Su Quan is extremely unwilling to call his nephew in the past! I really don't want to, but there is no way!

"Uncle! I didn't expect that you would call in person. I'm a little flattered! "

"It's like how much I'd like to be!" Su Quan said in a choking voice, expressing his dissatisfaction and helplessness, "if it wasn't for the special situation, I would not have called you. It's very difficult for me to do what Geng Lao asked me to do!"

"So what do you want me to say, my uncle?" Ding Yu's tone is so provocative, which makes people extremely uncomfortable! "Mr. Geng told me a lot about the righteousness and the overall situation. OK! He is an elder. I can't help it. Otherwise, I don't know what will happen! What is the situation? "

After listening to his nephew's words, there are quite a lot of complaints, but whether it is true or not remains to be discussed! Su Quan is really not serious!

"Mr. Geng has devoted all his youth and blood to the whole intelligence department. If you let other people hear this! I'll tell you that! I'm afraid it's all light! You don't follow me like this. It's no use! "

Ding Yu suddenly laughed, "OK! What do you mean by calling, uncle? I don't quite understand! "

"On purpose, isn't it? What's the situation over there, you don't know? I don't know why Mr. Geng suddenly made this decision. It's very dangerous. He even wanders between steel wires. From my personal point of view, he doesn't agree with him, but it's not good to have any objection! "

Ding Yu did not immediately respond to his uncle, but thought about a little time!

"So? Uncle, when you call me, you are warning me that if you really want to do it, you must be a little lighter. You can't go too far! Need good care! Is that what you mean?! I understand in general

Obviously, his uncle is not free, if it is really a bag of wine, will not sit in such a position above, this is certain! After all, my uncle is about to carry Venus! In a department like him, being able to carry Venus is definitely not something that can be done by flattering others, but by absolute ability!

"Do I mean that?" Su Quan's voice is a little bit loud. This bastard is smart and smart, but he is really irritated. What he said, do you want his face?

"I see! If you don't understand the warning from both of you in turn, you will be pretending to be confused! I've got it! So what? What kind of advice do you have? I can still bear it now

For Ding Yu's nephew, suddenly speaking like this, Su Quan's heart suddenly cluttered for a moment, a little empty! When did he speak in such a tone and tone? I feel a little bit unreal! There must be a reason!

Suddenly Su Quan thought of another possibility! Never!

"Ding Yu! It's a big deal. We haven't made the final decision yet. You can't be too fussy about it! "

"Well! I know! " Ding Yu said disapprovingly, "I have understood the matter! Uncle, it's getting late! You're not too young! It's time to rest! I have other things on my side, so let's not talk about it for a while. "

Then Ding Yu hung up the phone, without any hesitation, but Su Quan's heart is quite miscellaneous!

Who is your nephew? Can't you not know? Don't you understand?

When did he have such a peaceful conversation with himself that he even lowered his posture! How could it be? If it is not because of any special circumstances, what is Ding Yu doing now? There is only one explanation!

Thinking of here, Su Quan's face suddenly became a little embarrassed! This is what I didn't expect at the time before, and also what I ignored!

Both Geng Lao and himself think that Ding Yu should take the overall situation into consideration and blindly ask Ding Yu to do this or that. But what about Ding Yu? What is the situation facing him? These questions? He and Mr. Geng both thought about it, but then they both subconsciously threw it aside!

When Su Quan understood this matter, she sighed!

Then he also called Mr. Geng! It's a bit out of interest! And here's Geng Zhi is waiting for Su Quan's call! "What's going on there?" Obviously, he has expectations!

"I gave him a call, and it was a good thing to say!" Su Quan's voice is not so happy, even a little cold, "finish saying, hang up the phone, Geng Lao, what do you think of this result?"

Straight slightly Leng for a moment, Su Quan why to speak so!

"What's the situation? Is there any change in it?"

Su Quan repeated the matter simply. After that, he said with a sigh, "maybe your old man's starting point is good, and the purpose is good, but such behavior will bring great danger to Ding Yu. He has just experienced quite a lot of things. Under such circumstances, neither of us who have insight into the matter has given him any responsibility He's support, on the contrary, is to let him continue to compromise. Who knows what kind of decision he will make! Maybe it will be the same as what you think of Mr. Geng! "Su Quan didn't hang up the phone. Although he was quite disappointed, he had to solve some problems now. He couldn't be impulsive. After all, he and Ding Yu are in different positions and have different things to consider!

