"Relatively speaking, the proportion of your parents who have received higher education is not so large. I don't mean anything else here. What I want to express is that they can only use the so-called" to make you eat enough! Wear warm clothes, even without any worries to learn to express their intentions

"Because they don't know how to guide you. They can't, because they have to bear not only you, but also their parents and families. Under such circumstances, you should look for their problems instead of reflecting on your own problems. Is this the right of children?"

"Well said!" Wei Lai's father looked at Ding Yu in the video and exclaimed, "these words are basically what we think in our hearts, but if we want to express them in such popular words, even after quite guidance, I can't do this. Although I'm a small leader, this is not within my ability range!"

Wei Lai's mother was listening attentively. When she heard her husband's words, she took a look of complaint!

"It's not because of you. Good boy, let's see what you've become! If it wasn't for the Ding family's sake, your son would have become a punk now! You're still a loser

Wei Chun is a little sad and laughing. Does this matter have anything to do with himself? If you think about it carefully, it seems that it really has a considerable relationship. There is a problem with the way you treat your children's education, and there is still a considerable problem!

Just like what Mr. Ding Yuding said, he was a little too eager for success. He didn't notice the rebellious psychology of the children. At the same time, he didn't know what the children were thinking about. He wanted to guide the children. But for the problems of the children, he always wanted to correct all the problems once and for all. But how could it be possible!

This problem has been corrected by itself! Or both husband and wife have noticed the importance of learning. In the past, there was no time and energy to study. This is pure bullshit. Work is relatively busy. This is true. But it is possible to take an hour or even half an hour every day to read a book!

And I have noticed that I have improved a lot because of my daily study. This kind of improvement may be a kind of water mill's Kung Fu, but it can't be ignored!

Now there should be quite a number of parents who are watching videos and Pondering over whether it is the children's problems or the problems of being the head of the family. It should be said that there are problems, but there is no good communication between each other and the children. This is the problem!

Originally very good children, is because of the family, and there are considerable problems, can not all be attributed to the child's body, at the same time, need to find the corresponding problems from their own!

As for the Ding family? I believe that there are many parents who want to express their gratitude, but it is a pity that Mr. Ding Yuding said? It's not easy to move at all. We have quite a lot of contact with Mr. Ding, but it's too difficult to get in touch with Ding Yu! Because he is really a "houseboy"!

However, I think there are so many changes in the city, which have a lot to do with the farms. However, I have never heard of any other excessive requirements or disorderly situations in the farms. The management of the farms is particularly strict!

If there is really something, even if there is some news, other departments may not know about it, but how can they not? The farm side has its own supervision department, and the farm side is still able to accept the opinions put forward with an open mind. On this point, I have so much admiration for myself!

If all departments and units are on the farm side, then everyone's work is really no more relaxed!

However, compared with these, what Wei Chun admired more was the spirit of the farm. Even if it was the slightest bit of problems and conditions, they would deal with them attentively. This made Wei chuneven a lot of staff feel embarrassed, because they really lack this spirit!

However, there is a saying that people who are close to the red will be red and those who are close to the ink will be black. Under the influence of the farm, everyone's self-confidence and mental outlook have been greatly improved. The so-called poor mountains and rivers are full of people. Why is this? If you can eat enough, who will do those messy things when you are free, right?

"Uncle Ding, we can't fully understand it now. I'm afraid it will take quite some time! But I also have a problem, that is, if it is uncle Ding's story, I may be able to keep it for two or three months. But if my parents tell me something, I can persist for three days, but after three days, I will forget it. I try my best to reflect on myself, but when I encounter problems, I can't afford to worry about myself! "

Ding Yu's two palms are combined together, which can be regarded as attracting everyone's attention!

"This problem has some repetition with the question just now, but it can also be regarded as an extension. I think we all have experience of playing games. Don't be afraid. When I was your age, I also went to the game hall. It's no different from playing games with your mobile phone now. Under the circumstances at that time, parents regarded the children who went to the game hall as bad children!""Uncle Ding, we all have the experience of playing games. Quite often, we can't control them once we get started. We always feel that the game is more interesting than others and it's hard to get rid of it. Why can't we get rid of ourselves? Why can't we keep such a pleasant feeling when we study it? "

"You're not involved in learning!"

