Without suffering from others! Don't persuade others to be good!

You have not experienced anything, how to evaluate it? How to understand? The social state, with the imagination is always a huge difference, only you really contact! That's how you feel! Will have this aspect experience!

And the hospital side? Will let you truly feel all the emotions! And zoom in to the maximum! incapable of action! be full of joy! Inexplicably sad! wait! These are mixed together! It's a huge impact on your nerves!

But the director of their own requirements, not to make themselves numb, but to let themselves better to understand, this is the director's original intention! I have not been able to understand before! But now I really understand!

Thank you, uncle Yang

Ah? Yang Bo is a little silly, he still has a lot of words to say! Now Guo Kai suddenly told himself that he understood! What's the situation? How do you feel a little confused? But look at Guo Kai's eyes, it is very bright, not like to tell lies!

"Guo Kai, I know you are very smart. From my personal point of view, I like smart children, but I don't like smart children very much! Is there a contradiction? " Yang Bo looked at Guo Kai with his heart and said, "because too smart children are generally not so calm, so say it?! The students who can be admitted to the medical school are very intelligent compared with most of the students! "

Guo Kai thought for a while and nodded. This is true. He has also participated in the college entrance examination. The score of medical school is higher than that of most colleges and universities. From the same level, they are definitely intelligent children!

"Uncle Yang, what kind of smart you were at that time!"

"Hi! How do you say that? When I was compared with the best students in the class, it was absolutely impossible! It's too far away! If you think about it, the other students have gone to the key universities, but what about me? Compared with the ordinary students, the test is not bad! But it's just good! Later came to the hospital, all of a sudden was valued by the old director! If I don't boast, I'm still a relatively calm person, and I'm not jumping like that in my imagination

Guo Kai's rare smile!

"Uncle Yang, if you are a doctor, will you feel very miserable?"

"Oh! How do you say that? " Yang Bo sighed, "it's really bitter to say it's bitter, and even a little bit want to cry! I really want to cry! Ten years into the hospital, although it is said that there are teachers to take, but the day and night, it is not clear, there is a point, in the hospital profession, you need to keep the status of learning all the time, can not pull down! Only in this respect, there are not many majors that can match it! "

"Uncle Yang, I can understand this. My major is the same. We must keep up with the international standards all the time, and even make continuous efforts, otherwise we will be left behind! If you lag behind, you will be beaten! "

"Yes Yang Po took a sip of his tea cup and said, "but look at the other graduates, how many of them can continue to maintain the enthusiasm of their student days after graduation. Of course, a considerable part of the reason is because of the family! Life and other aspects of the reasons have been dragged down! Therefore, we all have a saying when doctors advise people to learn medicine! Heaven thunders, persuades people to learn law! punishment by hacking process! It's not a joke

While talking, Gao Li came over with the plate in person, followed by two waiters!

"All sit, all sit!" Gao Li was very enthusiastic, "Guo Kai, this is prepared at home. It's hard for you to come here. When you wait a moment, you can bring some back to your teacher!"

"Thank you, aunt Gao!" Guo Kai didn't say yes or no!

For the next three days, Guo Kai has been in the hospital, although he has not been completely calm about these! But Guo Kai's mood has also begun to calm down, this progress makes Yang Bo have so many unexpected! I never thought that Guo Kai could adjust himself so quickly!

Take a moment to think, it seems to be a normal situation! There are few people who can be valued by Yu elder brother, but one can be regarded as one. They are all natural talents! It's like Liao Hai! From this point of view, Ding Yu! Absolutely God like existence!

This is not only my own idea, but also the idea of all the people in the hospital!

"Go! Have something special tonight, you guy! Really is more to see more envious, I really look for who to reason! If the students below me are as calm as you are, I will accept them and become my own students even though I am crying! But these guys! There is more wisdom than calmness! "

"Uncle Yang, you are kidding! I'm not as good as I thought

"At this point, I really envy your teacher. His vision is really extraordinary and excellent. There was a student named Liao Hai in the hospital. Like Guo Li and Shen Mingzheng, they were all students of your teacher. According to your teacher's situation, there are not too many problems in getting him to the other side of the capital, but your teacher has arranged it here!""I've heard about it, but I don't know it in detail!" Guo Kai is very cautious!

