Ding Yu did not contact his uncle any more, nor did he contact Mr. Geng!

He has done the so-called cutting, and there are other reactions, but give his own feeling, Ding Yu do not know how to describe it! They can do what they want!

I am always a person, not a god! I can't do anything about it!

If you are a God, you can take care of everything by yourself, and you can do everything. But the problem is that you are a person. You may be a little stronger than ordinary people. That's what Ding Yu gives you! I can't do it myself. I'm satisfied with everything! And this is not in line with their own character!

As for Ding Yu's indifference, he looked straight into his eyes. He could obviously feel some problems, but he couldn't find any problems. He had already made considerable efforts on his side, and the voice of the capital city has basically stopped. But what will the consequences look like? Nobody dares to make this guarantee!

We are now keeping a considerable wait-and-see, all want to see what Ding Yu will do next! People have already gone to your Ding Yu's door. If you have the ability, you Ding Yu will be sent out. We'll talk about it later! It depends on whether you dare to turn your face completely?

However, Ding Yu didn't make any actions or reactions, as if everything had nothing to do with Ding Yu! This is quite intriguing!

Just a week later, Ding Yu didn't do anything. Sun Jun and sun Lisa stayed on the farm, but they just stayed on the farm. In their spare time, Ding Yu might invite them to have a meal together, but that's it. As for the next time? at a distance!

Although Geng Zhi is very satisfied with the current state, but always feel that there are considerable problems in it! Why do you say that? Because Ding Yu was not like this, there must be a big unknown situation in it!

I have also asked Sun Jun, but Sun Jun has no way. Is he intimate with Ding Yu? It's OK, but Ding Yu is to have a meal with him. As for the equivalent thing, he is completely silent!

Now that you are here, you can eat, drink and drink. Even in your spare time, Ding Yu will take care of Sun Jun and sun Lisa. After all, their physical condition is not as good as expected!

Think about it, they are all from the heavy task, in other words, they are seriously overdrawn their own body, now it is relatively young, so can not see that there are too many problems, but with the change of time, they will grow old very quickly, and at that time, it is too late to think about recuperation of their own body!

That is because of the good relationship between Dingyu and Sun Jun, otherwise Ding Yu is too lazy to pay attention to such things! You really think you're doing nothing, don't you? My work is very busy now! You can't spare too much free time at all!

But although the time is short, but the effect of the abnormal obvious, especially Sun Jun!

His body overdraft is very serious, but has extraordinary endurance, outsiders can not see it. After a week's mediation by Ding Yu, he can clearly feel that his body's pain begins to disappear. In the morning, he doesn't have to rely on his strong willpower to get up!

It's not that I'm lazy in bed, which has nothing to do with it. It's mainly when I lie on the bed that my body can get quite relaxed, but this kind of relaxation is painful! Their daily time can only be struggling to get down, give their body a hot bath, the body can be relaxed!

Even in the summer, you need to do this, otherwise the whole body seems to be frozen, and it takes quite a while to be able to move out! However, after coming to Ding Yu here, I don't know how he instigated it. Anyway, his body has been relieved very well! This is very clear in my heart!

But I am not a doctor, simple bandage no problem, but let yourself be a doctor, even if it is to fight, I am afraid no one wants! Because they are not talents in this field at all! I still have this self-knowledge!

"Daddy, October first? Do you have time? "

Ding Yu blinked his eyes and took off the glasses on his nose. "There's a debt collector coming back home. Do you think I have this time?! If there is anything, you can say it! I'll just listen! "

"Dad, you are not very happy! Looking at you these two days time is a little tired, just we have a holiday, so I want to invite you to go out to relax Ding Yun is not satisfied with her father's answer!

Ding Yu rubbed his head and said, "I see your little cotton padded jacket! It's absolutely black hearted, and it's a kind of air leakage. I'm very sure of this, and I'm sure of it! "

"Daddy Ding Yun is angry! Direct on their own father, dare to describe themselves so, do not want to face it? So Ding Yu's situation is a little bit miserable! There is no way, and can not fight back!"Say it! I don't have much time for what kind of programs you have prepared. At least, I can't leave at this stage. As for your side, as far as the situation allows, you can do as you like! "

Ding Chang looks at his father, he has always been very natural and unrestrained, is very elegant, is very handsome, but now? As if just been ravaged like, the contrast is particularly large, looking at people are very enjoy, at least now their feelings are like this!

"Dad, we've already agreed to borrow something for use." Then Ding Yun expressed the purpose of his coming here, and at the same time elaborated his own ideas. Lin Lin said all kinds of things. The organization and context were very clear and clear!

"Yes!" Ding Yu didn't say no, not even any hesitation! "I agree! But I want to mention a problem to you. You are a girl's family. How reserved are you? If your mother had known what you were like now, she might have called again to blame me for spoiling you

Hee hee! Ding Yun didn't think so much about it. He took a picture of his father and waved his mobile phone!

"I'll show them to my mother. They'll be very interested."

In any case, Ding Yu and his mother left the family together, but only one of them left home with his mother! For this point, both Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying are more at ease, the eldest son's mood is no problem, there is no physical problem!

As for why he is still in a wheelchair, the eldest son has his own explanation. Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying have no other questions. Anyway, they have already seen the hospital examination! There is no possibility of fraud at this point! Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying two people but the whole process of supervision, there is no omission point!

There are a little more people on this side of the farm, or there are a little more people here in the small county. Now there is a high-speed rail, which is very convenient! There are more people here than usual! Go to the mountains and the sea, or find a folk custom, or experience a farm paradise, or go to work, and so on! Have endless fun!

The leaders in the city are very concerned about this. The development effect of the tourism industry in the past two years has been remarkable. However, there are still some other problems. At this point, we need all the people in the city to cooperate with each other. At the same time, we need to strengthen the supervision. We must not let a mouse dung spoil the whole pot of soup!

Here, we have to say that the farm is the place where we most like to go, because there are not so many things, and the monitoring of the farm itself is more strict than expected! Even to the point of harshness! Everyone is willing to come to such a place to squat. While it is light, there will be no other problems and situations!

Even if possible, it would be great to see Mr. Ding Yuding!

But such a thing, we think about it! It's true that everyone and Ding Yu are in the same city, but Ding Yu has always been reluctant to show up. He stayed on the farm for a long time. In the morning, he might go out for a stroll with his father, but in addition, he was basically seen!

Of course, the farm staff exception, they want to see Ding Yu is really the easiest thing! At noon, go to the canteen and sit there! Can see Ding Yu basically! But maybe it's because of watching too much! You are the one that has no waves at all!

Also did not find that Ding Yu has six eyes, four legs, more handsome than ordinary people! Be more elegant! I don't talk so much. Besides, that's it! Right? Respect is respect, but it's not too mythical!

"It's a lot more lively than usual. Don't you go out and have a look?"

"No interest. I don't like it very much. It's better to be quiet." To say this, Ding Yu obviously means something. To a certain extent, he is also telling Sun Jun that he can be quiet. Such words are of great benefit to all of us!

Sun Jun took a look at her sister. She was making tea. She didn't know whether it was because of treatment or other reasons. During the past two days, she was very quiet. However, it can be seen that the depression between her eyebrows has been eliminated a lot. We should know that she is better than herself to go there, but we all know about Ding Yu's situation? What's on the surface is understood, but what's behind it? I don't understand at all! Does Ding Yu understand the situation here? What's on the surface absolutely knows, but what's behind it? Can only say ambiguous things!

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