In the face of Geng Lao's irritability, Ding Yu is not too weak!

"You are still afraid of this. As far as I know, there are too many people beating your small report! What's more, I dare not say that there are too many materials about you. There is absolutely no problem in placing several warehouses. Do you want me to mention it to you? It's still interesting! "

"Forget it!" Ding Yu couldn't help shaking his head, "I'm not interested in such things!"

"Let's talk about something you are interested in. Yang Chen's injury has caused quite a stir, and it seems that the news is not small, Ding Yu! Take it easy

"Mr. Geng, what do you think I should do?" Ding Yu asked back! "I'm like a mother?"

"Wrong understanding!" Listening to Ding Yu's tone, he knew that he was ready to dig a hole! "They! The pattern may not catch up with you. After all, where are you and where are they? And their experience is completely different. Give them some face

"Mr. Geng, I don't have any other views or opinions about them! How they do things is their own problem, don't you think? As for how I do things, it seems that this is also a personal matter, if other people interfere! What do you think I should do with it? "

"You did it on purpose, didn't you?" Straight feel a burst of anger, "they! You have some other ideas, this is understandable, but your boy is now in what position, still care about these? What a shame

"Mr. Geng, how do you feel that you are trying to comfort me when you say this! I'd like to listen to your opinions and ideas, and have a public talk. It will be of great benefit to us, isn't it? What's your opinion? "

Straight thinking for a period of time, well, it is obvious that also agreed to come down!

Ding Yu changed the line, and then called Geng Zhi, "Geng Lao, you can say it now! I want to hear what you think

"Although we have quite a lot of opinions and ideas about you, we absolutely praise and admire your training method! It's just that it's hard for everyone to keep up with you. That's a problem! "

"I can understand that, after all, no one is a saint! At least I'm not! "

"What about Yang Chen? In the eyes of quite a lot of people, director Ding Yuding is a little too cruel! Even ruthless, after all, Yang Chen is too young! You have not experienced any experience at all. In this case, director Ding Yuding will not be stingy and throw it on the battlefield. It is too much! "

Geng Zhi then said, "if you say something about Yang Chen's problems and conditions, for your director Ding Yuding, at most, it's just to train another person, but for the intelligence department, the loss is so much too much!"

Hearing this, Ding Yu couldn't help laughing, and even felt so happy!

"Geng Lao, what do they think? I really have so many do not understand! There's no water in your head, right? "

"On purpose, isn't it? Do you feel bad if you don't make me angry It's close to scolding you! You this son of a bitch can still speak well! Now I'm serious with him!

"I can't help it, Mr. Geng. Excuse me!" Ding Yu stopped his smile, "Geng Lao, you let me say something about it! It seems that some ideological and educational problems need to be strengthened! "

"I think you need to strengthen ideological education! Ask yourself how many things you've done

"I'm not wrong!" Ding Yu retorted, "you have not accepted so many criticisms about this situation."

Honest is really feel that there are so some gas blockage, how do you say next? Ding Yu admitted his problem! Are all the problems in Ding Yu's body, other people have no responsibility, really have nothing to do with them!

"Don't interrupt me! And don't talk to me. Things are never as simple as you said, they are! Maybe it's because I stayed in the Department too long! A lifetime! True life, even a considerable number of families, a family of three generations are like this, they can not enjoy the normal life! It's not that they don't deserve it, but they give up on their own initiative! You used to be one of them. You should know what it's like

"What do you think I should do?" Ding Yu asked, "is it true that you can't see or hear? If so, I can do it! There is no problem! "

I feel like I'm going to smoke! I haven't spoken for a long time!

Ding Yu here also has a considerable feeling! So he said to himself, "Geng Lao, I understand what you mean! I can't do it like this, and I can't do it that way. I have to do what I say. Even if I want to do it, I have to obey the arrangement. If I don't obey the arrangement, then it's my problem! ""It's unreasonable, and it's too biased! Do I mean that? "

"You may not mean that, but that's what they mean." Ding Yu said so, without any affection, "so now the question is, how should I do it? Listen to the arrangements? Your old man called in person! If you don't, don't you give me too much face? "

Just a little angry, the phone inside the handle was thrown away! "I say you're a little too serious with your sophistry?"

