In the face of his nephew's tight lipped, Su Quan is not saying that there is no harvest at all, on the contrary, there is a considerable harvest!

Some words his nephew said not good, also inconvenient to speak directly! But through his expression of the meaning, I can still understand! He is now doing quite a cutting, absolutely for the sake of the Department of information management! Of course, this process will not appear in the case of accidental injury, this depends on everyone's performance!

What's more, he's digging a hole! This is true, but he didn't let people step on it, and the idle people would never step on this pit! In such a case, there are people falling in the pit, so you can't find Ding Yu's trouble! Right? Because quite a lot of things, we are all made by heart!

"I will deal with quite a lot of things, but boss! When my uncle said something, some things were done too much! And it will have a considerable impact on the follow-up, you! It's not a question of willfulness or willfulness! It's going too far ahead! Sometimes people can't keep up with you

When you can't keep up with you, what kind of situation will appear? This problem is self-evident!

Did Ding Yu understand? Su Quan doesn't need to consider this problem! If Ding Yu can't understand such a simple question, then he won't have the status he has today. This is certain! I still have this point to grasp myself!

"There is another problem. At present, quite a problem has not been detonated, but I don't think the time will be too long. When the time comes, some problems will be revealed. I don't know if you are prepared in this respect. I think it is necessary to give you a wake-up call to save you from other problems! Don't be shameful at that time, I feel ashamed too

Ding Yu said with a smile, "who knows? Uncle, if there's nothing wrong, I'll hang up! "

Put down the phone, Su Quan scratched his hair, things and his own expectations are not too much difference! His last words, his nephew did not admit, but he did not deny! Oh! Why did he choose such a road?

It can't be said that Ding Yu is capricious. After all, standing in his position, he needs to consider the things that he has not seen much less than himself. Let's wait and see the development of things on his side! After all, everything is prediction now!

When Ding Yu put down the phone, he felt very interesting. His uncle! Hi! Some things? It's not that you don't want to communicate with him, but there is no way to communicate. After all, his identity is! It is a troublesome thing in itself. Without letting him know, he can guess, and even most of the guesses have no problem!

It's really hard to say what kind of situation he will be once he knows it! Will have a considerable impact on the follow-up of their own side, and these costs may not be able to accept! So it's better not to say anything from the beginning, if my uncle guessed it! I have no way!

But this word absolutely cannot say from own mouth! This is for sure!

As for the follow-up to what extent? This question? Who knows? I am very interested in this now. If things disappear, I have some difficulties to deal with! Now I'm just waiting!

Maybe not today, but tomorrow? What about the day after tomorrow? Things will not be delayed so long. Ding Yu will not take the initiative to deliver the news, but this should not hinder some "people with a mind"!

As for my third uncle, I have already communicated with him quite well, but the way of communication may be a little secret. I can't hide such things from my uncle, otherwise I will be too passive! And will fall into the situation of no help in the back, this is now their own absolutely do not want to see!

With their opponents, always need to face each other! All the previous is just a trick to cover up! No one really moved, we are all in the accumulation of their own strength, and then a burst out!

Of course, the real fight, just like the fur bear, is basically impossible!

At that time, Ding Yu was carrying a big guy and setting off fireworks everywhere. The impact was a little too big! People have so many unbearable, whose home has such a problem, the impact is not a moment and a half can be eliminated!

But the same, no hands does not mean that the water is also the same calm, even the waves generated under the water are more exaggerated than imagined. If we say that on the water surface, we are all talking to each other. At most, some small waves are blowing! But under the water! We bite the whole body black and blue, are quite possible!

Everyone will be for their own interests, and the last drop of blood, why is this, because no one wants to give up their own interests, all want to be able to tear off the last piece of interest from each other's body, is so simple and clear!

The next morning, the children at home were already ready! They're going to start school! The whole country is unified. Looking at their vigorous appearance, they are really full of youth! Seeing that Ding Yu is a little absent-minded!Ding Lin and Ding Yu encourage the children at home, but Zhao Shuying's face is a little heavy! Obviously, as a former teacher, she knows that she can't give them sunshine at this time, but also need to give them some rain and dew!

