Now this time Suquan, really did not think about himself, after all, his nephew can not give himself how! What I think is the problem of the whole department! How to deal with it?

Now everyone for their nephew's sense, is not so good!

I also noticed that Mr. Geng obviously has a hard time saying about his nephew. If his guess is really correct, then he can understand why Mr. Geng dare not mention this aspect! Even if you have a guess, but do you dare to mention some aspects? Not at all! Or I dare not!

So now sitting at home Suquan, is really close to his head on the top of the hair to tear off! It's not good to do this or to do it. What should I do? Who can give me some advice?

There is also his nephew, absolutely an asshole! The big bastard of tianzihao!

However, two days later, both Geng Zhi and Su Quan found that although Ding Yu's story had spread, its scale was not as large as imagined. It's a little unclear what caused it, but the whole thing seems very strange!

"Mr. Geng, come to the meeting today?" In the corridor above, met Geng Zhi, Su Quan said hello!

Geng Zhi slightly nodded his head. He had some other opinions about Su Quan, not that he really had any opinions on him. After thinking about it, he said, "Ding Yu is your nephew after all, and you, as an uncle, don't mention two words?"

Su Quan was stunned for a moment. What was Geng Lao saying?

It was because of his nephew's affair, or he had guessed something. Su Quan took a look and said, "Geng Lao, you went to see that bastard! How is he? There is no way for him at home! It's good to stand up for education, but I can't find it all the time! I can't help it! "

Su Quan said that there are so some gag meaning, he did not know what Geng Lao wanted? So I won't take this topic. After all, it's necessary to be cautious and careful when working in such a department!

"Director Ding Yuding's ability is there. Sometimes it's hard to see clearly."

After hearing this, Su Quan was stunned. He already understood the meaning of Geng Lao's words! Do you want to pretend to be confused? Think about it, Mr. Geng has said so! Even if you want to pretend to be confused, it's impossible! So it's also a slight nod!

"Yes! Sometimes the old God is there, and I don't know what they are thinking about. This is not good! But in the end, there are still some young people! Even though they are the father of the children now

His straight eyes shook Su Quan's body and nodded at him. Obviously, he agreed with Su Quan's opinions and opinions, which was not different from his own guess! Suquan! As expected, he has a good understanding of Ding Yu. If he doesn't understand, he will never say such words!

Of course, what about their relationship with each other? Maybe it's just the same as the performance. It's not as good as you think! But that doesn't stop you from getting to know each other? isn't it?

"Do you want to mention something about director Ding Yuding?"

Su Quan is a little bit distracted, let himself mention the things about his nephew at this time. Are you really ready to let yourself jump into this pit? But Su Quan's reaction is also faster! "It's not impossible, this bastard! It's a little too much for you! We should let him know the power of it

After hearing this, he was more and more sure that Su Quan said this on purpose! Although he said it in a joking tone, he just said it and listened to it!

Because Geng Zhi is very clear, he can not say such words, Suquan can not say such words, is not going to give Ding Yu a lot of trouble, this point is not so important, the important thing is whether it will cause other inexplicable impact on Ding Yu, this is particularly crucial, especially at this delicate moment!

Two people looked at each other, a smile at each other!

At the meeting, Su Quan raised a question about Ding Yu. After all, Ding Yu is not a child. What he said earlier has had a considerable impact on the entire intelligence and governance department. Under such circumstances, he can not follow the rules and must talk to Ding Yu. On the one hand, he is not a child? Can't let things continue to get worse, on the other hand? Also give Ding Yu certain pressure! What can't be has you Ding Yu has the final say?

Not to mention, Su Quan's proposal has received considerable feedback, but who is going to operate this matter?

It is true that Su Quan mentioned it, but it is absolutely impossible for Su Quan to go there in person! Su Quan can go to the provincial capital there, it is already stepping on Ding Yu's tail. If he continues to move forward, what kind of problems and conditions will arise? No one dares to make this guarantee!If Su Quan is not suitable, then other people? Are you honest and upright? He just came back from Ding Yu. It can be said that he touched the ashes of his nose. Now let Mr. Geng go again. It's not appropriate for him to go there again!

