"Oh, the sun doesn't come out from the West today!" Looking at Su Quan, Su Yuan hummed! As for the fruit basket in his hand, he did not put it in his eyes at all! After meeting, is a taunt!

"How can you not come? Are all the children here? " Su Quan doesn't think so! Not at all!

Miss their own body, let Suquan come in, looking at the fruit basket in his hand, is also a hum! "Do you really want to buy it on the way? You should know there's no shortage of this at home? I'll make a fool of it

"What can I do?" Su Quan handed the fruit basket inside to the steward, "I remember this day is very good! But your boss didn't come? What are you prepared for? "

Hum! Su Yuan took a look. "The things we prepared are very good! Along with the children in the family, they are also quite prepared. They are 100 times better than your uncle! But it's the family, and there's no one else! Take off your shoes and come in! "

Su Yuan's birthday, the family gathered together! On such a day, Ding Yu has made considerable preparations. However, it is impossible for Ding Yu to make a trip now. The situation is a little special. I believe it can be understood! If this can't be understood, it will be too difficult to be a person!

All the children in the family came to say hello to Su Quan. Don't say it. It's very lively. Everyone is laughing and laughing! A few small devil head back and forth scurry, cannot stop for a moment! Unfortunately, Ding Yu and his family didn't show up!

However, it is quite normal to think about it. The housekeeper of siheyuan is the first one to come here. Obviously, Ding Yu is also more concerned about this. Otherwise, he will send a gift. What can you do? No or nothing?

So now Su Yuan is very happy and his expression is beyond his words! From this we can see Su Yuan's mood, not to mention today is her birthday, although the family is not so complete, but most of them have come!

"Busy lately?" Wang Changlin and Su Quan did not follow the trend, but drank tea together! Chatting casually!

"What? Everybody knows? The news should be very confidential! " Su Quan doesn't think so much about it!

"How can you not know?" Wang Changlin shook his head. "What's more, Ding Yu is involved in this matter. The internal and external situations all point to him. Whether it's true or not, everyone is particularly concerned about it. However, the current situation seems to be so weird that people can't see it clearly!"

"The boss didn't say that?" Su Quan thought about it, took a sip of tea cup, licked his lips, and asked a question casually! But in fact is to remind Wang Changlin!

"He said something. His meaning is very clear. It has nothing to do with him, but I can hear it. I'm so impatient about it! I believe what he said, but he didn't mention his situation. When I talked to Ding Chang, I knew something about it, but it was very limited. The little guy's mouth was very strict. "

Su Quan is very careful to take a look, "I thought you asked is Xiaogang?"

"I asked him a few questions, but he didn't know what to do with him. He was extremely cautious and careful. It's understandable to think about it. After all, his environment is different from that of other children, so he can't be ignored!"

Through a simple conversation, we have a certain understanding of each other! Basically, I have a clear idea!

Both of them have different values. One is Ding Yun and the other is Ding Chang. Neither of them wants to move Wang Xiaogang, because to a certain extent, Wang Xiaogang is taboo, and neither of them wants to move Wang An and Tong Tong, because their identity is still one level lower than that of Wang family and Su family! I have to say, it's all old tricks!

Of course, there is another layer of reason. Ding Yu can't mention this matter, but if he doesn't open a mouth, the matter will always have some troubles, so Ding Yu intentionally or unintentionally opens such a gap!

Everyone's heart is not declared, no one has to do any more mention!

"The boss's business is very troublesome. Now it's just the beginning."

"I can feel it, but no one knows the situation there!" Wang Changlin shook his head, "there is nothing to do with things at home! Even if you want to hang the edge, you can't do it! "

"Good! It's really a troublesome thing if you hang on the side! " In this regard, Su Quan can be said to have a lingering fear, "now quite things are very unclear, and the boss there is some special situation!"

"It's just a matter of watching! Originally thought he could come back this time, it seems that we need to wait for the next time! I don't know when it will be over Wang Changlin said! I didn't talk much!

At night, after all the others left, Su Yuan knocked on his shoulder twice. He was a little old! If it had been placed ten years ago, it would never have been like this, but I have no leisure at all today!

