"Xiaoding!" On the farm, Ding Yu saw the visitors, and his expression was very calm. There was no surprise or any so-called accident. "So leisurely? Come out to the sun! This is not your style and character

"A little rusty! Come out and have a look! Be in a better mood! " Ding Yu's performance is very calm, for this Geng old man? There is not too much joy, there is no so-called unhappy!

Looking at Ding Yu's appearance, Geng Zhi is shaking his head, "previously, I went to school to make a safety speech, and now I have retired! But there are still quite a few things to do! Not a moment

"Oh!" Ding Yu nodded, "I didn't expect you to retire! Time will not spare you After making an invitation gesture, someone soon sent a portable chair to Ding Yu's side, and even brought tea. It made Geng Zhi quite surprised, because he was not such a person as far as his understanding of Ding Yu was concerned!

I feel that after seeing Ding Yu today, everything is so abnormal!

"No surprise to see me?" Speak straight, a little straight!

"What's the surprise?" Ding Yu is a little lazy and doesn't care! "It's not my private place, and it's not my home. I can't tie your old legs and restrict your old activities!"

"I feel that there is something in your words!" Ding Yu looks straight at Ding Yu, but he doesn't get any response. Ding Yu doesn't mean to be angry with himself. What he said just now is full of provocation, but what's the matter? Ding Yu didn't answer at all, and he didn't give him any response at all!

This makes Geng Zhi feel so hard! Ding Yu does not give any reaction to himself, then the next words have no way to go on! Is it really good to let yourself sing a monologue?

"It is said that Guo Kai's performance is very good, and he has made quite excellent performance here! Everybody speaks highly of it

"Is it?" But Ding Yu asked, "it's not so clear. I'm a little busy with my work recently, and I don't know his situation very well. Maybe! It is mainly because of his excellent personal performance that no one can stop him from making progress. This is what Geng Lao came for? "

When he spoke, Ding Yu was still looking up at the clouds on the sky. The sky was clear and blue, and the clouds were flying. It seemed to have artistic conception! Let's get into it!

"Yang Chen left! I went to the mountain, and from the current situation, I'm doing very well! " Geng Zhi repeated the situation of Yang Chen, trying to attract the attention of Ding Yu!

"Is it?" Ding Yu is very indifferent to say, "recently, there is not so much leisure to contact them, but Geng Lao has retired! Still so glowing and hot? I didn't think of it! "

Geng Zhi didn't expect Ding Yu to be so direct. He stopped himself by talking directly! From Ding Yu's words, we can clearly hear that they are all retired! Then don't mention the chaos of seven or eight o'clock! In this way, we may be able to say a few words when we meet each other in the future! I really broke up this feeling! It will be very embarrassing to meet in the future!

If other people, Geng Zhi really will give him a lesson, let him know about the problems and situation, but now the person he is facing is Ding Yu, give him a lesson? Don't be too hard on such a thing!

"It's better to have more activities while you're still able to move."

After thinking about it, Geng Zhi still didn't say the next words, because if the next words were said, it would be easy to be misunderstood. After all, Ding Yu's current situation is not so good, and he still needs to sit in a wheelchair!

He has learned quite a lot from other channels, which is not to say that Ding Yu can't stand now. It's not like this. Ding Yu can stand up, but it's harmful to his body! His injury is not a general trouble, can not be adjusted in a moment and a half!

What's more, this time I come here, I'm also asking for help. Since I'm asking for help, I need a good attitude! After coming up straight to Ding Yu, this is how a thing! What's more, is the relationship between the information management department and Ding Yu? It is really not a word, two words can say clearly!

They have more cooperation with Ding Yu, and even have more requirements for Ding Yu. But sometimes they are quite estranged from Ding Yu. So what is the relationship between the intelligence management department and Ding Yu? It's very subtle. When there is interest, we may say more, but if we don't have interest, we are no different from strangers!

Before I came here, I did a lot of preparation, but I didn't think about it. After encountering Ding Yu, I found that this guy would be so lazy. It was just like a house boy, honest and incredible! This is definitely not Ding Yu who I know, nor Ding Yu who I know!

Can take a look at the tube, it seems that there is nothing else happening recently! What on earth did Ding Yu become like now? Is it because he came! Or is Ding Yu aware of the purpose of his coming, so he is so decadent?But the problem is such a reason, I even persuade myself, there are so some impossible!

