Su Quan has no time to pay attention to his nephew!

As for the intelligence department? Not too much interest, because they have quite a mess to clean up, this time the loss of small saplings need to be replenished? Does the problem need to be dealt with? After this blow, it takes quite a while to fill up the pit! After all, this is not something that can be done easily!

And this thing is said to have something to do with Ding Yu, but is it really related? The intelligence department has its own judgment, so now we can understand something about Ding Yu. Anyway, Sun Jun and sun Lisa are still there! Pour also not so in care! At least we can see what Ding Yu has done. As for others, we really don't have that energy!

What's more, Ding Yu doesn't have any big moves anyway, so it doesn't need too much attention!

Other aspects of this time are basically also the end of the flag! Although we don't know all about the affairs of the intelligence management department, we also know one or two of them. In such a case, we rashly act. If we really annoy Ding Yu, and then make something, then we will not have the good luck of the intelligence department!

So in a comprehensive way, the domestic side is very quiet now, as if all the voices are all depressed at once! And Ding Yu? There is no intention of making a big fuss at all. It's the same as usual!

If you are willing to see it, then look at it. If you don't want to see it, then closing your eyes is also a choice!

But the domestic side has stopped! It doesn't mean that foreign countries are the same. They still expect to move. You should know that Ding Yu's calming down makes everyone have some drumming in their hearts. This guy is the same as usual!

If you want to let you know, even if you close your ears and close your eyes, he will let you know quite a lot. But if you don't want to let you know something, even if you open your eyes and erect your ears, it will not have any effect!

But this way is not good, we can not know at all, do not understand at all, try Ding Yu once, did not try out any results, even Ding Yu lightly to deal with!

Everyone has put in considerable efforts and efforts for this, but in front of Ding Yu, it is like pencil words, which is obviously inconsistent with the plan in advance, at least not meeting the expectations of everyone!

If things go on like this, will the final result be his own side's fiasco, and Ding Yu even did not move his hand, began to be harvested!

On the farm side, Ding Yu also felt that the smell in the air was so wrong!

Maybe it's his sixth sense, maybe Ding Yu has a certain judgment on the situation! So when Ding Yu had nothing to do in the afternoon, he let his security guard drive and went to the cafe in the city together! I eat at home for a long time. Although there are many things today, I still have time to sit out and sit down!

When Ding Yu came out of the car, the manager of the cafe looked at Ding Yu and his expression was dull! Even if the whole person is out of the body, what's the situation? He has always been honest and honest, and has never had any time to cross. Now Ding Yu has come to the door? What exactly do you want to do?

But it's too late to dodge! After sending out the top danger signal, the manager came to the position of the door, and the security guard had pushed the wheelchair in! The manager took the initiative to open the glass door, stood on one side of the position, hands placed in front of Ding Yu and security, so that they can see clearly!

I don't want to cause other reactions of Ding Yu and security because of any unnecessary actions. In my opinion, it is totally unnecessary. I am a small miscellaneous fish that can live till now. I still know something about some things!

"Hello, Mr. Ding. Welcome to visit."

Ding Yu slightly nodded his head, "there is quite a time have not come out to bask in the sun! Come out and have a seat. I heard that there are a lot of good coffee here recently? So come and have a taste! Won't give you any trouble? "

"Mr. Ding, I have recently found an old friend and saved some Hawaiian coffee. If you come here today, you must try it!"

For Ding Yu's sudden visit, I really didn't have any preparation. The business of my coffee shop was pretty good. Although I said it was a small county, because of the inflow of talents and the improvement of the quality of life, my coffee shop was still famous! All their regular storage of some good goods, is to prevent the arrival of distinguished guests!

Can't always take ordinary coffee beans to deal with it at that time!

"Yes! I haven't tried for a while! "

The manager made an invitation to clean up, and then walked to the front of the table and found an excellent place for Ding Yu to sit down comfortably. For this reason, he asked the waiter to move the sofa of the coffee seat. Didn't you see Mr. Ding sitting in a wheelchair? How inappropriate is it for Mr. Ding to move to the sofa at this time?

When Ding Yu sat down, a waiter sent a towel and water to clean it. After all, the air in the North was dry, and the towel was scalded with hot water. It was very comfortable! It can relieve fatigue!Adjust measures to local conditions, nothing strange! Moreover, such a small action will make the guests feel at home. As for whether it is in line with the style of the coffee shop, who will pay attention to this?

