"You're as relaxed as you've been for the first time!" Ding Yu said in the same tone!

"There are some, but the younger martial brothers and younger martial sisters have put a lot of pressure on them, and so is Xiaogang. It seems that in a flash, everyone wakes up, and I, as a senior brother, can't fall behind! If you really lag behind, I'm afraid you will lose face, master! "

Ding Yu moved to Wang An's body and rubbed Wang An's head twice with his hands!

"It's no harm to give yourself a little pressure, but don't put all the pressure on your shoulders, which will hinder your growth! This is extremely inappropriate, and it is also very inappropriate! "

Looking at Wang An, who was struggling a little, Ding Yu continued to explain, "we are all human beings, not immortals. You need to know where your bottom line is, and set up an insurance for yourself. You can never cross this fuse. This is just like when you exercise. When you exercise to a certain extent, your body will master Move to send you a warning, faint! This is a fuse

"What's more, don't think this fuse is very safe! Extreme exercise needs to consider whether your body can bear it, just like you do now. Exercise needs to be maintained, but it must not be too much without bottom line. Otherwise, it is easy to leave behind hidden injuries, which is a great disadvantage for future development! "

"Master, I want to say something presumptuously!"

"Want to ask about my health?" Looking at Wang an nodding, Ding Yu nodded! "What do you want to know? Or how much do you know? Let's hear it! "

"Master, let us take good care of our bodies, but what about you? Your physical condition is not so good! At least give me personal feeling is like this, of course, my judgment may have considerable problems! But I always feel something wrong! "

In the face of Wang An's doubts, Ding Yu shook his head and sighed, "I didn't have such conditions as you in those years. Even before I joined the army, I didn't have such conditions. At that time, I was very ignorant and encountered the most painful setback in life. The road of life seemed to be suddenly broken! There is no future! I have no choice but to join the army. I have to wait until I finally come out. But it's just the understanding between life and death. "

"Master, is it true that there is a great terror between life and death?" Wang An's spirit rose at once!

Ding Yu was stunned for a moment, and then nodded, "there is such a saying, but I don't mind if you try now. I didn't mean to try it at that time. I didn't even expect such a thing to happen at all. You know, after training so much time in it, I almost didn't break through, according to your current standard Come on, you need to at least graduate from high school and maybe be able to meet the training standards at that time! But it's just part of it! "

"Training standards?" Wang An is obviously a few not quite reconciled!

"What do you think are in the team? Those are elites, and they are elites among the elites. There may be a little gap from the highest level, but they can definitely take advantage of it. Security at home? You may look a little different, but if you are on the battlefield, you will find out how outstanding they are

"Master, I know they are very good, but I think you are deliberately deviating from certain topics!"

Ding Yu did not deny this matter, even nodded intentionally, "it is true! I don't want you to contact me, or say to contact you early, because my way is not suitable for the general public. In the traditional sense, my way is a bit like a heresy, not so orthodox. If the orthodox way is one percent, then the possibility of my method may not be one in ten thousand! "

Listening to his master's words, Wang An's expression was astonished! "One in ten thousand?" Can see, Wang An's expression is very frightened! Even some fear!

"Master, are you not exaggerating?"

"Even if you let me go again now, whether it will succeed or not, I dare not make any guarantee. If you can go this way in the future, you will understand. This is one of the reasons why I will lay a solid foundation for you! There must not be any deviation

When it comes to the end of the day, Ding Yu even exclaimed!

"Master, what will happen if there is a deviation?"

"You have a lot of problems!" Sighing, Ding Yu continued to say, "you have laid a solid foundation, this is just fundamental, can you continue to go forward, will go far, I don't know, at least now I am not so clear, because I can only say temporary across the threshold! Really, I don't know how far I've gone

Wang an couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva! "Master, you are already like this! What else do you want us to do? "

"The difference between the inside and outside of the door is just a big difference, but it's not as high as you think. However, any of you will be lucky enough to enter this door in the future. I really can't explain clearly, and I can't understand either! Sometimes the more ambiguous things, the more difficult it is to decide! This is not hesitation! It's the truth"Master! Now I have some worries, even some hesitations! "

"Sometimes it's not a bad thing to know less, at least fearless, but after knowing too much, the whole person will appear so-called timidity. These are very normal, just like going to the battlefield. When you don't train at ordinary times, you just think about how you can be invincible! It's not a real thing at all! But it is absolutely extraordinary to be able to walk down alive after many battles! "

"More or less understandable!" Wang an couldn't help nodding his head!

