"Ding Yu, from my personal point of view, I am not so in favor of Mr. Geng's practice, but standing in my present position, I can understand his practice. He is not for himself, but for the reserve force. These people are the future! After all, how much can song Tianren, Yang Chen or others carry? Can you carry the sky? "

"Uncle, I'm confused when you say that, and you don't let me do it, but you want me to practice, OK? All good things belong to you, but don't you think it's a bit contradictory? What's more, I'm just a person. I'm not a God. Do you think highly of me at this time

Ding Yu did not show anger, put pressure on his uncle, there is no need, nor any meaning, now he is really speechless, even helpless!

Your starting point may be good, but it is not. You need to consider the actual situation!

Geng Zhigeng, at least, has come down from his position, and the time of his coming down is not so long. He is in a state of retreat and never rest. Under such circumstances, how can he not recognize the situation in front of him?

This is what makes Ding Yu feel confused! There should be a limit to joking! You are playing a little too fancy now! It's completely incomprehensible!

"Contradiction or no contradiction, I'm just responsible for passing on the specific situation! Also, should you calm down? It's not a good thing to lose your cool now! "

Ding Yu is so angry at this time! "Calm down, is this a constant change? I really rarely encounter such a situation, let me have so many difficulties at one time! forget it! be it so! I have already warned them that they want to die by themselves, and I have no way! What's more, what other consequences will this matter have? Don't look for me at that time. I'll never get involved in it! "

"What do you mean?" Su Quan subconsciously asked a question, because from his nephew's words, I can feel it tomorrow, there are some situations that I don't know!

"It doesn't mean much. How do you say that? Since we have made a considerable choice, we must bear a considerable price. There is nothing to say about this! You eat meat, beat me, such things are always so some can not be said, I at most is not mixed, but you were beaten! No one else to blame! That's it

Ding Yu has put down the phone here, but the feeling of giving Su Quan is very bad!

When he called Geng Zhi again, Su Quan did not immediately express his concern, "Geng Lao, I have mentioned it with Ding Yu! He has no other opinions on the matter you mentioned, but at most he is not involved! What's more, he won't bear any consequences! "

"Suquan, what does that mean?" Honest heart also got up quite a doubt!

"I don't know. He didn't mention anything to me!" However, after thinking about it, Su Quan then said, "but from my personal point of view, Mr. Geng's idea may be good, but it is too difficult to operate it concretely."

Some words do not need to be directly said, after all, Geng Lao has retired! It is extremely inappropriate to continue to involve in some aspects of the matter! Not everything is wishful thinking!

From Su Quan's point of view, Mr. Geng has some wishful thinking now! He is now seriously suspected, Geng is not always what problems and conditions! But he has done what he told me! What kind of problems and conditions will be encountered next? I really don't know!

However, as one of the supervisors, I really can't let go completely, impossible things! I still need to do a lot of work. I don't think much of Mr. Geng's operation. Moreover, I know the situation of my nephew, so I need to stay behind! Unexpected condition of placement!

After Ding Yu put down the phone, he thought for a long time! I really can't understand why Mr. Geng wants to do this. I want to know how big the risk is! He is not unclear. Under such circumstances, if you want to train the people in the information management department, and at the same time let yourself protect them, you can't do it at all, OK?

This matter oneself already said is very clear and understood! The involvement of the intelligence and governance departments will definitely do more harm than good, and it will also cause other inexplicable influences. To be sure, it will even make a lot of waves. How can you do this? You can exercise them, but you don't have to exercise like that, right?

Why did I say those words in my earlier time, that is to give each other a cut?

What's more, he is a person, not a God, he is also a head, two hands, how can you take care of such a comprehensive? I am not omnipotent!

But for these problems, giving Ding Yu the feeling, Geng Lao totally ignored! Anyway, it's up to you Ding Yu! You have to do it, you have to do it if you don't! This makes Ding Yu extremely irritable. How could he do something like this? Totally unreasonable!

In the morning, Ding Yu, sitting in the office, was approving the documents. Seeing the security guard coming in, he was quite surprised. What happened again? If there is no accident, security will never come in!"Excuse me, sir! There are two people out there who say it's your captain. I must see you! "

Ah?! Ding Yu blinked his eyes and felt a little pain in his head, "please come in!"

