued to say, "Dad, your two grandsons don't need to worry about anything! But we need a good discipline. Didn't the third and Taylor come two days ago? They like these two children very much. If there is anything really going on in the future, they can ask them to come out! "

Ding Lin did not understand, and Ding Yu did not want to continue to explain the meaning!

"But Cao Zhen and Ding Ding Ding are still unable to teach their children. This is still a problem. You and my mother must teach more experience during this period of time! At the beginning, you and my mother taught me and Ding Ding very well! The inheritance of our family must not be broken enough! "

"You mean general, don't you?" Ding Lin is very unconvinced about this! But the words are full of laughter! "It's OK. Your mother and I have nothing to do during this time. In a few days, your mother may be busy. I really need to explain to her well."

Zhao Shuying didn't like to move, so she left her eldest son at home alone. She didn't give up, but she also knew, son! Work a little busy, if you can, really want to go out and play with the family, that's good!

But he is not convenient now, and according to the meaning, he also wants to be clean, so it's OK!

The next day, Ding Ding takes her family to the airport, even Ding Yu has no time to see him off!

At the beginning, the two children also asked Ding Yu to take good care of the dogs at home, so as to save them from being wronged when they were away. But in Ding Yu's opinion, if you leave, the dogs at home may really have a party to celebrate?

Even Ding Yu has some bad taste. Do you want to have a party for the dogs at home? They have been bullied for a long time! Especially the two little guys, they are just as fierce as evil spirits! If you don't have a good time, the other children will come back! I don't know what will happen?

But Ding Yu's side has not even completely stopped! Guo Kai is coming! Come that call a sudden, let Ding Yu have so some touch not defend feeling! Looking at Guo Kai, there are some silly eyes!

After looking up and down, he asked, "what are you doing here?"

Guo Kai, stand at attention! Salute! "Report, director, I've come to see you for training!"

"Are you kidding?" Ding Yu was a little bit crazy, "you know, I had a hard time to have two days of quiet time. All the children in my family were not there. I was alone. I hope to have a good rest for two days, and then you came! Do you know what kind of Psychology I am now

Guo Kai is a little silly! I really didn't expect to hear such an answer from the director!

"Get out of here and don't let me see you for three days!" If it wasn't for sitting in a wheelchair, Ding Yu even had a direct impulse to kick Guo Kai out, this bastard? Why choose this time to come?

When other people know this situation, there are so many tolerance Jun not only! Guo Kai's coming at the right time and at the wrong time! Now it's time to find Ding Yu. I don't know what those people think!

When Gu Zhuang called, Ding Yu didn't mean to answer!

So Guzhuang called Guo Kai in the past! "Guo Kai, director Ding may need to take a break for a while. I'm not very thoughtful about this matter. Do you have a rest place over there?"

"Report! Commissar, I'm on the farm! They gave me a warm reception Guo Kai now more or less has responded, "I just didn't expect such a result. I think the director should be really a little angry!"

"I can't be angry. At most, I'm a little irritable. If he is really impatient, he won't let you go back in three days! But it can be well arranged over there! I'm sure there will be some arrangements on the farm! "

I also want to let others follow, but no one else has such convenient conditions. Only Guo Kai has such convenient conditions. What do you say?

If Ding Yu is not free, even if he wants to teach Guo Kai, there is no such time!

In three days, Ding Yu is nestled in his villa, reading books, and when he is free, he comes out to breathe and look at the sky. That's all. There is really no other action! However, people who know it all know that Ding Yu is through such a way that he also dispels his own pressure! Ease your mood!But how many people can really understand Ding Yu?

But when Su Yuan heard the news from Ding family, he felt a little angry! You're all out! He left Ding Yu at home alone! What do you want? Don't know what Ding Yu needs most at this time?

Then Su Yuan also made a phone call in the past. When the voice of the phone rang, Su Yuan suddenly thought that his phone call was a little too bold! Because the son has never wanted to contact with the family! It's a white fight if you fight yourself!

In hesitation, the phone was suddenly connected! "Hello, this is Ding Yu!"