"Mr. Geng, if you follow your ideas, then my problem will be big! Even too big! I understand you a little bit! " Ding Yu also expressed his feelings directly, "you hope I can do something lighter. After all, they are all dedicated to the country. They may have other small abacus in their hearts, but the starting point is good!"

Straight ah, but no other words!

"Even if they do something on purpose or unintentionally, I need to see the face. If possible, I will let them go. After all, my position is extraordinary, that is, raising my hand. Of course, my understanding may have some problems, but this is the general situation, isn't it?"

"Ding Yu, I found out all of a sudden that your skin is not so thick!"

In the face of such a frank talk, Ding Yu is laughing, and even a little proud! "Mr. Geng, the environment is different! If my skin is not thick, if my skin is not hard, I'm afraid that I will be eaten, and even residue will not be left. If I say that my mouth is not good, then I may really be starved to death. I can't help it. In the face of such a situation, I can only do my best to respond to it! "

"They are still young and need considerable experience. You have a high vision, but you need to know that there are not so many people who can keep up with you. You need to think more about this problem!"

Ding Yu was silent for some time, then asked in a low voice, "Geng Lao, is it worth it? Their starting point may be right, even their beliefs have no problems, but the most critical point is that they have a considerable lack of ability, which can never be ignored! "

"Ding Yu, our starting point is different from each other. Of course, I don't deny that you are also sincere. If it is not for this reason, you will not cultivate so many people in succession. Everyone is very optimistic about song Tianren or Yang Chen now, because they show extraordinary talent, but it will take time! Why not everyone, but just a few people, as if you only have two apprentices now? "

Ding Yu sighed slightly, "Mr. Geng, I can understand your mind, and I'm not good at forcing people into difficulties. I will carefully consider your questions, but I don't think you can persuade those people! At least you're retired now! Even if we retreat without stopping, the effect is not as big as we think. There are some things that we can say, but apart from us? Who are you going to talk to? "

Ding Yu's words let Geng Zhi also fall into a burst of silence, even in the heart of a little sigh, yes! He found Ding Yu and said quite a lot. Ding Yu also gave himself this face! But the problem is that he "convinced" Ding Yu. In turn, can he persuade the intelligence department?

You know, because of Ding Yu's words, quite a lot of people have another view and opinion about Ding Yu. In this case, their anger has been teased up!

What's more, Ding Yu's opponent is still accumulating strength. Under such circumstances, will Ding Yu allow his rear to catch fire? When Ding Yu is provoked, he will definitely respond and react at the first time!

Because he is facing the opponent is the most terrible, even so some terrible! Ding Yu will never let his rear area appear a little bit of problems, so when the situation arises, Ding Yu will never be merciful!

However, these things can not be mentioned to everyone. If they are mentioned to others, Ding Yu's plan will be exposed. Relatively speaking, Ding Yu will suffer great losses, and even the entire consortium will be destroyed!

Is it because of his own side of a little problem, let Ding Yu bear all the costs!

What's more, if Ding Yu wants to fall down, it's definitely not Ding Yu's problem as simple as that! Ding Yu's back involves countless things! Even a single farm, enough to let oneself look and sigh!

He asked Ding Yu, and Ding Yu made some concessions. To a certain extent, Ding Yu opened a hole in his rear, which, to a certain extent, might cause fatal damage to Ding Yu!

If from this point of view, can I shoulder such a responsibility?

Straight suddenly found that their own requirements are not only too simple, but also some unreasonable!

"Ding Yu, do you feel the same way, are you in a dilemma?""No!" Ding Yu's tone is very firm! "You care about your younger generation. There is something in this kind of thing. After all, for you, this is the responsibility. To a certain extent, it is also the place of sustenance."

Ding Yu is able to understand this feeling, when he trained his younger generation, it is the same! Many times, it is not that Ding Yu's eyes are higher than people's, but that there are not too many people who can bear it. This is the biggest problem!

