Straight looking at Ding Yu, through the conversation between each other, can be very clear to understand some of the situation! Although there is still quite a fog shrouded, but to be able to see clearly, we need to see some clearly!

Ding Yu can say that he split himself through the previous thorn planting. It may not be the best opportunity for Ding Yu, but it is absolutely the most appropriate and appropriate. As for when he will recover again, it depends on his mood! But the problem is that the intelligence department can't wait for Ding Yu!

It is not to say that there is no ability to train new people in the Department of emotional governance. On the contrary, each department has its own unique rules. For the cultivation of follow-up forces, it has always spared no effort! But want to achieve this effect of Ding Yu, almost no, at least from the above probability, it is too low!

Ding Yu trained a lot of people, such as Hou Tianliang and Yang Chen. They are particularly obvious!

Hou Tianliang, in particular, although he has not yet completed his graduation, he has shown his own ability! And now he can also use some channels of Ding Yu's consortium, which other people don't have! It is also the envy of all!

As for why Ding Yu didn't close this channel, it doesn't mean that Ding Yu wants to pass through Hou Tianliang? But to give Hou Tianliang a better platform! So that he can get full display! This is the real purpose of Ding Yu! Plus Hou Tianliang or we value! So his future is really limitless!

And Yang Chen? The situation is slightly different from Hou Tianliang, and the things they understand are a little different! But the way is basically which way!

Why doesn't the information management department copy it? Are you kidding? Of course, the intelligence department also wants to copy it? But the question is how big is Ding Yu's consortium! This is what the intelligence department can't do! This itself is the existence of constraints!

All the good things? Just kidding!

Ding Yu can use the fastest speed to find Hou Tianliang and Yang Chen's weaknesses, and then strengthen them. At the same time, they can give full play to themselves. To know that the people under Ding Yu's hands are all elites from all over the world. It's not easy to fight with them! Even a thing that can be met but can't be asked for!

Anyway, many conditions! As a result, we all have some demands for Ding Yu, but the problem is that Ding Yu suddenly has such a hand. What's the sting in everyone's heart? The longer, the bigger!

"Xiaoding, what do you want to do? Do you know how much effect has been made by planting thorns at this time

In the face of honest and sincere solicitude, Ding Yu looked at him in turn, "Geng Lao, when you say this, you are totally on your own side, even if you say it without exaggeration, delicate egotist!" Ding Yu, who said this, is not polite at all! "It's obvious that you, even quite a few people, have never been on my side to think about things!"

"I..." Frank want to say something, but this word to the mouth, and do not know how to say it!

Ding Yu said with a smile, "it seems that Mr. Geng, you haven't thought about this problem at all. To be more precise, you have never considered this problem! But I thought about it! The people who eat with me are not so simple as one or two, nor ten or eight. Of course, to support these people, there are not too many problems for me. It's great to visit the capital market for two times! How much can I eat personally, and how much can these people in my family eat? "

"You don't have to think about it, but I need to think about it! Moreover, for the sake of the prosperity and development of our country, even if I pay more, I have no problem. Moreover, I claim to be much better than those guys who can shoot off their guns. At least I still have quite practical actions, but what about them? If they think so, let them have a try

"Xiaoding, you know, this is absolutely not allowed!"

"Is it? Then I deserve my bad luck. I am the one who is scolded, and I am the one who carries the blame. All the things are done by me. What's the use of you? " Ding Yu disdained to hum, "I will do all the bad things. You are good people beside me! Is that so? Even deliberately pulling the frame? "

"Not so! Xiaoding, we have our consideration Speak frankly and comfortingly!

"Yes! You have your consideration, and I have mine! " After Ding Yu finished spraying, the whole person was extremely calm and had no impulse. It was as if the words he had just said were not what he said at all. "Even the basic problems have not been explained clearly, or they have not thought of explaining them clearly. How can we consider them?"

"Geng Lao, if there's nothing wrong, I'm still a little busy!"

A typical tea delivery! There is no room for honesty and uprightness! Straight, the spirit of the whole person was all of a sudden depressed down! From the contact with Ding Yu for so many years, the cooperation between each other is stumbling, but Ding Yu has not asked for anything, and he also wiped a lot of buttocks here!

