After three days, Wang Ye finally woke up and had some physical problems, but after considerable treatment, the problem was not so big!

As for the previous client, too! It's quite a compensation. It's clean and tidy. The request put forward by the old lady is too much, but there are not too many refutations from the parties. What they want is to solve the problem quickly! Do not leave any legacy and trouble! This is the most important thing!

In particular, the middle-aged man who came here earlier has also inquired about some information in the past two days, which is not so comprehensive. To some extent, some rumors have been received. The family set up by Wang yehou is not a big deal. Even the old lady is indifferent. At most, there are some difficulties!

Take the necessary legal procedures! The compensation, the apology!

Why so happy, the main reason is not to find themselves what so-called unhappy! As for Wang Ye's ex-wife's children, it gives people a feeling that they can't see through. No matter whether the origin is very big or not, people have not mentioned any requirements. This alone is enough to illustrate a considerable problem!

He doesn't pay attention to it, or even doesn't want to do anything. But it doesn't mean that people don't know anything, does it? This is the problem of our own side! If it's hard or not, you have to wait! Do you really want to solve the problem when it's serious? It's a lot of trouble. Why bother, isn't it?

But even so, the old lady is still quite dissatisfied, Wang An is so indifferent, no words!

As for his father, who is now sober up, he doesn't know what he thinks and doesn't want to find out! For quite a thing, their own consideration is very clear and clear! The family is already in charge of their own! Grandfather is dead! Now I'm left with myself and my sister. As for the father? In name only! It's just blood relationship!

"When did you come?" When he said this, Wang Ye's eyes were a little lax. Obviously, he didn't expect that his son and daughter would come here. He had a feeling that he couldn't say for this son!

In those days, I got rid of myself! With the death of the old man, I didn't inform myself! After the event, there was no explanation. I was very clear that there was no relationship between the two children and themselves. After he was expelled, there was no relationship between them! Didn't expect them to come back this time?

"It's been a few days!"

When hearing the voice of speaking outside the door, Wang an did not have any reaction, but Wang Yu, standing against the wall, saw the people coming in from outside! Small nose a hum, then the eyes are also floating out of the window, a look at all have so some owe to serve meaning!

Wang an obviously heard something and looked at Wang Ye lying on the bed! "Take a rest first! We'll come back when we're better! " He nodded with Tang Hong and took a thoughtful look at the little boy following him! And then left with Wang Yu! But the old lady muttered! But it's a bit unheard of!

Wang Yu couldn't help it, but Wang an pinched her neck and shook her head. Wang Yu snorted heavily!

"Ill bred!"

Wang an Gen didn't look back. He knew it was the old lady's words and left with Wang Yu! Look at the guard at the door! Wang an nodded, "it's hard for you! Get involved

"Nothing! Nothing It seems that the nursing workers didn't care at all. "There are often things, this job is relatively light. It's good to do our own things and work well, and other things will not be put in mind!" Why are you so humble? Because the money is in place! On this point, I have nothing to say!

"The old witch

"Huh?" Wang an snorted, but he didn't mean to blame his sister! My sister is still too young! Reading is very attentive, but is the textbook above the things, for other things to understand is not so much! It's not that the master doesn't teach him, or that the master's family is biased and has nothing to do with it!

Such a talent, not to say that you work hard, you can do everything, not like this!

For this, I am very grateful to my master. If there is no master, then I and my sister will be what kind of situation and situation, they can not jump out of this pit! Even the fate of a lifetime is doomed! But now the situation is really bad! It's not the kind of imagination at all!

The old lady's words are a little sour, but is there a deep jealousy behind her?

Is it possible for anyone to maintain a normal mind after encountering such a situation? Wang An is thinking seriously!

"Brother, are you angry?" Looking at his brother's silence, Wang Yu poked his brother, "OK! I am a little wayward! I'm wrong

Wake up to Wang an smile, pinch Wang Yu's small face, but time is not long, Wang Yu to pat down!"In fact, according to the account book, you should be called Wang Lin, and I don't know why you like to call Wang Yu!"

"I like to call Wang Yu! Don't mention the name of Wang Lin in the future The little girl said with open teeth and claws!