"So be prepared to go! Give yourself a little confidence Ding Yu has ravaged Wang An's hair again. It feels like a bird's nest! This is the satisfaction to take back their own hands!

Wang an did not have any dissatisfaction, because he knew that this was a way of the master!

"Master, my grandfather Li has been waiting for you all the time, but it seems that they are in a very good mood. There are also grandparents and they are very attentive in their hospitality! But master, will it be too much trouble! Even too tricky

Ding Yu knocked his head twice with his hand. "It's a very troublesome thing. It involves some mental problems and conditions. Some of my old comrades in arms have had problems in this respect. They are said to be solved, but in fact? In the end, there are still some problems. Just like your grandmother in Li's family, she has physical problems in her mother's womb. I heard your grandmother say that she was stimulated when she went to school. At that time, she was young and disappeared. But with the increase of age, all kinds of problems came out! It's tricky! "

"Teacher, can I ask you two more questions?"

"I don't need to worry too much about my problems!" Ding Yu laughed and even spread out his hands. "I passed the door, so the problem is not big. In the case of not having passed the door, the problem is quite serious! But passing that door is just the beginning. Do you want to try it? "

Hearing Ding Yu's words, Wang An's heart beat immediately. He looked at his master and shook his head after half a day. "Master, I'm not ready yet!"

"Then go and prepare yourself! When do you feel right! You can come to me! I can let you have a try, feel that there is no harm, but also a reward for you! If you have achievements, you should be encouraged. This is a way to make progress. I agree with this way. At least it is better than suppressing yourself! "

After coming out from Ding Yu, Wang an clenched his small fist to cheer himself up. When some things were not experienced, there was no feeling at all. What the master said was not wrong at all, only he experienced it himself! Will have such feeling!

Ding Yu didn't go back to dinner at noon. His work was a little busy. With Wang An's interference, he really spent quite a lot of time. If he could, he would go back to talk about it in the evening. I believe the family should have been ready!

As for the situation of aunt Juanzi, I have already asked my teachers and colleagues, and I have given them quite a lot of information! But the reply will not be so fast, how possible!

Until the evening, Ding Yu came out of his office. Looking at his mother, Ding Yu spread out his hands and helplessly explained, "Mom, my work is really a little busy, not intentional!" After a look around, "why didn't you see Li Lan? She wasn't there?"

"Go back! She is a teacher and needs class. Your aunt can stay here! "

Looking at the almost processed medicinal materials, I checked one side again, and even had considerable deletion!

"Mom, let your aunt take the medicine for three days first! First consolidate and have a look, three bowls of water fried into a bowl, the specific way I'll write to you later, must pay attention to take medicine on time, there are some taboos! May have a considerable impact! "

Ding Yu made a considerable arrangement, "can you do it in three days?"

There are so many twitches in the corner of his mouth. Ding Yu immediately looks at his father. Ding Lin doesn't pay attention to his son's request for help!

"Mom, even if it's an elixir, I can't say that three days will work! First take it for three days to see what kind of reaction it is. If the reaction is good, then make further adjustment according to this prescription. After all, the disease can only be alleviated to allow me to give thorough treatment. It is impossible. In addition, I send the corresponding illness to my teachers and colleagues, and they will also raise considerable opinions! "

"So?" Zhao Shuying is so disappointed!

But for the Li family and his wife, they are also very clear, such a disease want to be completely cured, it is unlikely that things, this is not surgery, pull a knife, all the problems will be solved!