But how does the information management department deal with Ding Yu? When I think of this matter, there are so many speechless people. Some words are really hard to say. Why is it Ding Yu who always gives in! Ding Yu has always been wronged! Not even a so-called statement!Now Ding Yu suddenly broke out! However, I didn't have any preparation. It's obvious that everything we got before is already taken for granted! You Ding Yu must pay, you do not pay is wrong!

"Xiaoding, it seems that this problem must be solved!"

Ding Yu shook his head, "Geng Lao, how do you want to solve it? I continue to step back! You continue to recommend two people over, I can not have any reservation, training! Together with me, I still need to pay a considerable price, these are the necessary conditions! I want to ask, Mr. Geng, am I your subordinate? What kind of affiliation do we have with each other? You let me do it, I have to do it! Can I ask? Why? "

Why? Geng Zhi doesn't know how to answer Ding Yu! Because at this time, no matter how to answer Ding Yu is wrong! But in his heart, he affirmed his suspicion. Ding Yu's reason for doing so must be quite a reason!

Now, we should make a considerable cut with the intelligence management department. Although the reason is enough, the more it is, the more it shows that there are some problems behind it. Moreover, Ding Yu can take advantage of this opportunity to force himself and even the intelligence management department behind him! It's really good to pay attention to it!

The question is, what do you need to do now? How to do it? These problems need to be carefully considered!

"Xiaoding, I'm a retired old man! That's how much responsibility you put on me? "

"Don't you give up Ding Yu snorted. For the old fox, Ding Yu never dared to take it lightly. He did not deny that he had some other ideas in his heart, but it did not mean that he did not really have any opinions and ideas. As for how the old fox thought, another thing!

"What you mentioned is too troublesome! It's even incomprehensible! "

Ding Yu was smiling at him, "if you don't go, then I'll go first! This is for you With that, Ding Yu is driving his wheelchair to leave! There is no chance to be honest at all! As for the beauty hidden in his heart, let him keep it?

And straight looking at Ding Yu who left, the expression on his face became serious again, and he couldn't help sighing!

Yeah! I guess some of Ding Yu's goals and ideas, but it doesn't help to think of them! Even if he said it! How many people will believe that Ding Yu's thorn, especially the one planted by Ding Yu, has already made many people feel so distressed. Under such circumstances, what kind of choice will they make?

Can you calm down? Can you listen to yourself? As an old retired guy, how many people will choose to believe what they say? I dare not have any guarantee for this! So Ding Yu now gives himself a difficult problem, a very difficult problem to solve!

But now honest and can not do nothing, because it is extremely inappropriate!

After coming out of Ding Yu's office, he took a look at the attendant next to him. He looked at him straightforwardly, which made him feel a little nervous. What's the situation? What's wrong with Mr. Geng? What's going on inside? Why does he look at himself straight now? Is he doing something wrong?

Just saw director Ding leave, now after Geng Lao comes out, the mental state obviously becomes different! Something must have happened in this, but the problem is that I don't know anything about it! So what should I do?

Now the steward has a kind of urgency! Wait online! Hurry up!

When the intelligence department got the news, the quarrel became more heated!

And Su Quan not only did not participate in the discussion, but also fell into a little puzzled! What is this? I can guess some of his nephew's intentions, but you this guy should not be enough, see what you mean now, just want to go further! What exactly do you want to do?

Throughout his nephew's style, he should not make such a noise!

Is it just because of his honesty that he has come to visit? That's why he was so angry? It's hard to say!

After all, he didn't step on his tail, so he didn't react like this! There must be some problems in it! But what is the problem? It has something to do with the hairy bear!

The things have been transported back, this matter has been solved! At least in their own side of the news is like this! however! Su Quan suddenly remembered a possibility, that is, those who reached an agreement with his nephew? To some extent, they are not their nephew's opponents, they can only be regarded as accomplices!

Is it because of this? So my nephew wants to leave the Department of emotion management out?!