What about this problem? It was really stuck! It's not that there are no other people in the Department, but there are still a lot of people in the Department. As for the people who can leave, if they go to Ding Yu's place, whether Ding Yu will pay attention to it is really the two things that are said!

However, after the meeting, he took a deep look at Su Quan. He didn't expect that he would come with him and mentioned it quite well. However, if you think about it carefully, you will find that what he mentioned is the same as that he did not mention! Because in the end, things will still be put on hold!

What if not? Su Quan is certainly not and can not find Ding Yu, and his side, also can not repeatedly toss about, in such a case, who can find? It's not suitable for anyone else!

In here? It's not that Su Quan didn't work hard. He also tried, but in this way? Not so safe! Under such circumstances, it seems unreasonable to go to Su Quan again!

From this point of view, Su Quan is just like his nephew. He is a jerk!

And Ding Yu has no time to pay attention to these things and problems! The great emperor over there has already talked to himself on the phone, and each other has got a relatively satisfactory reply, or has got what he wants! And those who helped the fire before also paid a considerable price!

Now there are only those people who are going to fight Ding Yu. It is not known what they are like now. But I think they should be quite prepared. Anyway, if they continue to stretch, it will not do much harm to Ding Yu. At least the pressure in front of him is not so difficult for Ding Yu! Still can carry!

The children at home are not here these days. Although they have just started school, they are not generally busy. Their studies have never been difficult for them! If you can't understand such a simple thing as study, then other problems want to be clarified and understood! It seems a little too untimely!

In fact, from primary school to junior high school, even senior high school, what we learn is the most basic, and also the most basic, because we have to face all the adaptive students in the country, in order to be more popular and more convenient! Better to adapt to all children, can not be said to be difficult for children!

Of course, there are some children who are not adapted to it, but this is absolutely a minority, and still a minority among the minority!

In the case of academic unaffected, these children's other hobbies are also widely up! School teachers for this situation, is also happy to happen, students can develop in an all-round way, they are naturally happy!

The problem is that in the past, students spent too much energy in other aspects, which led to great problems in their study. Now? Learning is no longer a burden for these children! If we don't give them something else to do and consume the energy of these students, we don't know what will come out?

At least purposeful guidance, will let these children have a better development, the upper and lower levels are particularly concerned about this!

At least from the current situation, the performance of these students is very good, and there is a considerable display, this county side of the people are very expected! Of course, there are also some unpleasant places in this, that is, the upper level of the city, some schools want to pick fruit, they even have a year to enter the entrance examination of some students have other ideas!

This NIMA's is a little intolerable!

Especially the high school in the small county, this has begun to show teeth! It's not that we look down on you. It's true that you are a superior City, but what about that? If it is in the past, that is no way, although the teaching ability and level is not bad, but some of the school's hardware facilities and software facilities are so some can not keep up with!

After all, the economy of the small county is relatively general, although we attach great importance to education, but no money is always a very troublesome development thing! But now it's upside down! Not to mention the farm, anyway, all the people from all over the county are particularly concerned about education, and we are very enthusiastic!

Under such circumstances, the development of the school is also very fast. Now it is not the time to blow out, but its future is already visible. Under such circumstances, you still want to pick peaches and dream of spring and autumn!

In those days, we couldn't stand up, but now it's you!

Because it was the weekend, after school in the afternoon, several children ran to the farm side!

Ding Yu, who sits in the town office, is quite puzzled by the arrival of several children. It's a few days since school starts! They are so busy that they can't see them. Now they suddenly come to the door and make themselves suspicious!

"What's the matter? Is the sun rising in the West today? Or are you greedy? ""Master, we want to ask you for a favor!" Wang An was the first to stand up. When she stood up, her expression was very firm!