"At the beginning, we all thought that the child would stay here and develop? Well, another word, but it's definitely delayed! Now look! Your teacher is really teaching students according to their aptitude! " Speaking of this, Yang Bo suddenly laughed, "do you think our hospital is a little small?"

"I don't know? But it is much bigger than my hometown, and the conditions are much better! It's even a little exaggerated! "

"Hi! There is a lot of credit for your teacher. I came out of the old hospital. Look at the old hospital, and then look at our present hospital. There is no way to compare it with each other! The difference is too much! From the hospital situation, I'm afraid you have the most feelings! I can't see too many people at noon! But now you have a look, OK? From morning to night, there is no time for idleness! "

"Anyway, the scenes you see in the morning are basically crowded. Even though it's shunted, the elevator is basically full of people!"

"Hi! We are all used to it! Except for the operation elevator, otherwise we doctors! Usually, I take the stairs to exercise, and the speed is relatively fast. Even if it is our exclusive doctor elevator, sometimes there is no free time! There is another problem revealed in this! The conditions are good! "

Ah? Guo Kai didn't think of it! He scratched his head. "What else

"I don't understand! Look at the living conditions, take a look at the local hospital to know! I'm talking about the small county side, not those big cities. This is two times. Only everyone is rich! Will go to pay attention to their own physical conditions, placed in the past, even if there is a headache, we will not come to the hospital! It's better to bite your teeth if you can. If you can't, talk about it again! "

"If you go to the hospital, isn't it general knowledge?"

"Listen to you say this, you know that you are a child, serious lack of life experience! A few years ago, we did not have medical care, pension and insurance, at least most people did not! After the conditions of the country have improved, we ordinary people also have these conditions, but even so, we are still very resistant to entering the hospital. To say a little ugly words, we have to go to the operating room and follow up the ghost gate

"Because quite a family can't afford it!" Guo Kai finally reacted!

"That's right! It's no exaggeration to say that at the beginning, a farmer went to the hospital for rescue, and the time was not much. After three days in ICU, nearly ten years' savings were all gone! But even so, no one was rescued! Do you think the family members will be angry because our doctors didn't try their best? " With that, Yang Bo couldn't help shaking his head!

"Now the conditions are better! Everything will get better slowly! "

"Now quite a lot of families have realized that the body is the capital. However, the change from one direction to the other is very exaggerated. Even now those who are head over heels are running to the hospital. You can't laugh or cry! It's really not a big problem. These chronic diseases can only be slowly recuperated. At least, with the current medical standard, it's impossible to place them in any hospital! "

Guo Kai has seen quite a few problems and has his own understanding of some problems!

"Go to your teacher and report it. If it's OK, don't come to the hospital!"

Guo Kai was stunned for a moment, and then he couldn't help laughing, "Uncle Yang, I will remember your teaching!"

"Have a taste of our things. What your master and Ding Ding Ding like best! We eat every time, even when we go to my teacher's place, it is a fixed dish, but my craft is too poor! There is no problem for me to take the scalpel, but I don't know why when I take the utensils like pots and pans. I always feel that it's not right! I am also a human hand

Guo Kai, who comes back again, can't see any vicissitudes on his face, but his eyes are calm and steady! From the point of view of Guo Kai, this is very good!

"How do you feel?" Ding Yu pinched the walnut in his hand, slowly and leisurely turning!

"It's a little bad! But because of Uncle Yang's teaching, he can adjust himself in time Standing in front of Ding Yu, Guo Kai answered honestly, without any concealment!

"Yang Bo! He has been living in the hospital all his life, and he has his own consideration for the same things. Doctors are not cold-blooded animals, they are also human beings, but they bear more things than ordinary people. In this regard, they are the same as soldiers. We all bear what we should not bear, but if we do not, who should bear these? Ordinary people, family members? Or children? "

"Director?! Now I have sorted out quite a few ideas, but I think this thing is too special and not ordinary! " When saying this, Guo Kai's will is very firm!