After thinking about it, Ding Yu pointed to a little girl standing behind, "Ye Dongdong! I remember your academic performance is very good, often occupy the top five schools! Can you say something about your feelings? If I remember correctly, you also play games, but I have seen your study, very interesting

The girl looked at the eyes of the students around her, blinked her eyes, and even pushed her glasses. "Uncle Ding, I think it's very interesting, especially the math problem. When I want to do the problem, I think all the formulas! Theorem and so on are placed in front of me. For me, it's not much different from defeating a boss, but more often, it's just like a little soldier. Even money and experience are poor! "

"What's more, I usually prepare two exercise books, one is wrong and the other is correct! As for the right, I already know how to beat it, just like a customs clearance game. My own weakness is placed there. I just need to walk quite a bit and hit it directly! I can do it even with my eyes closed. As for the wrong ones, I often review them, because I haven't fully found their weaknesses. I need to be familiar with the moving position! Wait for everything to be familiar with! You can cut melons and cut vegetables. For me, it's a waste of time! "

"It's a vivid metaphor!" Ding Yu clapped again, "we all play games, and I play a lot of games. To a certain extent, the game is to better broaden your thinking, but many of our classmates are deeply involved in it and can't extricate themselves. Just like the students just said, it seems that they enjoy it, but in fact? There is no gain! "

"Uncle Ding, don't you play games for pleasure?"

"No, happiness is totally different. It's like the lol or glory you play now. Although I haven't played it, I've seen it. It's very easy to understand this kind of game, but it's also very difficult."

"Why is it easy to say, because it is a process of upgrading. The question is, do you find the weakness of your opponent? If you find out the weakness of your opponent, you will have the situation of chopping melons and vegetables just mentioned by Ye Dongdong. Even after a long time, you will feel boring! Can't raise any interest! Even when you enjoy the process, you will find that your other opponents are already against the weather

"I'll make an analogy! Ding Yun is your eldest sister. You want to defeat her by yourself. No matter what aspect it is, even if it is your best advantage or even the best place, there are some difficulties. But when all the people are united together, maybe Ding Yun is as tall as a mountain, but if you punch and I kick, you will find that Ding Yun has weaknesses! And there are many shortcomings! "

Hearing Ding Yu say so, Ding Yun quit! Straight up!

"Dad, this is not my criticism meeting. You can't make me the opposite of everyone. It's too much! I still keep the name of my eldest sister When speaking, he still holds his small fist to the left and right. If anyone is not angry, he can stand up and challenge him!

Ding Yu didn't care at all! This is the performance of the guilty heart. Relatively speaking, if you want to defeat Ding Yun, it is a little difficult, even now it is impossible! But when everyone is united, it's different! A little joke, we still return to the theme, when playing games, we can take the initiative to find these pleasure, because when we win, we are very proud and proud, so learning above is the same! At the beginning, you want to defeat the final boss. How can it be possible? It needs the experience of the soldiers in front of us, and you need to master some skills. Just like Ye Dongdong's two notes, maybe one or two wins, you will find that the boss in front of us is also a paper tiger, which is just a bluff! It's nothing! "

"How about it? Would you like to have a try? "

"Uncle Ding, don't you object to us playing games? Or do something else? "

Ding Yu raised his hand. "How about other parents? I don't know about this problem. Let me first say something about myself. Sometimes I play games with my children. To be exact, most of your classmates have played games with me. It's not too much to describe it as a sentence that none of you can play games with. "

"Uncle Ding, if you encounter MoBa type games, you will not work well!"

"Isn't it? I am also a human being! I'm not a god For Wei Lai, Ding Yu didn't get angry, but pretended to be angry. "I'm not interested in games. I play with my children, because my mind is higher than you. Of course, the operation may not be more spiritual than you. Sometimes my thinking will be trapped in fixed indifference because of too much learning. Why do you say you are Seven or eight o'clock sun, because you have countless possibilities! ""I want to mention another question here. Many students think it's good to take the road of professionalization in the future? From my personal point of view, I think it's much harder than being a student, and it's more narrow! "

"Uncle Ding, can you say something about it?" There are a lot of students have a lot of ideas about this! Because everyone has a lot of interest in this! After all, I am young and want to try everything!

