Su Quan knows what Geng is worried about. The situation is changing too fast! And under the water is too muddy, people can not understand, not clear! What about Ding Yu? If we don't exchange one or two, who knows what will happen?

To be exact, Mr. Geng has already had so many unable to bear the pressure now! Su Quan knows that if he can resist the pressure, he will never say such a thing!

"I can give it a try, Geng Lao. If it doesn't work, I won't continue to try! I don't know his bad temper, but I don't think it's bad for me to understand his bad temper

He nodded his head straightforwardly. Under the present situation, it is definitely better to find Su Quan than to find other people. Other people may achieve the goal, but how to say? Whether you can achieve what you want, this is something to be discussed!

But straight is not the same! Although what he said is very serious, but in fact it is not so exaggerated!

Then Su Quan picked up his phone, but looked at the time, "I'm Suquan. Find Ding Yun and ask her to call me when class is over. It's very important."

"Yes! Mr. so The security guard there didn't say anything against it, or didn't answer the phone. It doesn't exist! However, I didn't want to tell you what he meant, because he was already Ding Yun's man! If you inform Mr. Ding now, it's no big deal, but to a certain extent, it's a betrayal of Ding Yun! This is unforgivable!

Waiting for less than 20 minutes, Su Quan's phone rang, so Su Quan also deliberately looked at the time on his watch! With their own estimates of the difference! Now Ding Yun is over!

"Hello, uncle and grandfather." Ding Yun is very polite to say hello! The voice is clear and crisp, with a little mischievous!

"You too, Ding Yun, what? Class is in progress Su Quan still likes this granddaughter very much, generous! No affectation! And it's very atmospheric. At this point, it's not like his father! Because his father to a certain extent is a mug gourd, even a homestead man, three sticks can not make a fart!

"There are not too many problems in the school, and we can even do something else. But if we break the rules, we will be discriminated against by everyone. It may be envy or jealousy. What's more, I am still a model for many students, such as In this case, you still need to restrain yourself! You say, don't you, uncle and grandfather

"Ha ha!" Su Quan burst out laughing and said, "you are really a smart little ghost!"

"Well! Uncle and grandfather, if you look for Dad, I can help you. It should not be a big problem, but I need to know something about it. Otherwise, I will go to my father out of thin air. It's too hard to do it! For my personal consequences are a little serious, I may not be able to bear it! Excuse me, old man

"Oh?" Su Quan Leng for a moment, "what do you want to know, or what do you know?"

"On the whole, I know something about it. Dad didn't mean to hide it from us." Ding Yun turned her big eyes and said with ease, "although we can see it, it is impossible to let us participate in it. If anyone dares to participate in it, it will not be as simple as two months. No one dares to do so!"

"He told you all?" Su Quan is very surprised!

"It's not all. At least we have a certain understanding of the overall situation. That's all. We can cultivate our overall view."

Su Quan looked straight at him and found that his face was a little black. "Something happened here. The situation is too complicated! So now it's time to contact your father and talk to him about it! "

Then Su Quan simply said something about it! After su Quan finished, Ding Yun said, "uncle, I know this thing! I'll give you a phone number, you can call dad there! I don't know if he is busy now. I can't make it clear! But I won't refuse to answer the phone! "

When Su Quan got the phone number, he didn't immediately dial the phone. Instead, he looked at the upright man sitting opposite him. He didn't need to say some words. You heard everything from the old man!

"Mr. Geng, do you think there is a difference between them?"

Straight Leng for a moment, "Why say so?" Because I feel so strange! With the children at home, you will take good care of them. But what about the saplings of the emotional management department? You just ignore it? So eccentric?

"I think it's necessary to explain to Mr. Geng, so as to save you from misunderstanding. Of course, this is just my personal guess. Whether it is true or not, you can find Ding Yu to verify it later!"

"Say it Straight face above the expression is very serious, it is very obvious that there is a considerable anger in the heart! But obviously, this anger is not aimed at Su Quan!"Ding Yu let the children know about the situation. From my personal point of view, it should be a very normal thing. From his training of children, he pays great attention to the future. There is no need to deny this matter. I even think Xiaogang may be involved in it! He may know quite a bit about it, too

Geng zhileng for a while, want to know Wang Xiaogang is not in Ding Yu's side now!

