When I saw Guo Kai again, Ding Yu's face finally returned to normal. Guo Kai has been on the farm for the past two days! Ding Yu really knows, but knowing is knowing. Ding Yu doesn't pay any attention to it! Close observation is also good!

"Director?" When Guo Kai spoke, he tentatively looked at Ding Yu's face, but the expression on the director's face had no reaction at all. His expectation was in vain!

"Holiday?" Looking at Guo Kai nodding, Ding Yu also made a clear expression, "if you don't go home after the holiday, why do you come to me? If you don't go back to accompany your parents, I'm afraid it will be very difficult to find such opportunities when your parents are old! "

"I went back and stayed for two days, and then they turned me out!" From what he said, I can still feel Guo Kai's reluctance!

Ding Yu was stunned for a moment and sighed slightly, "it's hard for your parents to have this kind of mind! Hi, they are all parents! They all have the heart of looking forward to success It's just a sigh! There is really no other words!

"Say it! What did Lao Zhuang ask you to do here? "

"Specifically, I have no problems with my school work and business, even surpassing the vast majority of people. I can drive quite a number of students. As for the tasks assigned, I can also complete them on the whole. However, I always feel that there is a considerable gap in the corresponding problems!"

Ding Yu nodded his head, "I know!" It is obvious that Guo Kai's bottleneck comes a little bit faster, which makes people a little caught off guard! Must let him break through this bottleneck, too long, for his own development has many disadvantages!

He knocked on his wheelchair armrest with his hand, "you! The speed is a little bit faster. If you look at your foundation, it is not as stable as you imagined, but it is quite inappropriate not to let you break through this bottleneck. Come slowly! "

"Yes! Director

Ding Yu snorted, "it's not difficult to break through your current bottleneck. The difficulty lies in how you continue to consolidate your foundation. This is the most important problem." Looking at Guo Kai's appearance, Ding Yu suddenly laughed, "do you think what I said is a little incomprehensible!"

"Director? I know the importance of foundation, but from my personal point of view, I feel that... "

Ding Yu waved his hand. "You want to know a lot about the farm. Do you think farm workers are important? Or is farm technology more important? Or the management of the farm, etc

Guo Kai thought for a while, and felt that this problem was not very relevant to the one mentioned just now! "Director, I think they are all very important. Everyone should perform their duties, cooperate with each other and communicate with each other! Mutual understanding and mutual supervision, only in this way can we make the farm go further! "

"Conversely, what do you think is more important in your future development, family? Work? Or something else? How do you coordinate? How to express it? How to deal with it? "

Guo Kai was a little silent, then shook his head, "report, director, I didn't think about it!"

"You need to think about it in advance. You can see different scenes when you stand in different positions. But it's not a mistake to make an estimate and estimate in advance. Don't wait for you to get to this position before you start to prepare. At that time, it's not as simple as being busy and confused! You will miss a lot of things, and these things will have an inexplicable impact on your life. It may be good, but more likely it will be bad! "

"There is another problem. There is a big difference between what you have learned and the actual society, and even there is a certain gap. How do you deal with this problem? For example, when you stand together with your former classmates, what kind of feelings do you feel when you are sitting with those seeds? What will you discuss when you sit with those seeds

"I had a look at your situation in the past three days. From the perspective of others, you have performed very well and impeccably! But actually? You're a little too isolated! You are yourself, at least you are quite separated from the general public. This is a fact that you can't deny! Isn't it? "

Director Ding Yuding said every word, Guo Kai is deeply in the heart! At the same time, I also think about it!

These problems have not thought about themselves, there is no impression in this respect! However, carefully think about what the director said, it seems that it is not generally reasonable. I seem to be involved in it, but in fact, I was forced to give a gap between them!

If you say you can't fill in this gap, then you will form an abyss! And always fill the abyss of dissatisfaction!

If the director did not point out this problem, I am afraid that I would really be trapped in it! Even smug!