"I said two occupations, one is our sports profession, the other is the e-sports profession! These two industries are quite involved in the farm! I know something about it, too

"First of all, the sports industry is about physical fitness. What about Europe and the United States? Many people can dunk one meter eight, but in our country? Maybe we can't even get one meter nine. It's true that our physical fitness and other aspects have already undergone considerable evolution, but this evolution will take hundreds of years or even thousands of years to have a considerable result. Interested students can go home to check this information. It's a bit too tragic, because it's just a process of being selected and eliminated! "

"What's more? There are many stadiums in our city. When you were in primary school, at most, you were talking about football and playing basketball on the playground. But now? Many stadiums and parks have been built in the country and the city! "

"Finally, a competitive issue, sports career is fierce, if there is an accident, then the whole life will be wasted! If you don't succeed in your studies, you can't get along with sports. What should we do? At least our system is not perfect, because the development of the country is law-abiding and needs time. We can't talk about it today! Tomorrow, the country will respond to it, because we are such a big country! One student's affairs are easy to solve, but what about ten students and a hundred students? "

"Uncle Ding, what about E-sports?"

"It's more cruel than sports, even a little bit cruel! Basically, when you are sixteen or seventeen, you need to get ahead. But in your twenties, if you don't go, someone will carry you! Compared with the more than ten years of professional sports, the professional time of E-sports may be three or four or four or five years! "

"At this time? It should be the most sunny time in life. You need to supplement nutrients for yourself and let yourself grow fully. Ask you, you can sit in front of computers and mobile phones every day at such an age. It's just simple training and training. You will be eliminated if you don't come out. Moreover, the life of the game is not long-standing, and you need to consider the influence of the game The degree of welcome and so on! "

"Uncle Ding, is it possible to have both?"

"It's very difficult. The people who can get to this point are not without boasting. What about me? One of them. What about me? I've never given up my intention of claiming to be a doctor. Even now, I need to learn every night until the early hours of the morning. Since I retired, I have basically kept this habit! "

Many students are pleased to nod, because these students are quite in touch with Ding Yu, know what Ding Yu said is not false, but many students' parents are shocked!

"I did it with enough sleep and good health! You don't have enough energy. It's impossible to doze off every day and want to learn! How can we balance the two? That's when I mentioned whether the children in the house would leave or not

Ding Yu's expression suddenly became solemn! Not only the students around are nervous, but also the parents watching the video are very nervous. They also want to know the development of the situation!

"You are all vehicles driving on the road. Now someone is taking them in front of you. But how do you control the speed? Is it stable now? Has it made you feel uncomfortable or exhausted? "

"Uncle Ding, we don't have much feeling in this respect!" Sometimes students raise their hands to speak and express their views!

"Yes! You don't feel that way now, because someone in front of you is taking the lead, but what happens when the leader disappears? Will you stall or slow down? Will it be because of impatience, will there be a collision? Will it cause other accidents and so on? You are not one person, but a whole. Some students are family cars, some are sports cars, some are heavy trucks. How to plan? "

"The lack of a plan for the future and a lack of understanding of yourself are the problems for you now, because you have been studying for almost a year, and there are people in front of you who will follow the trend. Just follow the big army! But when will you be brave enough to take this step? "

"Uncle Ding, is this dangerous?"

"Yes! It's dangerous, but what is the basis of this danger? It's because you don't have a good command of the car and don't know the basic structure of the vehicle. That is to say, you don't have a good understanding of yourself. At the same time, you don't have a basic perception of the vehicle, that is, you don't know the fuel level of the vehicle, and you don't know the basic driving knowledge! ""Let me make another analogy here. You should all have other cousins and cousins. You would have felt that these children were very irritable and had taught them how to understand nothing? Now ask yourself, do you understand? "

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