"Go on

"It can be clearly felt from Ding Yun's words! Ding Yu is very strict with them. What should be contacted and what should not be contacted, there are quite limits! Of course, the most important point I want to say is why Ding Yu does this, because he can ensure that these children are OK! "

Yeah? Straight Leng for a while, and then narrowed his eyes, he is just before there are some angry, does not mean that he is really confused!

"Do you mean?"

"Yes, each of the Ding family's children is one. There will be no problem. No one will do anything to them, nor dare to do it to them. Because their age is placed there, it should be an unwritten agreement. I believe Ding Yu will abide by it, but the situation here is different! Of course, this is just my personal guess. What the actual situation looks like is still unknown! "

After obtaining Geng Zhi's consent, Su Quan hung up the phone, and it didn't take long for the phone to be connected, but it wasn't Ding Yu who answered the phone, "Hello! I'll find Ding Yu. I'm his uncle, Su Quan! "

"Hello, Mr. Su. Please wait a moment. Mr. Su is in a meeting. It will take about 15 minutes. Please forgive me."

Fifteen minutes later, Su Quan called again. This time, Ding Yu answered the phone in person! "I'm Ding Yu! It's said that you have something to do with me, uncle! "

"It's really hard to find you. It's not me who looks for you. It's Mr. Geng looking for you. It's hard for other people to find you!"

"Things are a little busy!" Ding Yu expressed indifference! "Just wait for me for a moment. Let's have a video chat! I'll find a safer route! " Then Ding Yu hung up the phone, not long, re sent the video over!

Ding Yu in the video is still sitting in a wheelchair with his hands crossed on his abdomen. The expression on his face seems flat, but from his face, we can see that he is a little tired!

Su Quan and Geng Zhi both looked at each other and had not seen each other for quite some time! But I didn't think that Ding Yu would have such a situation. It seems that the pressure on Ding Yu is a little bit big, otherwise, it would not be so!

As for whether Ding Yu is intentional, there should be no such situation. If Ding Yu pretends to be weak on purpose, he will not kill him! Because he is not such a person, and at this time, also disdain with this!

"Ding Yu, why can all the children in your family know quite a lot, but...."

Also did not wait for old Geng to finish his words, Ding Yu spoke directly! "They know quite a lot of things and have no problems. It's good to control them. Although they may encounter considerable things, there will be no danger. This is unwritten! There can be some threats, but absolutely not enough, because this is the bottom line, no one can trample on the bottom line, even I can not touch the bottom line, I rarely touch the bottom line! "

Finally, Ding Yu emphasized it carefully!

"What about the saplings of the intelligence department? I believe you should have received quite a bit of information! " Geng Zhi didn't wait for Su Quan to talk. Anyway, he had already verified what should be verified!

"Know a little bit, they are not like children! They are the Department of intelligence and management. They are not within the scope of restriction, whether in terms of age or other aspects! " Ding Yu's answer is very simple! Also very clear!

"And you? I don't believe you don't have this power! "

"There is such a force, but now there are many restrictions! I dare not and can't do it Speaking of this, Ding Yu pauses for a moment. "I have explained earlier that they are not suitable to participate at this time. It's not that I don't want to protect them, but I can't do it at all. I can't break through the defense line just because of them!"

"So you don't care about them? Can I understand that? "

Su Quan sighed slightly, Geng Lao, do you say that this is deliberately to blame Ding Yu?

"I need to do a lot of things. I can't do everything. And I'm just a person, not a god!" He blinked his eyes slightly, "Geng Lao, if you have this time and energy, you might as well pay more attention to other aspects, which may be better. I have already said that before! It's not up to me to listen to people who will die. I don't want to repeat such words. If I say it three times, even I feel irritable! "

"What do you mean? What do you want to do? " Straight and angry!"The problem is not what I want to do. I can pay close attention to them, but if I stretch out my hand carelessly, whether at home or abroad, I won't let me off. I won't do it because of them. The river bank is destroyed in the ant's nest. I can't do such a thing! I dare not do it. I have too much commitment and expectation behind me

"Ding Yu, are you worried, or do you know something?" Su Quan, sitting next to him, said abruptly!

