The students sitting beside Wei Lai raised their hands!

"Uncle Ding, I used to play with the children in my family. But in the process of playing, I would be disgusted. Maybe on the surface, I would coax them, but in my heart? After all, it's another idea. It's stupid! Too noisy! It's just a bear child without explanation! But this year, the situation is quite different. I will guide them and feel very interesting, even a sense of satisfaction in my heart! "

This time, it's not just Ding Yu who applauds! Along with other students are also followed by applause! It's a warm one!

"We're getting better ourselves. Is that enough? Generally speaking, a high-rise building in our city means that our city has become good enough? No, We need to drive other people! Drive other units and let them change together. There may be misunderstanding, competition and even opposition in this process! I don't understand things like that, but they only make us better and better! "

"Uncle Ding, this is where the influence lies, isn't it?"

"When I was in school, I was basically someone else's child! Even sometimes he would praise me in person. I was very embarrassed at that time. If there were other students beside me, I believe his heart is not only embarrassed, but also a little humiliation, and even quite hatred! Don't tell me that you haven't, after all, many of your classmates have had such experiences! "

Looking at Wei Lai, Ding Yu nodded his head!

"Uncle Ding, this matter other students may not be as deep as my feelings!" Then Wei Lai also stood up. "My family is a little special. My parents are strict. At that time, the last thing I heard in my ears every day was the children of other people's family. How about it? This good, that good! My idea at that time was, do not let him be your son, I become a monk or beg for food? Later, it was derived that I had to fight him tomorrow. I told you! What a Baba! I must vent my breath! "

"But later, I was beaten into Baba!" When talking, I peeked at Ding Yun! Many students at this time are overjoyed, we have so many uncontrollable!

"What are you laughing at? That's it. I've never met such a fierce guy. In terms of insight and vision, I can't compare with him. I can't fight, let alone study! Anyway, it's all-round rolling! I thought, it's over! Unless it's a transfer, otherwise I'll really be abandoned! But I didn't think that they didn't discriminate against me. Instead, they showed me a different way. Now I've become a child of someone else's family

Ding Yu pressed his palm, but did not let Wei Lai sit down immediately!

"Compared with failure, the taste of success is absolutely addicted to round trip! I'm sure you've all felt what it's like to be successful? Compared with those who have experienced failure, the rule of success is relatively simple. Many of you have experienced numerous successes and considerable failures. Do you prefer success or failure? " Ding Yu asked everyone!

"Uncle Ding, relatively speaking, we like success more!" Everyone almost agreed!

Ding Yu pressed his hand, "what about it? Is there any truth in what I said today? In the eyes of some people, this is chicken soup, but what about these chicken soup? You can drink some, after all, it's good for your health! At least you can motivate yourself! Life! Sometimes it's not just to encourage yourself, but also to find some encouragement from other places. You can also encourage others. At least you are children of others now

Wei Lai's mother looked at her son standing there with countless pride in her heart!

"Lao Wei, look at Mr. Ding's meaning, the son of our family may be in the lead!" It is obvious that Wei Lai's mother is not generally excited. What the Ding family's children look like is very real to themselves, and their own son has seen what kind of changes have taken place in a year's time!

If the Ding family's children left! So these people who are competing? When I think of this place, Wei Lai's mother is very excited!

Wei Chun took a deep breath, "hard! It's hard! Maybe Wei Lai has some confidence, but if you look at these children around, their hearts are full of gas, and they will never let our family Wei Lai specialize in the front! After all, you can accept Mr. Ding's advice. It's OK. Other people can't ask for things like this! "

For his son's affairs, Wei Chun did not feel that there were too many places to care about, mainly his son! How do I say this? Too much rebellious, is absolutely incorrigible goods, he did not even know what his head was thinking of something!