Ding Yu couldn't help laughing, "what you think is quite comprehensive! You should know that your situation is quite special! It is not universal, and compared with the seeds of the same period, your situation is quite different from them, because they have already had considerable contact with the society, but you are not the same! Your father! HiGuo kainao scratched his head. "I've forgotten that!"

"You are in a special situation, so commissar Zhuang asked you to come here. As for other aspects, you can study at school. After all, the school will consider more comprehensively. As for me, at most, I will check and make up for you! We have their own advantages and disadvantages, as to what extent you can play, I don't know! Because it depends on you! "

"Director, how can I feel that it's just like stocking?"

In the face of Guo Kai's dissatisfaction, Ding Yu took a rather unexpected look. "When you go to the battlefield in the future, the battlefield is rigid, but it is also irregular. At that time, you will find that what you have learned in the past can not play any role at all, even everyone around you will be like this. Everyone is ignorant!"

"Director, I don't think it will be like this. We are all strictly trained!"

"No fight, have you?" Ding Yu shook his head, "I was like you, the training results were absolutely excellent, and even the live ammunition assessment did not have any problems, including simulation training and so on! But if you really go to the battlefield, you will know! There is a blank in my head. I can't remember anything! At least at that moment, that's why the war damage rate of recruits is so high! "

"Director, is that true?"

"Of course it is. How amazing do you think I am?" Ding Yu shook his head. "On the battlefield, I didn't know how to do it or how to react at that time, but the monitor next to me was calm. Do you know how he did it? There is no drag and pull at all, just a very calm cry, don't be cheated by the film! There is no one to pull you, not that everyone doesn't care about you, but because under the circumstances, if everyone's goal is placed on you, the result may be that everyone will die with you! "

"In general! Everyone should perform their own duties. Only in this way can the best protection be achieved! "

"Yes! At that time, the monitor yelled slogans, and my head was blank. I just mechanically did something, which was just the memory of muscles. Even at the end of the day, I found that I was hurt! I felt the pain at that time, but the battle was over! But even then, I still have a blank in my head

Guo Kai is very suspicious of this, the director should have such a performance, this completely broke his own understanding! In my own impression, the director is just like a God, but this God has had such a past. How could it be possible?

"Do you think I'm disgraceful, or even a little too conspicuous?"

"Director, I just didn't think that you should have such an experience!"

"I remember that my monitor praised me after the event. At least, it showed that I was still very hard-working in training. When I was in a blank space in my head, I could still have quite a lot of actions and reactions. Now I can remember my reaction. I stayed alone for a long time afterwards. I even doubted what I was doing You come down to the battlefield, as well as my usual training, I feel good! Outstanding, why is it like that on the battlefield? "

"Teacher, do I have the same situation?" Guo asked!

"I don't know. What about some people? After going to the battlefield, it will become a different situation, extremely excited, even beyond everyone's imagination, showing a completely different state from usual. This is the so-called hot player! Usually, it's just like a dead fish, changing ways to pretend to be dead, and you can't see any flaws. Sometimes you will think that he is a salted fish! But when it comes to big games, he performs better than anyone else! Well, let's wonder if it's another person! "

Guo Kai's eyebrows could not help jumping up, "director, there are such people?"

"Yes! I have really met with the situation. At the beginning, the selection company and the selection were not lazy at ordinary times. However, it gave people the feeling that there was something wrong with this guy. But when I really went to the battlefield, I would find that NIMA was still a person? That's it for animals? "

"Director, do you still swear?" Guo Kai is so funny!

"That's what I thought in my heart at that time. That guy was a beast. Everyone said he was a bull. But in my opinion, that guy was a man, a cubic one! Anyway, I adored it at that time

Guo Kai has never heard such a story, so he is particularly interested in it!

"Director, is he still there?"

"I don't know?! Anyway, he was there when I left! " Ding Yu shook his head, "if what you expect is good, you should be a drillmaster now! I said that this guy is a beast, and there is another point. I haven't seen him injured. He hasn't even scratched the oil skin. I can't tell what the reason is. But at this age, he shouldn't be on the battlefield anymore! ""I really want to see and see!"

"There are not too many problems with insight, but you have different development directions. Such people can learn from considerable experience, just like me. I warn you, don't follow my own path, learn from considerable experience, and walk on your own path. This is the way to success!"

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