"Are you better, sir?"

Looking at Mr. Sun Yingnan knows that the contest between each other should come to an end, at least temporarily! In the next contest has not begun, we will remain silent and calm, may be small movements, but big movements will not exist!

"Not bad! Almost recovered! However, it is also a very good thing to sit in a wheelchair. They are willing to see such a scene, so let them have a good look! Some people in the province are worrying about it When talking, Ding Yu even deliberately stood up and walked two circles, very casual appearance! Obviously, the body has recovered!

Otherwise, Ding Yu would never be so relaxed and comfortable!

"What do we need to do, sir?" After seeing Ding Yu's state, sun Yingnan is full of confidence!

"No need!" Ding Yu shook his head. "They don't have any action now. If you have any action, it will make the whole situation become obscure immediately. It's good to keep the status now! I believe they are too! "

"Yes! I understand, sir

Put down the phone, Ding Yu sat in the wheelchair again, thinking about what!

No one has taken any advantage of the two sides fighting in the air. You gave me a little while I gave you a little, and they were not hurt in any way. We all kept quite calm. This is also a good thing! At least be able to prove each other is calm, so do not need to have too much worry!

Fear is that someone suddenly not calm! Then the situation will immediately have a huge turn, and no one can afford the price, after all, those big families and consortia are still watching with covetous eyes! That's the biggest problem!

In other words, the tripod is the most stable way, but it is also the most troublesome. The involvement between each other is too complicated! But really care to see, their own power is one of the weakest, this does not need to be denied!

In the morning, the Li family and his wife came to the farm at noon after the examination. No matter from the inspection results, or from the situation of these two days, the effect is very good. The sleeping in these two days has obviously improved. Not to mention, the body also has a considerable recovery, and I don't know whether it is because of the role of the heart!

It's not like two days ago when I just came over, the whole person is fighting their own spirit, these two days do not need to be like this!

Ding Yu looked at the results of the inspection, combined with the suggestions of his teachers and colleagues, and made a considerable judgment!

"Uncle, aunt!" Ding Yu took off his eyes, "quite a situation, I have already checked! From the performance of these two days, it's not bad! If there is nothing in your family, my personal advice? First stay for a week. What about one? It's easy to observe. What about the other one? Although it has played a little role now, no one knows whether the effect will last or not! "

"Big nephew, I don't know how to do these two days. Thank you!" Juan Zi is very grateful to Ding Yu, because these two days did not use western medicine, is using traditional Chinese medicine, the effect is very good, oneself obviously can feel out, oneself sleep is very calm, may wake up at two or three o'clock in the morning!

But compared with their previous situation, this improvement is very huge!

"Auntie, you are so kind! I'll change the prescription, because from your situation in the past two days, it's not bad. Now I can only say that there are some changes. This is a good thing, but auntie, there may be quite a lot of trouble in the future. From the diet and other aspects, we need to pay more attention to it! Because your condition may require a little more! "

"It doesn't matter!" Li Shu was a little excited. During the past few days, his feelings were especially profound! He was tortured by his wife's illness for the second half of his life. It's really painful! When can she sleep for three days in a row? Never before!

The usual situation is to sleep one night, the next day is basically insomnia, she does not sleep, how can he do? Can only be firm, accompany Bai! My wife, after all! It's hard to see her suffer!

"Next is a week of treatment, slowly to improve, and then we will see the effect!"

After making a considerable account, Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying took the Li family back to celebrate! To say "celebrate" is to say goodbye to drinks and other things, because these things will be quite stimulating to the spirit! There are other, Ding Yu is one by one to list out, it is not too troublesome!

Li and his wife are very careful to Ding Yu to write down the things collected! Originally, Ding Yu wanted to say something, but looking at his parents and Li's happy appearance, Ding Yu thought that they should be happy first. Anyway, he was not in such a hurry. Besides, he would like to inject the needle now. Judging from the time, it is really a little early!

"Lao Zhao, I just took a look. I didn't peek. I found that the office was really busy! The child is so busy every day, can bear to live? Documents can bury people! ""We are getting used to it! But there are not so many such cases! " Zhao Shuying didn't care about it. "You didn't see when he was really busy! Boy, I don't go home for a few days! I don't even have the time to have a meal! It's not a bad thing to be busy! "

"What a pity! The kids are so old! If... " Uncle Li had a good laugh!

