Now Ding Yu is not very worried about the situation of those small saplings! To be sure, you don't need to worry about it yourself!

I don't know if it's Geng Lao who is cruel? Or is it that the emotional management department behind it is cruel! The people who have been saved are not as many as you can imagine, and even make a lot of things come out! However, because Ding Yu didn't pay any attention to it, the impact was not as big as you imagined!

Whatever points to Ding Yu, everything will be cut off, the end is merciless that kind!

But for Ding Yu's hostile forces, it is enough! Because this is a business without capital!

It's a wake-up call for Ding Yu. If Ding Yu turns pale because of this, it will disappoint everyone! Ding Yu did not make any response, which shows that he has made considerable preparations! Also in line with everyone's judgment of Ding Yu!

Furthermore, Ding Yu's attitude tells some people and forces that I have already done the so-called preparatory work. What about those who make a fuss? Don't show it! There is no need, and even be looked down upon by people!

At least these will not cause any problems and influence to me Ding Yu! Even irritating me!

This is Ding Yu's attitude and an expression of Ding Yu's determination. We still need to see the truth about Mao Xiong's affairs before. My attitude is to be fearless. The question is, are you really ready?

"Dad, the weather is a little cold, you still wear so little, really good?"

Look at my father, that is, his legs are covered with a blanket! I felt a blanket, but I didn't know where the blanket came from. It was very comfortable. I weighed it and it seemed to be a little heavy!

"It's better!" Ding Yu looked at his daughter, "why did you come here alone today? And he also expressed a great interest in this, which is not normal! " Ding Yu has the greatest understanding and forgiveness for his little black cotton padded jacket, which leaks through the air! There is no way, after all, this daughter is his own!

"Feel a little tired?"

Ding Yu looks at his daughter. After watching for a period of time, he suddenly laughs, and laughs wantonly!

"I'm quite old! However, I never seem to have any obstacles in this respect?! Everyone has a love of beauty. This is a very normal thing. It's not bad to dress brightly or even be more arrogant. But be careful not to bring this habit to school! "

"Daddy, you don't object?" There is shock in Ding Yun's eyes, but at the same time, there is quite joy! Obviously, my father's reaction made me a little unexpected!

I just want to try it out. I didn't expect that my father would react like this! What a surprise!

"The most normal thing! When I was your age, I liked to wear white clothes, white shirts and white socks. It was very popular and cool. At that time, the four heavenly kings of pop music were absolute idols! Is it a sign of depravity that young people have such pursuits? It's not like this. It's just a normal reaction! Just like your grandfathers and grandmothers, in those days, they also pursued such beauty

"Dad, granddad and grandma have times like this? Really? You won't lie to me, will you? "

Ding Yun expressed his most serious doubt!

"What a normal thing. Didn't you look at the old photos at home? I have some collections. I'll find out if you go to my grandparents later! They are the same when they are young, but with the change of time, they don't have the mind in this aspect, so will you! "

"Dad, I don't like your mentality. It's too old! No fun

Ding Yu couldn't stop laughing, "don't say it's you! Even your big brother? There is also such a performance, with a word to describe, is sultry, as for Ding Chang? With a word to describe, that is Ao Jiao! That is, children may be a little more normal! "

Listening to her father's two adjectives, Ding Yun felt that her intestines were about to knot!

"Daddy, it's not as exaggerated as you said, OK?"

"Make a description, draw an analogy. When you are two years away, you will find that everything is not so interesting as you think, and you will even feel superficial. Is it just now? Curiosity has not gone, even just up this curiosity, but some things can be tried, some things can never be tried, the bottom line is absolutely can not be crossed! Do you understand? "

"Got it, copy it!" Ding Yun promised to tell his father!

"Dad, I'll go to my grandparents first! Have a look at what fashion they were then? "

Such a small matter of mediating one's own mood, for Ding Yu, is just like the fruit before the meal, which is still very tasty!

Not only Ding Yun, including other children in the family, will find Ding Yu when they have a lot of things or are in distress. It does not mean that they really have no other way to solve problems. They also have nannies and teachers. They can give them the most correct way!But it's totally different to find your own father and mother! And the children at home, also like this feeling very much! Have quite infatuation!

In the morning, Ding Lin and Ding Yu didn't go out. It rained outside!

