After leaving from Ding Yu's side, Geng Zhi returned to the place where he stayed with a sad face!

On the side of the attendant also waved his hand, I need time to calm down for a while! I don't want to be disturbed at this time! I don't know what the purpose of Ding Yu is? Is it a retreat? Or what did Ding Yu feel?

Considering from the actual situation, the cooperation with Ding Yu is definitely more beneficial than harmful, and there is no so-called disadvantage. The problems mentioned by Ding Yu may be problems, but because the people cultivated by Ding Yu are excellent, they are all put under the name of Ding Yu! It's nothing!

But what Ding Yu said, it was like a thorn in it! And this thorn? Not to say that they want to pull out, can pull out, has formed a considerable obstacle in the heart! This is the fucker!

From another perspective, why does Ding Yu mention this matter? Is it because he wants to get rid of it? Have to say, this is a very good means, but such self pollution, really good? Does Ding Yu not think about himself at all? After all, such behavior and situation will cause a lot of inexplicable impact on the follow-up!

He is a person who takes the overall situation into consideration, so the normal situation now reveals the abnormality! It's just that this anomaly has been covered up to a certain extent!

After some thinking, Geng Zhi thinks that Ding Yu did this intentionally and intentionally splashed dirty water on his own body. But the problem is how to deal with it if it spreads out?

Keep it secret? How could it be? Even if he didn't say it, would Ding Yu not say it?

So now how many appear so anxious! Always waiting for the attendant to come back again, Geng Zhi didn't respond. After listening to his report, he waved his hand slightly and sighed deeply!

It is necessary to communicate with each other! If we don't communicate, we don't know what happened! We still need to discuss some issues. As for whether we can reach an agreement, we can't say it right now! Before he came, he gave his feeling to convince Ding Yu that there was no problem, but now? I really don't like it!

When the information management department knows this matter, the relevant personnel are silent down! This matter is not big or not, but it is not small. After all, there are quite a lot of people who have ideas about this aspect, but there was no expression of this aspect in the past! Now Ding Yu actively mentioned this problem, so say it!

Anyway, it's not too big to watch the excitement!

How to say that? Although Ding Yu said that he was not a person who liked to show off, his name was still very loud. He compared all the people to him, which made some people not so comfortable! However, due to many other reasons, this kind of discomfort can only be pressure in their own heart! Can't say it!

But now Ding Yu takes the initiative to say this thing, and no one is forcing Ding Yu, is he?

Su Quan is sitting there and the old God is there. It seems that the people being discussed have nothing to do with him! Su Quan will never speak at this time. It is true that Ding Yu has a considerable relationship with himself, but we all know that the relationship between himself and his nephew is still "poor" to some extent!

For his nephew's Sao operation, Su Quan's heart has quite a feeling, but he has a certain idea, does not mean that he can speak freely! Look at the movements and expressions of other people around you! We still have a considerable view of his nephew!

And now this view and opinion are not even covered up!

Standing in Su Quan's point of view, naturally understand his nephew why to do so!

Earlier, when my nephew bought a lot of equipment and instruments back, this matter still caused a small range of waves, but his nephew did not take advantage of the wind, instead, he poured quite dirty water on his body!

If you look at this matter alone, you may feel that Ding Yu's hand is too sudden! I don't even know! But on the whole, you will feel that Ding Yu's hand is very clever!

Moreover, from Su Quan's understanding, his nephew has always taken a step to see three steps, and his nephew can definitely see what he can see. This shows that there must be other purposes hidden behind him! But what is the purpose? I have no way to judge now!

After all, I don't understand quite the situation. Under such circumstances, I would rashly make a decision, and it also involves all aspects of things. It's too rash!

Of course, Su Quan did not speak, there is another meaning! I just want to see how much effect my nephew's words will cause! Everyone has his own different opinions and opinions, isn't it? Let's talk about it!

In the evening, Ding Yu invited frank, but he didn't get any response! Ding Yu didn't show much about it!After thinking about it, I went to find the children at home. They had a dinner together with other classmates. Anyway, I was free. So I had a meal with them and had a good communication! I think they won't hate themselves!

Not to mention, these children expressed the most warm welcome to Ding Yu's arrival. In their opinion, uncle Ding never regarded them as children. Of course, they did not regard uncle Ding as an adult. Instead, they had some feelings of becoming friends!

