"Dad, you are very busy recently. I have prepared it for you! Pay attention to your body

Looking at his black heart cotton padded jacket, Ding Yu rubbed his head and put down the glasses in his hand. He raised his body and tried to make himself comfortable! "What's the matter? Did you hear the wind? Or do you feel the movement? "

"No! It's just that there are so many people in the family. What's more, even if they don't have personal experience, they can at least observe it. So it's not too big to see the clues of such things, are they? "

"Are you confident?" Ding Yu's face showed a little smile, "it looks like I have grown up, should I clap my hands? Is it an encouragement to your progress? "

"Dad, I suddenly found that you seem to be a little too naughty!"

For his daughter's resistance, Ding Yu couldn't help laughing, "OK! I admit that it seems to be a little too much! Call them all in! They are also worried! Also, connect the video to Xiaogang! He also has a considerable right to know about this matter. It is not bad for him to know something about it. "

Ding Yun obviously didn't think of it, but soon called Wang An and them in! Even the video is also connected, but before other children come in, Ding Yu has made it clear that Xiao Gang can only watch and can't speak at all!

"Feel it all?" Looking at the children nodding, Ding Yu laughed. "It's normal for you to feel a little pressure, or it's not normal. Or have you been holding it in your heart for a long time? That's it

For this point, Ding Yu is still very sure that his own children can not know?

"Master, I feel the atmosphere is a little tense during this period! It's too much pressure to breathe! "

Ding Yu nodded his head and then sighed, "this time, the pressure is a little bit big, which has a lot to do with the previous Mao bear incident. When the previous three generations came, they represented those big families and consortia. They were accomplices, but they were also forced to choose. So when they felt that the situation was wrong, they let the third generation come over! It's a preliminary understanding between each other. I've changed a lot of good things to come back! "

"Dad, this is a little strange! Why did they let the third generation come here? It seems that the power of uniting together is not bad? " In this regard, Ding Chang expressed his ideas at the first time!

Ding Yu took out the chessboard, put the pieces on it separately, and then made a considerable decomposition!

"These big families and consortia are all smart people, or the history is too rich! The only way to fight and kill is that there is no way out in the end. However, if there is a certain possibility, they will not reveal too much. Therefore, this time, they will retreat to advance. I will compete with the white headed eagle's power! No matter who wins, who loses, or everyone fights with each other, for them, they can earn their own profits, or even more! "

Several children looked at each other. Although there was a little anger and indignation, they did not lose their senses. This is definitely what Ding Yu hoped to see. Youth's blood is a common thing, but it can't be impulsive!

"Daddy, why can they do this? Are you not afraid to cause mutual hostility between the two sides? "

Ding Yu smiles at Ding Yun, who raises the question. "I can't reach a settlement with them. They don't believe me. Similarly, I won't believe them either. They can sit down with each other, but they just sit down. We won't move. That's all. At least in a short time? It's just not feasible. Why do you say that? "

"Master, because there is a fundamental contradiction, so even if we can sit down and even smile at each other, the fundamental problem has not been solved. Everything is just a mirror in the moon."

"It's interesting. I can see it through." Ding Yu expressed quite exclamation to this, "yes! If the fundamental problems are not solved, what can we do even if we can sit down? Of course, we may not be able to beat each other to death now, but there is no problem doing some so-called small movements behind our backs! "

"Like the bear? Dad, that's not a small move

Because the security people have come to these children's side, so the children at home have more or less understanding of what happened there! Naturally, they know what's going on over there. It's no small move!

"Maybe in your opinion, things are very big, but when they rise to a certain level, they are just small moves." Ding Yu has such a look of disapproval! "Let off a few big fireworks, as a celebration! At that time, I did not have to do such a thing, now want to come! It was a little too impulsive at that time! "

Ah? Several children looked at each other, did not expect their father to have such a brave time!

"Dad, what is the point of such behavior?" Ding Chang has some doubts!"A means to achieve a certain goal is fierce, even excessive. If I put it at this time, I should have other choices, but under the circumstances at that time, it was basically the best choice!"

