"No way!" I can't help it anymore! Straight is to jump up and say, "these people you have to protect! No matter what kind of way you use, what kind of cost, you need to protect them! "

Su Quan looked at the upright appearance and called out to be bad! Can my nephew tolerate this?

But did not think, his nephew unexpectedly did not have any movement, is sat there steadily, this is absolutely not because of the video! It's because he didn't get angry at all!

"Mr. Geng, it's you who say you don't want to be involved, but you're the one who can't afford to get involved, and it's you who want to leave now!" Ding Yu hummed slightly what "you has the final say, and that is the case. Then you go and tell the guys," no, the cow wants to leave! Do you ask them whether they agree or not? "

Nima, that's too much! You can't do this even if you're playing rogue! What do you want?

However, Ding Yu didn't mean to be hard headed. There was no need for him. He didn't do things by himself, and when he realized it, he had to give a thousand admonitions! Under such circumstances, what else do you want to make yourself? Will you discuss all the plans with you? What should we do if there are any more problems? Find your head again?

Su Quan coughed slightly, "Ding Yu! Those are all good seedlings and our hope for the future. However, if there is a certain possibility, we can not give up them. Even if we use our two old friends to fill the hole, we will be duty bound! "

Ding Yu shook his head. "This pit is too big. For them, the more people fall in, the better. Anyway, these people in the pit are just the so-called bait. The bait is broken! Still dead! For them, there is no influence. It's the best to catch fish. If you can't catch fish, it doesn't matter. It's a business without cost. "

The words have been said very clearly and clearly, now it's up to you to choose!

Straight face red, in front of the situation is quite dangerous! My original intention is not like this!

"Don't you Ding Yu do everything? You can't even do that! "

"And then?" Ding Yu asked, "then how to do it? You can clap your hands and go directly! What about me? What about the consortium behind it? What about the farm behind it? Watching

A word, direct tie to the south wall to Geng Lao, yes! I can do it, but after that? Fight each other on both sides, and then you will be satisfied! Don't you think about the consequences before you do something? Think about what kind of collateral reaction will result? You may not want to, but I can't do it!

After all, so many people depend on me to eat. If there are any problems and conditions in the consortium and the farm, there will be big trouble! Now, how many pairs of eyes are staring there, and you are simply lack of skills. Under such circumstances, you make such a big basket and ask me what to do? What can I do?

Can I be cold-blooded and merciless, I don't care! Do I just watch? I am such a person in your impression? It's just that Ding Yu didn't say it now!

Su Yuan took a look at the side of Geng straight, Geng Zhi is also looking at Su Quan! Both of them are in a dilemma now!

Now this matter is no longer a matter of stealing chicken and not being eroded. If all the seedlings are thrown in, the consequences will be unimaginable! If they depend on themselves, they can't make it!

Even if there are quite a lot of talents and abilities, how can we guarantee it in such a situation? And if one of them shows great talent, will those waiting to fish be allowed to survive?

Honest have dim sum cool, oneself also is now finally see clear situation! But the problem is that it's too late to see the situation! A little wishful thinking in the past! Now throw these saplings in! It's nothing if you dig yourself, but you've got these saplings and Ding Yu!

"They are all at home now! Although there are some problems, there should be no big problems, right? "

When I said this, I was not so confident even if I was honest!

You know, he feels the situation is wrong now! Because the mood of these saplings is a little out of control! This is still in the domestic situation. For fear that they are too hot blooded impulse, now it seems that the situation has gone to the worst way! It must be controlled!

"Ding Yu, if you deal with it, how do you do it?" This time or Suquan said a word!

"Keep calm! They make a lot of trouble. Anyway, they are in China! This is one of the few advantages! As long as you don't make a fuss, or if you don't make a fuss, the problem is not so big. What's more, don't interfere. Although they are all young trees, they should have experienced some rain and dew. Under such circumstances, if you don't understand anything, there is no way to do it! "Stand in Ding Yu's angle, this is already the best method! Now I don't have the energy to pay attention to so many things. Although this matter means a little bit of backyard fire, the fire is still under control!