Some things will have a little preaching, but these sermons and sermons at home are totally two things, so that they have a deeper understanding of the world and society, and have a better prospect for the future!

Even with their hot springs, fighting with each other and so on, once or twice can be said to be pretending, but after many times, we will find that you are such uncle Ding! So we have nothing to fear!

It's a bit long to make fun of, and there are also a little more food to eat. It's mainly because everyone looks at Ding Yu's meal and has a big appetite! After eating, Ding Yu wiped the corners of his mouth, but he didn't give much explanation. He just let everyone pay attention to safety and left! End is natural and unrestrained!

"Elder sister, looking at Uncle Ding, I feel really envious. When can we be so smart?"

Ding Yun looked at Wei Lai and snorted his nose, "you are about to call black carbon head! It's gone? How about three feet away from you when you see you? "

For Wei Lai, Ding Yun has never been used to meaning, pointing to the core issues, we are also following the coax!

Ding Yu listened to the laughter coming from behind, but did not look back. Maybe all of them could grow up healthily and happily. Maybe many years later, when we were sitting together, we could still remember!

At noon the next day, Ding Yu looked at wechat, which was the school's notice, and school was about to start! The school hopes to be able to hold a parent meeting, some arrangements for the next semester, at the same time, to explore the children's learning and life and other issues!

After thinking about it, although I have more things to do, it's really not a bad thing to hold a parents' meeting. The children's performance in school is very good, and with so many parents' expectations, I should meet you. After all, it's very difficult at ordinary times!

Ding Yu is too quiet! Usually, except for the farm, Ding Yu will not appear in other places in the small county. In fact, Ding Yu has a good relationship with many children. However, the communication with these parents is limited. Now there is such an opportunity to have a good communication!

"Dad, are you in a good condition?"

When I learned that my father was going to attend the parents' meeting, all the children in the family expressed their worries! After all, he's still in a wheelchair? Not so convenient!

"It's OK. Now I'll take two steps. The problem is not so big! What's more, it's not a big deal. It's just that I attended the parents' meeting and communicated with the parents of my classmates. I couldn't get along with you, could I? You have the friendship you have, and we have our communication

But in the evening, Geng Zhi called Ding Yu over there! "Xiaoding, are you free tomorrow? I want to talk to you alone? "

"No! There will be no time tomorrow! " Ding Yu didn't have any hesitation. He was very straightforward. When he listened to him, he was stunned. When he was confused, he heard Ding Yu say, "tomorrow, the children at home will hold a parents' meeting. I need to attend it! So many children's parents' meeting, I need to attend! "

Ah? Straight Leng for a moment, then shook his head, this thing is really forgotten! How many years has this been! The parents' meeting of their children has not been attended by themselves. If it were not for the matter mentioned by Ding Yu, I would have forgotten it! It's the age for children to start school!

"I'll ask you out the day after tomorrow."

"Yes Ding Yu was very happy to reply, "I'll call you then!"

Ding Yu has a lot of judgment in his heart for the candid invitation. His uncle didn't call. The meaning is very obvious. One is that his uncle doesn't want to be involved in this. What about the other? Obviously, the intelligence department has not reached an agreement on this matter all the time, and may even have different opinions!

Ding Yu came to the school early, and then came to the auditorium with his double crutches. Before entering the auditorium, he was surrounded by parents outside! We shake hands with Ding Yu in turn! Although the children in the family and the children of the Ding family are in the same school or even in the same class, it is really difficult for us to see Ding Yu!

Since the Ding family's children came to the school, what changes have taken place in the children in the school. These heads of the family can be said to have the most say! Academic achievements will not be mentioned! In other aspects of development, especially prominent and obvious!

The Ding family's children have played a very good leading role, and it is precisely because of their leadership that other children are also catching up and can not be pulled down! And Ding's children and students can get together, this is the most important!Usually, we don't have a chance to see Ding Yu and express our thanks. Now we have such an opportunity, we can't afford to let it go! Even quite a lot of people are deliberately asking for leave to attend the parents' meeting. After all, it's only once a year!

Ding Yu can talk with almost every parent. There is no distinction between high and low. What's wrong with him? At the beginning of the time is not a mud leg son, look down on who? If you count up, whose family is more than three generations or a clay leg?

