"To be sure, everyone has seen the so-called bright future, but how much hard work has been paid behind this and how many people have seen it! But I'm very happy, after all, the children have a lot of thinking, which is a good thing

Director Wang nodded, "yes! There are also many sports competitions held in the city. Two days ago, we organized teams to play badminton and tennis, OK? I was beaten by someone! It's almost shameless to see people! "

"Who! If you don't want to save face for director Wang, make him

Obviously, Ding Yu's words are intentional, there are some joking elements in it!

"No, never!" Director Wang quickly said, "the atmosphere is very good now, winning or losing is not so important, and it is not winning the house or winning the land. Previously, I went to the following assessment, and the students' sports activities are very good, but the conditions are still poor! There is still a certain gap between urban and rural areas, which can not be denied! "

"Yes Ding Yu is also quite touched by this, "the city still needs considerable development. These are all complementary. To put it bluntly, there is food in the pocket, so there is no panic in the heart, and there is money in the hand! To eat meat! We still need to develop steadily now! There can't be any slack! "

Director Wang has understood the meaning of Ding Yu's words at this time!

"Yes! Still need to lay their own foundation, if even the foundation is not stable, then think of high-rise buildings, there will be problems! We can't be ambitious, but we need to be pragmatic! "

Smart! Ding Yu felt it was very interesting to talk to him! Then Ding Yu measured him carefully!

"Director Wang, if you don't mind, I'll take a look at your hands!"

"Hands?" Director Wang was a little puzzled, but he still stretched out his hand. Ding Yu knocked his two fingers on his pulse and took a look at his palms by the way. "Good health! Good face, too

Ah? Everything with what? "At the age of director Wang, he can still maintain such physique. When he was young, he was either an athlete or a soldier, but he felt that the possibility of becoming a soldier was not so great!"

"Hi! I really as an athlete, the old line of origin! The original time is also a provincial level athletes, later retired, has been doing this aspect of the work, it is a pity! Not too much achievement! But fortunately, the body is more healthy exercise! What's more, it's not too bad to experience twice a year now! "

"Mr. Ding, in fact, there is a genius in our province. What a pity! The present situation of others is quite special! "

"As a child, I heard that there was a lot of sponsorship behind her, and she often went to America!"

Ding Yu blinked his eyes. "You're not talking about an elephant, are you?"?! He's so famous now? "

Director Wang's mouth is as big and big as he wants to be. Even his speech is so stuttering! "Mr. Ding, do you know that you are the one who supports him behind his back?"

"It's not me. The farm gives him a lot of support, but someone else is in charge of it. I've met this child and I have a good relationship with the children in my family. I know his family well."

"No wonder!" Director Wang sighed, "I've seen this kid. He played several basketball games. He's very calm. His physical development doesn't matter. What's important is that he's very self-discipline. This is something other children don't have, and his foundation is very solid. Looking at it really makes people feel a little tearful! We used to have such talents

"I saw that in those years, I could see that the minds were very different, but I really knew that the specific development was not so clear. If it wasn't for director Wang you mentioned today, I would not have thought of it!"

"Now there are quite a number of teams that have great interest in this child. What a pity!" Hesitated for a moment, then looked at Ding Yu, director Wang then said, "this child's situation is so different from other children, he has not become a registered player! At this point, there is a problem! "

After thinking about it for a while, Ding Yucai slowly said, "his talent is very outstanding. The important thing is that he has a very good mentality. These two will make him grow up in the future and can't be limited to China! At the beginning, it was also out of this consideration, but I didn't expect that he could be so outstanding now! I didn't expect such trouble! "

"No wonder, I have seen this child on the field, and his performance is beyond his control, let alone a child of the same age! Even if he is two or three years older than him, he is not as mature as he is. Now I want to understand! With Mr. Ding's training, his future is certainly to be expected! "

"It has nothing to do with me!" Ding Yu shook his head. "I have seen him and talked to him a few times, but the gold on his face is nothing! A little too bullying others! How are the elephants now? "