So straight looking at Ding Yu, "Xiaoding, you look at the sky, can't you see the flowers?"

"A person feels very good, carefree, and not too many people disturb! You can be in a better mood Although it was speaking, Ding Yu still did not look at the meaning of Geng Zhi, which made Geng Zhi a little crazy!

This cold treatment, not too many people can accept! Contact with Ding Yu is not less! I really didn't find out that he had such a hand! It's really quite surprising and unexpected!

Think back to yourself today, from seeing Ding Yu, everything seems so abnormal!

"Xiaoding, I feel your mental state is not so good!"

Geng straight decided to detour, straight to the way although more appropriate, but definitely not now! I don't feel the impatience of Ding Yu, but I feel that Ding Yu is so strange now! It's not because I have retired. I can guarantee it!

Maybe he felt his neck was a little tired. Ding Yu slowed down and shook his neck twice. Then he looked at the upright man beside him. "You old man, you're going to run in person. You don't even take any person. You know, although I'm not a Longtan tiger cave, there are not a few peeping people here!"

Hmm?! Straight Leng for a moment, then suddenly laughed, "if even come to you, need to be careful, then other places are safe? What's more, it's not easy for me to travel at will. This time, I'm in a special situation, so I come to you! "

Ding Yu thought for a little time, "although I don't know about the situation of your department, I still know something about it. Are you old people retiring? If that's true, it's a little too much! I really want to be an old ox for my whole life. It's too hard! "

"It's good. I've been doing this job all my life. Now I've stopped suddenly. I really don't know what to do again! As a contribution to the country, but also try to reduce the country to bring considerable trouble! Always feel like this is the real self! Life is meaningful! "

"You have a noble style, and you are ashamed of yourself!" Ding Yu took a look at it and said, "speak up! You will never find this place for no reason. Even if you are going to give a safety lecture, you will not come to me. What's more, whatever you do? It's the sky! On the sea or on land, I'm not on my way here! "

"Where are you! Really is not the general special, just stuck in the throat! It's just that the place is a little bit small, so it's not so prominent. However, after two years of development, it doesn't even need to go through another two years of development. The current situation has already made people salivate! "

"I know something about this situation. It was originally a small county town. Earlier years, it belonged to another city, and now it belongs to the present city. However, these things have nothing to do with me. It seems that this is a problem considered by the city or other leaders. It seems that you have deviated from the topic !”

"Hey, you're a little too serious!" Straight slightly bit his teeth, do not need to be subtle before the beginning? But you're a good guy. In the past, you refused a thousand miles, and now you don't even need an opening speech! I can't eat myself! But there are not many ways! After all, this guy is Ding Yu! Not a nobody!

"Hou Tianliang's performance is very excellent, we can say that we are full of praise for this! The internal evaluation is very high, has the quite vision and the insight, has the outstanding analysis ability to the matter, will certainly become the pillar existence in the future! As for Yang Chen's situation, it is still unknown, but we are very optimistic about it. Now the meaning of snatching is very obvious! "

"So?" Ding Yu asked on purpose!

"Xiaoding, if you say so, it will be meaningless! I don't want you not to understand what I'm saying

"Mr. Geng, I understand what you mean! Then I say one thing! " Ding Yu suddenly looked at Geng straightforwardly, "Hou Tianliang's performance is very good, so can Yang Chen, but they are not fully formed now. Of course, I don't need to take them personally, let them play freely! As the final test! There may be some expenses and other expenses in the process! "

"Xiaoding, if this is the problem, we will give our full support!"

"I don't want to take these expenses as a matter of one time. The money at home is not of much use. It's put out for use! At least it can prove some value! I now mention the issue of two people. One is how to ensure that you provide a suitable number of candidates. Of course, this issue is not so difficult. I mention the second question, Hou Tianliang! Yang Chen includes those who may have successors. How do they position themselves in the future? What's more, how does the outside world look at these things? Who can guarantee that Ding Yu will not "hide evil intentions"Don't mention, Ding Yu suddenly mentioned this problem, let Geng straight appear quite a lot of association! Straight from looking at Ding Yu, I don't know what I'm thinking about, but the sight of Ding Yu is totally different!