His work is busy, plus his things have never been smooth, so the relationship between father and son is very embarrassing! Has been waiting for him to go to junior high school, the situation suddenly changed, Ding family played a vital role in this!Having a good teacher and guide is absolutely different! Originally, I wanted to let my son become a soldier in the future. Even if he could be admitted to a university, he would also be allowed to go to a military academy. In this way, he would have quite a restriction, but from now on, it seems that there is no need for him! He has begun to chart his own future!

"All the original plans have been overturned! Although a year ago, we had quite a plan, but now we can see that the change is so fast! It's too fast for people to make any response. We two in charge of our family really can't hold back! "

"Go! I can't find this on my head! On the contrary, it is you, you are the most laggard! But I was surprised! You didn't want to hold a parents' meeting at that time. Wei Lai made trouble at that time, and the security guard of the school knew me! But I don't know who you are, now it's OK! When I am not good with my son, I am born. When my son is good, it is your seed. There is no such reason under heaven and earth, OK

Wei Chun couldn't laugh or cry. Naturally, he knew that his wife was intentional!

But director Ding's chicken soup is definitely at the right time! But it also shows another problem! Ding Yu will not leave the children for too long. I believe other parents have seen this problem!

If you think about it, you can understand. After all, there are still some small towns here. It is true that the speed of development in these years is very fast, but you have developed! Are other places not developing? What's more, what's more, people have been developing for many years. It takes quite a long time for the small county town to sit on the rocket!

Judging from the current situation, there is at least one year to go. I believe that through the next year, these bastards have laid a good foundation, and the foundation has been laid! Then the rest of the thing is to see their own!

Compared with what Mr. Ding did, Wei Chunxin really has endless feelings! I believe that many people will say that Mr. Ding is absolutely unjust. Is it not good to have a good time and money? Why waste it on these kids? I can't see too many results!

With such a view, Wei Chun can only say that these people's vision is too narrow!

Mr. Ding Yuding is really free and has nothing to do! There is also the possibility of this aspect, but through his own son, he has a certain understanding of the Ding family's children. Although Ding Yu said that he was very good at raising the children of the Ding family, these children already had quite a belief, and there was no need for any more interference!

In a deeper sense, is the development of the farm just a small county town? How is it possible? Now the scale of the farm is very large, the development is particularly prominent, and how many economic benefits, how many jobs and so on, these problems have not been reported, but how can these people have no feeling at all!

Even if there is no perception, can't you see the development of this small county?

The original time the population is net outflow! But now? How many people want to be able to develop and settle down here, their own work has the most clear understanding of this, calculate how many more primary schools, middle schools and even high schools in the small county town!

According to the news I heard now, the city even decided to set up another high school, because now the two key high schools are not enough! It is true that this matter can not be implemented in a year or two, after all, such a thing is not trivial, but from which we can see how many people have come back!

The city needs development, the inflow of talents is the most important!

Here, the environment is excellent! Support their future development, at the same time, education can make them feel at ease for future generations, and the housing price is not so high, which is enough to make many people salivate!

For a while, Wei Chun thought a little bit more!

And Ding Yu patted his hand here, which focused everyone's attention!

"Now let me ask you a question. Do you feel that your study is really under pressure? In other words, you have heard of some happy education from abroad. I believe you have heard of it! What a feeling

Seeing someone raise his hand, Ding Yu pointed to it!

"Uncle Ding, I've seen some so-called happy education, and I've seen some foreign videos. I feel very contradictory!"

"I don't want to talk too much about the problems in this, because it needs to be explored by you, but I can say it in my own situation! I hope what I have said will be of considerable use to you

"All the children in my family have been abroad! What was the education they received? By six o'clock in the morning, I was at school! In the evening, it's almost six o'clock before I come back! It is the most obvious difference from the usual school when it arrives at 8 o'clock and ends at 3 o'clock in the afternoon! "

"Uncle Ding, is it so different? I think our country's schools have always been unified! "

"In our country? Compulsory education is implemented, but in foreign countries? It's not like this. Compared with public schools, there are many private schools. In elite schools, they basically arrive at school at six or seven o'clock in the morning and go home at five or six o'clock in the evening. However, in quite a number of schools that implement hedonism, they basically go to school at eight or nine o'clock and leave school at two or three o'clock, and then they can go to activities freely. ""Uncle Ding, can these people still study hard?"

