Ding Yu's attitude shows no intention, but few people know it!

Su Quan has guessed, but has no chance to verify! And honest? Because of the close contact with Ding Yu and the fact that Ding Yu has opened some holes in him, he has some understanding of the situation! But both of them are hard to say! There is no way to tell the equivalent thing! They can only be stuffy now!

Suquan can be a little better, because he did not contact Ding Yu at all, but Geng Zhi here is really a little uncomfortable! Like a lump in the throat, I can't feel vomiting!

Continue to stay here Ding Yu, it seems that there is not too much need, because even if you know more, how can it be? Do you continue to interfere with Ding Yu? Joking, Ding Yu told himself that to a certain extent, he was also warning himself that some things could be done, but some things could not be done!

As for the so-called cooperation with Ding Yu, it is even more impossible. Ding Yu's meaning has been fully revealed. Now it is time to cut off the relationship with the intelligence and governance department. Under such circumstances, how can we cooperate? Now it's not that you can plug people if you want to!

In this case, why do you stay! What's more, now that the matter has spread, I don't know what kind of range it will be controlled. In a frank view, if it can be controlled, we should try our best to control it. Otherwise, who knows how many people will fall into this pit?

So go back now! But what do you do when you go back? I'm retired now! Even if it is to send out their own voice, the voice will never be too loud, and can be sure, what about Suquan? He will keep silent, not that he doesn't want to make any mention, nor that he wants to protect himself, which has nothing to do with it!

The main reason is that he can't mention anything now, because his identity is too ambiguous!

Now, no matter what Su Quan said, it will be interpreted in another way. From this point of view, Ding Yu's previously planted spines are a little too cruel! Even if you want to pull out, it is so helpless!

After thinking about it for quite a long time, Geng Zhi took the tea by the side, tasted it and put it down!

"It's still unknown how things will develop, but Xiaoding, you need to be cautious and careful. After all, the situation you are facing is quite different from that I even face behind. This time, you are too tightrope!"

"There is no way to choose, not to say that this is a helpless choice, but now let the country behind me stand out, will lose too much awe, fist or take back, lead not to send better!"

Ding Yu didn't talk to Ding Yu too much, but took a look at each other. Ding Yu sent Geng straight out of the door, and the two looked at each other again. There was no so-called sadness. Now Ding Yu needs to deal with these things alone. Without any constraints, Ding Yu can be more open-minded!

However, there are still a lot of discussions about Ding Yu, but the good thing is that it is within a small scope. Even so, things seem to be out of control. At this time, there is another voice. Is Ding Yu right or wrong?

Wang family still received quite a rumor, but at this time, Wang family can not have any speech, say what?

It seems that it is extremely inappropriate to say anything at this time, and the relationship between Ding Yu and the Wang family? We all know it! It's embarrassing, even subtle! But really, if it comes to Ding Yu and Wang family? Really can involve the relationship, also really is not imagine in so many!

In addition to Wang Xiaogang, Wang Yang and Xiaobao, it seems that they are one of the linked, and even some of the periphery are not counted! Under such circumstances, even if you want to blame the Wang family, it seems that there is no relationship between Ding Yu and Wang family. Ding Yu is the eldest son of Wang Changlin and Su Yuan!

But it has never been made public! No one can deny this! Right?

If you really put the Wang family involved, it will make a lot of people are very dissatisfied with this!

Wang Changlin is very clear about this. The only thing he doesn't know is why the eldest son makes such a thing? Now I'm a bit confused. At least in my understanding, my son's character may be so bad, but I'm not a very impulsive person!

He obviously has other aspects of consideration, but what is involved, he really does not know, do not understand, now to speculate is not any effect!

As for calling your son? Wang Changlin has thought about this problem, but after thinking about it, he still thinks it's over! At least this is not the best time! And even if it's a phone call, what can it do? Will it help?

