"I'm your elder. I may think a little bit more about some things, you! How clever! You may not need to think about these things, but as a master, I need to think about them! "

Wang An's heart is definitely not so calm on his face! "Master, there is no need. My sister and I live very well here." Wang An's performance is very tough, but Ding Yu can still see that there is a trace of strangeness in his eyes! "This is my home!"

"It's your home! I have never regarded you and little girl as outsiders, including grandfather and grandmother, and Ding Yun and Ding Chang. They are all the same, but ah! Ding Yun and Ding Chang are too naughty! Ding Yun, in particular, is too careless

"Master, I like my younger sister's personality very much. She is cheerful! Lively! My sister is too quiet sometimes

Ding Yu shook his head, "little girl! There are still some shadows in my heart. What about this problem? Always can't ignore, you experience more things, so considerable things can be hidden in their own heart, also can swallow down! Because it's a little man! This is what I imagined at the beginning. I'll carry everything by myself, but what about the little girl? "

Wang An was stunned! Obviously, he never thought about it!

"Master, I haven't thought about this problem. It's my brother's problem! I'll pay attention

Ding Yu laughed and leaned back on his body. "I'll tell you about my situation at that time! If you are interested, I'll tell you to listen to it alone! "

Wang an suddenly had a considerable interest, honest to put the mobile phone in the bracket above! And then sit there!

"You know that I was adopted back then! When I was young, I didn't have too many feelings. At that time, I was not like you. I was so smart, so sensible, and even a little farce! Although they didn't live in the courtyard at that time, what about the people around them? I'm full of gossip. I have everything to say! Children? Are more sensitive, especially on such things, I believe you will have the same feeling now

Wang An made a fuss about his head. "Master, I don't know why. Sometimes I feel a little irritable. It's not a big deal. Why are they so interested in such things? What does it have to do with them? "

Facing Wang An's open heart, Ding Yu couldn't help laughing!

"Wang an! You! Too good! For many children, it is like this. They envy your environment, your achievements and all you have. When they can't attack you in other aspects, they can only take some bad means and methods. Of course, do you want to say that they really mean it? Not all of them! "

"Master, it's a bad nature!" Wang an expressed great indignation!

"Quite a lot of children can't pass this level. I was stupid and confused at that time. But subconsciously, I took good care of your aunt Ding Ding. But my parents were very concerned about this, and even I made trouble at home! At home because of my affairs, those years of time passed that called a depression! Now I think about it, I feel that it is so incredible, even incomprehensible! "

"Master, is it you who took the college entrance examination?"

Ding Yu was stunned for a moment, "do you know this problem?" Looking at Wang an nodding, Ding Yu fell into a burst of meditation. "Speaking of it, I was young and adored. At that time, I didn't think about so many things. I fell into distress. Now I think of it, we are all victims, one by one! That's all true! "

"Master! I just think you're the victim Wang an Dudu with his small face, is not angry to speak!

"Judging from the situation at that time, I was one of the most serious victims, and the matter of taking an examination was yellow! The whole family was involved, but what about them? No friendship, cut a considerable feeling, this for their inner harm is still very huge! Maybe I didn't see anything at that time! But when we get along with them, we will never get back to the pure state! "

"At that time! I'll grab you a bite of ice cream, you'll grab me a piece of bread, I'll add some vinegar to your soup noodles, and you'll add some pepper to me! In other people's eyes, it may be a kind of performance of fighting with each other, but in our feeling, it is because of the close relationship between each other that we are unscrupulous! "

Wang An's eyes couldn't help but brighten. "Wei Lai likes to do things like this, and we are the same. Otherwise, I'll grab you a piece of sauce bone, or I'll eat your crayfish!"