Ding Yu looked at Wang An and leaned back at his body! It's rare for you to speak up in person

After listening to Wang An's account, Ding Yu nodded his head without any hesitation. "I don't object to things, but how can you ensure the safety? At least on this point, you need to give me a reasonable personal explanation! " After that, Ding Yu took a look at the children behind him. "I think you should have thought about it. If you don't think about it, you won't come to the door, so let me have a look."

They want to go out to sea to play, this matter is not so difficult to understand, difficult to accommodate!

However, security issues must be guaranteed. Although they will not go far away, they need to make them aware of the problems and conditions before they can agree!

The expression of a few children is so excited! He quickly took out his own plan, and Ding Yu reviewed it in detail!

After reading it, she nodded her head slightly, "the plan is well done, considering the situation of other students, and making detailed arrangements, which I am still very satisfied with. At the same time, the participation of school teachers provides considerable protection, and I have no other opinions on this!" After that, Ding Yu signed his name on it!

"Master, we have to go to find my grandfather and grandmother, and, master, do you want to come together?"

"I will not go! Legs are not so convenient, this is one reason, another reason, the recent work is a little busy, so I can't spare time, but I hope you can have a relaxed and happy life

Looking at Ding Yun, who makes a face, Ding Yu hums, but Ding Yun has already run away with the little girl! Ding Yu here is also a smile, go out to play is not a big deal, mainly good security and other aspects of the problem is good! They can come to find themselves, for which they are very happy!

What's more, they have quite a plan and even some consideration! The attitude of doing things is very good! In other words, they have the ability to express logic!

There's nothing like watching these kids grow up! As for their parents, they should agree. At most, their mother will severely warn these children. As for whether they will accompany them, there should be no problem. Although their parents do not like to move, they should be very happy to accompany their children!

Really speaking, it's true that the small county town is close to the sea, but the children who really went to sea are not as many as imagined! Don't think that these children grew up in the sea, and even more than half of the children have not been exposed to the sea! This is a reality, not a joke!

As for the results? Not out of Ding Yu's expectation, Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying agreed! Along with them, they will also follow, mainly not to play, but to supervise these children, worried that there will be other problems!

If there are them sitting in the town, it will let the children's parents at ease, and at the same time give the children some hints! Although they know a lot about the world, how to say it? They are still children after all! Age is there!

The only regret is that the eldest of the family didn't want to travel together, but this can be understood!

In the evening, all the children and teachers who participated in the activities came to the farm. There was enough space on the farm and there was a good atmosphere. The children in the family didn't mean to stay at home. In their opinion, such a collective was more interesting!

Ding Yu did not stop, but because of other things, Ding Yu did not go, but also let people send some tea in the past! Hope they like it!

"Elder sister, I didn't talk about such a big thing before, but Uncle Ding agreed?"

Wei Lai's face is incredible! There is still quite a shock in the eyes, along with a considerable admiration!

Ding Yun glared at Wei Lai and said, "this thing was done by the elder martial brother. Originally, I wanted to ask for my father, or to find my grandfather and grandmother. Maybe he would agree with me. Later, the elder martial brother took this matter over! He made quite a plan. We discussed it together, and then we went to find Dad together

"And then uncle Ding agreed? You're not afraid of anything? "

Ding Chang is to take tea to try, the taste is very good! Just say it!

"Sometimes Dad is very emotional, but most of the time, dad is a very rational person! When rational people deal with problems, they have quite a plan! So after the elder martial brother has made quite a plan, there won't be too many problems on the whole! "

When he said this, Ding Chang had some helplessness. He seemed to be pulled down by the elder martial brother! This is a little bit of a blow to Ding Chang, because he has always claimed to be very smart!"When you make a plan, you agree? What if something goes wrong? "

Ding Chang hummed, "things have never been perfect, and plans have never changed quickly. As for whether there will be problems in the process, this is within the scope of adjustment! That is to say, some errors can be understood. Can you understand what I say? "

Finish the words, Ding Chang a pair of impotent appearance! But Ding Yun looked at him and stood up and gave him a kick! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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