His eldest son, others do not understand, can he still do not understand?When he makes any decision, he basically doesn't inform the family. In addition, he has little relationship with the family. He is completely independent of the family. Under such circumstances, the family can not take other measures!

Because it has no effect at all! Of course, this word can also be more straightforward, but in that case, each other really tear face! Is that good? With such an idea, absolutely have a different mind!

What's more, Wang Changlin thinks that this way is not harmful. At most, the family needs to bear some pressure. However, compared with the pressure of the boss, the pressure at home is not even fur!

When he came back home, Su Yuan was the same. From the outside, his eldest son seemed very passive, but if he looked at the problem from his own point of view, he would feel that things were not as wonderful as they had imagined. Of course, it is not to say that the family really does not attach importance to this matter, which is irrelevant!

"You already know everything?" Su Yuan didn't groan as usual. It was a little normal! This is not the first time that this has happened! No matter what happens to the eldest son, we need to be stable here at home!

"I've heard about it, but it seems that I want to instill it into my ears on purpose." When talking about this, Wang Changlin couldn't help laughing. "I don't know why they want to look like this. Ding Yu is our eldest son. But everything has to be pulled to the Wang family. Do you think they are idle and have nothing to do?"

Hum! Su Yuan also snorted, "only in this way can we find out whether the family has anything to do with this matter. If so, we'd better put all the family in. After all, although the rise of the Wang family has not affected the overall situation, it has begun to show. However, if we can nip this bud, it is better to pinch it!"

"Biased!" Wang Changlin's heart is exactly how to think, only he himself is the most clear, Wang family is not involved in any of the things, for the boss's some things, also really do not know, but this does not prevent everyone for Wang family have some other ideas, who let Ding Yu is his eldest son!

The rise of the Wang family has a great relationship with Ding Yu, which must be denied by Wang Changlin. In the view of a considerable part, if you want to strangle the Wang family, first of all? You need to strangle Ding Ding Yu. If you don't strangle Ding Ding Ding Ding Yu, everything you do is useless. This has been verified! There is no denying it!

However, it's so difficult to strangle Ding Ding Yu. Many people want to do this. Whether it's domestic or foreign, it can be described without counting. But what's the final result? Ding Yu doesn't live well. At most, he needs a wheelchair now! But the hearing problem is not so big!

"It's not biased. It's a different question. But it gives people the feeling that they have to put old people before death, and they don't know what they think! Let's not talk about whether we can? What do they have in mind? Can't really see others? They have such a bad mind

Su Yuan has some complaints. This is human nature. After all, it's her own son. If you do it yourself, there's no problem. But if someone else does it, even if you touch it gently, you can't accept it! This is the problem!

"The boss touched their wounds! To put it bluntly, it is so simple! However, this time it was very strange. It was deliberately spread to my ears, but it didn't mean to publicize it. It was very interesting

"Do you want to call the boss?"

"Forget it! The telephone boss will not mention anything. He must have considered this matter quite well. We have been warned that why should we go to the pole? Isn't it? "

Wang Changlin has considerable consideration about this, since you are not willing to, then I am more indifferent!

After Geng Zhi came back, he made a lot of explanation, but the explanation didn't reflect and shock too much. It's obvious that Geng Zhi still didn't say something about it! Because if I said something quite, I thought I was involved in the intelligence department!

Ding Yu has done a lot of cutting, trying not to hurt the information management department. If he explained the considerable things, if he really involved the emotion management department, how much loss would be caused. No one can say clearly!

And this kind of injury is totally unnecessary, even can be avoided. In such a case, everyone needs to weigh it well. However, this has led to another result. We can say that Ding Yu's opinion is particularly great! You Ding Yu's wings are hard now!

Many people have expressed their dissatisfaction. With the help of some people, Ding Yu almost becomes a lost dog! Although not everyone yelled, but such a situation, has shown considerable signs!Geng Zhi also attended the meeting, naturally, he saw countless faces, but gengzi kept calm. Dingyu would do so with considerable joint effects. After this event, I don't know how many people will disappear!

