"You haven't had a rest, sir?"

"It's a little early! Look at your spirit, it seems a little tired "! Ding Yu looked at Sun Yingnan in the video and said with concern, "it seems that things over there have given considerable pressure. Their attitude is very tough?"

"We can't say tough, it's just that they're procrastinating, and there's some intentional flavor in them!"

Ding Yu couldn't help laughing, "the way these guys do has completely changed! It seems that some people have given them some advice to find out who it is? "

"I've investigated, and there's no news of it!" Sun Yingnan is also very confused about this, "if you continue, there will be considerable losses, I don't know how much this loss will be! Plus your attitude towards this matter, so I have never had any other excessive performance

"Good! Since they are willing to, I will accompany them. If they don't, why should we pick up the so-called incident? This matter needs to be solved, sooner or later! There's no harm in playing a little bit! "

For this matter, Ding Yu has his own different understanding, so he is not so anxious!

"Don't make yourself so tired. I believe they won't perform too much because they can't afford it. Tell the people below and let them concentrate on their own work! As for other things, put it down! "

"Sir, is it too low-key?"

"Do you think they're going to launch the so-called thunderbolt?"

"No, at least not now, because there's no use in thundering at me!"

Sun Yingnan is very clear about the meaning of what he said. After all, Mr. Sun is in China now. Why did those guys open fire at the bear? Is there a very important reason? If they dare to have any action now, then they will really make a big noise!

Although we say that we are the world. Police, but the problem is that you are a person! Even if you are covered with iron, can you stand it? Not at all. I really don't look down on you, owl!

"So! Since they are willing to drag, then drag well! I am not so anxious, remember to calculate the interest for them! They don't need money anyway, do they? We are not short of money. I feel that the previous instruments and equipment are very good. Since they are willing to lose their family, we can not stop them! "

"I see, sir!" Sun Yingnan understood Ding Yu's meaning, "but Sir, are you well?"

"It's OK. It's not a big problem for the time being. It's good to stay at home now. It's just that the children at home are a little mischievous. When they get older, it's really not fun."

Listen to Ding Yu's words, sun Yingnan's black line on his face, I really don't know how to evaluate Mr!

After putting down the phone, Ding Yu sat in his study and looked at the book without any influence from the outside world!

However, the farm side is not so quiet, the children in the family and their classmates, there is so much blood in the past two days, and in the morning, they are aggressive to exercise here! To be exact, it is a kind of exercise and tempering of one's own will!

"It's very energetic and powerful! Indeed, it is the hope of the future

Ding Lin, standing by Ding Yu's side, is very interested in watching the children exercising on this side of the farm. Of course, these exercises are totally different from those of security training! Security training is another thing! It has been a scenic spot for a long time!

"I heard you were going to let the children go?"

"Mentioned a word!" Ding Yu did not ask his father how to know the news, "but there should be a year, the original time to transmit them a considerable concept, but how to say? The mind is a bit wild, and the development is not so sound, so it is very good to stay back for two years, at least this year! "

"You! I don't doubt that other children have the ability and the responsibility! But little girl, you need to stay. After all, her situation is quite different from her brothers and sisters! Your mother and I are not worried about the other children, but the situation of Xiaoyu is not good. Do you hear me

It's completely command style, without any negotiation. Ding Yu is a little helpless about this!

"Dad, is it really good for you to do it like this?"

"There's nothing good about it. The child has suffered too much and is too young! You can't follow me around! Otherwise you will be arranged in the capital, otherwise you will stay here! You can do it anyway! If anything goes wrong, it's not over with you! "

"Grandfather! You early "Ding Chang first found Ding Yu! "Dad, I want to ask you a favor!"

"What about the price? You have to pay for anything. There is never a free lunch. I'm looking forward to doing it, but the consequences are not what you can afford. Do you want to have a try? "Looking at his grandson, Ding Lin wants to laugh, but he doesn't disturb his son. How can his son discipline his grandson? He won't interfere too much in this matter. Otherwise, he will create a psychological dependence on his grandson. Now he can't treat them as children!

