After everyone laughed into a group, Ding Yu summoned everyone to sit around. However, there were many people standing behind, and they were all very close to Ding Yu. It was obvious that everyone had a special liking for Ding Yu! But they are all more polite and not in a mess! Show a very good quality!

"Uncle Ding, elder sister, will they leave?"

Wei Lai didn't have any greetings, but this problem also attracted everyone's attention. Everyone was holding their breath!

Ding Yu looked around at a lot of children, their expressions are so nervous!

"Wang An and their several came here and set a benchmark for you. What about this benchmark? It has always been your goal and your motivation! However, after seeing your situation, I suddenly have some questions to discuss with you, and then I will explain Wei Lai's problem! Who comes first? "

Looking at the students sitting next to him, Ding Yu pointed out!

"Uncle Ding, we have all made great progress. Why is this so?"

"Originally, everyone envied the students who studied well, not only you, but also your parents. Quite a few students showed disdain or even some disdain for some students who studied well. They thought they were just nerds. They could do nothing but study, right?"

Then Ding Yu also looked at Wei Lai and said, "Wei Lai, you are the most typical representative."

"Uncle Ding, I can testify! Wei Lai was a thorn in the past! Big thorn Next to the child is also noisy to say, but Wei Lai did not have any anger and anger! Hey, yeah, yeah!

"Uncle Ding, they are absolutely envious and envious. At first, they told us to study hard, or find tutors for you. My God, they don't know what I want to learn. It's like filling a duck. You can't eat it, just pour it in! Who can stand it? "

This time, many children did not laugh, but fell into a burst of thinking, because the vast majority of children have encountered such problems, it is true that they have now become the children in the mouth of other parents, but the experience once made them unforgettable! After all, they left an extraordinary impression in their mind, or unforgettable!

"Our parents have a desire for success! The hope of female Chengfeng, let alone your parents, I am the same. I am a father and a master. How can I not have such a mind, but why do I have such a mind? I mean most parents? Have you, as children, thought about these questions? "

"Uncle Ding, is it because our parents are dissatisfied with themselves, or a response to their regrets, they hope to make up for it in our bodies!"

Ding Yu stretched out his thumb. "From a parent's point of view, I'm shocked that you can say such words, which shows that you have thought about this aspect in peacetime. Good! Most parents have such a mind. Relatively speaking, quite a few of your classmates have not experienced too many difficulties. Only a small number of students have difficulties in their family life. At least in the past few years, not to mention the problem of eating, even the tuition fees of school could not support it! "

"Uncle Ding, we know something about it!"

To get together, we are still holding an open mind, so there is really no bullying or dislike the poor and love the rich! There is no time to waste on this matter!

"You haven't experienced that time, but I have experienced that, even the parents of quite a few classmates still have considerable experience. They have no money to pay the tuition fees. They can only owe. They are even afraid to contact the teacher, to hear the teacher's roll call, or even to mention anything on their own initiative, because this is too much pressure on the heart! Any aspect of stimulation, is enough to make the psychological collapse, but the home is not to say no money, but there is no money at home! "

"Think carefully about how much money you spent from childhood to adulthood, and take Wei as an example! What about his family? You need to bear the burden of four old people, at the same time to shoulder a family, and even need to make considerable preparation for Wei Lai's future. You have a certain feeling for money now. You can calculate carefully, can't the birthday of four old people be indifferent? One year's big festival and small festival can't be ignored! And what about these? In general, it's a huge astronomical figure, plus the expenses of Wei Lai. If Wei Lai's parents have a job and a house, what should we do if there is no job and no house? "

"At that time, we didn't get very good development here. The land was not worth money, there were not so many jobs, and even there was not much to earn. Under such circumstances, there were still quite a few problems to be solved. How to deal with them? Do you think that parents are too stingy and frugal. Do they want to do this? no They have never been. They have grown up at your age. Like you, they have dreams and visions. But for the sake of family and life, they can only put down their ideals. When the living conditions change, they hope that you can continue their ideals. This is why so many parents want to Give you the fundamental reasons for the implementation of duck education! ""Uncle Ding, this is terrible!"

"It can't be said that it's terrible. This obsession can't be eliminated. Your parents couldn't break through their own conditions and shackles at that time. But after their efforts, at least most of your children can start school and have enough to eat. In this case, they hope you can break more restrictions! Generation after generation! "

After listening to this, we all fell into a burst of thinking, because they basically did not think about this aspect of the problem! And this time, Ding Yu's narration, for them, broke the inertia of their thinking!

Watching everyone fall into the process of meditation, Ding Yu did not disturb them too much!

But after they have calmed down, they clapped their hands twice. "Judging from the current situation, our country has made considerable development, and our city has also made considerable progress, so there will be such a school and environment with high-quality conditions, which complement each other. Some of our students' homes are millions! There are tens of millions of them, but have you ever thought about why you are forced to study at home, and even ask you to learn better? "

"Uncle Ding, it's also because the family feels that too many opportunities have been missed. For parents, if they have the conditions and environment they have now, it will not be the situation in front of them today!"

The children in the family did not have any speech. They just sat on one side and watched how their father guided these students and friends, and deepened their understanding at the same time! And the performance of the students, but also let these children at home feel very surprised, did not expect their students and friends, can also reach such a high level!

"That's a good understanding. Now let's summarize in turn that you children don't have too many problems in learning, but all along, you haven't solved one problem, that is, why study? What I'm talking about today? It's just one aspect of it. It can only be said that it's an incentive! But I hope you can make a good summary. Only by constantly summing up can you realize your own problems! Discover your own problems and solve them! "

"Uncle Ding, I also have a problem. When I am with you, I can restrain my behavior. But when I am alone, I can't control myself. I always want to play games and read comics. I think I have corrected a lot, but this kind of correction is missing a lot."