Can also not directly to a basin of cold water in, that is another thing!

"I have already said the method! I won't get involved in the specific things! If it is really involved, it will be grasped by the white headed eagle. At the same time, it will be quite associated. At that time, it will not be so simple as to tie hands and feet! I hope it can be handled well! "

After that, Ding Yu hung up the phone! It's not ambiguous at all!

There is no way out. Otherwise, what should we do? Let Ding Yu hand, is bound to cause a greater rebound! Mr. Geng said it was right! There is no problem with the beliefs of these guys, and they are still young trees. They should be protected. They can only do their best, not say they don't want to! But really can't!

But these people are really hopeless! It doesn't seem like this! Mr. Geng still has many years of experience. He has a keen sense and discovered the situation very early. Therefore, if you operate properly, the problem should not be as big as you imagine!

What's more, it's in China after all! And still in their own territory! If this can make a so-called big trouble, then these people even give up! It doesn't seem like a big deal! Because it's so incompetent!

But this thing can't be done by yourself. Even if you can't even get involved in it, it's very dangerous to video with Mr. Geng and his uncle. It's even a tightrope!

What can we do? Do you really want to die? It's just a different way to do things!

If these saplings can keep calm and calm, there is no big thing! But if they can't keep this calm and add pressure to themselves out of thin air, what kind of situation will it lead to? This is really hard to say!

People! What I fear most is not what I look at directly, because if I look directly, I can at least see and hear! What I fear most is that I don't know what I'm going to face. The fear and pressure generated by this is enormous! Or to say that they frighten themselves, not to mention some of them make trouble! The result can be imagined!

What do you do now? Of course, it's safer not to do anything. If you say you do something now, you will be cheated because too many eyes are focused on your body! What do not do themselves, so looking at, on the contrary, will produce an ambiguous feeling!

After all, there is no problem with the so-called little movements of the white headed eagles, but if they really make a big fuss, or they really make too much noise, it is also easy to capsize the ship. What is the result of capsizing? It is to give Ding Yu the so-called handle! This is also not what the eagle wants to see!

After all, at this time, we are still in a stalemate situation. Although we all want to open the so-called situation, we all understand that what will happen after opening the situation is hard to predict. Under such a situation, it is better to slow down and make each other well prepared!

In other words, we are all cautious now. No one dares to take the lead and act rashly. Of course, we all want to kill each other! But each other also knows that this matter is basically impossible!

At most, one side has a considerable loss, so we are all quite prepared for each other now. If there is any problem, how should we deal with it! The plan should be more detailed and more stable. Even if it is impossible to succeed in the end, it must not be defeated completely and have no ability to fight back!

Or in the face of failure, to be able to have more confidence, not to appear one-sided situation and situation!

In here? Still need to say, honest old Geng's eyes are still very sharp, he found the problem relatively early, if say to wait two days, then really can't get rid of! No doubt about it!

Even now, it's hard to say how many saplings will sink down, but how? This is a necessary elimination process, the survival of the fittest, now to see whether these small saplings can carry! This is very important!

And sitting in the room Geng straight and Su Quan two people look at each other, now each other has no anger! Previously, two people, a white face, a red face, now there is no video with Ding Yu, there is no such need!

"What do you think of it?"

Su Quan narrowed his eyes and said, "I don't think much, this bastard! When the heart hardens up, also ignore, also be regarded as no one! It's a little too cold! "

Some words can not be too straightforward, will let the honest old lady too embarrassed!

From my own point of view, my nephew didn't make too many mistakes. Now it seems that there is no room for turning around. But if you want to control, there are really not too many problems! Now it's up to us to control this! Or can Mr. Geng harden his heart!But this matter can't be interfered with. After all, I still have a job now, which means that my identity is too representative! But Geng Lao is different! He's retired! What's more, this matter is originally Geng Lao Naoteng, who makes trouble, who will finish!

It may also be one of Ding Yu's means, but Su Quan is not prepared to speak directly about this problem! And how about it? Does it stimulate Mr. Geng? Even if they are stupid, they are not stupid to such a degree!

