"Boss! This problem is really too annoying! Your aunt! When it's out of order! The regular half night and half sleep, always troubled, sure to take medicine now, but you also know, this drug can play a very limited role! And such drugs, the body damage is also relatively large! "

His son is a doctor himself, he should know this most!

Dingyu nodded, "it's very troublesome, but relatively? Maybe because of family and other reasons, the development is not the worst one! But it is like glass, there are scratches on it. Whether it is deep or shallow, it is a problem, and a considerable problem. I have to find someone to give a specific study. From the current situation, the problem is not so big! It's not yet out of order! "

"You say it! What kind of treatment you want, listen to you! " Zhao Shuying is not polite to his son!

"I need to study it. Aunt may have to live for two more days, because I need to start from two aspects. I'll find my teachers and colleagues to help them to see, from the causes of the disease or the situation, etc., specific understanding, as for my side, try it in the way of traditional Chinese medicine, it may take a little time! After all, it's not a cold or a fever! "

"It's all right! It's the way it is! Your aunt lives in our house! There is a place in the house anyway! You don't have to worry about these things. You just need to treat your aunt! "

Ding Yu has two simple meals here, and then leaves! I can see that all three people in Li family have so many puzzles! Under the heart is also there are so some doubts, whether to come here is not the time, or let Dingyu some unhappy! Otherwise, how did Dingyu, the big nephew, eat two, and left?

Zhao Shuying found their family confused, put their hands, "you live a long time, you know! It is still a complaint to Dinglin. If it is not for him to be a father, he must let the child learn medicine. As for this situation? "

"Ah? Old Zhao, what happened to the child? "

"If you eat together sooner or later, you will know the situation! Two meals in the morning and evening, OK? Eat like cattle, at noon, eat less than cats! You said who to reason, mainly when I was studying medicine, I didn't have any spare time at noon. He was still abroad! At most, I drink coffee and chocolate. I have dealt with it at noon. When I get used to it, it is very difficult to change. Now, I don't drink coffee much, and eat high energy stuff! But this habit has never been changed! "

"My mother! Old Zhao, this can need to be corrected, but a lifetime of things! "

"Who said no, it is still better now. Whether it is less than cats, at least a little bit, it was not much to eat at noon or a doctor? I don't know how this doctor is doing it

After finishing, it was a white eye of his husband, obviously also did not become a king of the people are outsiders!

"Let him go first! We eat first, you didn't eat in the morning, but I personally cook, you can not live up to my heart! " Zhao Shuying is very bold, after all, their generation of feelings, absolutely pure, no other doping, is not really comparable to modern people!

After eating, first let the Wang family rest for a while, then Ding Lin and the two people went out to slip! As for Zhao Shuying, what they three people should do depends on their interest! It's no longer raining outside! Just a little bit!

"Laoding, it's really a pleasure to look at your big son! The condition can be cured, can be treated to what extent, I already have no matter! We are all old guys! Now it's up to their younger generation! "

"Hi! I heard that your son-in-law had been born! By the way, what about your granddaughter? Why didn't you bring it here? "

"Left at home, have already been to kindergarten! Don't mention it! In school, I was honest with quail, and went home! Feel the whole earth can not put her, that is called a riot, and still think about the method of the riot, only you can not think of, without her can not do! I and my family, each family a week, otherwise, can not bear! "

"Look at your proud appearance, you can say like it directly! Come on with this one! "

Dinglin is not polite at all, of course, because there is no gap between each other, so I will say this!

"I really like it. Although the little girl is noisy, she is really attractive. Her daughter and son-in-law are busy in their work. They are different from our original time! by the way! How are you doing here? "

"Boss, you saw it! Work is not to say! You know, I don't like to talk big words very much, but now he has one hand to eat and drink in my house, including my mother-in-law, who guarantees the whole thing! It's just a little bit bigger than the business that you've made! There's not much time to be free! "

"I said laoding, did you mean it? What's going on? I have to let the fire in my eyes? ""Too busy at work, so to speak! I am a father. Sometimes I have to go to the office to find him. Otherwise, apart from eating, I can't see him. As for my daughter? How to say it's good. He's spoiled by his brother

"Stop talking! Besides, I am about to flow out of this clam! You are content

"Contentment, of course, contentment!" Ding Lin was full of pride, "children don't eat at home at noon, you can see it in the evening! It's different from your granddaughter. She dominates the country outside. When she comes back, she will be as honest as a quail

"Why don't I believe what you said?"