Looking at the other students, they seem to have a lot of troubles. Ding Yu nodded, "don't say it's you, even Wang An, they have the same distress, don't say it's human! Even God is the same! "

"Hi, Dad, you seem to be the same!"

"This is no nonsense. I am also a human being and a normal person."

People immediately laughed, uncle Ding did not hesitate to admit! Give everyone the feeling that uncle Ding is getting closer and closer to them. Instead of sticking to his own face and preaching to them, he gave them the most detailed analysis and gave them the most profound insight!

"As a person? The easiest thing is to restrict others, and the most difficult thing is to restrain yourself. This is the so-called strict discipline and leniency! Everyone has such a problem. Give you three minutes to think about it. Do you have such experience and past? When you ask others, you are always very strict, but when you ask yourself, you always relax and even indulge! "

Since then, we have been strict with other people's standards. However, it seems that the time is too low for everyone else!

"Uncle Ding, why is this so?"

"I ask two people questions, you think about it carefully. The first one is why you are strict with others. Are you able to do it? If you do, then you ask others to do the same, or to ask others to do better! Second, what are your goals while demanding others and yourself? "

"Duyeshu! What are your short-term goals and goals for junior high school? "

The named child, originally wanted to stand up, saw Ding Yu press his hands, this just thought for a while and then said! "Short term goals? Top ten! What can junior high school achieve? A few, first of all, can be admitted to our high school here, if you have time, want to learn painting and music! It feels cool! There is the school team basketball, I have some goals, if I can, I want to be able to participate in the amateur basketball competition of the same age group after the high school entrance examination! And we have achieved some good results, which is generally the case! "

Looking at Uncle Ding's gesture in his eyes, Du Ye Shu continues to say, "but from the current situation, there are a little more planned things. I can guarantee learning, but basketball! Painting and music want to keep progress at the same time, for, there are quite difficult! This is very confusing! ""Yes, it's very good. If you can, you can say what you expect in the future, not what you must do in the future, but what you must do in the future at this stage. It's a bit boastful, but is it a dream? Always need to think about it! "

"It's great to be a soldier and a pilot! I also thought about being a star, but later I found that the star was not in line with my personality, or to be a teacher in a university! "

When Du Ye Shu finished speaking, Ding Yu nodded and even clapped his approval! "Let's not say whether Du Yeshu's dream will come true or whether he is a daydream or not. The idea I want to express is that he has already had a preliminary thinking, thinking about what he will do in the future, and at the same time, he has denied some of his own ideas in the process. This is a great progress. The earlier we understand this problem, the more we understand it, the better we will be You have a considerable awakening of your own, and in this case, you will restrain yourself

"Uncle Ding, are you working towards your dream?"

"In general, that's what it means!" Ding Yu could not help nodding, "I want to be a scientist, an artist, a star, or even a billionaire and so on."

Looking at the look of these children around, Ding Yu continued, "you want to be such a person, so what about others? Do they want to, their environment! The conditions and so on are better than ours. We don't deny that our environment is getting better. However, compared with the schools in big cities and their inside information, we still have a considerable gap. This is an undeniable fact. What should we do? "

"Uncle Ding, we should not only work hard, but also redouble our efforts!"

"I'll mention one more question!" Ding Yu did not immediately give an answer, "relative to other families, at least you can now eat full, wear warm! Even from the current situation, you just need to keep the current situation. In the future, you can get a university and come back to find a good job. It's not so difficult. Even if the salary is not low, do you still need to work hard? "

"Wei Lai, talk about this problem!"

"And I feel urgent need of it!" When Wei Lai answered this question, he was very determined. Maybe he was encouraged by Ding Yu. Wei Lai said confidently, "not from a big point of view, but from the perspective of the farm, we participated in the activities of the farm this time. The development of the farm is not just about planting land! It doesn't mean how many machines have been introduced, but it needs to keep pace with the times and even maintain absolute advantages, so as not to be pulled down. If the farm doesn't work hard at all! If you are content with the status quo, you will be eliminated in a short time. Even if the farmers are big, it will be only a matter of time! "

"Good! very nice! I didn't expect our classmate Wei Lai to have such vision and foresight! Then I said on the contrary, why don't we work hard and how can we achieve self-discipline! There are too many people competing with you! From your school, to the whole city, to the whole province, to the whole country, and then? How about you when the world is so big? "

"What's more, you may try to surpass your peers now. You feel satisfied! So I think we can have a little rest, but will others be satisfied? They are working and striving towards the goal silently. Maybe they can't surpass you for the time being, but they are constantly going to surpass themselves, because the next moment they are better than the last one. They can't be seen one day or two, but what about a week or two? How about one month and two months? Even a year or two? How about ten years and twenty years later? "

"Maybe you don't think you can see their changes. Then I'll make a comparison with the children in my family. You feel that your foundation and foundation are solid! But how big is the foundation of this solid! It's a piece as big as a tile, but what about the children at home? Their actual contact may be as big as a square! They are all the same thickness, but in the future, when you choose to build high-rise buildings, where are your details and foundations? Is that piece of earth under your feet that has been made solid

"Looking back, you may only be able to achieve a solid piece of land, but with so many of you, what is the land? How much energy will be released then? It can't be said that when building high-rise buildings in the future, other people can have no problems, but you have cracks and cracks. Although you say that we don't give up, you can only be eliminated. At that time, I regret that I didn't work hard and didn't have self-discipline? "

"At that time, I left tears of regret. I regretted that my parents didn't restrain you well. I regretted that I didn't have a good solid body. I regretted everything. But what's the use of that?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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