Two people's discussion about children is just a simple talk! No other involvement! After all, the topic is a little heavy, or need to find a relaxed topic to ease each other's emotions!

"But the eldest brother seems to have other different opinions and views on the children. I think the eldest one seems to value Wang an more, for his apprentice! It's really good! I don't hide anything! "

For this point, Su Yuan is really a little confused, even don't understand! What is this? It's just an apprentice. It's not natural. I don't object to you being nice to your apprentice. But even the natural one is compared with the later one! Isn't it thoughtless?

Although I have never said this, it doesn't mean that I don't have any opinions and ideas about it, but I have never mentioned it! Because I'm not sure what the eldest son thinks!

Originally, this relationship in the family is very delicate. If you really hurt your feelings because of such a small matter, it can't be saved by one sentence or two words! What's more, his eldest son is by no means general sensitive!

The eyes are still sharp, I am really a little bit, I dare not to reveal the mind in this aspect. I really doubt whether I am old or say he is old. At this point, it is really not very decent! flattered!

"Wang An, you and I have seen this child!" Wang Changlin carefully pondered for a while, "we should know how many families want to send their children to our eldest brother's eyes. If we can become the eldest's apprentice, no matter what we pay, we are all willing! But besides the children, who is really in the eyes of the eldest? Wang An is the only one! Be unique

"Who are the rest? Ding Yun and Ding Chang, Xiao Gang, these are the children of the family!"

Su Yuan held her hands in front of her chest. "Originally, because of Xiao Gang, Wang Li of our family had some thoughts about this aspect, but now it seems that this mind is also light! I know some specific things, but I didn't think that Wang Li of our family should have such a decision. It's a little inconceivable! "

In this regard, Wang Changlin has a different understanding, "we don't know about the other children in the family, and we don't know that, but Xiaogang's situation is always so understood! You see, Xiaogang knows it! What has this child suffered? After reading it, I feel that I can't accept it! "

Wang Changlin attaches great importance to Wang Xiaogang, because he is the hope for the future of his family. He is not only himself, but also many people behind him. Wang Xiaogang is not generally valued by him!

But at the same time, we also feel that there are some people who can't bear to look directly. Although we all know that it's absolutely good to do this, but if it's your grandson or granddaughter, you can't say anything!

What's more, we are very suspicious of how Wang Xiaogang was able to bear it! Don't say it's a child, even if it's the young people in their family, can they survive in such an environment and pressure? To a large extent, it should not survive, and even collapse directly!

How did Wang Xiaogang stick to it? We should know that he is just a child. There are tutors and other personnel, but these personnel are absolutely not his backbone. The problems still need to be solved by Ding Yu. However, after knowing quite a few questions, he asked Ding Yu to answer this question? Let's forget it!

In any case, Wang Xiaogang is their baby pimple, which is beyond doubt. Now we all expect Wang Xiaogang to grow up faster. After all, he is the legitimate son and grandson of the Wang family. From the blood relationship, it has no influence!

What's more, he was trained by Ding Yu himself! This is enough for everyone to look forward to!

There are many people who have been trained by Ding Yu since he was a child, that is to say, there are so many of them. I didn't expect that there is another one in his family. From the current situation, at least one is used to lay a foundation, and there are others. His relationship with Wang Xiaogang is very good!

From this point of view, the future does not even need to worry too much! Is there anything more to look forward to? No,

"Yes! Previously, Xiao Gang and the children at home went out together! It seems a little excited! "

"I know! It's a pity that the eldest brother didn't follow him in the past. Besides, Xiaogang was hidden in it. After all, there were Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying over there. If they knew Xiaogang's identity, there would be some trouble! " For this, Wang Changlin's mind is very complicated!

"What's more, the pressure on the boss's side is so great that the family is really watching all the time?"

Wang Changlin was stunned for a moment, and then laughed bitterly, "dare not, also can't start!" Then Wang Changlin stretched out his index finger and pointed to the direction of the sky, "I don't know how to think about it. You don't know the relationship between the boss and you. There is no right to speak on such matters at home."