The two elder brothers slowly and leisurely in the farm side, there are many people with Ding Lin to say hello, but do not want to disturb the meaning! Who has not yet three points of eyesight to see, people are obviously accompanied by people, you this time forward, want to do?

"You'll know when you see it in the evening! The children at home are very smart and smart. I don't think it's suitable to be in such a small place at the beginning. It's not without conditions at home. It's nice to go to the capital, isn't it? Now, it's OK! by the way! You're retired! Nothing to do? "

Lao Wang took a look of resentment. "You think it's like you, but it's not that I can't pull down this identity and face. I don't need to go up for three generations. My father-in-law is a farmer. He's a serious old cap. Juan Zi's family is much better than ours. At that time, my father-in-law had a job, and everyone said that I had made great progress."

"Is it all right?" A small joke, "but also, so many years like you, really rare, after all, are from that time, can abide by their duties are many, but there are more people who have problems! Now I want to come and live my life honestly. It's also very good! "

"What's more, my son-in-law doesn't give in too much now. I want to help, but our elder brothers say that there are quite a few things to do. Even if I want to help, what else can I do in addition to giving some advice? Sometimes I can't tell you more about it. My uncle is a noble guest in front of my house. My daughter married me and asked for no high official position or high salary. I just hope that he can treat our girl better. I really have nothing else to ask for! "

"Listen to you say this, do not know the people think there is much injustice?"

Ha ha ha! Two people looked at each other, and then they laughed again!

"Speaking of it, it's really satisfying. The conditions at home are certainly unable to compare with those in your family, but it's too good to say! Anyway, I am a very satisfied old man! The son-in-law there is also very good, I hope the granddaughter grow up earlier, anyway, our task has been completed! Just ask for peace now

Two people came to the farm, listened to a lecture, watched the game for a while, and then came back again. When they came back, there was no one else in the family except the nanny!

But soon the children at home came back! Ding Lin sat down to introduce Lao Wang. When Zhao Shuying came back, he introduced them again. The children were like puppets! But the cunning in the eyes completely betrayed them! Absolutely not so honest on the surface!

"Lao Zhao, OK! This grandson and granddaughter are worthy of being a teacher

Two people are busy in the kitchen, there is no cover up, although there are other people in the kitchen, but no one will care!

"You are not a teacher when you talk!" Zhao Shuying was not polite at all. "It's better to say that Lan Lan is better. Ding ding ding in our family dislikes me as a mother. How did you raise her? At the beginning, her education was very good. Now, how did she become a lazy woman? He got up later than his son, and he had to cook for him every day. The food she cooked could not even be eaten by herself, nor could she catch up with my son-in-law! "

In the evening, the three members of the Wang family knew it! What is Ding Yu's appetite? My God! It turns out that I don't eat much at noon. It's not that I have any opinions on them, it's just a habit!

Look at what you eat in the evening. Do you really doubt that these things really enter your stomach? Feel even if there are two stomachs can not hold so many things! What's more, these children at home, how can they eat so much!

The granddaughter in the family is to coax, cheat, scare, and not eat much. But look at the children of others, they don't need to say anything more. They eat big mouthfuls, and they make people like it!

Even more shocking to the three members of the Wang family is that after dinner, the children in the family took the initiative to clean up the dishes and chopsticks, and even didn't let the nanny start. They did it on their own. And depending on their situation, they were absolutely skilled. It was obviously not the first time! If it's a show, it won't be!

From this, we can also see the excellent and extraordinary education and education!

"Lao Zhao, I really envy you! What this child taught, nothing to say

"They are better, but they don't make you angry, but their father really makes me such a mother have so much silence!""Lao Zhao, you are not satisfied with this. What else do you want? If you can't, let Ding Yu be my son. I promise that all diseases will be eliminated! I see you! It's true that you don't know if you're in luck

"Uncle Wang! Auntie, and Li Lan, you sit down first. I have some things on my side, so I won't accompany you! "

"Yes! You are busy! Or are we interrupting you? "

It's really not Ding Yu's deliberate evasion. It's that Ding Yu doesn't have much time now. With his children, he doesn't mean to surround him. Instead, he leans on his grandfather and grandmother's side! It's not a good time to wait for them to come to an end! They know so much about it!