"Whatever you want! Master said it! Let you be careful of your teeth, I heard Vivian said, you had a little toothache yesterday, don't eat sugar today! And let you brush your teeth and gargle before you go to bed, do you forget it again? "

"Not forgotten! It's a little bit hard to eat during the day! "

What is the reason, Wang An is able to feel some! Compared with the children of the same age, the little girl has seen more things and has her own ideas. Maybe these ideas are one-sided, but there are still some touches on her psychology, at least proving that she is not heartless!

"Nothing happened these two days. Go back and have a look at my mother?"

"Yes! The last time I went back, I had a look in the past. I didn't understand the specific situation. I said that I had a good life, but I didn't understand the specific situation! "

"At the beginning, my grandfather didn't let me go. She took you away!" Think of these things, as if it happened yesterday! "If it's not for certain conditions, my mother won't let you come back. If she stutters, you'll stutter. There's nothing wrong with her! As for my situation, it has nothing to do with my mother! My grandfather is more reasonable in this point. Now I think of it, I can feel it clearly! "

Wang An and his sister went back to see their mother, remarried! Life is barely passable! At least the house clean up, see their own son and daughter come over! Very happy, but this tears always have so some uncontrollable! See their own children, always feel guilty!

"Are they brothers and sisters? So small? " Wang Yu looked at his brother and sister, but there is no dislike, may be because of his mother's sake, may be other aspects of the reason, feel very funny!

"Wang An, how are you these years? The last time you came back, I didn't have time to ask, and I didn't know what the situation was. After you left, I wanted to know something, but I couldn't find out! It's not good to call directly. I'm afraid there are other ideas! "

There are so many humble words, even the voice does not know too high! It's really good to see the clothes and clothes on the sons and daughters, but what's the situation? If you don't ask clearly, there are always some bad feelings in my heart!

At that time, it was not that he didn't want to take his son with him. The old man didn't allow him. Later, he was kind enough to let his daughter go with him! However, his conditions at that time were not allowed. Later, because Wang An found a good family, he did not want his daughter to suffer with him, so he let his daughter follow him in the past!

"My master is a little strict with me and is very good to Xiaoyu."

"I'll fight you or not! If you really can't stand it The woman bit her teeth and said, "the situation at home is OK now. How much money do I owe people? I will sell my house and land, and I will give them back!"

Wang an didn't know what kind of taste it was like in his heart. "Hey, Shifu is strict, but he never scolds us. Although I'm not old enough, I have no problem in learning! If school starts again, it will be the second year of junior high school! The results are not bad. The top five can still be guaranteed! "

"Really?" Liang Guiju was surprised to see her son, "what about your sister? How is she? "

"She is the most special one in the family. The master and her grandparents love her very much! My younger brother and younger sister and I walk to school or take buses every day. It's not that there are no conditions at home, but the master doesn't want to develop the habit of being lazy and lazy, but Xiaoyu is the exception. We pick up the bus every day! She's in primary school! The result aspect is fair, has the quite hobby to the music! I don't know what will happen to her in the future? She's very interested now, anyway

"I seem to have heard your grandfather say that your master seems to have children!" When I speak, I have a peek!

"Yes! Now it's my younger martial brother and younger sister. I'm the master's big apprentice. The master is as strict as the younger martial brother and younger sister. I have another younger martial brother! The only pet in the house is Xiaoyu! It's quiet at home. I like eating sweets. I haven't changed this problem! "

Listening to her son's words, Liang Guiju felt very happy! As long as their son and daughter live well, they do not have so much worry!

"Yes! Mom! Here's the card When talking, Wang an took out a bank card and placed it in front of Liang Guiju!

"When my grandfather died, she told me that my family still treated you badly. My grandfather didn't have much ability. She said that you are not bad, but just a little bit bumpy."

"What are you doing? How old are you? Keep it by yourself! Mom, you don't need it. It's better now! You and your sister don't know what's going on there? You grow up sensible! Take good care of your sister"Mother! This card is for you, I know you want to be strong, after getting married and building a new house, Xiaoyu and I are very happy! We don't know what the uncle is thinking, so it's not good to disturb you! There are 350000 in the card! Take it first

"Where did you get so much money? That's not good. Your master gave it to you? "

"No, Xiaoyu and I usually spend another thing. We all have our own funds and own industries! Now it's all-round! The benefit is very good, the master is strict, but never pay attention to our expenses, as long as do not do messy things! Xiaoyu doesn't spend much money there. She likes dolls and sugar

Then he took out another card, "the money in this card is not much, it is for the younger brother and sister. No matter how it is, they are all brothers and sisters, and they have a considerable blood relationship. If you are a little older, send them to a better school to let them study well. Relatively speaking, it is better to read, and the way out is broader."