"Didn't think that the children in the family still have such a mind?" Looking at the gifts given to her by several children, Su Yuan was also very happy, but at the same time, she also elbowed her husband, "did you ask?""I asked you two questions, they were reserved. The things of our boss seem different!"

"Although there is no spread on this side of the capital, but no one knows, everyone's nose is very good, but only the family doesn't know, it seems that Su Quan is not going to say anything!"

"What do you say? What do you say? " Wang Changlin shook his head. "This matter can not be said at all, and dare not say it! It's too much involved! What's more, is it not through Ding Chang that you have learned quite a bit of information? Now that you know something, don't be nervous! "Suspicious!"

Hum! Su Yuan sneered at this, "is that what Ding Chang said? Even if it is Ding Chang said, but that is only the boss's advice! If I don't have the meaning of the boss, I don't believe Ding Chang can know so much. I don't believe that the cub will actually say it truthfully. He has always been "tricky."

"Then say that to my grandson! What's going on? Just Xiaogang, right Wang Changlin said with dissatisfaction that "all are grandchildren. Can you be too eccentric! Let Ding Chang know! I don't know how to think about it? This child! Mind may be more sensitive than the boss! Don't look at his age! "

"What about sensitivity? I didn't ask him to provoke him, let alone that I was his grandmother! "

"Listen to this tone you speak, know that you are his grandmother, do not know you think you are enemies!"

Su Yuan was very dissatisfied with a stare, but also did not too tangle this matter! "The boss can not have any attention in the family. The attitude of Su Quan's speaking can be clearly felt. Things are not the same. Besides, Dingchang speaks, which also reveals the meaning of the boss!"

"I have to see the pictures that Ding Chang took? Boss has been so thin recently! Even the spirit of energy is not so sufficient, this has to bear the pressure! You father is looking at it? "

"What if not?" Wang Changlin shook his head. "This has been said countless times! There's no effect! Can we stop talking about it! What about the things in the house? When we need the boss, even if we don't say it, the boss will know. As for the things over there, we can't interfere at all! "

"After all, it's a son! Just looking at it like this? "

"What if not? Quite a few things in the home can not be inserted, can not be involved, you do not see Su Quan speaking attitude, even his side can not plug in this hand, can see! And the boss from the beginning, and the home has done a considerable cut, from now on, really unique vision! It's very thoughtful and very long-term! "

If Dingyu and the relationship between the Wang family have not been left aside, what kind of situation the royal family will be now, is under pressure from all aspects, this is a certain thing!

But now? The king family is not to say that he hid behind the position, but because the king family and Dingyu have not too much connection, in such a case, then to the king, then deliberately! Then things are another nature!

"So! Our family will not know the blessing in the blessing! The eyes of others envy are red! You don't know about this, so it's not bad to keep a low profile! "

"I'm not low-key yet? How do you make me low-key? Find a hole and bury yourself? "

The more you say, the less you are! What to follow! What is the name of digging a pit? If you do this, things are more noisy!

"Say it! I found Ding Chang. Su Quan found Ding Yun. It was the well water that did not violate the river. No one went to Xiaogang. Of course, no one went to Wang An and Tong Tong. Do you think it is very interesting? "

Oh! Su Yuan sighed, "I feel my grandson and granddaughter are good bullies, or what?"

"Wang An and Tong Tong are too special in their identities! Both are the first generation of the boss, and Wang An is also the leader of several children. This identity is given by Dingyu. No one can take away, and the child. He is not to say more about what he is! And Xiaogang's identity is really important to the family, and it is not necessary to say more. In such a case, only Ding Yun and Ding Chang are the most appropriate! "

"It's not because the boss has directed this matter!"

"It's not the same! The situation is fundamentally different! "

"What do you say when I see Ding Chang and Ding Yun later! It's not enough to be disgraceful! " Su Yuan's face has so many looks not very good, "you said how our family is a matter, originally sitting together to say a good one is good! Look at what's going on right now, is it like a family? Is there such a gap in the family? "

"What if not? The boss also does not want to be like this, the elder brother returns, is a family! But the boss can carry it, even the king's family can carry it. But how many years can he carry, ten years or eight years. When the boss leaves, the king will be swallowed up and stripped alive, even a small fire will make the whole family! It is obvious that both the Su family and Zheng family burn to ashes! In such a case, the boss can only bear the pain to make such a choice! ""Everyone in the family, including me, who made the greatest sacrifice is the eldest! He has given up too many things, and these are totally unnecessary for him! But he still does it! "

Some words, Wang Changlin is not willing to say more, how much his eldest son actually paid, his heart is the most clear, even the equivalent of things, Su Yuan as a mother is not so familiar, but although he does not say, but does not mean that his heart really did not think of anything!