However, Ding Yu didn't feel any uneasiness with his frank eyes!

"You see, you can't even convince yourself! Not to mention the others? " Ding Yu looked at Geng straight with teasing eyes, "if you hadn't retired, I would not have mentioned this problem to you, since you have retired! It's no big deal, then, to mention two sentences! "

"Did you mean it?" Looking at Ding Yu, she feels a little toothache. Why did Ding Yu mention this problem all of a sudden! And also in front of their own face said a considerable reason, too obvious!

If you say that you have not retired, then when you mention this issue now, it is bound to start a considerable discussion and even have a considerable possibility of reaching an agreement. But the problem is that I am retired now! If you say that you suddenly mentioned this issue now, you will think that you have any other views and opinions on Ding Yu?

Otherwise, why didn't you mention it earlier, but suddenly mentioned it after seeing Ding Yu?

There is also a point, that is, he mentioned this matter, when the internal will be very difficult to reach an agreement! Maybe the starting point is good, but who can guarantee that there will be no other problems and situations in the process? Ding Yu has no such criminal record. It's true!

But Ding Yu, this guy, really makes people feel uneasy about it! If there are really any problems and conditions, then how to deal with this problem, we should think deeply about it!

"Do you know that once you start this topic, you will cause a lot of unnecessary trouble?"

Looking at Ding Yu's appearance, he was more or less angry! I don't believe that Ding Yu has not considered this aspect of the problem! Now that you have thought about it, it's no big deal to say it now and embarrass yourself, but the problem is that this will cause a series of reactions!

Ding Yu looked up at the sky, still so blue! A few clouds have gone! The whole sky is like a mirror, but it has an extraordinary attraction!

Some words Ding Yu is stuffy in his own heart, does not want to say the meaning!

Even some of them don't believe in themselves. What about others? How do they look at themselves? Ding Yu has never made any statement about this issue, and has not mentioned it to others! But now in the face of the upright, he tried some, the result is not unexpected!

There may be some problems in not denying your own way, but what about that? Maybe Geng Zhi has reflected it, maybe he will reflect on his own behavior and situation, but then what? Ding Yu doesn't care about it!

I just want a result, and now the result has come out!

With a deep sigh, Ding Yu set himself a small trap, a seemingly small pit, but he stepped into it! And what is the result of this? I really have a mixed feeling.

"Xiaoding, is this your real idea?"

Ding Yu suddenly laughed, "Geng Lao, this words let you say, I seem to have a bit of heinous taste! In my opinion, can this be said in reverse, Geng Lao, is this your real idea? "

A few words let Frank some language block, temporarily do not know how to answer Ding Yu! If it is, Ding Yu will not turn his face immediately, but how can Ding Yu accept such a problem?

After all, Ding Yu's contribution is obvious to all! He made a sacrifice that no one can match! With his pay, there is not much reservation! These are placed in front of their own, they can not avoid such a fact!

It's totally a lie without my conscience! You can't do it yourself!

As for negation, how can we say negative words in such a situation? Do you really want to treat Ding Yu as a fool? Are you kidding? Really regard Ding Yu as a fool, then he is a fool!

Geng Zhi never thought that there would be such an encounter today!

But Geng Zhi didn't speak, but Ding Yu said it quietly! "So it's quite a matter of keeping a good sense of propriety! At least we can sit together, have a cup of tea, have a chat, and have to open up everything! How to deal with it? Is it you, the old man, or am I? It seems that no one is so suitable! Do you think so? "

"Ding Yu! Do you have to say it at this time? It seems that you should not hold back for a day or two! As far as I know you personally, you have always made plans and then moved, and I think you have made a lot of preparations. "

Ding Yu has no intention to argue with Geng Zhi at all! What if we win the argument? What if we lose the argument? It's better not to say anything, such words are better!"Would you like to have dinner together in the evening? You have come all the way here. You may not have other things here, but you still have a lot of food, which is very special! "

Looking at Ding Yu's ease, he sighed, "now even if it's Longgan Fengsui, I can still eat it!" Taking a look at Ding Yu, he said straightforwardly, "I think we should have quite a misunderstanding between each other, and the misunderstanding is quite deep. This problem must be solved!"

"Misunderstanding, maybe!"

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