Can not calm down the situation, this is the ability to have problems! Since there is a problem with ability, it is not suitable to stay in the current position, which is certain!

While everyone did not pay attention to it, gengzi peeped at Suquan. He found that he really looked at Su Quan a little too much. He knew that Su Quan and his nephew had a very general relationship, and even sometimes the contradiction was still more prominent, but why would such a situation happen? It's very interesting to think carefully!

So-called straight head a moment to move, Su family and Dingyu relationship? From the appearance, the worse, even in-depth, Dingyu and his several uncles' relationship? It may be a little too bad, but some too superficial!

As for the next generation? The children in the family have little to do with Dingyu. Compared with the whole Su family, there are so few poor children. Specifically, Dingyu has the same relationship with the three families! Almost ignore, even if there is action, is also a kind of fine smell!

What about Suquan? It is a special one, but this blood relationship has not brought too much practical help to Suquan. Even because of the "drag" of this nephew, sometimes he is accused! But is everything real? Is there any other problems and conditions in this?

I have thought about it before. After all, we must consider him in his position. But there is no problem in the end, but now? I have retired, to review the relationship again, I really found some problems, Su Quan and his nephew have a little synchronization!

More precisely, they have a considerable understanding of each other! And this tacit understanding? It is not that they communicate with each other well, not so, but that they can guess each other's ideas to a certain extent!

It's a little bit scary! They have no communication, but they can achieve a considerable understanding!

It's like it's now! Ding Yu and his own, should never do anything to other people, but Su Quan can guess his nephew's action and reaction on the whole! He also made a considerable move with him! Even let Geng Zhi can not pick out any problems!

But Geng Zhi wants to understand some things, and then he laughs at himself. He seems to have other opinions and opinions on Suquan suddenly! To say that there is no impact of Dingyu in this, it is absolutely bullshit!

After awakening, Geng Zhi has also been caught in a reflection. Even if I have already started to have opinions and ideas in this respect, what about other people? Relatively speaking, I have more contact with Dingyu, and have more knowledge of Dingyu. Many of them have reviewed and judged Dingyu and concluded their own!

Even I have developed this aspect of the idea, what is more, I have a considerable distrust of Ding Yu, what is it for? Is it because Ding Yu has not contributed enough? Or other reasons?

So now there are so many troubles in the straightness! This kind of distress has been winding straight, and the meeting ended, gengzi has not been able to fully wake up! If such a matter cannot be solved, then the thorn planted by Ding Yu will take root and sprout, and it will be really difficult to eradicate it!

But how to eliminate this thorn, depends on oneself is not enough, and still far from enough!

Will Suquan help yourself? The possibility is not so large, to some extent, hinder Ding Yu's drag, he now has so many "Self-protection", plus his own retirement! It was really like walking into the dead end!

Back home, the straight, a moment of confusion, there are countless lines on the hemp group interweaved together, want to find out the thread head may not be so difficult things, difficult is so continue to go down!

Besides, I am very embarrassed by my current status. Some problems are not so simple!

Su Quan, after returning home, has a very gloomy expression on his face, but he has looked at his face and his actions before. Maybe nothing can be found from his facial expression and action! But from his spirit, he really saw a little bit of clues!

Geng is a little bit wrong. Is he over there with his nephew? It must have been a pretty good thing!

As far as he knows, his nephew is bad in character, but he will never be aggressive. But why does Geng old have such a situation now, which is difficult to come true as he expected?

If it is, then the pressure on my nephew is too great!

He is now cutting the relationship with the Department of emotional management, that is, he is preparing for the follow-up. The more he thinks about this aspect, the more clear Su Quan feels his thoughts, but at the same time, he also feels a little fear!yes! It's fear! It's not to say how big the plot is! It's the follow-up effect of this matter, what kind of situation will appear at that time, which needs to be considered!

How many people are sure to fall in? For the character of his nephew, my God!

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