If you consider the problem from this angle, then your nephew will definitely have a considerable big action, this is certain! If the intelligence department is not clean to leave this relationship, it is bound to be quite related!But from another point of view, his nephew's way is a little too much! There is no need to adopt such a way! Once this thorn is planted! So in the future, it is not to say whether we can pull out the problem, but will always create a gap in our hearts, and it is difficult to erase the estrangement!

And even if you want to ease the relationship in the future, there are still some difficulties! Even if there are so many difficulties, can my nephew be regarded as a suicide? How do you feel like it! It's really hard to understand!

Of course, what about your own consideration? It may be a little extreme, but I have to think about it! I hope to do some remedy, but look at the meaning of my nephew, there is no opinion and idea in this respect, and I don't know whether he was stimulated by what! Too hard to understand!

However, there is not much significance in the discussion, we discuss with each other! But never too many results!

But when things came to such a step, Su Yuan thought it was really necessary to talk to his nephew! But Su Quan doesn't think he will get too many things, after all, his nephew! It's really not that difficult!

In the evening, Ding Yu received a call from his uncle! Looking at the call prompt, Ding Yu really thought for a while, this just took the mobile phone in his hand!

"No rest?" After su Quan came up, he didn't have too many greetings, "if you don't have a rest, I'll talk to you about something!"

"Isn't it? Uncle, are you so direct? " Ding Yu snorted, "in this way, Mr. Geng has passed the news to the past, causing considerable fluctuations! It's interesting, don't you think? "

"Come on! I know you are absolutely intentional. I didn't talk to Mr. Geng, but I can feel it. You boy! Absolutely mentioned with Mr. Geng, I can feel his hesitation! What do you have in mind? At this time? It's hard to end up in the future! You really didn't think about it? Or are you absolutely sure? "

"Is it?" Ding Yu asked, "at that time, the mood was a little excited, so it's hard to avoid speaking appropriately? But under such circumstances, it seems too late to mention anything? I believe many people are still very happy to see this scene! " Ding Yu sighed about this!

"You are very proud! Right? I tell you boss, things are not what you want to be able to do

"I said, uncle, is this a groundless accusation?" Ding Yu slightly hummed, "but there is a thing I always have so some do not understand, uncle, what kind of identity are you using to say this thing? As your uncle? Or am I your subordinate? "

Hiss... Su Quan's eyebrows wrinkled up all of a sudden! "Boss, that's a bit too much to say!"

Now Suquan has completely understood why Mr. Geng hesitates when he talks! Go to find Ding Yu and find Ding Yu with what kind of identity. Is Ding Yu his subordinate? No, the relationship between Ding Yu and the information management department is very complicated, but there is absolutely no subordinate relationship!

As for the so-called kinship? He may still have blood relationship with Ding Yu, but old Geng has absolutely no blood relationship with his nephew! Even Ding Yu said so now, with his own do not know how to deal with!

"Is it? Uncle, you said I said a little too much! Then you say, I listen! "

Su Yuan feels that his nose has so much smoke. What do I mean? Listen? This is a bit of a shame!

And what can I say now? It seems that there are so many things not suitable to say!

"You! Too sensitive! It's not as bad as you think Obviously, Su Quan also knows that his nephew is Shun donkey. If he speaks more seriously, this guy will definitely kick his feet with him! After all, such things have happened to me! For his nephew's bad character, I have deep feelings!

And now he did not hang up the phone directly, it seems that he has given himself considerable face! And even if he hangs up now, how can he give him? It's impossible!

"Uncle, you are busy with your work! If nothing happens, you'd better have a rest earlier! You are not young, after all Ding Yu said truthfully, it seems that there is considerable concern!

But does the word mean something else? So how old are you? Still eating pickles? If you have this time, have a good rest, which is better than anything? isn't it?

After hearing this, Su Quan felt that his nose had begun to smoke! I never knew this asshole was so angry! I'm also a more patient person! But he said this, I can't accept it!

Even want to hang up the phone directly! But the problem is that you can't hang up now! After all, I haven't inquired about something quite by myself, so I hang up now! Didn't you give up all your efforts? Still make oneself extremely uncomfortable?"I didn't know you had such a bad tongue, so give me a correct word!"

"There's no such thing as that!" Ding Yu did not have any thought at all, "the situation is such a situation, each other earlier said clearly, better than anything!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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