Several children did not come back with Ding Yu, they have been surrounded! Ding Yu doesn't care!

After all, a few children have shown signs of leaving. There may be a year to go, but whether it is long or short is not short! I have done a good job in laying the groundwork. The next thing is to see the performance of these children!

As for who can stand up, it's a question to see! Wei Lai and their several performances are very good, but now the performance is very good, does not mean that the future is also the same, at least there is a year!

This year's time is very important. If Wei Lai and Wei Lai can't keep up with the pace, they can only let other children take the lead. This is absolutely not for you. Wei Lai can do everything with two words! Or you need to see what you do!

It's the parents of the students who are very attentive. They didn't call their children, but they all made considerable preparations. The children don't need to worry too much at school, but they can't have any problems at home, right? Can't ignore any aspect!

What's more, we must remember the affection of Ding family! But the school side can not fail! The Ding family is a guide, while the school is a platform. They complement each other! not a single one can be omitted!

But now the development of the school is really good! The city attaches great importance to all aspects of the green light, can not be enough to those messy things, but do what you can, there is no problem? Right?

Is to give the children to the school, all of them to the teacher, such parents are a bit too irresponsible!

Isn't there a considerable education fund in the city? Donate some money to the city's education fund to improve the conditions of schools and teachers. It's a matter of personal will to donate more than to donate less!

In any case, all the capital projects can be verified, and everything is open. At this point, the leaders above are reasonable, and the people below are also very attentive. There is no mess. You will feel very comfortable when you see it. Even if you contribute one yuan, it is also a heart!

Then Wei Chun also expressed this aspect with his wife!

"Wife, that's what I think. How much do I donate? You are in charge of the financial affairs of this family. Let's do what we can! There is no need to have any comparison, relatively speaking, the money is not spent on food and drink, but on children's body, I think this is much better than eating and drinking! After all, you and I are party members

"Pooh! As long as you are conscious, I am not aware, am I? " Wei Chun's wife glared! "After Wei Lai went to junior high school, he really didn't have any expenses. In addition to the necessary expenses, I really accounted for him! One year's spending may not be as much as the one quarter of his sixth grade! "

"True or false?" Wei Chun is a little shocked! "I think he bought a lot of things. The children of the Ding family are rich, but this is not what we should do! What is this? Don't make a bad impact on the children

"What do you think?" Wei Lai's mother's slippers almost fell on Wei Chun's face. "Originally, I didn't dare to give him money. You don't know where he spent it, but now people don't need your money! Winter and summer vacation have their own things to do, the farm has given a considerable reward, you forget to bring you back the gift? "

After finishing, he also snorted, obviously expressing his serious dissatisfaction with Wei Chun!

"The sun is really coming out of the West! I really like things! " Then Wei Chun responded, "don't talk about me! It's like I didn't bring it to you! Why is your gift more valuable than me! My stuff is just a decoration, it doesn't have much effect! "

"Then what do you still treasure like, or you give it to me?"

Looking at her silent husband, the wife was very happy, "their biggest expense is usually to eat a meal. Now they don't even drink much, most of the time they drink water! Water is the best medicine after listening to the lectures on the farm. I also go to listen to it sometimes now. People give it free of charge. I think it's very good. I think we ignored it in the past! "

"I know it, but I don't have time! You don't know my job yet? However, quite a number of departments in the city have participated in it. The common people sometimes need to popularize it in a short distance. Otherwise, they really don't know about some things! "

After saying this for a while, the two people transferred the topic to their own son again. "Now I have quite a lot of energy spent on learning and other aspects. I feel that it is excellent! But it's a bit out of control! "

"Good thing Wei Chun's point of view is a little different! "What a success! I have also talked with some colleagues in the bureau about this issue. Now we, the head of the family, really can't explain clearly some problems. There is another problem highlighted. The children are making progress

"I'll tell you another thing. There are many love letters in our son's schoolbag! You need to pay attention to this problem! "Ah?! "No! How can you turn through his schoolbag? "

"I didn't mean to. That day I brought a pile of things. As soon as I picked up the schoolbag, I thought the bricks were in it? Open a look to know not to know from where * * out of the book! There are a lot of love letters falling out of it, which are sealed with letters and folded into heart-shaped ones! I saw it and felt like... " Said a shiver!

