There are too many things that master needs to worry about, whether it is in the financial group, farm, capital, foreign, etc., that is, master is a martial arts man, and may be energetic. If you change to be someone else, it will have already collapsed!

In such a situation, the master also needs to work hard for himself and her sister two children, he is really worthy!

Wang'an is also very grateful for his heart, and his master really didn't say to the children in his family. In the past, I felt that the master was too strict, and other places were good. Now I understand that the master is strict with himself, but it is really for his good!

However, it is harsh, but he has never scolded himself or scolded himself. These are the actual situations. Of course, they have some hard work to eat. This is a common sense of things, with Ding Yun and Dingchang. They are often teased by master Fu. When thinking of these, Wang an thinks his master is a little old and young Feel!

Back to the hotel, two people washed, Wang an sat on the sofa, looking at the little girl blowing dry hair, a little excited feeling, his feet and fingers, move! It's fun!

"If you are tired, don't go by first! I'll just go and see! "

"Go together!" Wang Yu complained to see a look, originally the mood is still very good, by you such a stir, what good mood has not! "Anyway, it's just a few days. I hope the old witch is not there!"

But things and Wang Yu expected there is a clear contrast, brothers and sisters when two people come, a group of children are here! It's neat! Wang Ye's recovery is still good! Lying on the bed, slightly proud!

When I saw Wang'an brothers and sisters, the faces of all people changed, and so did Wang Ye! But the little boy there felt a little strange. Holding his mother's hand, it might be a sudden change in the atmosphere, which made him feel a little uncomfortable!

Wang Yu put the flower basket in the position of the bed! And then stand on one side! Obviously, I don't want to talk!

"How's it going to be?" Wang an spoke softly, not as cold as his expression!

"OK!" Wang Ye's spirit and consciousness have been completely restored, looking at the son and daughter standing in front of them, can feel the strange feeling that they have passed on! This makes myself a little uncomfortable, especially when their wife and children, and mother-in-law are all in!

"Mom! Wang Bo is a bit thirsty! I said I was going to have juice! " Tang Hong looked at his mother, originally did not need her to come, after all, I have been a little busy these two days, although there are escort workers, but quite a matter still need to come by themselves! Can't you borrow people all the time?

"I won't go. You take Wang Bo. Don't let him thirsty!"

The old lady felt that she knew her best. She must show her son-in-law at this time! This time, the parties gave quite a lot of compensation, even yesterday all the money was beaten over, no slack, from this point on, reluctantly return! I am satisfied!

This money must be watched! Who knows if these two cubs have other meanings!

Wang an glanced at it. "Aunt Tang, you are here too! Some things said it was better! "

Wang Yu showed a glance at the back of Wang Yu, who took the wallet from his backpack and drew two cards out of it! The old lady had a free mind to look at the wallet, long strip! There are many cards in it, and I don't know what cards are, and there are also lots of money!

Small age with so much money, also afraid of accidents, also do not know that there is how the family is thinking! It's a cell phone, it's a camera! There should be a lot of things in the backpack! So young with such luxury things, grow up and do not know what to become! Hum!

This is not his granddaughter, if her granddaughter, she scolds her!

Wang an took out one of the cards and came out, "aunt Tang, this card is for children. Previously, I was younger than Wang Yu. Some things were not considered so properly! You take it! " Then take out another card! "What about this card? It's for him! There's 100000 dollars in it! I don't know what the follow-up is, but it's hard to really recover in a year or two! "

"Wang An?" Tang Hong is very questioning to look at two children, then very firmly said! "I can't take the money!"

But before that, the old lady came over and grabbed two cards in her hand. The speed was even a little too quick to respond! Of course, for Wang An, there is no need to make a considerable response!

Wang Yu glanced at it, and there were so many disdains in his eyes, but a flash passed away, and there was no further action!

"Take it down! We also don't have too much time and energy to take care of, may be in trouble with aunt Tang in the future! How hard it is! " When he finished speaking, Wang an bowed to himself!"I don't know if it's true?" The old lady said in a strange way! "Say it again! How did the money come from? Don't come back in two days

"Mother! What are you talking about? " Tang Hong's face is very embarrassed. How old are you! You are not satisfied, OK, there is no problem, but in front of the child, and your husband and wife say such words, do you have a little old man's appearance! Things do not have you to do so, the conditions at home are general, but you can not be open-minded!