"I'm just a half baked one, but I discussed with professional coaches. At that time, we didn't have anything to do, so we talked a little bit more. The talent was too high! Absolutely is born for basketball, hands and feet and other aspects will not say! The training is very hard. If you can persist in it, you will be a leader at least"It's OK to give him a lot of praise, but not too spoiled! Sometimes you need to reduce the heat in this area! For the children, it's a total victory! This is not something that a child of that age can bear

"Yes, it's a little bit flattering, but it's also because we haven't seen such an expectant child for a long time! Even I this small director, after reading, can not own, I am not in charge of it? It's a happy thing to be a fan of this child in the future

"Ask him to sign for you then! This should give me face! The temperature is up! But still need to give considerable cooling, not too much! After all, there are other aspects of our physical quality, which are quite different from the professional ones. We can't encourage them to grow up! "

Then the two people's conversation was also interrupted by the intensity of the venue! It's very wonderful. It's so exciting to see. Just look at the expressions and shouts of other people in the venue! That is to say, the construction of the site is very good, otherwise the whole ceiling will be destroyed!

Director Wang took advantage of the intermission, went out for a period of time, but several children came to Ding Yu's side, they seem to have been so affected! "Dad, I didn't expect to be so shocked. We all have so many small impulses!"

"What's the matter? Let me treat you again! Is that what you mean? "

"Dad, you're happy, aren't you?" Ding Yun looked at her father and said with a face of teasing! "After all, such a thing is not good, there is any reluctance, but I think Dad, you should not refuse, right?"

Ding Yu snorted, "in the end, I will find it from you!"

It is obvious that Ding Yu said so, on behalf of the agreement, does not matter, at most is some food and drink, is not a big deal! As long as they children are happy! Is not a little too doting on these children! Ding Yu really won't look like this! Everyone has their own way!

When director Wang came back, the game had begun again! Looking at the things in director Wang's hand, Ding Yu felt a little funny, "director Wang, you're going too far!" Obviously, this is deliberate ridicule!

However, before director Wang spoke, he quickly came to Ding Yu's side and whispered in his ear! Ding Yu took a look with his head askew!

"I see!"

Ding Yu didn't make any moves. After watching the ball game with Director Wang next to him, Ding Yu ate two popcorn, which was a bit sweet and greasy. Ding Yu didn't like it, but director Wang didn't care about it. He came here to be an audience. He played with everyone. There was nothing wrong with it! It feels natural!

"Sir Seeing Ding Yu come out, the security guard came over at the first time and put down the phone in his hand!

"So busy?"

Security for Ding Yu's indifferent feeling very helpless, "the intelligence department there slightly anxious, after all, Yang Chen was injured!"

"If you get hurt, you'll get hurt. He's no longer a child! Is it difficult to break a little skin, all need so nervous and careful? " Ding Yu snorted, "what should I do! What's more! Who delivered the news, how did they know that Yang Chen was injured? I don't know yet

Obviously, Ding Yu said this is a little intentional. Seeing that the security guard didn't answer, Ding Yu hummed. When asked about security, it was just difficult for him. There was not much need for him! Then he drove his wheelchair and left the stadium!

Ding Yu didn't mean to answer the phone. The information management department was also very troubled. They learned the news at the first time. Some people couldn't bear to call Ding Yu directly. But they didn't think it would be such a result. Ding Yu didn't mean to answer the phone at all!

Even if the security has answered the phone, it doesn't make any sense! Right? Is it difficult to decide what security can do? This matter still needs to contact with Ding Yu!

But the problem is that the relationship between the whole department and Ding Yu is very delicate and embarrassing!

And some people ask Ding Yu directly. What does that mean? Do you think Ding Yu is vulnerable? Or is it to say that we did not put Ding Yu in their eyes at all? As for why Ding Yu didn't respond to this question? Also let everybody's mind slightly have so some complexity!

Obviously, there is also a problem that can be reflected from this. Obviously, there is no way to achieve the so-called unification in the information management department. This is the most troublesome problem. We can see this in the eyes and the pain in the heart! Angry, he went home directly! And Suquan? When you see this thing, there is no change in the expression on your face, but in your heart? Already had the quite feeling, regarding some people's vision slightly is not good!