In the evening, though Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying tried their best to dissuade them, the Three Li family still lived on the farm instead of the villa! Comparatively speaking, living on the farm is more convenient! More appropriate!

"Dad! Mom! I suddenly found that you and uncle Ding have a good relationship with their family Li Lan was very envious of this. "At the beginning, when you went to the provincial capital to pick up my classmates, I had some doubts. It was not on the way at all. What did you think of running so far? But I still feel incredible after seeing uncle Ding's family today

"Oh, you! We didn't go through that era. We were really stupid at that time. At the beginning, Ding Yu had something wrong. Your father and I ran back and forth. That was really our son. At that time, not only our family, but all the people devoted themselves to it. We could have ten points, never use nine points! If it's okay, who's going to open this mouth? "

"Our generation can't do this! At least not many people can do it! "

Lao Li nodded, "in fact, there is a big gap between our family and the Ding family! You must know that, but when you come to the Ding family, you will feel quite restrained at the beginning. Now? "

"I still have a sense of constraint on my eldest brother. I don't know why? I feel a little afraid anyway! He didn't say anything to me, but looking at his serious expression, I had some doubts. When I was at school, I met a teacher, and I didn't look like this! "

"Hi! Your big brother is quite amazing, but also suffered a lot, just like eating things, you have seen with your own eyes, you have seen his position today! But who knows what kind of hard work and hard work was used to obtain this position? "

"Mother! Look at my dad! He said to me

Then a family of three lived in the dormitories on this side of the farm. Everything was available. It was the right kind!

In the morning, things were sent over, "Juanzi! Things have just been sent over, the boss said that it needs to be processed for a period of time, our old Ding is not the hand, we can't do it, you need to wait! I think it's about the same this morning! "

"So soon?" Li Lan obviously didn't think of it, "Auntie, let big brother don't have to worry so much. If we do this again, we will be really embarrassed!"

"What's not there? By the way, I've sent a lot of things here. I'll try them at noon."

Ding Yu is more interested in the other things sent by the housekeeper. They are all collected by him! It's true that the courtyard is just a residence now, but it's OK to collect some messy things! The housekeeper is careful!

For Uncle Li and his family, Ding Yu did his best. His father and mother seldom mentioned the same thing to him. However, when they mentioned it, Ding Yu would never refuse! Relative to the parents pay, this thing they do is nothing at all!

But aunt's problem wants to solve, this is really can't do, not to say that they do not try their best, there is no problem in this respect, but because her situation is too special, mental problems want to be solved thoroughly, this is a bit too much joke!

However, if you want to alleviate the problem, the problem is not so big, of course, this also needs a series of follow-up recuperation, so that we can be relatively stable, this is the way and method that I think of! As for Li's side will understand, I believe there should be no big problem!

"Master, are you busy?" Wang An, who knocked on the door, asked first! Get Ding Yu's permission to come in!

"Not very often! It's even unexpected

For his apprentice's arrival, Ding Yu is happy at the same time, his mouth is a bit unforgiving!

Wang an touched his head and said, "master, I want to discuss something serious with you." Seeing his master nodding, Wang an then said, "master, I want to use some resources!"

Ding Yu shook his head. "I'm not against it. You don't need to ask me about this matter. It's in your hands. You can use it if you want, or you don't need to use it. I'm your master. You can teach you, but you can make quite a decision for you. Generally speaking, I won't do such things, and it's not my style either! I can only say you've got the wrong person"Master, in fact, I have some doubts. I don't know whether this is right or not."

"I see! In fact, you feel like you lack the courage in some aspects, but you are not so willing Ding Yu nodded, "at this point, I support you. When things are not done, no one knows whether they will succeed, but if they do not, they will certainly fail. Come on!"

"Teacher, why do you feel like you are a little perfunctory when you say this?"

Wang an seldom said a witty word to his master! This is not easy to change! After all, he is a senior brother. He needs to consider his own identity at a certain time. He can't be too much of himself! That is to say, we can find quite a lot of space here! Make him very comfortable!

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