"Well, what do I think it is! Love heart everyone has, more normal things! Don't disturb the beauty too much! For them, what love do they know! Love! Do not understand, can only say a little envious, a little ambiguous, great! Let me tell you so! The better the school is, the looser the management is in this respect! "

"What do you mean?"

"Relatively speaking, we all have our own objects of admiration, but no one can easily express them, especially at this age. Maybe tomorrow we will change another one! And they are very sensitive at this age. Don't they know such things at school? Of course, teachers do. But the way teachers teach is quite different from our parents. If you don't believe it, take a look at the school ten years ago, and then look at the school now! "

"I don't understand!"

"You just play dumb with me! Everyone is young, and now Wei comes to them! They don't have this kind of mind at all. Their mind is not so big now. They will never delay themselves because of such things! The flame of their ambition has been kindled

"No! How can I find my daughter-in-law in the future? "

Wei Chun patted his head, "OK! Let's put this problem on hold for the time being! I believe Wei Lai will handle this matter well, but watching today's video, I think Mr. Ding is very interested in Wei Lai. Now I'll see how Wei Lai can enrich himself in the next time! If he can act as the leader, I will be proud of myself as a father! "

"Don't be too proud! I tell you, you light a little, look at the Ding family, but Mr. Ding Yu Ding has never been swaggering, low-key people can not see, at most, can see in the hospital, other times no one can see! People are really low-key, is really magnanimous, follow others to learn more! It's not a bad thing

"You should learn, but you really can't learn from others. How did you get in touch with him? It's not right. You've been in contact with others, and then look at ourselves. It's a bit shameful of yourself

"To say, Lao Wei, I was still a little bit floating in the first two years. Because of your work, I can't feel at all in this respect, but I really have stabilized in the past two years. I don't know how I managed to settle down. There are many ladies here. In the first two years, I don't need to say much about it, just the year before last And some of them are going to heaven! But since last year, everyone has been honest! "

"I know that. I seem to have told you that Mr. Ding talked to a lot of people. If you say something that you don't want to hear, it's all upstarts. How can you hold it down? You and I are highly educated people at least, not the same! How big is the house, how luxurious the car is, how grand and luxurious the people are, and even the dog is as powerful as it is. But after having dinner with Mr. Ding, we find that all of them are empty except for a little bit of self satisfaction! "

"It's such a thing, but how can you figure it out? Even I did not want to understand, how I was down-to-earth, there are so some unimaginable! My God, I have some doubts. If I were still floating there, would I be in heaven now? "

"The power of the so-called example is infinite. Wei Lai also went to Ding's house to have dinner, and he had more than one meal. These gangsters went to Mr. Ding's house to eat when they were free, just as if they were going to their own home! How about the things in Mr. Ding's house? We've all seen it, OK? Another one, but no extravagance and waste is allowed. This is worth learning from! What's the matter? They really can't afford it? "

"Lao Wei, it's strange to say that! I don't think it's strange that Mr. Ding can ask himself, or Mr. and Mrs. Ding, to ask for it. It's the same with the children. I really think it's incredible! What did Wei Lai look like in our family? If it's not delicious, it's just left aside! Now there is anything to eat, not delicious people are not picky, delicious eat two more! When I was educated, talking was bullshit, wasn't it? "

Obviously, the mother is a little bit emotional, or a little jealous!

"You and I must be in the wrong direction of education. Why does Mr. Ding listen to what he says? These children of the Ding family are not little princes, little princesses. They don't care about the family situation? We don't care whether it's more or less money. The problem is how to educate. We don't expect our children to dominate in the future. We don't have such an idea. We think it's OK to cultivate talents! Now, it seems that there should be some other expectations! ""Wei Lai of our family has this meaning. What about the children of other families? I don't believe that their parents don't have opinions and ideas about this? " Wei Lai's mother is worried about this!