"I'll give you two days to get acquainted! No one will tell you the specific way. You can learn and understand by yourself. Some things can be done by yourself. The food may not be delicious, but it will be quite perceptive. Don't ignore the details. This is completely different from sitting at the table, waiting for others to bring things to you and feeding them into your mouth! "At noon, Ding Yu ate in the canteen. Guo Kai followed the director behind him. He even helped Ding Yu push his wheelchair. When he entered the canteen, people kept saying hello! Talking with Ding Yu, quite a few people are very concerned about Ding Yu's body, and even take the initiative to say some so-called secret recipe! All hope Ding Yu can get better soon!

Ding Yu's face is also very loose. When you ask about the situation at home, and even mention the entrance banquet, you must invite yourself. After all, this is a good thing. If you forget yourself, you can't forgive him!

All the people around Ding Yu are laughing!

Of course, there are also parents carrying their children to Ding Yu's side. Whether the children's performance is good or not is not so concerned about these Ding Yu, because this is only a display of personal ability, and does not represent all of them!

Ding Yu has always been very encouraging! After all, I missed such an opportunity because of other situations!

"Boss, how's our girl? Look at this one behind you

"Third uncle, you're going too far!" They are all sitting on the table, plus because of the good relationship, so this talk naturally does not have too much to block, "but the little girl seems to be gentle and quiet, do you really give up?"

"Hi, I've been to college! School things are not so worried! The conditions at home are quite good. I didn't expect that our family could also come out of college students. What's the next problem? This child is not too young! They're already in college! If you put it in the past, you will get married and have children in two years! "

"Third uncle, I can see that, you! It's really mean! Thinking of betrothal gifts so early

The middle-aged man sitting next to Ding Yu looks simple and honest, but in fact, his eyes are full of cunning eyes! Taking advantage of Guo Kai and his daughter to inquire, he looked around and said, "boss, tell me the truth. How about it? What can follow you is not bad enough! "

"You want to be beautiful, but third uncle, I always don't interfere in such things, but I will tell you some things! Guo Kai! Too many people like it! It may be a little exaggeration to line up for two rounds around our farm, but it's not too much! "

"Isn't it?" The third uncle obviously didn't believe it! "You're not lying to me, are you?"

Ding Yu blinked his eyes, then said in a low voice, "he will be in the future! If there is no big problem, the possibility of Venus hanging on the shoulder is very large. After only a few days, you can see it. Do you think other people can't see it? However, there is a saying that it is hard to buy money. I like it. If Guo Kai really likes it, no one can do it and no one can interfere with it. I don't object. Let's get in touch with each other. "

"Ah! If you don't come to the door for a long time, you won't come to see me! It's rare to see a good one! " The third uncle is a little upset!

"You! Only a few days! He! After entering the school, they were selected by thousands. When many people looked at him, their eyes were already green. What do you think is the situation? "

While talking, Ding Yu picked his chin and motioned to his third uncle, "the two children are back! Guo Kai is a little mature, and I don't know what kind of girl he likes. Although I'm not a parent, I don't have much to do with it. The more interference there is, the easier problems will be! "

"Yes! Look at the two of them, right? If it's OK, boss! You must be steady for me! I'm counting on you to escort me! If two people really don't feel it, we can't make such a hard match. If two people are not suitable at that time, they will really destroy them

After dinner, Ding Yu went back to the villa alone. As for Guo Kai, Ding Yu is totally a model of stocking, and quite a lot of things still need to be handled by yourself. You can't tell you all the problems! This is extremely inappropriate and extremely inappropriate! What's more, I still want to be clean!

Towards the evening, Zhuangzheng finally got through the phone!

"It's really hard for you to find the director." Chuang is on the other side of the phone!

"You should be glad! Two days earlier, you can't get through if you want to! " Ding Yu said, "but you can't think of Guo Kai! Do you think I'm too free? That's why I came up with such a plan "

" we all know that you are a busy person, and that's why we let Guo Kai pass! He has grown so fast this year! It's faster than you can imagine. There are many teachers in the school who can teach him a lot of things, but you still need to check the specific direction! "

"What about the others?" Ding Yu seems to be very casual to ask a!

"Judging from the overall situation, the joint effect is very good! We are extremely satisfied in all aspects. The only criticism is that our way of doing things will make many soldiers unbearable, not suffering. If that's the reason, I believe all our soldiers can resist it! ""This problem can't be solved by you and me, but I can't solve any problem myself!"