When he saw the visitor, Ding Yu knocked his head with his hand. He really didn't think that the two visitors were familiar with themselves, but they had not met each other for quite a long time! But there was something strange about the two of them!

To be sure, there is something strange about their brother and sister coming here!

"Should I be glad to meet you both?" Ding Yu sighed with a sigh! It is obvious that at this time, Ding Yu is not as welcome as he imagined! Although they are old acquaintances!

Sun Jun and sun Lisa look at Ding Yu sitting on the wheelchair. Their expressions are all so complicated, but they still come up and shake hands with Ding Yu! After that, Ding Yu shook hands with each other slightly!

"Captain, your hands are a little rough! Isn't it already a civilian job? "

"Feeling still so sensitive?" Sun Jun, who sat down, looked at his palm. There were a little more cocoons on it, but he shook hands with Ding Yu just now. This guy is delicate and tender, and his hands are too soft. He even has some doubts. How long has he been, he has no end in person!

"I heard that your injury is very serious. It seems that you are in good shape!"

"Not bad! Injury? I'm used to it! And the problem is not so big, just a little bit of trouble! " Then Ding Yu looked at Sun Lisa and said, "what about you? The smell on the body is a little too strong! Is this just back? I even have some doubts. How did you get through the security check? Didn't the dog bark? "

The corners of sun Lisa's mouth twitch. She really loves and hates Ding Yu. This bastard has never had any good words, but relatively speaking, she is very grateful to him. Now I think of all kinds of things in the past just like before!

"Good! It's not as exaggerated as you say

"Come all the way! I didn't have any preparation Ding Yu looked at Sun Jun thoughtfully, "Captain, is this my ambush? If you have time, have a meal together! I do have this free time, but I don't know if you would like to see you, captain? " Ding Yu said this on purpose!

"It's right to have a meal. It's OK to have a meal when you come to your place."

Sun Jun took a look at his sister, and then nodded at Ding Yu, "she's just here. She doesn't know anything! I am also inexplicable, so I have been arranged to come here anyway, so I can only inquire about you! "

Ding Yu looked at Sun Jun and sun Lisa's brother and sister and sighed heavily! "Not at all?"

Looking at two people shaking their heads, Ding Yu doesn't know what to say!

"Since I haven't heard of it, it's a good thing for you, but from another point of view, it's not a good thing either!" Ding Yu hummed, and then simply said about the relevant situation!

After listening to Ding Yu's words, Sun Jun and sun Lisa's expressions were very shocked. They looked at Ding Yu with suspicious and disbelief eyes. What happened? Why?

"So I said it just now! Everything has two sides. Now you are here! It's not a bad thing for you, but it's definitely not a good thing, so now it's your turn to make this decision! But before you make a decision, do you want to listen to my personal opinions and thoughts? "

"Tell me! After all, your status and position are different now! I think your opinion must be quite different! "

"As if you don't know anything, I can say that I sent you away, of course! Do you have to stay? I don't object to it personally, but I will never give you any good looks. What's more, you can bear the consequences by yourself

"The so-called self bearing, that is to say, the consequences will be very serious, right?"

Ding Yu thought for a while and then nodded, "it may be like this. The situation of ashes may not happen very often. I just don't bother to deal with you, but sometimes things are not decided by me alone!" Speaking of this, Ding Yu snorted, "I'm in a hurry. I'm sure I haven't had a rest, OK? I've arranged a place for you to have a rest first

"Brother, what does Ding Yu mean?" From Ding Yu's office, Lisa sun is puzzled! From Ding Yu's words, we can clearly feel that there are quite a lot of problems and situations when they come here this time!

"I don't know. I don't have to think about it! Just talk less! If only we could stay here alone! Both of us? What's more, we are quite different from each other

Sun Jun mentioned that he believed his sister could understand what he said!"What about Ding Yu Speaking of Ding Yu, sun Lisa's heart is quite different, "but this guy is really not simple. In retrospect, he went abroad to study medicine, and felt that the time was so long! However, his development at home is really amazing. As for the situation abroad, it is also shocking! "

"It seems that you know him very well!"