And it must be the same with Mr. Geng! It's not that he didn't work hard! He is also very hard-working, but this is a gradual process, can not help the young, it is not said that there are no talents in the Department of emotion management, which is not the case!

There are a lot of talents, but the work is also huge. There are too many people who can't get out at all!

This is why we invite Ding Yu, the outsider! But what about Ding Yu? Because of all aspects of the reason, the requirements are particularly high, so the selection standard is not the same general! But now no one will deny that Ding Yu's ability to cultivate! Even if there are many opinions and opinions on Ding Yu, as long as Ding Yu shows his intention in this respect, we can promise to let bygones be bygones!

Even if it is Ding Yu's wild talk, there is no problem!

"I'd like to think about it. I'll contact you if I have time tomorrow!"

Then straight this side put down the phone, quite a thing no longer need to explain! Now you need to calm down! Think again, I do not lack this ability, can only say the previous time, a little care is chaotic!

Sitting in his study, upright is also carefully thinking about this aspect of the problem!

Now Ding Yu is quite separated from the emotion management department, which does not mean that he really has an idea for the emotion management department. What is the nature of the matter? Ding Yu wants other departments not to deal with the situation!

Because if the intelligence management department is really involved in it, Ding Yu will not be able to take care of it. If such a situation happens, the intelligence department will be passive!

But the problem is that Ding Yu's method is very decisive, but there are quite a few people in the information management department who don't understand, and this kind of incomprehension even leads to other opinions and opinions about Ding Yu! If you want to change this situation, but you can't expose Ding Yu, this is too operational!

It was less than an hour, but Geng Zhi called Su Quan in the past!

"I am honest! Is it convenient? "

At home, Su Quan said, "Geng Lao, you have something to do with me!" For Geng Zhi called over, Su Quan didn't think of it, but after hearing the sound of Geng Zhi, Suquan felt not so surprised! After all, such things in their own view, is not so difficult to understand!

"It's something. I called Ding Yu in the past. He didn't object or refuse, but also, there was no guarantee. I was so upset about this matter. I didn't want to see all the children fall in and have to turn over. After all, they all have quite a belief. In this regard, no one is better than them Pure

Su Quan pondered for a moment, and then he said!

"Mr. Geng, I can understand what you said. Although my nephew's character is very bad, and sometimes he is a bit of a jerk, there is no problem in the righteousness. I can guarantee that! But in other aspects, this bastard is a villain. Even the uncle I am, he is speechless

From Su Quan's words can be heard out, he has quite a lot of opinions and ideas about his nephew!

Geng Zhi didn't have too many disputes with Su Quan on this issue, because there was no need to! He knows what he thinks about in his heart. Similarly, he should understand what he wants to say. He is a smart man!

The reason why I found Su Quan is not to say that I am free! It's not because Su Quan is Ding Yu's uncle! There are so many irrelevant with these two points! The main reason is that Su Quan has a good understanding of the situation. This is the main reason why he found Su Quan!

But from Su Quan's words, I can feel that tomorrow, he is more in favor of Ding Yu's practice!

"Suquan, this matter can't completely follow Ding Yu's idea, the loss is too big!"

"Mr. Geng, do you mean..." Su Quan didn't finish his words, but he also had some other guesses, but what about doing like this? I must sacrifice my nephew, to be exact, I will add countless dangers to my nephew!

Is it true what his nephew did? There may be some excessive, even some extreme, but his starting point, or the ultimate goal is good! Now Mr. Geng obviously has other purposes and ideas. Is this really appropriate? Su Quan expressed some doubts about this, so this is what he said? Also has the quite reservation!

"Director Ding Yuding will take this matter into consideration."Su Quan did not answer immediately, but thought for a long time, "Geng Lao, do you really want to do it? And Ding Yu has agreed to come down there? Such a thing is not trivial! "

"I have already contacted director Ding Yuding! There's no problem! "

"Since you don't have any problems, it's not good for me to hold any opposition opinions."

It just doesn't mean that he will agree with him because Su Quan also needs to consider some things. He and Mr. Geng think about quite different problems! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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