Anyway, there are some people singing white faces and some singing red faces at home. There is no lack of them!

At this point, Zhao Shuying has her own most inborn advantages, she has seen too many bear children in her life! So it's not hard to deal with the children at home, and every child in the family is a little bit afraid of Zhao Shuying! It's really fear in my heart!

Of course, they are also afraid of Ding Yu, but the fear of Ding Yu and the fear of Zhao Shuying are totally two things! It's totally the kind that can't be compared. The nature of each other is essentially different!

The children in the family are the same when they go out, first the 11th Road, and then the 4th road. Only the little girl is an exception. She has a car escort. There is no way. Who let her come alone!

"Xiaoding!" Once again, Geng Zhi came to Ding Yu's office, which was no different from usual. After dealing with the corresponding documents, Ding Yu looked up and looked straight, but then hung down his head!

"Geng Lao, you are very idle, but I don't seem to have so much time!" He pointed to the file on his desktop, "you see it too! I'm not free for a moment now

After sitting down, he didn't have any interest in the tea and refreshments beside him. He just looked at Ding Yu!

"The news has been spread out. I believe many people have already known the situation. I want you to verify that this matter is not spread from you! This is very important! "

Ding Yu suddenly laughed! He even laughed and looked up straight!

"Mr. Geng, what do you think I should say now?" The smile on Ding Yu's face is more than one, but it has a little indifference. "It's not my business to say that I'm Ding Yu. If anyone framed me, I'll never give up. Is that right? Or you want me to say something like that

"Ding Yu, this is not the time to breathe! You should understand! " Straight face also has so some embarrassment!

"What do you think I should say? And I don't think that I'm just breathing now. Being able to ask questions indicates that there are quite a few problems between us. Is it you who are going further and I'm going to step back? Or do we have to wait and see? " After thinking about it, Ding Yu sipped his mouth and said, "there is no possibility of watching each other! That is to say, I need to step back now, Geng Lao, I think you should have some ideas already! Everyone is not an outsider. If you have any opinions and ideas, please speak out and listen to them. "

Straight is shaking his head, "the total feeling is all in your calculation! Xiaoding, it's just you and me. Can you tell me what you're worried about now? "

Ding Yu knocked his head with his hand, "what are you worried about? This problem is easy to understand and difficult to understand. There are some things that others don't know, but I think you must know them. But knowing is one thing and speaking out is another thing! "

As expected, Ding Yu didn't give a positive answer because of Mao Xiong's case, but his words had obvious tendentiousness, which was still very sure!

"As far as I know, the previous instruments and equipment have been transported back! The number is quite large, and even many people are fighting for it. However, they have been arranged properly on the whole! "

"If some people are satisfied, some people will be dissatisfied! What's more, from a higher point of view, some people have already felt that the game is not necessary! But want to leave the field is not a simple thing, so they must do a considerable compensation! Can you understand what I say? "

Obviously, Ding Yu's words mean something! And the goal is very clear!

"I've done quite a lot of research, but basically I can't find out too many clues! Everything seems very mysterious! Even the Mao bear's way of dealing with this matter is a little rough! People can't understand it! I have a little interest in this now! I don't know what's hidden behind this? "

"In my opinion, that's all! It's not as simple as danger or danger! "

"You are very vigilant against them. If I can, I would like to know what is the cause of this?"

Geng Zhi has the meaning of breaking the casserole to the end! "Or do you think they are powerful? As far as I know, you seem to have participated in the meeting. Although we don't know so much about the meeting so far, we still know a little bit about it! "

Ding Yu looked up and said, "it's not easy for you to live till now."

"Don't you know? What's more, there is a country behind me! But you also have a country behind you! ""Different! As a deterrent existence, the state can not take it out anytime, anywhere. This is extremely inappropriate and extremely inappropriate! " Ding Yu gave a rare explanation, "what's more, I have quite a lot of contact with them. Although I haven't achieved the goal of" you have me, I have you in me, but we all maintain considerable restraint. "

"You're almost paralyzed! Is this also restraint? "

"Different!" Ding Yu shook his head. "Standing from different angles, the problems considered are different. It is not that you stand higher than me, or that I am arrogant. It has nothing to do with all these. We can still maintain considerable calm and restraint. This is not easy. If we say that we can not keep quite calm and restraint, it will be a lot of trouble! I have tried, and they have tried, and the results are not so good! "

"To what extent?"