You can't solve any problems by acting on your own will! And will let things further into the abyss!

"Anyway, this is the situation now. Ding Yu agreed to come down, but from the tone of his speech, I can clearly feel something different. I think there may not be too many problems with him. It only refers to the affairs of the intelligence department, but what about other aspects? It's really unknown! "

Speaking, feeling a little depressed and helpless, Su Quan ordered a cigarette for himself, trying to make himself appear sober!

"So it may backfire, isn't it?"

"I don't know. I'm just guessing. Now, even if I want to verify, what kind of way should I take to seriously deal with such a matter? We all know each other about Ding Yu, but I don't dare to make any guarantee. At least I know this personally! "

Are you kidding? There is an accurate positioning for Ding Yu, which can be achieved on the whole. But if you want to know Ding Yu clearly, don't take it out and say it. It's not disgraceful enough!

Ding Yu has never been really recognized, whether it is a friend or an enemy, the same is true!

If Ding Yu is really seen clearly and thoroughly, what he will be like today is really unknown. He has so many enemies and opponents. He doesn't think that Ding Yu can fall, but who has done this?

"I know! You have worked hard! "

After putting down the phone, the frank expression is very painful, I seem to have some too hasty! What's more, he ignored Ding Yu's feelings. To be more precise, he made a rather wrong judgment about Ding Yu's situation! That's why we have this situation!

Ding Yu doesn't seem to have any problems or conditions there, but it just seems to be! In fact, it is more dangerous than imagined. Even now is the critical moment!

What's more, Ding Yu has already done quite a deal, but what about himself? For such a situation, there are so many blind eyes, and even add countless variables to Ding Yu. Under such circumstances, what kind of reaction and response can Ding Yu make? I seem to have made quite a mistake at the beginning!

Now call Ding Yu again, what do you say? inconstant in policy?

You should know that Ding Yu needs to rack his brains every step of the way, because his opponents and enemies are too fierce! Ding Yu must be careful to deal with it. If something goes wrong, the resulting situation may turn upside down. At this time of day, is he helping Ding Yu or his opponents and enemies?

During the whole night, I didn't have much rest. I have been thinking about this problem. I have done something wrong with my good intentions, so I need to remedy it. But this is definitely not a matter of saying it! How to do this remedy!

Ding Yu has mentioned that he doesn't want the emotional management department to get involved in it. If the sentiment management department is dragged into the water by then, things will really happen! Perhaps for Ding Yu, there is no loss, but for the country behind it, it is absolutely a big problem!

So now there is only one way to remedy it, that is to find Ding Yu!

But the problem is to find out what Ding Yu said? Overturn everything that was before! Tell Ding Yu that I have realized my problem, so I don't need to consider what I said. How do you deal with the problem, just deal with it yourself!

If it is really like that, there will be some too shameless! It's just shirking responsibility! It is absolutely impossible to be honest! Therefore, if possible, Geng Zhi feels that he still needs to talk to Su Quan. After all, he is Ding Yu's uncle, and he should still have the right to speak!

And to a certain extent, Geng Zhi feels that what he has done is not entirely wrong!

When he saw Su Quan, he was busy with a lot of work. He had to wait until noon when Su Quan came to an end. He gave a frank feeling. Su Quan had some intentional intentions. Obviously, he was also showing his dissatisfaction!

"Don't you have any other opinions or thoughts on this matter?"

"It's not whether there is a problem or not, but it's hard to do it!" Su Quan frowned and said, "what we can think of, will Ding Yu think of it? Let's not talk about this problem, but now suddenly, how will Ding Yu go to see it?"

For this issue, Su Quan has the most sober understanding. Since he has some understanding, he needs to be calm now!

"I know!" Straight face is also changed, there are so some embarrassment, "the previous time did not consider so many problems!" After that, Geng Zhi also looked at Su Quan, but he didn't find anything on Su Quan's face. It's obvious that Su Quan's cultivation on this point is beyond imagination!Is not considered, or deliberately ignored! For this, Geng does not want to explore what, there is no need!