"It's a bit cold! Especially you, you must pay more attention to your body. Do you hear me

"Dad, are you kidding Ding Yu suddenly laughed, "you and my mother should pay more attention to it! by the way! I heard that grandma's small boiler has been burned up? "

"Your grandmother is old! Originally the body is afraid of cold, but your uncle and aunt really can't stand, too hot! Now there is no time at all. At this point, your mother and I are not as good as your uncle and your aunt. They are really filial. Don't look at our family, it's money and things. No, it's too far away! On this point of filial piety, it is really different

"Yes! Let's?! That is to get some food and accompany me when I have time. However, my uncle and my aunt have taken care of all my grandmother's spirit for so many years. No one can do this! "

Ding Lin gladly nodded, "all said that there is no filial son before the hospital bed, this word! You and I should have the most say. You may be a little bit short. I've been in the hospital all my life, and I've seen too much. Therefore, I really respect your uncle and aunt and ask myself, I really can't do this! "

Father and son were sitting in front of the window, looking at the rain outside, talking, and waiting for Zhao Shuying to shout, two people came to the table. The three of them, the children in the family were crazy, and they were rare in this period of time!

"I'll have to call and tell them to pay attention not to catch a cold! It's easy for children to have a cold! "

Ding Lin and Ding Yu look at each other with a smile. Will the children not pay attention? Does not exist, but own mother heart has the worry, still does not disturb her!

"Boss, aren't you busy these two days? Do me a favor? "

"Mom, what's up?" Ding Yu felt a little strange, so subconsciously asked a question!

"One of my classmates is in a bit of a state, and the doctor is looking for him! And it's your father who found it! But it's not very useful, so I want you to show it to you? "

Ding Yu took a look at it! "Who is it?" After all, my father was able to contact a lot of doctors, and now the standard of medical treatment in the city is also very good. If you can let yourself speak good words, the standard of the hospital can be seen!

In this case, my mother also let me have a look. Obviously, it should be related to some problems and conditions of traditional Chinese medicine. Although I am not a famous scholar, I still have some confidence! This should be the reason why mothers find themselves!

What makes me more curious is that my mother never found herself because of this thing. What's wrong with this today?

"I have nothing to do here. If it is possible to have an operation, the time is not so abundant, but there is no problem in taking a look. If it is convenient, come here today!"

"Then I called!"

But Ding Lin, who had already had dinner here, explained, "your mother's old classmate! When they were in the normal school, they were together! But it has always been in contact, broken for a period of time, and then you did something? I picked it up again. At that time, I really tried my best to find out what I didn't know! "

Ding Yu shook his head and said, "adversity meets the heart! Everyone has a time of three disasters and nine difficulties. It's impossible for them to have a good life. It's a good thing to be able to bear the hardships. If I didn't have so many tribulations, I didn't have such achievements. Now I think about it, it's not so regretful, it's even associated with the family! "

"It's a little too embarrassing to say it's a family! Your mother and I went to visit their house. It's not so far away from our neighboring city. Ding Ding Ding should know each other, but you? " Then, Ding Lin looked up and down, slightly shook his head, there are so some dislike meaning!

In this regard, Ding Yu is very helpless, Dad, you look at me like this, really good?

My friends and my parents' friends can hang on to each other, but they are definitely not as many as I imagined. As for Ding Ding Ding? Even less! This is really not Ding Yu can decide! What's more, Ding Yu himself is not a high-profile temperament, usually the most willing thing is to hide in the study at home!

People in the family can't recognize it, let alone others?

Zhao Shuying soon came back with the phone in her hand! "Boss! They are still at home now. They can arrive at noon as soon as possible. Do you think they need to prepare something? "

"Bring along all the images and other materials that can be found, as well as hospital records. The more you prepare, the better, so that you can have a more direct understanding of the situation. What's more? Did you eat in the morning? If it's possible, don't eat for a while! "Listening to Ding Yu's arrangement, Zhao Shuying also nodded, and then ordered her old classmates, "do you hear me, let your old Wang serve more snacks, anyway, he has retired! There's nothing to do now. He can't be tired. Don't let him drive. How old are they? Don't let anything happen. Come by train. I'll let someone pick you up

"Shuying, don't bother so much. It's all hard work for you! If I can't, I don't have a big deal to do! "

"No, don't do it. It's not easy. Our boss is a little free today. Don't drive today! It's raining here and the road is slippery. No matter what, you need to pay attention to safety. You can wait for two days. Our boss's job is a little busy. After today, I don't know when I'll be free. I found it hard to find leisure. Don't mention other things. Come here quickly! Anyway, you don't have anything to do at home, so it's like coming to relax! "

In the morning, Ding Yu stayed in the study at home. She was called out to eat until noon. She realized that her mother's friend had come to her home!