"Happy education?" Ding Yu disdained to hum, "even the vast majority of you, now in these high schools, there are no problems, but the same in such a high school want to apply for University, not too many universities will agree, because simply can't pass! I'll give you a high school diploma. As for what you're going to do with the rest, it doesn't matter! "

"As for those elite schools, they are not so happy! The learning task is very heavy. Maybe your parents say that our children, such as your brothers and sisters in high school, are at 11 o'clock and 12 o'clock every day! I feel very hard to learn, very tired! Are they using the wrong way and method? Here I need to make it clear that this situation also exists in foreign countries, and even they have to work harder! "

"Uncle Ding, can you give me an example?"

"Let me talk about their excellent high schools. What they pay attention to is four hours of sleep, four hours of sleep a day, four lattes, and a 4:0 GPA! That's what they want

"The so-called 4.0 GPa is just basic. For our score, the GPA of 4.0 is 90 points on average! I don't know if you have converted it! If from the high school entrance examination, if your average score is only 90, you can't be admitted to our key high school! From the perspective of college entrance examination, the average score is 9.10. If you want to be admitted to our best school and major, it is just a card line! "

Many children heard, all have so some of the uproar!

Ding Yu put everything in his eyes!

"As far as I know, their best high school graduated more than 100 students in a few years, but the probability that they will be admitted to the top ten schools in the world is 30%. To put it more exaggeratively, all teachers and students in their school work together, but such a school can't enter. If there are more interested students in it, I can apply for you. Let's not exaggerate. If you do well this semester, I don't mind sending you to visit it, so that you can feel it intuitively! "

"Uncle Ding, do they exaggerate so much?"

"It's even more exaggerated than you think. Their school was founded in the early 18th century. Now, the annual tuition fee is only about 300000 yuan, excluding everything else. However, the parents who enter these schools will invite them to tutor them. For them, they are the only ones who can defeat them It's because the score on the paper is only 100. It doesn't mean that we don't really have any difference! "

A lot of children are taking a breath of air-conditioning, this NIMA has so some exaggeration! However, they can understand it, because most of their classmates are able to get full marks, but it does not mean that there is no difference between them!

"So you are happy. At least for now, your learning environment is quite guaranteed, there is no need for family to have any burden, and teachers are relatively abundant! Or use money to calculate with you, although you have not entered high school, but if you can maintain the current results into the key high school, it means that you have saved your family nearly millions! "

"Or to put it more bluntly, our country has given you millions. At least this is what you have won for yourself. You don't need to pay extra. The country has given you such a fair opportunity!"

"Uncle Ding, I always think I am a rice worm!"

Ding Yu looked at Wei Lai and knocked his head, "you are still a rice worm now, but your expenses are mostly borne by our country and city! If you are abroad, no one will pay for this. If you want to send you to that school, you need a loan, especially if you go to university. Even if you work in the future, you can't pay off the loan in a few years! Thank the country

"Uncle Ding, I feel that those who don't study well have lost so much money for nothing!"

"What about the previous one? In order to deepen your impression, all made a metaphor, but from my point of view, now the opportunity for you, are fair, the test score will not cheat you! Right? Although not so comprehensive, but at least a relatively fair! I don't think there's anything wrong with that? "

"I have talked to you so much today. I think you should think about it carefully. After you think about it, you will have some feelings about the things mentioned by Wei Lai. The opportunity will be put there. How can you fight for it?"

After Ding Yu had made a summary, all the people applauded, warmly applauded, and from the heart of that kind!

And the parents watching the video applauded. Thanks for Ding Yu's talk this time, their parents have gained a lot of insight, and at the same time, they have recognized a lot of problems and situations! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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