All morning, Ding Yu is in the parents' meeting, after all, there are a lot of children at home, and they are not in the same class! Fortunately, the school side is also staggered time, otherwise what will happen? It's really hard to say!

"Dad, do you want to eat together at noon?"

Ding Yun is surrounded by some students, all dressed in school uniform! Since it is in school! Then you need to abide by the rules and regulations of the school, there is no need to make yourself too different!

"No, I still need to hold a parents' meeting for the little girl in the afternoon, so you can eat by yourself! Is it the canteen or outside? It seems that the canteen is not open yet? " Ding Yu looked at the fruit tea in their hands and shook his head. He didn't have such treatment at that time. At that time, there was an ice cream to eat, which was already high consumption!

But now the conditions are better! These children's life and treatment are naturally changed! Really can't say they these children do not know why! What's more, they didn't have any pocket money in their hands. When they worked this summer vacation, they still earned a lot of "Commission"!

And these Commission, the home basically won't rob! I believe these children can also make good use of the money!

"The school canteen has not opened yet, we are ready to bring back almost all the things we have brought back! At noon, we're going to have a taste of chowder outside. I don't know what it will be like! " Ding Yun blinked her eyes, "yes! The little girl will come here too, and you don't have to go there deliberately

"Forget it! I didn't have any appetite at noon. Just give me a call when you finish eating! And don't always bully little girls! You are a sister, I don't know how it happened! I don't look like a sister at all Having said that, Ding Yu also took a look of complaint!

"Daddy, is it your alma mater, anyway?"

"It's changed so much! The original time! It's like a big quadrangle In Ding Yu's eyes, there is a bit of nostalgia, "each grade occupies one side, plus the school staff side, the middle of the big playground, where it is like now! Teaching building, experimental building! Canteen! Sports building and so on! "

A little memory, now the conditions are good! From all aspects have considerable performance!

Ding Yu went to have a rest for a period of time, and then after the little girl had dinner, she drove to the school with her. This is the only treatment for the little girl. As for other children, don't think about it! It's impossible! The little girl is holding Ding Yu's hand, and she doesn't mean to let go!

Compared with other children's parents' meeting, little girl's parents' meeting is much better! At least there is no situation of encircling, chasing and intercepting. Otherwise, Ding Yu will suffer enough! But in the end, Ding Yu was left in the hall!

When she came out of the school, Ding Yu rewarded the little girl with an ice cream!

"Just keep your grades for a while." Do not need to give the child so much burden, she has her own interests and hobbies, it is difficult to force some things on the girl's body, this is extremely inappropriate! It is also extremely inappropriate!

Although there is no other thing in the afternoon! But Ding Yu didn't mean to contact Geng Zhi! Since the scheduled time is tomorrow, let's talk about it tomorrow! What's more, for this matter, I'm not so concerned about it!

In the morning, Ding Yu is no different from usual! The children at home are all there. After all, school has not started yet, so they have not returned to their own residence. It is more lively at home!

In the morning, when Geng Zhi came to the farm and walked into Ding Yu's office, his face was very serious. There were no familiar people here. It was impossible for him to break into the farm! Especially now such a delicate moment, it is even more so!

"Mr. Geng, did you come so early? Hard work

Ding Yu didn't get up because he was sitting in a wheelchair! Geng Zhi looks at Ding Yu. He also looks at Ding Yu's office carefully. It's no different from what he described!

"There was a parents' meeting yesterday, but I heard that the children at home performed very well. It seems that you, as a parent, are still very competent. At least in education, you are unique." It seems to be a kind of deliberate compliment to say this!

Is this intentional? Ding Yu smiles slightly, and then makes an action of inviting tea!

"The children at home are just a little too noisy, so we need to let the school and teachers pay more attention! That is to say, the little girl can be a little better, and it will save you a lot of worry. The rest of the children will take out one at will, which is a headache for people, and I don't know how to start! ""Ha ha, director Ding doesn't know how to deal with it, so other people don't know how to deal with it!" Obviously, it is obvious that there is something in it!

Ding Yu shook his head, "there is no way! What can you do if you are born and raised by yourself? Bite your teeth! You can't throw them to one side, don't you? As for whether these children will understand this question? Parents have the responsibility, but also need their own growth

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