"The feelings are pure, and we can understand and tolerate each other. In those years, there were classmates who started out for me. Your fat uncle was one of them. At that time, it was not an easy thing to resist such pressure. It could be impulsive, it might be vigorous, but at least for me, it was one Great encouragement, at that time, the right and wrong of things is not so important! ""Master, what happened later? There's no news about it! "

"You're still asking the truth!" Ding Yu sighed, "how can the Wang family not be angry about such things? How can you show that you don't have any? At that time, although I didn't have great influence, I still had some abilities. However, looking back on the events of that year, I didn't have so much emotion, because it was over

"But I don't care about it, but it doesn't mean that other people don't care! This is like Ding Yun or Ding Chang. They may not care so much, but what about Wang An? What would you do? It may not, but make a stumbling block, or wink? "

"I see!" Wang An is very clever, naturally can understand Ding Yu's meaning! "Even if you don't care about the master, other people will never think so, so their end and result will not be too good!"

"So say it! We are all victims, there is no winner. As for me to stand up now, I can only say that it is a coincidence, but anyway, the matter is over! It can be said that there are considerable results, but the pain left by such a result to everyone is something that can't be made up for! "

"Master, can I ask, have you recovered now?"

Ding Yu did not immediately answer, but through the video watching Wang An, "Wang an! If you ask me about this matter, I will ask you in turn. Maybe the question is so sharp that it may even tear your wound. Do you really think you can put this matter down? In your inner place, I think you are more eager for emotion than anyone else! At least I can look at it now, but you can't! "

Wang An's small face suddenly pulled down, he is really no way to deny! Can't do it!

"Master, I know it's not good, but I can't control myself! And there's nothing to say

"There is no absolute right or wrong! Right and wrong, from my personal point of view, maybe I am right, but from the perspective of others, I may be wrong! So I deliberately called you, some things to do! At least it will solve quite a lot of problems. Of course, it may also lead to other problems! If nothing is done, wait! Then the greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment

I don't know if this expectation will be effective or not!

Ding Yu, of course, expects to have a considerable effect! But how much effect will be? I don't know? No one knows what kind of situation Wang An's parents will be like. They have a new family now! It depends on the situation! After all, quite a thing still needs Wang An to handle by himself!

"Master, don't you care about younger martial brother and younger sister? I heard that younger martial sister's opinion is very big, and I will definitely settle accounts with you after I go back! " Wang an didn't mean to continue to talk about it!

Ding Yu snorted, "is it? She filed a complaint! I was scolded by your grandmother for a long time, which made me feel so upset, especially now that you are separated! Alone, under such circumstances, if I go to her trouble, I will definitely be besieged, so I'd better come back and talk about it! "

For this matter, Ding Yu has some ideas. Wang An is a young child, but I'm afraid this mind is no one! But give a slap, still need to give a little fruit to eat, right? He also grasped this point!

After putting down the phone, Ding Yu took a little breath. After Wang an hung up the phone, he still sat there. He didn't do anything for half a day. He didn't wake up until he heard his sister crying. He looked at the sister who rubbed his eyes and came out with a little smile on his face!

She! I am more sensitive than myself. Sometimes I think too much and ignore my sister's feelings. The master is right. Some things should not be decided by myself. Although my sister is smaller, the right of choice still needs to be handed over to her. This is the most appropriate way!

As for her psychology can bear? Wang an thinks that the problem will not be as big as imagined! Although she did not bear the family education, but did not learn does not mean that she did not see anything, still have a certain understanding! At least than the same age of children, she did not know how much higher? This self-confidence, I still have!

Perhaps for his sister, a little bit so cruel, but how much of the beauty in her heart? In Wang An's mind, this so-called beauty does not exist at all. Although it may not exist like a nightmare now, it is absolutely disgusting and even disgusting!

Compared with Wang An, Guo Kai has been a little bit depressed in the past two days. All the garbage emotions come to him, and he can't resist if he wants to resist! The joys and sorrows of life have experienced a time and again. If that is the case, it will be over! But again and again!The last moment, the child may feel the joy of life, but the next moment, may be the sorrow of the eternal separation of heaven and man! The impact of every moment makes Guo Kai feel a bit unbearable!

His nerve is thick, but does not mean that his nerve is numb, is completely two things, OK?

Yang Bo even called Ding Yu and said, "I said brother Yu, I think the situation is almost the same! Guo Kai is still a good child, polite and sensible, but after all, he is still a child who has just entered the school. Now let him experience such impact, although he is passive feeling these? But I think if this goes on for a long time, it will have a considerable impact on the child's nerves, which is extremely inappropriate! "

Ding Yu said, I know something about Guo Kai!