"Dad, how about building a cabin for you? Handmade, pollution-free, natural! "

"Are you sure it's a cabin, not a doghouse?" Ding Yu is very suspicious looking at his son, next to Ding Lin almost to laugh out loud! My grandson is so interesting!

"Hey, Dad, I didn't say that, but I know that you are a great philanthropist. I have prepared some gifts. In fact, the main problem is that my classmates can't get into sleep quickly. We have done a lot of research. They can get into deep sleep. We can do it!"

Ding Yu did not explain anything, but extended his hand!

Ding Chang immediately put the things he had prepared on his father's hand. It was his mobile phone. He opened the document inside. Ding Yu looked at it for a while!

"The investigation report is well written, with considerable depth! I learned it very fast! A little opportunistic! " Then Ding Yu handed his mobile phone to his father and let his father enjoy it!

"It takes quite a long time. It doesn't mean that you can do it by imparting considerable experience. I won't have any objection to your doing this, but not every student can accept it. I don't know, but there should be no harm in listening to it. There is no problem in popularizing knowledge for everyone."

After returning the mobile phone to Ding Chang, Ding Lin sighed, "when I was young, I knew these things there! I think you should not understand these things when you are at this age. The children are so wonderful now

"The times are different! Also need to keep pace with the times! It's like surgery. There are not so many scalpels now! Most of the time we use electric knives. If we can't keep up with the pace of the times, we will be eliminated. So it's not a bad thing to let them have a touch! "

"Yes! Dad, I heard that you and my mother went to the lecture earlier! I'm sorry I didn't appreciate it! "

"At most, it is to popularize the basic knowledge. Your mother and I are out of date! Now let's go to be a doctor again, do surgery, when the teacher lectures, is not so suitable! So you and I are doing activities on the farm at most. Fortunately, a lot of people have joined in. It's very interesting for us to discuss with each other. "

"No wonder!" Ding Yu said in a low voice, "but it's a bit wasteful to retire so early! At least in terms of experience, you and my mother are young people can not match! The distance is a little bit too big! "

"We all need to have a process. We need to accumulate experience and recognize our own problems before we can step by step. In this regard, I think the children on the farm are very good. Especially if you join the big patriotic education, you have a great sense of historical mission, which is very good!"

Ding Yu can understand why his father said so. He came from that time, but he himself? Also had this aspect of education, and this is also a good thing!

Almost a week's time, are spent in the dull atmosphere! Ding Yu here is so stable that people can't understand. How calm should he be at this time? This is definitely not Ding Yu's character!

What's more, he still has quite a lot of things that have not been solved. In this case, you put all your attention on the children, what do you want to hide? Or do you really mean that?

But from another point of view, many people have shown great interest in these children on the farm! It's been a long time since the farm was set up! It's time to do something! These are the children in particular!

In this, we can't deny the role played by Ding Yu and the whole farm! In particular, those children in Ding Yu's hometown, looking at it, makes people salivate, and even Ding Yu even personally gives directions to the future! Even if Ding Yu didn't mean to do it, he was interested in the future of these children!

Those children of the Ding family have already owned famous flowers! Even if you want to pick, there is no way!

But these children from Ding Yu's old fellow grew up with the Ding family's children! They get the guidance of Ding Yu, and look at the meaning now, at least they can grow up with the children of Ding family for another year!

Do not underestimate the two years, because this is the most important two years of life! With these two years of bottom, it may be better than other children's five or even ten years to grow up!

This is only under the normal progress, if some of them can have other development and understanding, my God! Think about it, feel a bit out of control of their own saliva!Here or need to repeat, Ding Yu's method is really very good, no matter it is summer camp! The winter camp is still about the children on the farm, or the people he trained! Excellent!

In particular, those who have been trained, no matter how reluctant Ding Yu was at the beginning, but when they were trained, they really tried their best and their identity! Location! Family and other aspects are not involved in any relationship, with them these people are still enjoying the convenience provided by Dingyu consortium!