"Master, are there any conflicts with them? It's like there's a bear with firecrackers and fireworks? "

Looking at the worried eyes of these children, Ding Yu couldn't help shaking his head!

"It's basically impossible. To do anything, you need to pay a considerable price. Previously, they did such a thing, but from now on, it's just something that doesn't pay for the loss. The cost is too heavy, and the subsequent impact is also huge, but who knows? Let's see who's out of breath

"Dad, you'll be able to hold that tone, won't you?"

Ding Yu laughed. "From the temporary situation, we are more calm and calm. Even if there is a verbal abuse, it is relatively normal. There is no big deal!"

"Dad, the situation is so dangerous! You can still sit still

"What if you can't sit still? Make a lot of noise, or do something recklessly? " Ding Yu shook his head. "It's good to keep quite calm. The more time is like this, the more we need to keep calm. Can impulse have any effect? As for the pressure you feel, it's a good thing, but again, I won't allow you to get involved! "

"Daddy, are you looking down on us?" Ding Yun stands up and stares at Ding Yu discontentedly!

The other children are the same! It's obvious that they're all quite prepared!

"It's not to look down on you. It's also a kind of love and protection for you. You can see it, but it's absolutely not allowed to be involved. If you are involved in it, then I will terminate your right to see it. I believe that I can still do it!" Here, Ding Yu is very serious warning!

"Daddy, why? We're not kids anymore

"In terms of experience, you may not be children, but from the perspective of age, you are still a child. There is a saying that deep love will lead to longevity, and wisdom will hurt. This is a number of things, because you still have considerable defects, not to mention you, even adults like me, are the same!"

"Master, we know that you love us, but we hope to do something useful!"

"That's why I mentioned to you to keep calm earlier. What you need to do now is to keep a calm mind, and at the same time, to be able to correctly look at what is happening now. To a certain extent, this is the best education for you, regardless of whether it is in terms of time or space. Live broadcast and replay are totally different Think from a higher perspective, not from a lower perspective! "

Ding Yu has explained it very clearly! I hope that the children in the family can take charge of the overall situation for the general and commander-in-chief, instead of looking at the whole thing with narrow-minded eyes and showing their bravery!

"Although not so willing, but it seems that there is no way! But Dad, can I ask? When on earth is it now? And Dad, what kind of judgment do you have on the whole? "

Ding Yu looks at Ding Chang. Anyway, Ding Chang doesn't dare to look directly into his eyes!

Beckoning to Ding Chang, when he comes to his body, he points his head with his finger, "you! Sometimes I think too much! It's a good thing! The mind is very delicate! " That is to say, point to stop, and did not continue to say, there is no such need!

"To what extent? It can only be that each other is in mutual deadlock, because everyone knows that it is impossible to have such things as fireworks, no matter which aspect will not allow such things to happen, but we will still do one, even if it is just the form, it needs to be so! "

"Dad, do you mean it's still necessary for outsiders to have a look at it?"

"On the whole it will be like this! Anger from both sides has gathered together. Even a tiny flame may cause irreparable situation. However, we are still relatively restrained. No one dares to take a step rashly, nor will they step back a step! "

"Master, I rashly asked, why can't I step back?" Tong Tong said thoughtfully!

"They did that with the hairy bear, and the firecrackers blared! Fireworks, with our people are falling there! Under such circumstances, I can step back a step, but who can guarantee that this will not happen again? At least no one dares to stand up now! No one will stand up! "

Why no one will stand up, no one dare to stand up, the reason is too simple!

It's not true that there will be no one! Yes, but this person must have this absolute power. At the same time? Can be recognized by both sides, but these are not enough! What big families and consortia still need to recognize the important person. If they don't admit it, they still can't do it!But will those big families and consortiums allow such people to come out? How can they possibly do things, they will never allow such people to stand up. They are waiting now and waiting for the start of the fight. Because only the kick-off is the best for their interests. Even now even if the White Eagle wants to reach a settlement with Ding Yu, it can not be!