In this matter, many people on my side even have considerable criticism. Why is this? If the boss really takes this relationship out, then the benefits are obvious!But Ding Yu has never expressed this aspect, and the relationship between Ding Yu and his family is relatively indifferent. Quite a number of people have a little difficulty in thinking about this matter!

But what kind of person is Wang Changlin? He understands it very well and even supports it! The power of the family has been quite developed in recent years, which I admit, but I also need to admit that there is not too much inside information in the family. After all, what happened at that time caused great harm to the family!

Even if the boss didn't come back, I'm afraid the house would have been broken up by now! In this case, what does the jump do? What is the meaning of it? Not as low-key development, do more good things for the country and the people! In this way, it can reflect its own value!

You should know that what you are pursuing is not the present, but the future! There is absolutely no harm in laying a solid foundation and setting up a firm fence. As for those who can't see the situation clearly, they will be gradually eliminated. They don't need to do it by themselves. They will be washed away by the times!

"The boss doesn't say anything, let's worry about it here!" Su Yuan snorted again!

"Some things don't need to be said or can't be said. If they are really said, who knows what kind of changes will happen? No one can bear it! From another point of view, the boss put the pressure on himself alone

"Can he carry it?"

"I don't know, but I have to resist! Because if you can't carry it, the cost will be too serious! " For this, Wang Changlin has quite a feeling. Not to mention anything else, it is just the farm. How many forces are envious?

It's just that we don't have any way now, and the development of the farm has been steady and steady in recent years. It seems that the speed of development is not so fast, but in fact, the foundation is more stable than expected!

But even so, if it is said that his eldest son can not withstand the impact, then what kind of changes will happen at that time, it is really difficult to say! On this issue, Wang Changlin has a very clear understanding!

"I don't know when I can stop. You say he is, too. How old is he! The children are so old! Why doesn't he know to calm down a little bit? "

Su Yuan had a lot of complaints about quite a lot of things! Of course, this is from the mother's point of view to consider, of course, Su Yuan can also stand in other angles to consider the problem, but a little reluctant to just!

"Yes! Xiao Gang has made quite a contact with Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying this time. How do you feel? " Su Yuan is very interested and curious about this!

"Very well, they are very popular with the children and take good care of them." In this regard, Wang Changlin does not want to talk about too much! "But the relationship with the boss is very good!"

Looking at her husband, Su Yuan sighed! Some things! It's really not what you want to get back! What's more, the eldest son is also in the middle of the position, ah! My mother is really a failure!

"I almost forgot! Does Su Quan know about this? "

"Maybe I know, maybe I don't know, but I'm more likely to know!" Wang Changlin is obviously a little taboo, "but his department, you know, some things are not very aspects, the boss is his nephew, but a lot of things are not as simple as imagined!"

"That is to say, he is an uncle and knows it! Hum! This guy... "

At the same time, Su Quan's life is not as easy as he imagined, because he suddenly found that although he had done considerable preparation, how to say? It doesn't seem to have much effect!

Because quite a lot of people now have some biases in their views on Ding Yu. Obviously, they are still influenced by Ding Yu's previous words, and this influence will be hard to eliminate for a moment and a half!

In such a situation, even if they are to do quite a preparatory work, is also very difficult! This makes Su Quan a headache, even a little annoyed! It's not under control!

There are some reasons why Ding Yu is quite responsible. Of course, it can't be denied that he has the responsibility of Geng Lao!

What's the reason for Ding Yu? Better explanation, because he proposed cutting, but his way is not considered, and the speed is too fast! Of course, this has a lot to do with himself. If we can slow down a little, it may not be the result like this now! I can understand his pressure, but it's not right!

As for Mr. Geng? I can understand it, but it's not that there are no problems at all, and all the pressure is put on Ding Yu. Is there any restrictive means? Too much wishful thinking! Even if there is a so-called means of restriction, how do you know that it will work?

To know that is Ding Yu, his nephew is what kind of character, how much or know some of their own!I can't persuade anyone now. My nephew can't spare any hands and feet at all. He needs to face up to a certain force. The pressure is overwhelming! How can you have time and leisure to take care of these things!

What about Mr. Geng? In his own opinion, he just recognized Ding Yu and didn't dare to do it!