Listen to these words, Liang Guiju can't stop tears, holding Wang Yu over, is a burst of crying! As for the two little guys, they don't know anything now. They are very happy!

To be able to have three days, Wang An and Wang Yu two talents to leave, but Liang Guiju reluctantly! My son is really growing up! When I was a child, I didn't change at all when I grew up! I just gave birth to him once! But basically did not raise him, did not expect to have today's feedback!

As for Wang Ye, Liang Guiju actually mentioned a sentence, but just mentioned, was her daughter's mouth to head back, although the son there did not have any expression, but can see that the daughter to his father's opinion is very big!

On this issue, I can't say more than two words!

When I was blind, I found such a thing! He is nothing, but really bitter two children, although now bitter sweet, but how to say? They should have been happy and healthy growth, not to bear these!

"Brother, I feel my mother is a little too bitter!"

"This is not something we can interfere with!" Wang an just looked back when he couldn't see his back! There was a bit of frosting in her eyes. Wang an closed her eyes and said, "at least her family is relatively happy now. She has a new family, a new house, and a common crystallization. The difficulties in life are only temporary! Better response! We should be satisfied to see that she is doing well now

Peeping at his brother, Wang Yu raised his small fist, but that is to say, to draw and draw!

"I feel that my brother and sister are very interesting. I bought a lot of things for them. I don't know whether it is suitable or not! But uncle's side is quite good! May be a little rough a little bit, eyelids also have some defects, but the person is very good! There is no false, just a little too polite! I'm so embarrassed to think of me as the eldest lady! "

Wang an suddenly laughed, "after all, it's not easy for him to treat us like this! As long as he is good to his mother, you and I should be indifferent to other things! After all, he lives with his mother! Instead of living with us! "

"Yes! What about all the things they bring? " Wang Yu was a little distressed, "send it back first! Also let the family taste fresh, are home-made! What do you think, brother? "

"Yes Wang an readily agreed to this, master there is no lack of food, but this also represents the heart of the family, his mother's home is able to buy big fish and meat, but his master did not like it, but these things? It's really possible to move the master's heart!

"Feel like you're in a better mood?" Wang an opened her eyes and looked at her sister with a smile on her face!

But Wang Yu's face darkened. "When I think about going back to see him and the old witch, I'm not in a good mood. Brother, you said that they were all human beings. How could there be such a big difference?"

"It's normal that some people are too self-centered, and some people are not!" He nodded his sister's forehead, "the right and wrong of things are always relative! Or is the judgment standard of right and wrong is completely different! You may think it is wrong, but in other people's eyes, this way is right! We can ask for ourselves, but we can't ask for others! "

"Hum, it's a long speech, I can't understand it!"

As for whether she really does not understand, or deliberately pretends not to understand, this matter Wang an knows quite well, but the little girl has no toothache these two days, which shows that she has considerable judgment in her heart!

However, from the parents' extended view of their master, Wang an thinks that his master is really amazing! I am from the heart of a kind of respect, their master did not avoid themselves, also did not force to demand, all the rights have been handed over to their own hands! Let yourself handle it!

My age may not be big, but I have already had considerable experience and experience! There is also considerable discretion in dealing with things. If these things are not handled by themselves, they will always be pressed on their own mind and become shadows that they will never be able to erase. They will always accompany themselves and form their own demons!Can I adjust myself at that time? Maybe, but it is necessary to pay a very painful price!

Now the master let himself deal with things on his own. He didn't get angry and had no hysteria. He just looked at these problems and situations with normality. Maybe these are not the best ways and methods, but for myself now, it is absolutely the most appropriate!

Thinking of here, Wang an couldn't help laughing, Shifu! It's a hard work! Too much work!

I'm lucky to meet such a good master! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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