When the middle-aged people and their family got on the plane, they also noticed that a private plane was parked. The distance may be a little bit far, but it is not so difficult to identify! Usually, they may not have much insight, but this time the situation is different. They saw it, and the plane did not stop, and the take-off speed was very fast!

"You're right! Fortunately, it has been solved for a long time! " Behind the family, are happy expression!

"Hi, fortunately, I went to the hospital on that day, and I need to pay attention to it in the future. There is a little money at home. However, any problem that can be solved with money is not a big problem. Some things can be delayed. However, if such a thing can be solved as soon as possible, it is better to solve it as soon as possible. There won't be so many troubles! It's really true that if we didn't wake up at the beginning, what would happen to the family? Now it's really unknown! "

When I said this, I had endless emotion and fear!

Wang An and the little girl have other arrangements! Ding Yu has some consideration about this! Now let Wang an go back, time is too much to say! It's easy to cause other things!

But from the current situation, everything is OK! As for the remaining questions? Let Wang An to solve their own, can not do everything by themselves, this is not appropriate! It's not appropriate. These children still need to travel alone in the future. They can be their support and absolutely can't be their hindrance!

What's more, there are a lot of things on the farm side, and Guo Kai is still on his side! Quite things need to be dealt with by themselves, they seem to be idle, but that is only on the surface, in fact, behind the busy mess! Not a moment!

When all the children came back to the capital, Wang An said something about himself and explained it inside and outside. Ding Chang looked at the elder martial brother, looked at his eyes and shook his head slightly. The elder martial brother's attitude was too firm!

In my opinion, the way things are handled is too light! But since the elder martial brother has made a decision, and that is his parents, he is really not good to join hands again!

Ding Yun's eyes in Wang'an and the little girl's body back and forth, then she pressed the little girl in her hands, a good meal of ravage, unexpectedly did not tell himself, let himself out of thin air worry, the little girl there shouting, but not for long, there was no movement!

It's obvious that she also realized quite a problem! No one will save themselves now! So save yourself!

At least let the elder sister's head calm down! Otherwise, his own end will not be too good! That's for sure!

Because Wang an told the story! In addition, this is his private matter, so we should not help him out of anger, and to be fair, such a way for the little girl, is extremely inappropriate, but for other children, such a way is the most appropriate! And there's no aftereffect!

"At the beginning, I was a little angry, even a little angry, but calm down and think about it. I feel that it's not worth it. Even if we force ourselves to do something, how much change can we make?"

Listen to Wang An's words, there may be some Buddhism, even some weak, but even if it is tough, what can we do? What's the solution? The follow-up is not a pile of troubles and drawbacks, and these disadvantages may not see too many conditions for the time being, but as time goes on, the cracks will definitely become bigger and bigger!

In the past, everyone only considered the problem from their own point of view, but not from the perspective of the elder martial brother. If you were from the perspective of the elder martial brother, what would he do? Is it necessary to reveal the hysteria? Maybe elder martial brother has such ability now, but how will the outside world judge?

The children are back! Wang Changlin and Su Yuan are the happiest! The time to come back was similar to what they expected, but they knew something about it. The boss was a little too bold! If the children are so young, they are not afraid of what will happen if they are released alone?

Looking at the children coming home, especially Ding Yun and Ding Chang, how did they feel that the two children suddenly became so dark that Su Yuan felt a little silly. What was the situation? What did they do outside?

Then Su Yuan's eyes were also placed on other children's body, and there was not much good appearance! Su Yuan was also worried! Boss! It's really cruel! These are children! How can you bear it?

"What's the fuss? Why are they like potatoes just unearthed? There are Ding Yun and Xiao Yu, you two girls' families. Why didn't you pay attention to them at all and didn't apply sunscreen? "

"No, those things are not so friendly to the body and skin!" Ding Yun is very free and easy. She has her own unique understanding of certain things. "Her father said that, and her mother also said that, along with the teachers at home, she also mentioned that. As for the skin is a little dark, this is also a natural reaction, no big deal! It will be better in two daysFor his granddaughter's simple, Su Yuan shook his head, this mouth fork is really fierce! The end is not to let, in this point is very similar to her aunt, Wang Li was a child like this! Even now, it's still like this in the bone, there are not too many changes! It seems that genetic inheritance is still very strong!