"So? What do you mean, Mr. Geng, I will go on to talk with Ding Yu? "

"If I can, I think I still need to have a good talk with Ding Yu!"

Su Quan's mouth slightly twitches. Let him talk to Ding Yu. What? Say this at this time! Do you really think about it? You know what you've done, it's really not pleasing to both sides!

The Department will not understand to a certain extent! What about Ding Yu? Will also feel a little angry, why ah! This is, wave after wave, and I also need unconditional cooperation!

The so-called Su Quan looks at Mr. Geng with speechless eyes!

Looking at Su Quan straightly, "this matter can only be said by you now. He will answer my phone call, but we certainly can't talk with each other, so it's better to talk to him as an uncle!"

Su Quan doesn't have any words, just watching Geng Lao! At that time, you were not like this. At that time, you were decisive in killing and fighting. You were very popular! But how long have you retired now? How can you be hesitant?

You can understand what you've done to cultivate the people below, but will others look at it like this?

What's more, now we treat Ding Yu in such a way, and we are still so firm. Now we have to pull ourselves in together, Geng Lao. Is this really good? Do you have a place on it?

After trying to understand these things, Su Quan took a deep breath, "Geng Lao, I respect what you did, but should not think about it again?" Some words, Su Quan will never say directly, said the words appear how disrespectful the elderly! What's more, it's still a senior like Geng Lao! But in my opinion, this way is not appropriate!

Straight looking at Su Quan, he nodded his head slightly, "I understand what you mean. I also know that it is not appropriate to do this. In this matter, you may have to make use of the relationship between you and Ding Yu, but if you don't do so, too many people will be affected! The loss will be immeasurable at that time, because quite a few people can't see through the situation in front of them

Is this a response to yourself? But it's really good to mention such a thing to yourself?

And with this, is it really possible to persuade my nephew? Su Quan is really not optimistic about this!

"Mr. Geng, I can understand your idea, but it is not easy to persuade Ding Yu! And it takes a lot of time and energy! " Su Quan really does not want to pay attention to this matter, so this speech is also slightly vague, not to say that he wants to be out of the way!

Is it just for Mr. Geng? Not so agree!

From Su Quan's words, Geng Zhi can clearly feel his resistance, but I'm not saying that he has no backhand at all! Even Su Quan now why still need to listen to his own words, there are quite a reason!

Of course, Geng Zhi also knows that he will leave a very bad impression on Su Quan! But I have to do this. It has nothing to do with the heart of the Virgin Mary. After all, there are too many people who are trained by themselves. Their loyalty to the country is no problem. It's a pity that they are eliminated!

So now I am forcing Su Quan, you have to make quite a choice, there is no other room!

Su Quan took a deep look at the upright, even did not continue to do any opposition, "I know!" After that, he nodded and left first! Looking at Su Quan who left, Geng Zhi also turned his head to have a look. In fact, he did not want to be like this, but he hoped that Suquan could understand and Ding Yu could understand!

When Ding Yu received his uncle's phone call again, he seemed helpless and even impatient!

What is this? Again and again, is there humanity?

"Uncle, are you really OK! I remember your work is very busy! If you are really OK, I still have a lot of work to deal with, not so idle! "

"My work is very busy, I don't want to pay attention to this mess, but there is no way! Mr. Geng is blocking my door. He must ask me to discuss with you. Because of your affairs, I was seized by Mr. Geng. What do you say? "

Ding Yu is also very speechless! "Uncle, what happened to Mr. Geng? At the beginning, he was not like this! Why are you back now! Instead, it turned into such a situation. What did he want to do? What I want to do today is to play the opera, and tomorrow I want to pull up the stage and sing songs. Everything has the final say. Isn't it nonsense that he doesn't reason? "

"From Geng Lao's point of view, it's not that I can't understand it. I stood on the stage at the beginning! We need to take the overall situation into consideration. We should be decisive in killing and cutting. But now? Mr. Geng is no longer in the position! You need to think more about the saplings in the back. What's more, you are really ready to burn with a big fire! Who can stand it? ""I see! The responsibility lies with me Ding Yu said, "I know! I don't know if there are any other requirements? I can stand it and listen to it! There are not too many problems! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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