"Master, I don't like that way very much. It's not suitable for me!"

For this apprentice with independent character and strong personality, Ding Yu sighed helplessly!

"I will not deny whether your way is good or bad. Everyone has his own choice. I will correct some problems because they are obvious mistakes, but I will not deny some problems!"

"Master, I still like to be quiet. I feel that this is more suitable for me. Even when it is quite appropriate, I don't like to be noticed by others. I don't know why, but I just don't like it anyway! It's not that I don't like to make friends. More often than not, I just like to sit in the corner and listen to them and watch them quietly

Emotional expression is very strong, "I can see that your family background has caused a considerable impact on you! Ah Ding Yu sighed. He felt something very early on, but now this feeling can be said to be particularly strong. Is it good? Don't you know?

But his own forceful to the child to break over, such a thing is also a lot of inappropriate, will cause him inexplicable influence! And Tong Tong's situation is similar to Ding Chang's, but there are obvious differences!

"Master, I think there are quite a few reasons in this, and they are also influenced by you!"

Ding Yu said, "is that right? I am a man! I don't like to show off so much. At least for me, sometimes I even show quite disgust. Should I say that you are a little bit poor at this point? " This is a bit of a joke!

"Master, how can anyone comment on yourself like this?" Obviously, Tong Tong has great respect for Ding Yu, but respect does not mean fear and fear. This is two things!

I am the master's disciple. I don't need to hide things in my heart. What's more, I still want to discuss such a big thing as my own future! Everyone has his own secret, which is true! But it's a matter of priority!

If we say that even such a simple thing, we are quite estranged from our master, then how much is the relationship between them? Anyway, Tong Tong is very exclusive to such a situation!

"Hi! I think you should have heard some of my rumors, true or false, in some of the information at home, you should also have some self judgment, people! I mean the vast majority of people are more selfish or sophisticated egoists. It's normal. I'm also a human being and can't get out of this category! "

"Master, but in my understanding, you have done a lot of great things!"

When talking about this matter, the two eyes of Tong Tong are shining. It is obvious that he worships it!

"You don't understand what I mean. I never boast that I'm a good man. There's no need to add too much decoration to my body, which will only add to your own burden. I think you should also have some experience!"

"Yes! However, as a teacher's disciple, I can see the envy of many people, but behind this admiration, there is also considerable jealousy. After people look at that kind of eyes, they will feel uncomfortable all over

"Yes! How can you be comfortable? " Ding Yu snorted, "speaking of this, I want to talk about your plan. You are responsible for participating in the plan mentioned by Wang an! You are responsible for replenishing a lot of them! This is something I didn't expect! It's a good job. It's worth praising! "

"Master, it's not as good as you said, I know it myself!"

"Your elder martial brother has a considerable view of the overall situation, but Ding Yun? On the surface, he is careless, but he has considerable action power. What about Ding Chang? He is quite sensitive, but you are responsible for supplement. You can take care of all aspects and cooperate well with each other. However, you need to know that you are of different ages, so I should give you more praise! "

"Master, I will not be proud!" He's got a little face on it!

Ding Yu could not help laughing, "OK! Back to the previous question, what kind of talent will you become in the future? I won't interfere with this. It's not only you, but all the children in the family. But now I will lay a good foundation for you. At least in the future, when facing the choice, you have a considerable space, not too confused. This is what I can only do It's done

"Yes, master!" No need to say thank you, no need! This has nothing to do with being polite or not, "but master, is it really OK for senior brother Ding Chang? I always feel that he has some hesitation! "

"He! A little bit smart, even smarter than all of you. What about smart people? If he doesn't realize the beauty of silence, he'll be in trouble all the time! This is not good, very bad! Don't be too clever when you're in a good position

"I can't understand!""I'll understand it slowly! But this topic is a little heavy! " Pushing his wheelchair to the child's body in front of the position, "the little girl has gone to sleep! Let her come tomorrow. She doesn't have your intelligence, but she is also a member of the family! Don't overindulge her

"Master, this is what you should say to the elder martial brother!" Looking at his master's face, Tong Tong nodded, "OK! I will think about this matter well, and there will be no mistakes! "

After talking with these children at home, Ding Yu didn't go out. Let them make a fool of themselves!