"Come back! How many more days? " Su Yuan asked tentatively!

"There are not too many things for now, but I may need to go back to the farm in two days. Although there is still a long time before the school starts, we need to see the situation of other friends! I don't know what kind of progress they have made this summer vacation In this regard, the children at home have expressed a strong interest!

Can't they make progress on their own? But the little friend and the child did not progress, that is very bad!

"Didn't they mention it to you?"

"No, they don't have much time. They don't have free time every day. They have that free time. They may have to check the data, or do other research, or sleep. Everyone feels that they don't have enough sleep, so they don't have so much time to gossip!"

"How wonderful! I thought they would take advantage of the winter vacation to make up for more lessons

"It's not so important for us to make up lessons, just do a good foundation! The teacher's course in the school is relatively relaxed. Maybe it's difficult for us to participate in those competitions! " When he spoke, Ding Yun drew his two fingers. The distance was very small. Looking at Su Yuan, he wanted to laugh!

"Is not the last selection, you did not pass?"

Ding Chang's words just finished, was kicked by Ding Yun in the air, maybe for the sake of cooperation, Ding Chang fell on the sofa, Su Yuan felt helpless, this disposition! How can't you be like a little girl? How about a little lady? I don't know how her father was educated, just like a wild girl?

"Too professional! We don't like it so much, and we don't mean to develop in this respect. The teachers in the school are very tolerant in this respect! "

For the growth of his children, Su Yuan is the most happy, his eldest son worthy of his name! In education is really unique, if he really has this idea, then absolutely can train out quite a lot of talents! The problem is that his eyes are so picky!

Speaking of this, Su Yuan remembered Qu he and Yang Chen. They, especially Yang Chen, went to the mountain. It is still unknown what they looked like. Qu he, who came to the capital, disappeared without a trace. I don't know what it was like!

But Qu he, you don't have to think about it! Because he is already Wang An's man! Su Yuan was quite critical about this, but it would be nice to keep it in mind! Even if you want to care, how to care? But fortunately, these children now have their own security, and these security, also began to appear in these children's side!

Maybe we can't see too many things for the time being. The most important thing is to take care of the children's safety. But with the passage of time and development, these security guards will play an increasingly important role. After all, these security guards are trained by their eldest son! The people outside waved their hands and the money inside could not be snatched!

But even with such high-quality resources, Ding Yu scattered them to the children in the family. It's hard to say what the boss is thinking about in his heart! Perhaps there are some aspects of the arrangement, but at least now we do not see too clearly!

Chatting with the children at home is a very happy thing! For Su Yuan, it is the same for Wang Yang and his wife! My son went out for a visit. There were not many changes in other aspects, but the little face turned black! This is the fact! Lin Qiuyan is heartbroken! But Wang Yang didn't take it as a thing at all!

In Wang Yang's words, black is more like a man! It's the same as the old man! Although there is not too much fat on the body, but always feel a bit awkward!

Lin Qiuyan takes a look at her mother-in-law, sees the opportunity, and pinches it in Wang Yang's waist. She lets you talk in disorder. Her son's Wen Wen Wen is quiet, but if it's like what you said, what's the situation? What kind of aesthetic is this? I don't know what's going on?

Su Yuan turned a blind eye to the behavior of the couple. His little son needs a good education! Even if you listen to me, I feel that there are so many things that I can't hear. If Xiao Gang's performance is not so good, or what's wrong with him, you can say so!

But now the child is very excellent, and even better than the blue, you when the father does not encourage it even if! There are so many children here. Otherwise, Su Yuan really doesn't mind letting him know his power. That's your son. But that's my grandson, OK?When Wang Changlin came back, he was immediately surrounded by children! Originally is a face of serious, now is also full of peach blossom! Happy look! Although I got the news before, but saw the children, this feeling is not the same!

"How did it get so dark? What have you done? " Sit down, Wang Changlin also jokingly said!