The manager went into the warehouse, found out his coffee beans, and then re selected them. Every coffee bean is like this. He would never be like this when he put it in the past, but today is different! Because today's guest is Ding Yu! Even if he is exaggerating a little more, there will be no excessive!

Fine grinding of coffee beans, the whole manual process, in order to let Ding Yu have the most extreme enjoyment!

If it's other coffee beans, I really can't do it well. After all, I'm not so familiar with coffee beans as I imagined. But I know too much about coffee beans in Hawaii, because it's the place where I was born and raised!

As for the so-called little action? Spare yourself!

Take a look at the water temperature nearby. It can't exceed 100 degrees. It should be controlled between 92 degrees and 96 degrees. The weather and other changes should be taken into account when adjusting the temperature! If everything is conventional, no matter how good the coffee is, there is no soul!

I don't know much about Mr. Ding Yuding's taste. As for sugar or milk, it depends on Mr. Ding's own choice. It's good to arrange things in front of Ding Yu!

Ding Yu poured a cup for himself and the security guard, but he didn't add anything to his glass. After two sips, Ding Yu added some more things, which was very fragrant and comfortable!

"Good thing! It seems that there are still goods in stock! "

"Let Mr. Ding laugh!" The manager put his hands on his thighs and bowed slightly. His attitude should be as respectful as possible! "Mr. Ding is always the most distinguished guest here! Let the guest get God's service, this is what I should do

After drinking coffee, Ding Yu didn't make any stop! Leave with security!

Waiting to see the back of the car disappeared. The manager sat on the sofa and couldn't get up at all. Who could have thought that Mr. Ding Yuding would choose to come to the coffee shop at this time, and his heart jumped out! This NIMA is really scary! If Mr. Ding had done it twice, he would have had a heart attack!

I don't know exactly what Mr. Ding means, and I don't need to analyze and judge by myself. I report all the situations in detail! As for the above how to consider this matter, let them worry about it!

After drinking coffee, Ding Yu went back to the farm, but the news was spread out at the first time. Both those who expressed concern for Ding Yu or those who didn't care about Ding Yumo got the news!

Not to mention, it has really caused a small range of fluctuations, and the fluctuation is slightly larger, because we are not so sure what we want to do? Coffee all of a sudden? He has nothing to do?

So it will never be the reason for this!

It is true that everyone knows that Ding Yu has the habit of drinking coffee, but what kind of coffee he wants to drink is not suitable for his current status and status? Even if you drink in different styles every day, there is no problem. As for going to the small cafe?

Even if it's a small cafe with a unique coffee, so what? Ding Yu doesn't have to go, does he? Can't you buy it back? I don't believe that the manager of a small cafe dare to refuse. It's unrealistic at all!

It is obvious that Ding Yu's doing this is deliberately passing on something, but for a while, it is difficult for us to make a judgment! It's not clear at all! Because it seems that there is no detail to dig!

"What does Ding Yu want to do? Is he ready to declare war? "

People in the office are a little impatient. Ding Yu's coffee seems like a thing, but now no one can understand what it represents behind it, so all the video materials have been obtained! We observed and interpreted frame by frame, but after watching for half a day, we didn't interpret anything!

It is also because of this reason, so people have so many ideas!

They played a hand for Ding Yu. Now that Ding Yu drinks coffee, does he give them a hand in return?

It's possible, and quite possible, from Ding Yu's character that he must report his revenge! After all, this guy can't think of it with common sense! So need to use the fastest speed to interpret! This is the most important thing!

If there is no response for a long time, or it can not be interpreted, then we fall into the downwind in the contest with Ding Yu. What will happen after falling into the downwind? Ding Yu will definitely lead him by the nose at that time. The end makes people feel chilly when they think about it!

"Elizabeth, you know something about Ding Yu. Let's talk about your opinion."

"I'm Mr. Ding's broker, Mr. porter. Is it really good for me to stay here?" Elizabeth put her hands on the table, and she was not afraid of her identity at all, even a little provocative!"Elizabeth, we all know that this is not the subject of discussion, and it is meaningless to really argue about it!" Sitting in the middle of the old man, with a black frame crystal glasses, eyes look very harmonious, but speak, but give a person an unquestionable attitude!