Now the demand is not much, is to hope that the disease can maintain, do not continue to deteriorate! If it continues to deteriorate, what kind of results will be? It's hard to imagine! If you stay up all night, even if you are a good person, if you insist on it for two years, I'm afraid it will be finished!"Lao Zhao, don't worry, we are not so anxious! Or the child said right, this disease ah! Want to be cured completely? It's not possible. We have already prepared for this matter, that is, we expect to continue to deteriorate! In other words, it would be better if it could be relieved a little bit! "

"Uncle Li, auntie, from the current inspection, there are problems! It's mainly because of mental trauma that leads to sleep problems, and lack of sleep leads to other problems in other organs of the body. From a temporary point of view, the problem is not so big, but it may take quite a long time to recuperate in the future! "

"Big nephew, I asked a little older, how do you say we can do it! At home, we can't say that we can sell iron by smashing pots and pans, but if there is a trace of possibility, we will treat them all! "

"Uncle Li, auntie, you want to be poor! Medicine! Can't eat enough, whether it's western medicine or important, it's the same. If you take it for a long time, it will produce considerable resistance, and at the same time, the drug also has some other harm to the body! This is extremely inappropriate! If other problems arise before the problem is solved, it is not appropriate! "

After dinner, Ding Yu wrote down the detailed list and left! Did not do any stay, and Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying two people have long been used to it! However, the Li family and his wife are looking at Ding Yu who is leaving. Now they finally know why Zhao Shuying asked them to seize the time to come here earlier!

It's not that they don't treat them, or that they are too busy! Think about it, such a large industry below, if you really want to be idle, it will really have problems!

But the outside world has different views on this matter! After all, too many eyes are staring at Ding Yu. Now Ding Yu still has such leisure time. It's really hard for people to think about it!

Is the heart really confident, or is it intentional? It's really hard to handle this problem!

Because it is not easy to make this judgment, we have made the most detailed understanding of the situation of the Li family, even if it is the Li family itself, I'm afraid it is not so detailed! But really speaking, it doesn't work at all!

Just friends and classmates of Ding Yu's mother! The reason is very simple, it is for Ding Yu's medical skills to come! No matter Ding Yu is in the face of his mother, or other reasons, anyway, Ding Yu does not mean to refuse!

But it's a bit of a ghost to say how much time it takes or how much energy it consumes!

But Ding Yu is really busy now, but no one can explain or understand what he is busy. Ding Yu is in the office of the farm every day! Basically, the door is not out of the two doors do not step! What's more, the protective measures around can really be described as watertight!

Without real contact, you will not understand the horror of it! In particular, the newly transferred personnel feel that the old group of security has been very terrible! But these guys who took office first, I don't know if it's because they just stepped down from the battlefield, which makes people feel a bit too aggressive!

At least compared with the previous batch of security guards, the mood of these security guards is not so stable, or this is the signal that Ding Yu deliberately released. What does it mean? It's really not hard to understand!

At this time, Ding Yu keeps calm, but it doesn't mean that Ding Yu has not made any preparations. On the contrary, Ding Yu has done quite a lot of preparatory work! Even look at the current posture, eager to try!

Now, who knows if Ding Yu will be furious? Would you like to have a try? Can you give it a try?

As for this issue, many people have expressed considerable interest! At this time, can Ding Yu control himself? This is an open question!

However, if you want to test Ding Yu, you will have to bear a considerable price! What's more, that place is Ding Yu's hometown! I don't know how many annihilation campaigns I have experienced! Now there are only two or three kittens left. Under such circumstances, I hope these kittens can test Ding Yu. Don't make such a joke. People will laugh off their big teeth!

What's more, even if we pour two bottles of Erguotou into these kittens, it won't do any good. They can't lift any knives, guns, sticks, or even look at them!

However, at this time, Geng Zhi has completely lost his mind in this aspect, and even in the affairs of the emotional management department, he has not paid much attention to it! The previous lesson has so many too much pain, let upright for a moment do not know how to face!

To be sure, close your eyes, you can think of the situation of those young trees!

Want to know oneself also is in the wind and rain to come, why now this time can have such feeling, this is really too abnormal! So now the upright is in reflection, under such circumstances, he has no time to pay attention to Ding Yu!

As for Suquan? Although he has done a lot of preparatory work, how to say? Time is too short! Things come too fast and go too fast! The preparation of their own side, the role is not so big!www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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