Maybe Ding Yu really can't and can't do it, but it doesn't mean that Ding Yu still has time and energy to withstand the wind and rain for these young trees! What's more, these young trees have not been able to lead Ding Yu! What should I do?

What's more, what about yourself? After all, what is his identity and position? Su Quan's heart is still very clear. These intertwined together, so that Suquan even felt a little pain!

For nearly a month, Suquan was very tired and felt that if there was no change, then he could not bear any pressure! Poor God, when I wash my face in the morning, I can even see the white hair on my head! From this we can see how he survived this month!

There is no movement from his nephew, at least from the appearance, Sun Jun and sun Lisa have been nailed to the farm there, may not be able to penetrate into the interior, but the external movement can still see some! Ding Yu appears on the farm every day and works wholeheartedly. What else? No more!

Even the hospital side, have not been to, this itself is an abnormal phenomenon, but to say that is not normal, everything is very normal, can not pick out any problems, is Ding Yu not to go to the hospital is wrong? Why don't you make some sense?

"Geng Lao?" Looking at the straight door in, Su Quan is standing up!

Geng Zhi is looking at Su Quan. What happened during this period of time, I have seen in my eyes. I also have a lot of reflection! No matter what kind of trial or even provocation, there is no result! Even the act of kicking his nose on his face, Ding Yu was indifferent!

Love as you like! Whatever you want? As long as you are happy! I don't care!

But the more like this, the more people feel that there is something wrong. Sun Jun's situation is a little better, but the problem is that the emotion management department can't bear to hold on to some emotions! Even if you are honest and upright, you are just trying to suppress it!

In other words, I didn't think that things would develop so fast, and I also vaguely felt that there were some problems and conditions in it, but I never found them out. This is obviously different from my own estimation! Things are almost out of control!

Of course, this is not important, the important thing is that things are off track, which is very different!

"Suquan, do you have a special feeling?" Geng Zhi didn't even sit down and touched his inch. He was also a little tired and spoke to Su Quan! "Things seem to be out of control all of a sudden!"

Su Quan thought about it for a while and then shook his head, "Geng Lao, I have quite a lot of work to deal with, and these work will delay me a lot of time and energy, even in the middle of the night have already fallen asleep! If there is something, I need to get up in the first time. Moreover, I have other things to deal with. I have no time at all now! "

Geng Zhi took a deep breath. "I don't mean to blame you. I don't want to guess what you mean, but things have changed a little too fast recently! It's too fast to be prevented! There is Ding Yu there, not a little action, even I have hit his face! He still didn't respond! This is not normal! This is definitely not Ding Yu as I know it! "

What can su Quan say about this? What do you want Suquan to say?

"Mr. Geng, what do you mean?"

"Under such circumstances, I have to talk to Ding Yu, but I'm really afraid that the time is too late. I feel that I have been so bold in the previous time!" For this issue, Geng Zhi did not deny that, "or in other words, the current situation has been out of control, under such circumstances, we must find Ding Yu!"

Su Quan's expression was a little startled, but after that, he fell into a burst of thinking. Now is definitely not the time to be impulsive. What needs to be considered is how to solve the problem, not ridicule! In that case, it is a manifestation of not doing your duty!

"Mr. Geng, I don't know what you said. At least I haven't got any news yet. But I'm afraid it's not a general trouble to contact Ding Yu now! Even quite troublesome! He didn't see him! Even if I see you, I don't know what it will be like! "

"Yes! He didn't see him, and he did! Also very troublesome! But I have to see you

In this regard, Geng Zhi also felt a little irritable. Ding Yu reminded him in advance, but he was a little too taken for granted, and even a little self righteous. Under the circumstances at that time, he made a wrong judgment. Now he realized the problems and the situation, and did not know whether it was in time?"Geng Lao means to think of something else?" Su Quan nodded and turned his neck. "Yes, that bastard may not give me the face of being an uncle, but it's OK to think of a way! But Mr. Geng, are you ready? "

"I don't know!" "I feel that the situation is very complicated now. My original intention was to let these young saplings go through the wind and rain and face the outside world. Ding Yu still has this ability, but now the situation is so complicated that people can't understand it!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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