I believe they will have a good communication at this time! Wang An was stunned when he heard Tong Tong mention his sister, but he already understood the meaning of his master!

My sister is also a member of the family. She has never been an outsider! However, Wang An is quite helpless about the requirements mentioned by the master. It is obvious that the master wants them to act as the villains, because no matter the master or the grandfather and grandmother in the family, the little girl is not generally spoiled! It's like heaven!

Under such circumstances, do not pamper the little girl, master, you are really out of a big problem!

But from another point of view, Wang An is very grateful for his master! Even such small details are not let go, if it is not really for their own sake and little girl's sake, it is absolutely impossible to do this step! Wang An is very clear about this!

When I got up in the morning, the little girl had recovered. Because I went to bed earlier last night, my spirit in the morning, along with my brothers and sisters, took exercise together! However, such scenes are not very common, because usually she is the most sealed by the bed!

Or she is the only one in the family who can be sealed by the bed!

"Boss, do you feel that Ding Chang is in a bit of a state?"

While taking advantage of the exercise, Ding Lin said aloud to his son, "I'll tell you! I noticed it two days ago when I went out to sea, and so did your mother! But you were not there at that time, so I didn't mention it to your mother too much! If you can't solve the problem, it's not appropriate to deal with it at random! "

Ding Yu, sitting in the wheelchair, blinked his eyes. His parents are old, but this observation is really not said! But think about it, it has been integrated into their bones! After all, one is a doctor, the other is a teacher, all rely on eyesight to eat!

"I know about it. I talked to them when I came back last night?"

"How can I find that Ding Chang doesn't have too many changes, and still has the feeling that some words are wrong! Boss, that's your son. The child is young. After encountering some problems, we must pay attention to it. We can't be vague! "

"Dad, you don't know!" Ding Yu is helpless! Just open your mouth at will and explain it! "Ding Chang is a child! How clever! If he wants to be second in the family, no one dares to say that he is the first

"This is also true. Wang An is a child of great atmosphere. Ding Yun is a fool and bold, and there is nothing she dare not do! But the child is very quiet, very good child, is a little too quiet! I feel that the only good girl in my family is a little girl! "

"To be sure, the only one who doesn't have such a headache is the little girl! The other several children all have the quite individuality, the earlier time Ding Chang was hit! There is such a sense of loss, I have talked to him! There will be quite a correction, but this can not be changed in a moment and a half. Dad, if the child is not smart, it is not a good thing, but if the child is too smart, it seems that it is not a good thing, don't you think? "

"I think you are looking for a fight!"

Facing the threat from his father, Ding Yu smiles!

"Today's children may not be very old, but they are different from Ding Ding Ding and me in the society and the world at the beginning! If you still take the old way, it won't play too much role, so you need to give them something else! Judging from the current situation, we still need considerable guidance! I didn't expect you and mom to have a brilliant eye! "

Hum! For this, Ding Lin is still complacent!

"Anyway, Ding Chang is your son. What about the other children? You can't relax. Their age is the best time to lay a foundation. If you can't lay a solid foundation now! There will certainly be some mistakes in the future. Such a thing is absolutely impossible to have any trifles! "

Back home, after breakfast, the children went to school! They have a little excitement on their faces today, but other children? Now it is not fully recovered, even the energetic Wei Lai and others are also lying on the desk, looking helplessly at the elder sister's head!

Yesterday, the elder sister was even more crazy than them, but looking at the elder sister's spirit today, there was no any dispirited, and these self styled men were a little bit unable to hold on, and their face was really so big!"Elder sister, has Ding Chang's problem been solved?"

When asked about this, Ding Yun's face suddenly became gloomy and sat down in her own position!

"Don't mention it! Not only Ding Chang, but also our senior brother and we have been criticized! " Ding Yun is very annoyed, "but hey hey..." Ding Yun's belly is black to Wei Lai, and they are a few laughing!

"Elder sister, how can I feel that you have a bad intention in your laughter?"