"Bring it to me!" Immediately, I snatched the two cards in the old lady's hand!

"Aunt Tang, no more!" Wang an looks at Tang Hong and shakes her head! "We have a good life for both of us! The conditions are OK! It's hard for you to take care of such a large family! "

Looking at Wang Ye, who was lying on the bed in silence, Wang an did not have any excited reaction, "Auntie Tang, we have other things, so we don't want to stay any more! If we have time tomorrow, we'll come back again! "

Declined to see you off, Wang An and Wang Yu soon left!

Waiting for the hospital all the time, Wang Yucai got angry and said, "that old witch is so hateful! Yes! It's hard to do something like this. The life and quality of the family will decline a lot, but this is not the reason, right

"Everyone thinks differently! We can look at it like this, but if we think about the life we had with our grandfather at that time, we were able to abide by ourselves, but it doesn't mean that other people can also abide by it under such circumstances. It's totally different! "

"Cut!" Wang Yu is very dissatisfied with a hum, his age was small at that time, but also did not become like this! It's hard to imagine what kind of education will be like in the future for such a family. When I see them, I always feel like years!

Back to the hotel, Wang An is to call his master in the past!

"Master, have you had a rest? How are you these two days? "

Ding Yu gently smile, "the body is slowly recovering, need some time, basically there are not too many problems!" After a while, Ding Yu continued to say, "how are you doing there? Is it done? " If the matter is not handled, I believe Wang An will not take the initiative to call here!

"Generally speaking, I have finished the treatment. I went to see my father. He had not fully recovered before, and his consciousness was still a little confused. So Wang Yu and I went back to visit my mother and left some money! She and her uncle also told us two people must listen to your words, we must rush to do something at home, we must not be lazy! You can't talk to your brother and sister. Be humble

"Ha ha!" If Ding Yu doesn't understand the situation, it's hard for her to understand the situation? Can leaving some money solve the problem? I miss her! To a certain extent, I will save this money for you! Parents may not be very good at expressing themselves! "

"I don't know about the details. After all, Wang Yu and I are not living in that family. If we keep them for her, we won't panic. Shifu, it's hard to explain clearly. I always feel that we are not on the same drum beat any more."

"A little helpless! Because of the lack of understanding between each other, you may understand what she said, but she did not understand what you said, so she could only express it in a simple way! But from the point of view of what you said, she still has a considerable concern for you, hi! It's hard to be a mother! "

Wang An was silent for some time. "When I came back, I went to see Wang Ye in the hospital. I learned from the doctor that the recovery was not bad. The aunt spoke well, but she was too soft. And the mother-in-law, in Wang Yu's words, was a bit strange, as if we owed her! When we look at us, the nose is not the nose, the eyes are not the eyes! "

"There is no such exaggeration. I feel that the evil mother-in-law in TV is just like this!"

"I try my best to make myself calm, but there is still some exaggeration in her body, but I can understand it! I didn't ask her to be nice to Wang Yu and me. It's not necessary. After all, there's not much relationship between them. Do you think so? "

"You can hear a lot of bitterness from the words!" Ding Yu felt so funny, "say it when you come back! There are quite a lot of things that I can undertake for you, but there are also quite things that need to be undertaken by yourself. It has nothing to do with age! "

"Master, I understand! We should be able to go back almost tomorrow! Xiaoyu and I will not go back! It's not finished yet When Wang An said this, he meant it on purpose!

Ding Yu said, "judging from the time, it's a bit inappropriate! I'll give you another one! Then you go to the capital together! Just Ding Yun and Ding Chang are almost the same! You will arrive in batches, but I don't think the little girl can hide the secret. Some things you plan ahead of time. It's hard to say what you will do with Ding Yun's character of fighting against injustice! At least I don't dare to make any promises! ""Yes! Master, you are worried

"Boy, come on! You and the little girl pay attention to your body

Hang up the phone, Wang an lying on the sofa, alone looking at the overhead headlight, a little trance!

The next day, Wang An and his sister packed up and checked out! Put everything in the car and go to the airport later! But before this, still need to go to the hospital!

This time the situation is slightly different, except Tang Hong and the nurse, there is no one else!