"I don't want to, but what? There are still some things that need to be done. His consortium is placed there. If you want to pay attention to it, there are some difficulties and monsters! It makes people shudder after watching it

Domestic situation, Sun Jun still has some understanding, but involves the foreign situation, Sun Jun's understanding is really not so much!

Seeing that her elder brother didn't have much interest in it, she didn't have much words!

As for Ding Yu's side, after making considerable arrangements, he didn't take it as a thing! Who on earth let Sun Jun and them come here at this time, and what's the purpose of coming here? For Ding Yu, it's nothing at all. If they come, they will come!

It was only in the evening that Su Quan knew Sun Jun and sun Lisa that they had gone to Ding Yu. When he got the news, Suquan was a bit dull!

At this time to find Ding Yu, is it too fast to die, or what?

What's more, Ding Yu had already made a quite clear statement earlier, and all the words had been said clearly! In such a case, Sun Jun and they were transferred to Ding Yu, so Su Quan really had some ideas that he couldn't understand!

Do you really don't take Ding Yu's words as a matter, or do you want to test Ding Yu on purpose? What's more, Ding Yu has already said that before. Now let people come here. What is this? Further test Ding Yu? The more you think about this, the more you feel that you have a headache!

He did not completely deny the practice of Geng Lao, but what he did now is really a little too much! Even if you have a discussion with Ding Yu! Don't even call and call, just come to the door directly. Under such circumstances, let Ding Yu consider the overall situation. Is it difficult for Ding Yu, or is it a deliberate test of Ding Yu?

Test Ding Yu? What is the test for Ding Yu at this time? Is it loyalty? Or test Ding Yu's ability? In addition, Su Quan really does not know what Geng Lao will test! Their ideas are about to be confused!

And now it seems too late to say anything else! When he got the news, everyone had already gone to Ding Yu, and the two leaders had a good relationship with Ding Yu! In Su Quan's opinion, this can only make the situation worse!

After thinking about these things, Su Quan did not do other reactions and actions! Or according to some of their own ideas to it! Mr. Geng chose a relatively radical way, so his side is a little more stable! When he thought of it, Su Quan sighed again!

In the evening, Ding Yu hosted a banquet for Sun Jun and sun Yingnan. They all had a meal together. That's all. During the meal, at most, he recalled their friendship. Besides, there was nothing to talk about!

After all, we have already done quite a few things in our hearts. If Sun Jun and sun Lisa didn't know anything at the time, we've already understood some of them. It's not appropriate to talk to Ding Yu about anything now!

Ding Yu didn't mean to embarrass his team leader. What's the significance and value of embarrassing him?

Some things really can't talk to the captain of his own family, and what can they do? Will it help? Nothing works. As for Lisa sun? She is more of a joint!

So the next day, Ding Yu still works in his own office. Although Sun Jun and sun Lisa both stayed on the farm, they didn't have many activities. At most, they went to the farm to have a look. There was no such leisure time for a long time! Let yourself relax!

Frank, I feel very satisfied with what happened, but at the same time? It's not that there is no worry at all!

Ding Yu did not make any response and response, just invited Sun Jun and sun Lisa to have a meal, that's all! This shows that Ding Yu is still worried about quite a problem! But Ding Yu did not have any voice and movement, this let the heart of straight how many so some worry!

What's more, the emotional management department is a little more enthusiastic about this matter!

During the meeting, he took a frank look at Su Quan, but Su Quan was silent. His eyes were staring at the documents in front of him. He could not communicate with him through his eyes! For the equivalent thing, it is a state of staying out of the way!

Even after the meeting was over, Su Quan didn't stop at all and left at the first time!

Seeing Su Quan who left, he knew that Su Quan had strong opinions on what he had done, but he had to do it like this! If you don't do it like this, how can the following people go to experience, and if you don't, how can Ding Yu protect them!As for Ding Yu? There may be some losses, but in my opinion, the problem will not be particularly big!

If there are any problems and conditions, it doesn't matter if you throw the old bones into it! I have never been concerned about this aspect in my life! So now it depends on Ding Yu's response!

As for such doing, is it not a shame to Ding Yu, or it will cause other problems and conditions. Let's wait until the matter is over! At least in a considerable matter, their own conscience!

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