But Ding Yu has a very good relationship with them and the factions behind them! This is a bit insincere!

No one will admit this, because it is really embarrassing to say so, because how to describe the relationship between everyone and Ding Yu? Embarrassment is not enough! This also makes a lot of people have such a headache!

We should know that those people who have been trained are very good bridges, but the problem is that Ding Yu never wants to regard these people as a bridge. Whether it's the echelon, or the Secretary's staff, or even the equivalent thing, Ding Yu doesn't even have a phone call. This really makes people too speechless, even helpless!

Such a good opportunity do not know to use, your Ding Yu's head is really water?

But Ding Yu's side is because of the children in the family. They can be said to be in harmony with Wei Lai, but most of the time, Ding Yu will not appear, but now these children have shown considerable interest in lectures!

We should know that the lecture is set up on the farm. In principle, people from all aspects can give lectures, but in reality, we still need to make considerable consideration and arrangement! At the same time, you also need to consider the audience and their acceptance!

You have to tell old people some science! Isn't that bullshit? Tell the old people more about medicine! Health or the maintenance of family children and other aspects, these are what they care about and what they are willing to accept!

As for children, let them broaden their horizons and add more interesting explanations, such as science! They are interested in the future development, and how to arrange the time reasonably, coordinate the deployment and so on!

In the afternoon, Ding Yu was dragged to the basketball court by the children at home. There were a little more people inside, and the atmosphere was very warm! "What competition?" Because did not understand, so Ding Yu subconsciously asked a!

"The amateur competition, the age group of 15 to 17, is basically like this! Don't you see that, dad? There is a huge audience today Ding Yun is a little excited! Even the top hat is flying! "There are also competitions for the adult group. There are competitions today and tomorrow, and there are also competitions in the morning. However, there was no time at that time. I heard it was very interesting! It's from the youth group! "

Looking around, the attendance rate is a little bit high, and everyone shows great enthusiasm!

It is obvious that after a considerable period of training, everyone has a different understanding! From the number of stadiums in the city, we can see one or two! Now there are several Gymnasiums in the city! It's really not decoration!

"Mr. Ding!" The people sitting on the side of Ding Yu saw Ding Yu and stood up in a hurry. They even took the initiative to stretch out their hands! Ding Yu also stretched out his hand, "sorry, director Wang, there is no way to stand up! Excuse me

Two people shook hands with each other, "don't stand! It's too much for everyone to watch After he sat down, he asked curiously, "director Wang, how can you be free today? Are these organized in the city? "

"I'm also more curious. In recent years, the development of sports in our city has been very good, and quite a lot of people have expressed their strong interest." Then he also pointed out that he was not far away. "Those over there are all professional. I heard that they are very interested in quite a number of children."

"It's not easy! But this is only a few years? What's more, after all, our city is a little bit small, and it's too early to attract professional attention so quickly? " Ding Yu didn't know so much about this, so when asked, he was a little cautious!

"Hi! Our sports are developing very well here! This is really not a matter of building several basketball courts. It needs considerable training. Whether it is the masses or professional talents, it is a slow process! "

"What? Director Wang, it seems that you are a bit insincere

"Ah! Our children here! I don't know how. A few basketball teams are very good, and even some professional teams have found the door, but none of them are willing to! I've even been criticized for it! "

Ah? Ding Yu is a little distracted. What's the situation?

Looking at Ding Yu's doubts, director Wang explained, "quite a number of children have graduated from junior high school, or have already entered high school. Their current ideas are very direct. Playing basketball is not impossible, but there are not too many considerations. In their past, at this stage, they still focus on learning, and wait until they are admitted to university!"Ding Yu did not immediately speak, but thought for a while, and then nodded his head!

"This shows that the children and the family behind them have considerable consideration, but it's not that there is none?"

"There are so many problems in this! What's more, the family conditions here are much better now. We all have a good understanding of the cruelty of competitive sports. We have no feeling that we have to take such a road. Moreover, parents and children are not willing to lock up their own future now! "

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