Yeah? Now it's Su Yuan's turn to be so stupid! But the first time Su Yuan responded, "I'm your mother! Are you at home? Is there nothing to do today? " Because of the excitement, Su Yuan's words are so incoherent!

"Hello, mom." Ding Yu is slightly indifferent! "I haven't been doing anything these two days. I happen to be at home alone! There is no other person to disturb, but it is quite clean! Mom, how are you and my dad doing

It's a plain greeting, but listening to Su Yuan's ears, it's not the same feeling!

"What can we do for both of us? Everything is very good. I heard that your body has not recovered, has it?" Su Yuan was very worried about this, "how is the situation? And you're home alone? Can it work? If there is any situation, come back first. After all, the conditions here are better! "

"It's OK. Now I just need a good rest! Other aspects of the problem is not so big! A person in the family is just a little more clean, I prefer to be clean! Especially at this time! " Ding Yu didn't hide anything. "What's more, if you go back now, it's not so convenient!"

"You! I just want to think a little bit. I didn't know how worried I was when I said this thing to you! You are very kind! " As he spoke, Su Yuan couldn't help sighing!

"In fact, there are not too many problems. It's just a little over looking! It's no big deal! Don't worry! Why are you so free today? " Ding Yu did not understand a question!

"Didn't you hear that you were alone at home? I'm a little worried. There's no one in my family, and I don't know what to think of it Speaking of this matter, Su Yuan is also a little angry! Even a little grudge, do not know the eldest son was injured? Now is the time to take care of you. It's very kind of you. The whole family went out late! With you that Ding Ding is born, Ding Yu is not born!

"Mainly because I want to be quiet for two days! Recently a bit too noisy! So let Ding Ding take them out to have a rest, not to mention because of my business, there are always some emotions in my family! "

For this explanation, Su Yuan hummed to express his most serious dissatisfaction!

But Su Yuan is not good to continue to pursue what, how to pursue? On this issue, his eldest son is obviously biased towards his adoptive father and adoptive mother!

"What do you eat at home? You are injured now. You must pay attention to nutrition. Do you know? Don't go to the canteen every day? The food there is good, but it's not as good as it is at home! "

"Yes, there are nannies at home. There is no problem in this respect. I am also a doctor. You and my father should pay attention to it!"

After chatting a few words, Su Yuan reluctantly hung up the phone, but today is not as sad as in the past, but also not elated! But to be able to communicate with his eldest son on the phone is still a happy thing!

It's obvious that after the end of quite a thing, my eldest son is not so conservative!

When Wang Changlin came back in the evening, Su Yuan was very excited to say the news. Wang Changlin was also very surprised about this!

"Can he be alone at home? You didn't give me a word? "

"Why not? You think I am you Su Yuan hummed. He was a mother at least. How could he not pay attention to such things? "You said it was. What's the general situation of this! Are they still in the mood to go out? I don't know what they think? "

Wang has some other things to understand!

From their own understanding, Ding's parents are not particularly active people! Otherwise, on the condition of the Ding family, where do the parents of the Ding family want to go! Do you have any limitations or problems! But Ding's parents never like it!

For them, the most meaningful thing may be to support medical care and compulsory teaching!

How could the Wangs not know, or even understand, such things? If they were more active, they would be better, but how could they! Oh! What's good to say?In view of their husband and wife's situation, can we go out at ease under such circumstances? How could it be?

Obviously, there should be the reason for the eldest son. Why did the four members of Ding Ding's family be called back earlier? There was Ding Ding Ding's reason, but later Cao Zhen also went! Still worried!

Now? The eldest brother must be worried that his adoptive father and his adoptive mother are under considerable pressure, so let Ding Ding go out for a stroll with them to relieve their worries. His eldest son! To his adoptive father and mother, is really impeccable, of course! On the contrary, his adoptive father and adoptive mother are the same to this son!

Even if he is his own father, he is far away from his father in some things, which he never denies!

"No matter what we think, we can't say, after all, the boss is still there! What's more, who knows if this is the boss's attention? Do you think so? "

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