Seeing her eldest son, Zhao Shuying called out, "Lao Li, and Juan Zi, let me introduce you to you. This is our eldest son, Ding Yu. I've heard about it before. It should be the first time I'll see you today!"

"Hello, Uncle Li and auntie!"

Seeing Ding Yu in a wheelchair, both of them were surprised! What is this?

"Hey, don't mention it! Something happened in the past and hurt me. Now I still keep it. I can stand up, but sometimes it's not so convenient! " Zhao Shuying said, "don't stand! Sit down

"You, aunt Juan! Old problem! When I was in school, I had this problem. When I was young, I didn't take it as a thing! Now that we are old enough, there are more problems! "

Ding Yu nodded, "Auntie, I'll show you." Said, is also touched for a period of time of pulse, then is to look at her face, and skin, looked for a long period of time, and then closed his eyes!

Always waiting for the sound of footsteps, Ding Yu opened his eyes and looked back!

"Xiao Lan, sit down first!" The woman who came in took a look, then found a seat beside her and sat down, but she was very light!

"Auntie, you should be brought out of the fetus! There should have been signs of this when I was a child! "

"I can't remember! It was a little uncomfortable when I went to normal school, and then I didn't feel any more! I have been waiting for retirement. I feel that the problem is getting more and more serious. I have traveled all over the world! No matter be big hospital, still small clinic, what folk prescription, have tried! Not much use! At best, suppress a little! "

Ding Yu takes you to nod to show that you know! Then he touched his pocket and said, "Dad, give me your mobile phone. I'll call the housekeeper there. What's wrong here at home! Some things are hard to find here! There should be a good stock of siheyuan! "

"No, Xiaoyu, if you need to ask Uncle Wang to buy it!"

After finishing this sentence, Zhao Shuying pulled her friend and said, "let him prepare! If you want to buy it, you don't know how to buy it! " Then he looked at his son and said, "boss! This is aunt Juanzi's daughter, Li Lan. She's your sister. Now she teaches high school. She's an excellent math teacher! "

"Hello!" Ding Yu stretched out his hand and shook her hand! Because of the inconvenience, I didn't stand up!

"Hello, brother Yu!" Li Lan quickly stretched out his hands and held them tightly!

After that, Mr. Deng said, "Hello, it's Mr. Deng's call!"

"It's me!" Ding Yu coughed! "I don't have my cell phone. Are you in the courtyard? I need something here. You can send it to me. There is no one in my house! "

"Hello, sir." Deng Rong didn't expect that it was Ding Yu, so he changed his words quickly, "what do you need? I'll send someone to come here immediately! I'm in the courtyard now! "

After Ding Yu finished, Deng Rong said it again! Then he went on to say, "Sir, I'll get ready at once."

"Just send it by tomorrow! We still need to observe here! "

After putting down the phone, Ding Yu returned the mobile phone to his father, "Auntie, I'll prepare the things first. I just checked it, but I still need to have a look at it again! Please stand up

Ding Yu gave a new examination, but let the next Wang family father and daughter by surprise, because quite a situation, they are the most familiar, to know Ding Yu but did not see the specific image data and list, said these things, this medical level is not high or not so simple!

Then Ding Yu looked at the video data and examined it for quite a long time!

But have not yet waited to speak, has the nanny to walk in, already noon, should eat!Or Zhao Shuying's greeting, we all came to the table together, during which someone came to Ding Yu's side, whispered two words, Ding Yu nodded slightly, did not say anything!

"Auntie, how much do I know about your problems? Judging from the current medical development, it is quite difficult, even difficult, to completely solve your problems. It should be said that you have been affected by considerable influence since you were born, and then? The spirit has been greatly impacted, and that's why we are in such a situation today

"Boss, what can I do for you?" Zhao Shuying is very anxious!

And Li's father and daughter are looking forward to it!

"It's impossible to cure completely. The mental trauma is too serious, coupled with your lack of sleep for so many years! So lead to other aspects of the problem and the situation, can only be slowly to adjust, who said that can completely cure your condition, is absolutely a liar! impossible! You can't do it! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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