"As far as I know, the saplings should be in the game now! I don't know the extent to which it will be pulled in. I don't know because I don't know much about it. But as far as I know now, it will continue! Their future and fate should not be too good! "

"Ding Yu, what do you want to do? Do you know, they are all young! They are all seeds of the future

Ding Yu glanced at me and said, "things have nothing to do with me. I didn't let them get involved. Even though I tried my best to stop it, it didn't play any role at all. Since I actively joined the grinding plate, whether it would be crushed into powder in the end, I didn't say it, because I didn't have the absolute dominant power. If I had the absolute control, I would not have any effect It's not the situation like today

"If I say YES now! How about taking these saplings back? " Just stare at Ding Yu!

"I don't know, because I have no way! No, no! " Ding Yu shook his head, "Geng Lao, you don't have to look at me like this. Things have nothing to do with me, because I don't mean to stop when I say stop, but act when I say. I don't count a lot of things. You should be very clear about this situation! And don't say it's you now! Even if I want to withdraw, there is no possibility, my opponent may think so

Su Quan was stunned for a moment and narrowed his eyes slightly! "You're talking about big consortia and families, aren't you?"

Straight Leng for a moment, thought of a considerable possibility!

"Yes! Those big families and consortia, they are now on the side of the covetous look, I step back, then they will unite with the white headed eagle side, the fierce bite up, the same if the white headed eagle side retreat, they will unite with me, for them, whether it is a mountain fall or a tsunami, it doesn't matter! It has nothing to do with them

Su Quan immediately sat up straight and looked at Ding Yu, "Ding Yu, nephew, I said if, if you sit down and have a good talk over there? What do you think of the idea? "

"Fill the hole with you?" Ding Yu took a serious look at his uncle. "You can persuade me, you can persuade the white headed eagle, but you can't convince those big families and consortia. Moreover, even if we can sit down, we can't sit down now."

"So you must see the real chapter under your hand?"

Ding Yu hesitated for a moment, and did not immediately speak, "is it necessary to see the real chapter? It's hard to say, and it's hard to say, because the situation is so developing, I don't know at all now. It's very difficult for me to make a judgment in this respect."

Some things Ding Yu can say, but some things? There's no need! After all, I talked with Mr. Geng before, but I didn't think that he gave me such a hand in turn, which made me very passive. In this case, some words really need to be reserved! No way of things, no one can step into a pit twice, right?

Sitting by Su Quan's side, he obviously noticed Ding Yu's reaction. He resented Ding Yu's reservation. Previously, because of other reasons, he made such a move. However, what kind of behavior are you now? Is it revenge?

What's more, it's time now! Are you still in the mood? So there are so many angry! When looking at Ding Yu, there are so many different eyes! He had to eat Ding Yu alive!

"In other words, it's too late! Can you understand it in this way? "

"They are all in the pit now! Whether they can escape from the pit depends on themselves. However, the pit will be so deep. Be careful not to be dragged in by the people in the pit. As far as I know, the people in the pit are not entirely their own! If you drag in one more person, you will make money! "

"Do you know anything?" Now straight is talking to Ding Yu with questioning tone!

But Ding Yu didn't have any anger! "I don't know, but it's a fact that these people fell into the pit! It's not that if they want to drag them up, they can be pulled up. If they can keep quite calm and form a group, there should be no big problems. At least the outside world can't fight with each other! "

The hidden meaning of the words, whether it is Su Quan or Geng Zhi, all understand! If these saplings can't keep calm, then the sand will be scattered and swept away!Can the intelligence department watch this happen? It's impossible! The intelligence department will be dragged into the water by then!

So now Geng Zhi has stood up, if it was not for Su Quan to hold him, he might have started to curse!

"Ding Yu, how to solve this matter?! They are all small saplings. The original intention was to let them see them, but things have changed too fast! " Suquan also felt a headache!

"I don't know yet. I've already warned in advance! And it's not once, but no one's listening! " Ding Yu is talking about the actual situation, there is no pleasure in revenge, at least in this matter is so! "If I leave now, I don't have time. I can only say that!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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