"You! How to say it is good! Long hair and short sense Wei Chun's face was sad and his misfortune, "what does our family mix with? What's more, how can we get involved in such things? What's more, what's more, you don't know about the situation of the Ma family and the Song family at that time, or I don't know. All these things are the personal experience of Mr. Ding! Do you think he'll ignore such things? "

As soon as the words came out, Wei Lai's mother couldn't help being dull. "If you don't say it, I almost forgot it! At that time, Mr. Ding Yuding was a real victim! But it's hard on him

"You really have a hand. If you don't say it, I'll forget it! If there are any problems and conditions, then our family Wei Lai will be really destroyed! " "Lao Wei, do you want to remind other families? Although we may all know something about it, how to say it? After so many years, I'm afraid someone has forgotten it! "

"You can wake up and let the children play by themselves! Mr. Ding and I should not play a good role in summing up our own experience

After all, no matter what kind of situation, parents of all parties are not allowed to participate. If someone is involved, it will become the object that all parents despise! Even become the target of everyone!

This kind of restriction for all parents, are very strict! In particular, such an agreement has never appeared in the history of students' parents! However, we carefully review, but found that this is a very good thing! There is no utilitarian thought, just let these children play their own!

How many years later, we suddenly look back to find out what a proud thing they did at that time, and these children did not live up to their expectations of being the head of the family! But these are afterwords!

In the dormitories of the farm, some people are impassioned, while others are careful. Everyone's performance is different. As for the children of the Ding family? They are all drawn in at this time, there are quite a number of problems need to be verified from them! A few people are busy in the dark!

"I feel that dad is too much! Isn't this an obvious grab? Let's get out! He's relaxed

Ding Yun's face is full of anger. Obviously, he still has some opinions and ideas about Ding Yu. Previously, he was carried out. But now? Also need to deal with their classmates and friends, dad is too bullying!

Then Ding Yun's eyes also focused on Wang An's body!

"Big brother, tell me about it!" In this respect, whether admitted or not, Wang an now has a considerable ability, and this ability is the lack of other children, not to say no, but to Wang An, there is still a considerable gap!

"From my point of view, I think the master is consciously delivering an idea!"

The other several people looked at each other, let Wei Lai compete with them, and then when they left, they could take over! It is definitely not the purpose, it is certain! If it is such a purpose, the elder martial brother would never express it in this way. Then everyone fell into meditation!

After a short time, Ding Chang took the lead to open his eyes, took a look at his elder martial brother, and blinked at him. In the overall situation, it seems that there is a considerable gap between him and his elder brother. I really doubt how his eldest brother wants to understand this matter and why he is slow?

What's more, how did his father find out the evil spirit of the elder martial brother! It was a little too foul! It seems useless to highlight yourself! I have been educated for so many years!

Although Ding Chang is quite envious, he doesn't have any jealousy. His skill is inferior to that of others. Everyone has his own specialty. He challenges others' specialty with his weakness, but challenges others' occupation with his hobby. There is no significance except grandstanding!

There are also successful, but at least do not belong to their own now! They are still too far away!

Not long after Tong Tong opened her eyes, Ding Yun also opened her own eyes, still her style. She grabbed the little girl and Tong Tong and ravaged her for a period of time. Then she was familiar with the bridge and kicked Ding Ding Chang. As for her elder martial brother, she snorted her nose slightly and looked a little dismissive!

"It seems that you really need to be prepared! But how to count the head? "

Ding Yun mumbled and said it!

"What do you think, Tong Tong?""I don't think everyone has a very comprehensive force, and everyone's personality is quite different. We are still together. I think there is no problem in being impartial. As for what people are interested in, we will not make any reservation."

Ding Chang nodded his head, Ding Yun is the same!

Soon the children at home reached an agreement, as for the little girl, she did not know much about it! At least not at this age! But let her get involved, it is a kind of experience for her! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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