Before that, Wang an went to visit the vice president and other doctors, and he was leaving! Never be able to get married and throw it over the wall as a matchmaker! Right? Extremely inappropriate! Maybe you will look at your age and choose to forget, but what about your master? What do you think of the master?

After the treatment, Wang an came to the ward! Looking at Wang Ye lying on the bed, Wang An's expression is very plain! No surprise! Naturally, there was no disappointment. As for Wang Ye, he was lying on the hospital bed with some dodging eyes. He didn't dare to look directly at his son and daughter!

"So early?" Tang Hong is very enthusiastic! But there is still obvious humility in the eyes! "Are you leaving today? I don't want to leave you two more days. I've been here for such a long time, and I haven't asked you to sit at home and have a meal! "

"Aunt Tang, you are welcome! If you have a chance in the future, try aunt Tang's craft again! Wang Yu and I have other things to deal with, so we have to go back today! Next may be trouble aunt Tang! If anything, just call me then! " For this aunt, Wang An has always maintained a very good attitude!

"How do you go back? Have you made a reservation? What time is the train? If it's not convenient, I'll go and see you off! "

"No! It's all ready! " Wang an didn't explain too much, "Auntie Tang, Xiaoyu and I want to have a word with him alone. We haven't had any chance! Just when I just came here, I went to see the doctor. There are quite a few things that the doctor needs to explain to you! "

Ah? Ah! Tang Hong suddenly realized! "Look at my brain, you talk, I'll go out for a minute! Come back later! "

Looking at Tang Hong who leaves, Wang an looks at Wang Ye like this! Eyes are very calm!

Wang Ye's eyes are a little floating, and he also noticed that his son's eyes are very cold! As for his daughter, it's totally disgusting! His heart is also gas, but gas return to have gas, really dare not yell at what!

"Good healing! If we have time in the future, Xiaoyu and I will come back again! "

"Don't worry about it!" May also feel his voice a little blunt, Wang Ye twisted his head, did not look directly at his son's eyes, "those money I also have no use!"

"Keep it! There's always a time when family members are short! " Also did not pay attention to his sister's dissatisfaction, Wang an also did not want to say too much, "if there is nothing, we will go first!" He took his sister and bowed slightly. Then he left the ward without looking back and went to see Tang Hong and Li Zhi! Wang An and Wang Yu left!

Tang Hong insisted on being sent downstairs. Wei Wei an opened the door of the car! But Wang An and Wang Yu did not immediately get on the bus! But turned to look at Tang Hong, "Auntie Tang, we are going! If you have anything, just call me! How much trouble you will be in the future! How hard you are

Oh! Tang Hong responded by saying, let Wang Yu get on the bus first, and then Wang an gets on the bus. Waving hands with Tang Hong, the car slowly drives on! Sitting in the back seat of the car, Wang an breathed slowly!

It's over at last! I don't have any doubts. At most, I have some feelings! His heart disease to a considerable piece, the rest of the time to slowly heal! Speaking of their own mood is really good, not as bad as imagined!

Came to the airport, this side just got off, saw the acquaintance! To be exact, it is the party who hit Wang Ye. His uncle is also there. Why did he appear at the airport? It should not be for Wang an!

"Hello I met Wang An. No matter what problems happened earlier, things have been solved. Now I walk face to face and say hello to each other. This is not a bad thing!

"You too!" Wang An is very polite! "It's done! We need to go back! "

"We're going to the capital, although the previous things have been settled! But it still caused you a lot of harm. If you have any trouble or need in the future, please don't mention it! " The uncle of the party looked at Wang An and his party, "it seems that there are only planes in Beijing at this time point! Are you going back? It looks like the same class! "

"We have our own plane, no more!" Wang Yu is clinging to his brother at this time, and doesn't like other people's interruptions. After all, this time, there are good and bad things. Now the delivery has stopped! I still want to be clean!Yeah? Hearing Wang An's hum, the little girl was silent immediately! Keep your head down!

Wang An is a smile, "if you have time to contact again!" Politely nodded his head and walked away!

However, the family behind all took a breath of air conditioning, and the previous compensation for their family was still quite dissatisfied! But now look at their two children, directly take a private plane, this is what kind of identity, people did not trouble them, is really very lucky!

Fortunately, the child's uncle had made quite a decision before, so he put the matter straight! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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