Of course, there is no possibility of reconciliation between each other! No chance!

Several children heard Ding Yu's words, but also had their own consideration, "OK! Dad, we really want to help, but since you ask so, we will be very hard to accept! "

Looking at the old children, including Wang Xiaogang in the video, Dingyu laughed, "OK! You don't have to worry too much. If you have any doubts, you can come and get some details. Of course, some things will not be shown to you, or you will not believe it. It doesn't matter. I hope you can understand it! "

Ding Yu did not have to ask for his children, but told them quite a lot of truth!

On this point, I am not saying that they deliberately strict emotional Department of those seedlings, there are quite a number of reasons! Ding Yu can be sure that no matter what kind of action the White Eagle has, they will not take the hand to these children in the family, even if they are able to burst out, they will not have any Passover!

This is the unwritten agreement and bottom line of all forces, and no one can break it! If it's really broken! Then it will be the enemy of all people and all forces!

But the seedlings in the Department of emotional management are different! They all have begun to experience the wind and rain! So there is no love and no love. If you are an enemy, as long as you are enemies, whether you are a small tree or a big tree, it doesn't matter. It is directly cut, and the roots are thrown together! Don't leave any trouble for yourself!

When the children all went out, Dingyu was sitting on his chair!

Ding Chang's actions let him realize some problems, but he didn't move for it, son! A little smart, a bit willful, starting point no problem, as for their father or mother, want to understand the situation, there is no big deal! Nothing to do!

But Dingyu didn't make a call here, which doesn't mean that Wang Changlin and Su Yuan will not make the call!

They contacted Ding Chang, but did not contact Ding Yun, because relatively speaking, Ding Yun is a bit too big! And what about that character? Not a lady at all, such things to her is not as good as to give Ding Chang more reassuring, and he has always been a role of badminton fan, relatively speaking, think more!

"What do you think of the boss?" Su Yuan sitting on the sofa, wearing pajamas, a face of worry!

"What exactly did you think? This question is really something to be discussed! " Wang Changlin face helpless, certainly he knew some of the situation, but the situation played a role in the basic is not! So I have no difference between my previous talk and not speaking!

Su Yuan gave a hard white look! "We don't know so much about things. The noise of the previous events seems to be pushed down again. In such a case, it seems that there are so many strange things, you said

You said everything! What do I say? Are you sure of your opinion?

Wang Changlin hesitated for a while, and said slowly, "you didn't call Suquan to ask him. He was originally a person in the Department of emotional management. If you asked him, I think you would know more clearly and more convenient!"

"On purpose, isn't it? You don't annoy me for a while. Do you feel so sad? "

"Are you kidding?" Wang Changlin said with no doubt, "boss, we don't know so much, care about it. But look at this side of the capital. Although the atmosphere is not as dull as the boss, there are so many taboos for the boss!"

"I look at them! It's just envy, hum! " Su Yuan expressed his dissatisfaction seriously!

"It should not be just the reason for this!" Wang Changlin has his own different opinions and opinions on this, "and it is the eldest to have been injured for such a long time. I heard that there is no big problem! But the boss still sits in a wheelchair, which is very strange! And say it because of something! "

"I heard about it! Ding Chang said his father could stand up! It's just a little lazy, so I've been in a wheelchair! " Su Yuan also felt very strange, "Ding Chang should have no problem speaking, but this little ghost is acquainted with his father on this point, always leave a half sentence when speaking!"

Wang Changlin looked at his own person and suddenly asked, "so you prefer Ding Yun some? Or would you prefer Ding Chang? Can a bowl of water be leveled up for you grandma? ""I'll tell you business?" Su Yuan was obviously a little alarmed, "Why are you telling me this? What's more, they are my grandsons and granddaughters, so I won't be biased! " Then he looked at Wang Changlin!

"Me? More like Ding Yun, very straightforward, also very straightforward! Of course, Ding Chang is also good! "

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