"Is it?" Ding Yun touched her head, "little episode, it's not worth mentioning! Don't worry! Anyway, there will never be a good life for you. I'm very sure that Ding Chang has already had a good idea. This guy is not generally terrible. He will certainly find a fair place from you! So don't blame me for not reminding you

What? Others are in a mess. What do you want? Ding Chang had a situation and wanted to find it from their bodies. No one like you? And is it really good to do this? Do you have a conscience?

"Elder sister, can you ask me why? It needs to be explained, doesn't it? "

"To explain, in the end, I think your progress is a little too slow! In the same way, we have relaxed ourselves because of you Ding Yun looked bored. "I doubt that if we suddenly disappear, what will you become?" After saying that, the gaze of a look around!

"In other words, will we lose our goal of struggle?" Wei Lai said thoughtfully, "but if placed in the past, it can be, but now it has what society! Communication is very convenient! "

"Because of this, there will be a lot of confusion! How can you be sure that it must be on the way to progress and that your speed is still at the original speed? Compared with the original time, you have a considerable reference, but once you lose the reference, you even have other means and ways. How can you ensure this? "

In a word, sensitive students are trapped in a burst of thinking, especially Wei Lai. Although they realized quite a problem long ago, when Ding Yun mentioned this problem, it still caused a corresponding impact on Wei Lai!

And this kind of impact for children of this age, the impact is huge!

"Elder sister, I won't be pulled down too far by you!" Wei Lai said it carefully! Because he has already understood the meaning of the elder sister's head Ding Yun's words. It has nothing to do with age. If he understands, he understands! As for what you can't understand, you can't understand what it contains.

and family! Education and other aspects have a considerable relationship, you require all students can understand, simply impossible things! "I will stand up and never be humiliated by Uncle Ding and elder sister!"

There are also a few students have so many moves! Ding Yun is watching Wei Lai, two people look at each other, has been waiting for the class bell to ring again, we are back to their table!

Originally, the children at home did not have such a sense of urgency, but now the situation is not the same! It is obvious that they are also aware of their own considerable problems, and this problem must be solved, can not be laissez faire!

Continue to indulge, is not responsible for their own, is also irresponsible to these peers, do not work hard, do not know how excellent they will be, this is the mentality of these children in the family!

The momentum of these children in the school, so many teachers have so some unknown! What happened and why did these children suddenly become so silent?

Something must have happened, not that they have gone bad! Or there are other aspects of the situation, but the enthusiasm of these children seems to suddenly become high! No matter it's study or other aspects, it's a good thing, but you should pay attention to it. You are children after all!

The original time the academic record is already very good! What's more, you don't need to pursue the ultimate, but from now on, these children just take out the strength of sucking. No one knows how long they can persist. But the changes of these children are really visible to the naked eye!

At the weekend, many children flocked to the farm. I didn't know it was going to be a meeting!

When Ding Yu appeared, everyone gathered around. Ding Yu looked at these students and nodded. It is OK to stimulate them, but we need to master the scale! They are seedlings, need to grow sunlight and water, this is true!

However, both sunshine and water need to be moderate. Too much sunlight can easily dry up and die. If there is too much water, it is easy to die of waterlogging. Only by balancing each other can the seedlings grow more fully! It will also make them grow stronger!

"With so many students coming, it seems that we need to make the kitchen prepare more food today. How can I say how much you guys eat?" After hesitating for a moment, Ding Yu suddenly gave a bad smile, "no one can fight?"I thought uncle Ding would say that they were all rice bowls, but I thought that uncle Ding had said such a sentence. Everyone had endless words and all of them were held back!

Because what uncle Ding said is true and true. There is no one who can fight. We have not seen uncle Ding's appetite. It may be exaggerative to fight all over the world. But for these children, it is not a problem at all!

"Uncle Ding, I don't think there is any special compensation at night. It can't make up for my injured heart!"

"What's the matter? I'll get you something to eat? " Ding Yu threatened to take a look at Wei Lai next to him, and many of the children are in the side to coax, hoping to give Wei a little bit of a strong taste!

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