Seeing that Su Quan didn't mean to be involved, he sighed, "he didn't mean to be involved. In fact, it's the greatest protection! But even so, it's hard to say whether these young saplings can carry on. Now their emotions are so excited. If something happens again, it will cause quite a stir! "

"The situation is too complicated now! Even what we see may be very one-sided! " Su Quan said truthfully, "Geng Lao, judging from the current situation, these young trees still need to be dealt with carefully."

"Appropriate treatment?" Straight bitter smile up, smile inside more is helpless, "it seems that I this old guy is really old! Some things do not agree with always really can not, although it seems to have considerable experience, but the thinking is so rigid

But Su Quan didn't take the words. Instead, he looked down and took a look. He said this to Su Quan, but he didn't mean to answer. He knew what he meant! Also did not continue to say!

People are already very face! I can't be too shameless!

"It's quite possible, but it's still hard to say what kind of results will be. Su Quan, I know you are quite prepared. No matter what kind of problems and situations appear, you need to be steady. You can never do anything again! Compared with Ding Yu, I believe you more! "

Su Quan doesn't want to have any discussion with Geng Lao on this issue, because in his opinion, there is not much need! I know very well that Mr. Geng has quite a lot of opinions and ideas about his nephew! But what about that? In fact, from their own point of view, they have quite a lot of opinions about their nephew!

But this is the common sense of things, after all, Dingyu station position and angle can not be the same as himself! Also can't be like Geng Lao, he needs to stand in his angle to consider the problem!

Under such circumstances, it will certainly cause considerable problems and disputes! It's normal, okay? But Geng was always too paranoid about Ding Yu's problems, not because he had retired, but because of a number of reasons?

This problem has never been explored, and I don't want to explore anything! For myself, it doesn't make any sense, and may even cause some irreversible situation! This is what I don't want to see!

Any more? Although there are quite a few nephews who don't like themselves, how to say? For his nephew's ability, I have never doubted! There is even some confidence!

This is the result of many years of verification, absolutely do not eat boast out! My nephew's record! If you take it out, it will frighten many people to death! It will also make a lot of people wail!

But these things his nephew did not want to reveal the meaning, he is not a high-profile person! And other aspects of Ding Yu's related things are also covered up, how about not covering up? It's not a shame to expose everything!

After the video with Geng Lao and his uncle, Ding Yu didn't pay attention to those saplings any more! It's not impossible to keep a certain amount of attention, but not too much. What will happen to them? Just look at their performance!

In a week's time, there have been a lot of efforts, but the results of the efforts? It's not as good as you can imagine, and even the so-called counter effect has appeared! Because the mood of these young trees below is very fierce!

This is not a word two words, can say clearly, even if Geng Lao comes out also is the same!

In other words, they have experienced so few battles, so when there is great pressure, it is inevitable that there will be considerable problems. Even if there is external guidance, it will not be able to relieve them in a moment and a half! What's more, it's still "mischievous" behind this, so the results can be imagined!

Ding Yu has always been a indifferent attitude. No matter what happens there, Ding Yu seems to know nothing about it! Even Sun Jun and sun Lisa have found Ding Yu. Ding Yu still has the same attitude!

"Captain, I'm really busy. I don't have so much time to chat with you!"

Ding Yu doesn't care about Sun Jun, and he doesn't want to have any concern, because Ding Yu is very clear that things can't have any relationship with himself. This is certain, otherwise it will be a big trouble!

However, through this matter, we can see that there is no small problem! These young trees are really lack of experience. However, it is not a bad thing to have some problems now. Although there are considerable losses, and the losses are not small, on the whole, they are not without harvest at all!But relative to the harvest, the loss is still so big! It's totally beyond my estimation!

What's more, Geng Zhi finds that things are always intentionally or unintentionally directed in the direction of Ding Yu, and Sun Jun and sun Lisa have been quite affected, which makes Geng Zhi feel further! It's too tricky!

Their previous too taken for granted, let things a little too out of control! It is true that their starting point is no problem, and there are not too many problems associated with the process, but for the results, too unsatisfactory, and even so some disappointment!

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