At this moment, Ding Yun completely quit! Grandma said it! It's my grandfather's turn! Fortunately, Wang Changlin has no beard. Otherwise, he must be pulled down by Wang Changlin! Su Yuan is on the side of the arch fire! Looking at these children's lively appearance, I feel that I am several years younger!

When eating, several children seem to be rowdy, but they are very disciplined, which makes Wang Changlin and Su Yuan both very happy. The etiquette and process on the table are absolutely speechless and impeccable!

Obviously this is inseparable from the eldest child's education! You know, children of their age are the most mischievous, even to the early stage of rebellion, but a few children have no such performance! Warm, generous, not pinched, not false, really more see more like!

The next day, several children are in turn to visit the elderly at home, as well as Taoist priest Liu! Ding Yu can't come over, so we can only let the children do their best! Right? In fact, a few children are not in the past, and it is not a big deal, but obviously, at this point, the performance of children is impressive!

The only thing that makes Wang Changlin and Su Yuan feel a pity is that their children can't stay in the capital for a long time. It's really speechless! Isn't your boss asking too much for his children!

Several children in addition to quite a visit, basically in the courtyard here! Su Yuan previously felt that there were some strange, why a few children are not active at all. When they came to the courtyard, they knew why!

They are making a summary. Should this be something that children should accomplish? Even adults don't have the ability to do so? What's more, how old are the children? Do you let them do this? Really good?

But about the education of children! Su Yuan is a bit tongue tied! After all, these children were not brought up by themselves, even Wang Xiaogang? They have little to do with themselves. Their grandmother is still a teacher. At this moment, Su Yuan is a little angry. Why didn't he become a teacher at the beginning?

It's not to say that we can teach children now. At least in education, we can have some say in education. However, we are now suffering from losses? In these issues, I have no way to do any discussion with the boss!

Since there is no way to discuss it, we can only let it go. Otherwise, what should we do?

We must have a good fight with the boss! Look at your son and daughter, and then look at the boss? The gap between each other is really not general big! As for the next generation? Look at these children at home, Su Yuan feels that he can really faint!

Even in the next two years, the children in the family will grow up a little. Besides experience, what else can they tell them? This gap is bound to be more and more big, this is certain!

Other aspects are not good, so do some food, there should be no problem? Right?

The children at home like this very much, which also makes Su Yuan feel so happy! Otherwise, I'm afraid I can't find any face! For Su Yuan's situation, Wang Changlin looked into his eyes, wife! This is a little too worried about gains and losses!

But is that a problem? Now is not the best time to solve! Wait for the children to leave, their own good with her said good! It's not a big problem. It's normal!

Several children first went to the provincial capital and stayed there for two days. Then they came back again! Looking at the faces of several children, Zhao Shuying was very satisfied. She was a little bit black for the children. She could not be more normal in her own eyes!

You're out to work! Your face is not tanned. Do you want to work? Clean past, clean back, let you go to be a master?

Anyway, Zhao Shuying is adhering to such a concept. I understand it like this, whether you like it or not! I'm not worried at all! As for the child's heart there is no other idea, I do not matter! This is Zhao Shuying! But Ding Lin felt helpless!

The children at home are back! You don't say pity, but you are choosy. Are you such a grandmother? Will the kids still like you? But don't say, the children really eat this set, in their view, grandma's encouragement and encouragement to them is the best support for their bravery!

Ding Yu sat on the edge of the two mothers for their children's feelings, they have the deepest feelings! I can't tell who is right or wrong! It has nothing to do with that! They all hope that children can fly, but the way of expression is slightly different!

Farce for quite a long time, the meal is also quite lively, several children in turn said funny things!The next day, the other children came to the house in turn. After a long interval of time, they quarreled with each other, refused to give up, and even ridiculed each other. In fact, no one was better!

Especially Wei Lai and his several, just like rolling out of the coal pile! It's called black! But there are a lot of hardcover!

After this activity, they have made great progress! And this progress has great benefits for their growth!

Look at the performance of these children's parents! They have the most say! Heartache at the same time are quite gratified! My children have grown up! In addition to this, parents really have no other expectations!

And this piece of progress, is how much money can not buy!

Of course, the farm in this activity, but also a lot of harvest! At least give us a very good impression!

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