"I don't know!" Ding Yu shook his head, "Geng Lao, I have already said it! You live today is not so easy a thing, some things stand on your identity and position, can not be involved in it! It's not necessary to think about each other, and I'm quite restrained with them! "

"Be restrained, and who are your opponents?"

From the conversation with Ding Yu, we can feel that Ding Yu is taboo to some people. However, Ding Yu has said that both sides have maintained their rationality, and everyone is very restrained. Under such circumstances, Ding Yu is still so cautious. Who is his opponent? This makes him feel a little puzzled!

After thinking for a while, he suddenly froze for a moment, "your opponent is them?" Then he took a cold breath and said, "my God! Why didn't I expect that to happen? No wonder you have to cut with the intelligence department! "

Ding Yu snorted, "a little too much!"

"After, what do you mean?"

"No meaning?" Geng Yu said, "do you think it's a problem? In this room, it doesn't matter. It's you and me. I won't admit it, but what about you? Will you say that? "

Originally, there were still some cheerful and upright people, and their faces became dull at once! Look at Ding Yu with eyes lost! There were so many confused eyes. It took a long time for him to react. He shook his head helplessly at Ding Yu, "I dare not say, and I can't say. If I say it, it will cause more problems. This responsibility is not what I can bear even later!"

Then he looked straight at Ding Yu and sighed, "I have to say, Xiaoding, your courage is really big! You are playing with fire, do you know? "

"What if not? You go up to the top? " Ding Yu snorted, "some people may have no problem shooting their mouths, but if you let them go to the top now, I don't look down on anyone. Their knees may not have too many problems, but let them play with their hearts and don't know how to die! More frankly, they are willing to die, it seems that there is no other! What do you think of my words? "

Straight some teeth, Ding Yu's words are too much! What about those people? There are some contradictions with Ding Yu. This problem does not need to be denied. After all, everyone has his own different ideas and views!

But Ding Yu's evaluation is too much!

But in a real comparison, what does Ding Yu say? It seems that there are not too many problems! I will not doubt those people's faith and determination, but in terms of ability, there is still a considerable gap with Ding Yu, which is an undeniable fact!

What's more, the things involved are too subtle now! The information management department is absolutely not suitable for intervening. Ding Yu is doing it quite properly for his own good. Is this the way? Maybe some feelings can't be accepted!

But think carefully, is this way really bad? It seems to be very good! isn't it?

Now the problem is that there will not be too many people who can understand the details except themselves! How to solve this problem? Now I really dare not say! What you said will affect the overall situation!

"Now I think you're trying to let me know? That's how you believe me? "

"Do you want to hear the truth or the lies?" Looking at the upright expression, Ding Yu stood up his shoulder for a moment, "OK! Then I'll tell you the truth, and you may not like to hear it! "

"Tell me! Yes or no, it's a fact! "

"Well! From my personal point of view, it doesn't matter if you know or don't know! " Ding Yu's expression seems indifferent, but he really wants to stand up and give two slaps. Do you think so, really good?

"You! You've calculated me to death. I doubt it. If I didn't come here, what would it be like? Would you let other people know? " After thinking about it, he took the lead in speaking before Ding Yu spoke! "No, you should not let anyone know except me!"

"Except you are old, other people will not come to me, and they will not be of any use. There are some possibilities for my uncle, but as I said a long time ago, they will not come to the small county. This is the bottom line, and it is absolutely not allowed to cross the bottom line!"This matter is honest but really know, involving some of Ding Yu's family affairs, other things may be involved, but this thing is absolutely can not have any involvement! If really mixed in, then Ding Yu will definitely turn over! There will be no room for moderation!

There are not a few people who know this, but look around? Who dares to have any words!

There is another problem reflected in this, Ding Yu this guy! Don't say it! Really, if you say it! There are people to do, then the next thing don't blame him mercilessly! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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