Are you kidding? After you come up, you give me such a big melon. How can I pick it up? My Ding Yu is covered with iron. How many nails can I make? As for the way? It doesn't mean that you can change it if you want to change it!

"Director, I personally mean that the above evaluation of these seeds is very good, and it is also interesting to go in many ways. After all, what we need in the future is comprehensive and high-quality talents, and they are the fundamental point."

"I said Lao Zhuang, do you think I died not fast enough?" Ding Yu doesn't know if Zhuang Zheng's head is broken! Can you intervene in such things? It's no problem to let yourself do some small things, even with Zhuangzheng doing some things. But what do you do?

"Director, I just said it casually, not so exaggerated?"

"Come on, that's it!" Then Ding Yu hung up the phone and made himself happy. You can't do it like this! Ding Yu expressed the strongest opinions and ideas on this! There's no one like you!

Some things can be done by themselves, but some things can't be done by themselves! Not everything can go, ah, edge ball, at least in such things, is absolutely not allowed!

Ding Yu is not a fool, he was one of them! So when Zhuangzheng said this thing, Ding Yu's attitude was extremely clear and did not give any chance!

While Zhuang Zheng listened to the busy tone in the phone, he gave a slight teasing smile to the people beside him!

"Our director Ding! It's not a general caution and caution. What should be done and what should not be done is very clear and clear to him. He has never been involved in the corresponding things. He is a genuine chief director who does not care much about my side's affairs, so other things can be imagined! "

Oh! The person sitting opposite Zhuang Zheng sighed, but he didn't say anything!

Other people don't understand Ding Yu's situation. Can't they also understand it? He has a considerable understanding, even this understanding is more than the equivalent of people, I know that Ding Yu is a slippery head, but also a big slippery head!

Of course, to describe Ding Yu like this may be too much! The main reason is that this guy is too conscious! He doesn't pretend to be confused with you. He may not say anything clearly, but he has his own discretion!

It's like this thing now, it makes people have some difficulties! What do you mean to do?

Continue looking for Ding Yu? This guy doesn't eat that at all! He! Smell the wind, absolutely know how a thing! Of course, even if this thing is to keep secret, there is no need to hide anything from Ding Yu, because this guy will never make any mention to the outside! He is a smart man!

"Commissar Zhuang, you'll have to worry about the next thing!"

Looking at the departure of Zhuang Zheng, his heart is also with considerable emotion! I can understand why Ding Yu didn't mix in this aspect! Because the plan is too huge, if Ding Yu stands up now, what is this? Blackmail?

But from my own point of view, if Ding Yu doesn't stand up, it lacks considerable influence, because everyone knows that only Ding Yu can have this ability. To be exact, anyone can be without him. But without Ding Yu, everything is nonsense! There is no significance and value! But Ding Yu is so smart!

In the evening, Guo Kai has dinner with Ding Yu! Not in the canteen, but in Ding Yu's villa?

Ding Yu looked up and down, "Well! Not bad! "

"Director, can you see this too?"

"The smell on your body is a little strong, which is caused by contact with many people. Although you have washed and rinsed quite a lot, the taste will not dissipate directly. In the end, there will still be a lot left over, but it covers up a lot, which makes me less judgment. In this regard, it is very good!"

"Director, I'm too much for you to say!"

"OK, I have maintained a good attitude. Now I can say such words at this time, which shows that I have considerable confidence! This is a good thing Then Ding Yu was looking at Guo Kai with a bad smile, "how's that girl today?"

Guo Kai is stunned, a little puzzled about the amorous feelings. Ding Yu is also a burst of gas blocking!

"I'm really worried about your parents! What can we do in the future? "

"Director, you mean Joe Wei?"

Ding Yu took a look at his eyes and sighed. He didn't respond at all. It seems that his third uncle's expectation was disappointed!

"Speaking of it, I don't know where it came from. It's too long to tell! However, I call Qiao Wei's father's third uncle. He has this meaning. However, depending on the situation, the falling flowers are sentimental and the running water has no intention! ""Director, I don't mean that, but I think that girl is good, but it's not the type I like! It feels good to be a sister! "

"I'm not your parent. If I'm interested, it's better. If I'm not interested, I know how to deal with it!"

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