"Yes! You can transfer your experience to him! Don't let him drink

"Can I NIMA do it?" Yang Bo said, "although I said it was the director, how did I come from this director? You don't know! Let me tell the kids, what do I say? Are you kidding me

"Just say something ordinary! It's not a bad thing to let him know more about it, first of all! "

"Yes! You can make a fool of it

After hanging up the phone, Yang Bo thought about it and took Guo Kai to the teahouse together! "This is the place where you and I often come to!" In my opinion, this is the most suitable place. "The teahouse has been open for many years, and many people like to come to this place. It is convenient to stop and talk about things! Try it, I still like it

"Uncle Yang, you've been bothered! I know it's been a bad day

"Hi!" Yang Bo picked up a pot of tea and motioned to the Koryo who brought the tea in person!

"Gao Li, let me introduce you. This is Guo Kai, a student of Ding Yu, who comes to study during the summer vacation."

Ouch! Yang Bo's market is completely different now! Koryo also looks at Yang Bo differently! There is also their own son there! Now he has the idea of this aspect. His work arrangement is very good, but he is far away from home. Now the development of the small county is very good and has great potential! Especially in hospitals!

What about your own son? Young, potential, plus Yang Bo's relationship! Even with Ding Yu, there is still some involvement. If we can in the future, we can transfer back in the future. Now? Experience! But this thought, beyond words!

"The young men and young men are just looking forward to the first day of today?" Then he took a look at Yang Bo and said, "you! Yes, why don't you say hello in advance? I'm ready to prepare

"Auntie Gao, don't bother like that!"

"You wait, Yang Bo. You have a good reception. I'll get something to eat."

After Gao Li left, Yang Bo and Guo Kai sat down again! "Not to mention, the hazelnut here is really not comparable to other places! Every year we prepare for Ding Ding. Anyway, our teacher and I don't eat much. Ding Ding Ding eats the most, just like a little squirrel! "

"I haven't seen aunt Ding very much!"

"Your teacher! Too old-fashioned! At least I feel like this. It's absolutely right to be a doctor. Calm down! And it's still a very extreme one, but what about the same calm behind it? A little love selfless feeling, you! It seems calm, but in fact, the feelings are a little bit rich, which is quite different from your teacher! "

"Uncle Yang, I don't know much about the situation there!"

"Since your teacher came back, I've been in close contact with your teacher. We're also brothers! I learned from your teacher's father, who taught me hand in hand! No teacher, no me today! What about medical students? It's different from what you've learned! Pay attention to understanding at the same time, also need opportunity! The teacher didn't take any students, not because they didn't want to, but because they couldn't find them! "

"Why?" Guo Kai is very interested in this!

"After graduation, every medical student needs to come to the hospital for internship. It doesn't mean that you can become a doctor after you come to the hospital. How can it be? It's like you, too. What you learn is theoretical knowledge, and you don't have any practical experience at all. Is there a natural wonder? yes! But there are too few of them! It's not in the normal range at all. Only after the actual operation can we slowly adapt to this process? It's very difficult, and the teacher is also selecting! Character! morality! Conduct and so on, these are all within the scope of investigation! "

Guo Kesi measured for a while and nodded his head slightly!

"Uncle Yang, do you have any students?"

"No! At least we haven't found the right one for the time being, but you are not a medical student at all! Therefore, this inheritance can't reach you. The so-called inheritance does not mean that I am self-made, nor that I do not teach students! There are not a few people calling me teachers in the hospital, but there is a big difference! At least I didn't live up to my expectations! "

"Uncle Yang, you have been a doctor for many years, and you must have had quite some experience. How did you come here?""Where are you going? Have you seen rescue? Basin by basin of blood and water from the inside of the operating room out! It's like a high-pressure water gun after a blood vessel burst! I've been through it! And the patients and their families rushed to my office to tear me up! And then apologized to me! Too much, too much! So! There is a saying I remember very clearly, without suffering from others, do persuade others to be good! "

Guo Kai is a little distracted! The impact that this word causes to oneself is a bit too big!

I suddenly seem to understand what!

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