Don't you know that your father is incompetent? For this point, I am also very clear!

If we really look at it from a comparative point of view, Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying are really qualified parents! He and Su Yuan two people treat the boss, there are too many adulterants, even some are not very pure! They all know it, and they are very clear! But how do you say that?

Usually, Su Yuan has some complaints, which he can understand, but who is going to talk about the depression in his heart! At most, I would like to talk to Su Yuan, but I don't dare to say it too deeply, because I know that my wife can only talk to myself in her heart, and she can't reveal anything to others!

"What are you doing with that? What's the use of it? " Su Yuan sighed, "today was a very happy day."

"I know what's in your heart? There are some ideas and resentment, the boss is also very difficult, he stands in that position above, how to do? Quite a thing is involuntarily! We parents should understand

"I don't understand, or I have some exclamations!" Su Yuan looked at her husband's state and knew what was in his heart? It's certainly not so good. Their husband and wife are really a natural couple, "ah! If you want to care, you can't care, you don't want to care, but you can't let go. Do you think the boss knows? "

"How can you know?" Wang Changlin suddenly laughed, "what kind of person is our eldest son? His mind is extremely sharp. What can be concealed from his eyes? He is just not willing to express, not willing to say it! But it doesn't mean he doesn't know anything! What's more, what else can we ask for? "

"Yes! Is it all like this now? What else can we ask for? "

The two people looked at each other, and then they all laughed. "Speaking of it, the boss has a lot of pressure. It's true that they don't ask about the specific things, but it should not be a big hindrance to say something about the family."

Then Su Yuan made a call to Ding Yu. Ding Yu, who was in the study, looked at the call and then connected the phone, "Ma!" Shouts a, listen to Su Yuan's heart inside have so some fever!

"All the family are here today! What's wrong with your family? There's nothing else. It's just that people in the family get together and have a meal, especially the children. How about you? "

"It's OK. Some of them have something to do today, but they didn't come here. I came back after having dinner on the farm."

Hearing his son say so, Su Yuan was not happy immediately!

"I said you are too. If you want to say that there is no such condition at home, there are nannies and cooks at home. They eat in the canteen every day. What do you want to do? What's the matter? You can't leave the canteen, can you? "

Listening to her mother's angry voice, Ding Yu was stunned for a moment! "Earlier, it was more convenient to think about it, but mom, I should think about it! There are always some troubles in the canteen. The canteen needs to make a separate one for me. It's better to go home and eat it. Maybe it's better! "

"That's it Su Yuan is very proud of this, "your meal is originally different from ordinary people. If you are at home, it is more convenient. As for the canteen? It's not that I won't let you go. If it's really inconvenient, it's OK, right! More often than not, you need to think about your family! "

For his mother's change, Ding Yu or feel very surprised, did not expect his mother should be able to say such words, usually he is not like this! Today, this is a big mood?

"And when the weather is cold, you need to pay more attention to your own physical condition. Don't think you can be unscrupulous when you are young! How much attention, and there is the children's side! They are young. Keep warm and don't catch a cold! "

"Yes! I got it! You and my dad should pay more attention

When putting down the phone, Ding Yu pauses for some time, and his mother calls him. This makes him very surprised. With her words, it also makes him have some other feelings! What happened, I do not know, but today's beginning, is really let me very happy!

When Su Yuan put down the phone, the expression on his face showed a little joy!

"Do you think the eldest son of our family has any other ideas? His mind is very sharp! ""The mind is very keen, but some things can be said, some things can only be meaningful, but can not be expressed!"

Wang Changlin said that his wife is in a good mood today, so his words are a little heavy. Such words will help her to think and avoid the situation of rebellion!

What's more, it's your eldest son? Does he really know nothing, nothing? How can such a thing hide from his eyes, it is impossible, so he only needs a slight cooperation, all of which will come naturally!

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