Things are still in the process of further delineation, but you are in such a hurry now, really OK?You should know that if you step into such a pit, you will not die and peel off. It may even be like this for a lifetime! But I really can't say anything, also can't have any mention, otherwise my nephew there will never want to let! If really irritated him, the consequences are even more terrible than imagined!

For this point, Su Quan absolutely has a very clear understanding, who is his nephew? What he saw was the overall situation, and he would not care too much about some details. Even if he did, it was for the sake of the whole!

It's a pity that quite a few people don't understand it! In the past, his nephew may have some defects in strength and details, but now he has the strength and details. But when did you see him use this strength and details? Not at all!

That is to say, now Ding Yu is still strengthening his own strength, and at the same time, he is calm in his own details. What's more, he likes to keep a hand in everything. How long has he not seen gold? And according to the information I got, Jin is not gone!

Although this point has not been proved concretely, I already have the news in this respect. I believe that if other people know this situation, they will feel a little chilly!

You know, there are so many people who want to inquire about gold news. If you want to take the news to the market, it should be at least eight figures, and it should be in US dollars! Don't think the price is unreasonably high. To be more exaggerated, if there is any accurate information, the price may be higher!

If we can get rid of the gold, I believe that even if we pay more, some people are willing to! Even if it is to pay a considerable price! After all, if you want to beat Ding Yu down, Jin is the firewall in front of you. If you don't dismantle the firewall, it's very difficult to get in touch with Ding Yu!

Think of a lot of things, after su Quan calm down, did not call his nephew!

In my opinion, Yang Chen is injured! Even if there is any situation, there is no problem! What's the matter? Ding Yu let him go through the wind and rain! How can you see a rainbow without experiencing wind and rain? make fun of?

Who doesn't want to grow up happily, who doesn't want to be able to be stable and harmonious? But behind this? There need to be countless people standing behind the shadow, Yang Chen is just one of them now! Now he's hurt! Is to let him further growth!

If Ding Yu is really concerned about, and even further intervene, it will really let people feel a little disappointed!

Ding Yu stepped in! Can only explain one thing, Yang Chen's talent is not enough to support! Or in other words, when it comes to an emergency, if Ding Yu doesn't make a move, then Yang Chen may die!

It's like it's now! Yang Chen was injured, but Ding Yu did not pay any attention to it, even as nothing happened! As for others, worry about it! After all, it's the son of your family. If you don't worry about it, it will highlight some problems and situations!

However, if you show your teeth to me in turn, it seems that this matter is a little inappropriate! Am I happy or not? Is this a thing? ha-ha! Ding Yu now is such an idea!

So Ding Yu is not in a hurry now. He doesn't even mean to ask questions. He just goes back to his office, handles some official business, and goes home! But the home is relatively cold, the children did not come back! They are a little busy during this period of time. It is understandable that they did not come back!

What's more, Ding Yu never wanted to restrain them. Children are just like birds! Always need to fly in the sky, you now give them too many constraints, will hinder their nature, give them considerable training is important, give them space is also very important!

After dinner with his parents, Ding Yu went back to his villa and didn't go to the ball game with his parents! It's no big deal to have a look occasionally, but I've enjoyed it today, so I don't have much interest!

What's more, on their own alone, how much seems so lonely!

But before he could sit down, the phone rang. Looking at the caller ID, Ding Yu narrowed his eyes for a moment, and then connected the phone! "Hello, this is Ding Yu!"

"I know, otherwise I would not have called you!"

It's the voice of Geng Lao. You can feel it clearly from the voice of speaking. Your temper seems to be a little strong! However, from their own temper, is not a bit wrong, and is not the matter out of their own uproar, with their own what to do?

"Mr. Geng, I feel your temper is a little strong! Not really? "

"What's the matter? Do you think I'll come to you about Yang Chen? " "As long as he doesn't die, I don't want to care! This is a kind of necessary experience for him. For him, it is the best time to have a long experience. If you miss such an opportunity, it will be the biggest loss! ""Mr. Geng is really open-minded." Ding Yu's words reveal a little irony!

"Why don't you laugh at me? You're happy about this, aren't you? Believe it or not, I'll give you a report. I'm retired, but it's not difficult for me to make such a report! "

"Yes, but how old are you, Geng Lao? Isn't it a bit inappropriate to make a small report at this time? "

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