Elizabeth took a deep look. "Judging from my personal point of view, I think that Mr. Ding's doing so is to send out a kind of warning, or to show his attitude. He left everywhere, seemingly unintentional, but in fact, it has a profound meaning! The problem is that the way we interpret it is a little bit off the mark! "

"Say something useful!" The old man tapped the table with his finger, and Elizabeth again!

"I think this time it's very simple. It's a warning from Mr. Ding Yuding. Just put away the so-called small movements! Don't think that he really doesn't have any perception, don't think he doesn't know anything, and don't think he is a good bully

Listening to Elizabeth's words, people's eyes at least looked at Porter, Potter pushed his eyes with his hand! "Elizabeth, how do you think you should verify this time? Can't I just rely on your so-called conjecture out of thin air and believe you? What's more, there are still some problems with your identity! "

When you use it, you are noble. If you can't use yourself, you can just abandon it. You are an old man! But Elizabeth would not have been angry about it! No way!

"It's just a cup of coffee. It's not a big deal. I'm sure Mr. porter will make up his mind."

As for how to make a decision on this matter, it has nothing to do with Elizabeth. Whether you want to be hard or rough, as long as you are satisfied with yourself! Do you think I have to get involved if I get involved? In my opinion, some things can be said, but some words really said! It will be implicated!

What's more, Ding Yu is involved in the matter? Do you really don't know how to write dead words? So don't give yourself what so-called unhappy! Some people can die hard to accept, but some people? What they say is what they don't care. If they really care, they won't live to be so smart today!

Porter knocked on the table again. "Elizabeth, thank you for your help."

Elizabeth then stood up, slightly bowed, and then turned away at the first time, without any hesitation or any stay. What would happen next had nothing to do with herself!

"Potter, is Elizabeth worth believing?"

"It doesn't matter!" Porter is very confident, "we do not believe in her or do not believe her, just let her provide us with some ideas, that's all!"

The words are very obvious! If Elizabeth deliberately leads them to the wrong way, no matter whether she is standing behind Ding Yu, the end will not be too good! At least we still have the confidence!

If it is on Ding Yu's territory! Then we may not have too many ways, Ding Yu is too overbearing, but now? It's on our own territory! If even such a small matter can not be solved, then it is not so simple as disgrace! Don't even need to compete with Ding Yu, just hold up your hands!

If Elizabeth's understanding is correct, then give a fair reward! You will be rewarded if you have done something! If you have a mistake, you will be punished!

"Mr. Porter!" A middle-aged man at the back stood up and said, "what do we need to do?"

"Don't Mr. Ding like coffee? Then send some coffee beans to sun Yingnan, the best one! "

Why don't you dare to accept it? Why don't we dare to give it to each other and fight against each other? There is no need to be afraid of you because of such a thing. The so-called "reciprocity of courtesy" is to go to sun Yingnan's place to drink coffee. It's not appropriate to send some coffee beans to Mr. Ding Yuding as a gift, right?

Sun Yingnan looked at the coffee beans delivered to him. There was no accident or displeasure on his face. Looking at the person sitting in front of him, he nodded slightly, "thank you! I hope you will be very happy. If you don't mind, I'd like to send it now! "

Thank you very much The visitor nodded, "we can also get Mr. Ding's taste!"

When Ding Yu got the news, he was slightly surprised. "The speed of reaction is a little beyond imagination. Who is so fierce! I haven't heard of it before! "

"Pete! And I heard Elizabeth was gone too! It seems that she put forward some opinions, and then Peter made the decision. However, link and they are not here. They seem to be protected, and the specific situation is not explored! "

"I see! They are smart enough to find someone! It is also a rare thing! And the other party is more suitable to find, but Elizabeth's cooperation is somewhat unexpected

"What can I do, sir?""Hey, that's what I said. There's no need to be so stingy. This is just business, not a big deal! I believe Elizabeth has a good sense of propriety, but who is Peter? How did he come out? "

"It's a big story!" Sun Yingnan said is very cautious, "I have seen a few, a bit fierce!"

"If you can hear such a statement from you, it seems that it is really extraordinary. You should know something about it! I hope there is such an opportunity! " Ding Yu sighed! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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