"Don't talk about it!" Zhao Shuying gave a look of dissatisfaction, "I think your LAN LAN is also very good, at least compared with our Ding Ding Ding, it is really good too much! Our servant Ding! Hi! I this when the mother, all very dislike, let alone other people! That is to say, we are all thankful for not making trouble! "

Everyone joked with each other, not to mention that the farm side is still worth playing. Although Juan Zi's situation is not suitable for playing any exciting programs, it is still quite possible to follow a stroll and go to the greenhouse to have a look and work hard! Even the lectures on this side of the farm made her very interested!

Anyway, there's nothing to worry about at home. At most, it's my granddaughter. I miss it very much. I'll let my son-in-law and my daughter take it with me during the holidays! Other things go with the wind! Half of their bodies are buried in the earth. Do they care about that?

But when Li Lan and his family came, they didn't see Ding Yu! Ding Yu really doesn't have much time! I need to be responsible for too many things! There is no leisure at all now!

The Li family and his wife have been used to this! Living here these days, they see everything in their eyes. Sometimes even for a whole day, they can't see Ding Yu's figure. People don't need to hide from their husband and wife. Is it meaningful to avoid them?

Or how can they give Ding Yu?

"Grandma?" The little girl holding her grandmother is very lovely. Maybe it's because she has seen an outsider, and she has a little worry about her. She won't let go of her grandmother!

Juan Zi is holding her granddaughter. She hasn't seen a little girl for such a long time! Just to see the Ding family's children, I really miss them too much! So I won't let go of my granddaughter!

"Big brother is still busy?" Li Lan introduced her husband and then asked about Ding Yu's situation!

"Your elder brother hasn't seen any figures these two days, and I don't know what he's busy with!" Juanzi explained, "we've been to the office before, OK? I feel that the people's feet inside are not touching the ground. As for the documents on your big brother's desktop, I feel that they are piled up higher than people. There are too many files! "

The crowd laughed, but soon the topic shifted to the son-in-law of the Li family. He really came to the Ding family for the first time. He was a little restrained. He really knew the situation of the Ding family and the farm! I never thought that there was such a relationship between my family and the Ding family!

However, he still didn't see Ding Yu at night. Hao Liang saw Ding Yu the next morning, which was obviously different from his own imagination. Although his face was very serious, after a few minutes of contact, he would find that this elder brother was not aloof, but very considerate! There is quite a contrast!

As for the serious expression on the face, it should be a state of being in a high position for a long time!

But what I value most is the education of the Ding family and the education of the whole farm. I really open my eyes! My daughter is not very old, even the youngest of all the children, but compared with the children of the Ding family, there is too much difference! Even the children on the farm, there are so many can not compare!

You know it's cold now! However, there is not much attention on the farm side. The morning exercise is very exciting and lively. The children are very happy, and there is no reluctance. Just look at their small faces!

But what about your daughter? Still lying on the bed! It has a certain relationship with age, but it also has a considerable relationship with family education. In this regard, it is absolutely not a matter of giving good food and clothing and enrolling in a few so-called study classes! What I did before is a little irresponsible! At least not a good father!

"Big brother, do they always exercise like this?"

Ding Lin and Li Fu walked in front of him, while Ding Yu followed Hao Liang in a wheelchair!

"Don't be so polite!" Looking at the restrained Hao Liang, Ding Yu began to laugh. "Uncle Li and Aunt Li have already put quite a lot of things in their hands. They are more than you think. These things are nothing to be seen in the dark. I really hope that the majority of children can get such education, but we also need to adjust measures to local conditions! Teach students according to their aptitude! "

"Big brother, I'm not afraid of your jokes. When I see these children, I really feel very hot-blooded. Their spirit and spirit make me really impulsive, and even want to take the initiative to join them!" Hao Liang let go!

"This is not a thing that can be effective immediately. It needs considerable time and requires the cooperation of various departments. The development of the city can not be separated from the guidance. The leaders in the city have a long-term vision on this point, so we can integrate well together!"Hao Liang agreed with this, "the development of our side is also very good, but compared with this side, there is still a considerable gap, but there is a saying, the change is really big! Now, it's not so difficult to do things as imagined! When there is no money in the pocket, everyone needs to calculate carefully. There is no way to do it. But when there is money in the pocket, the situation is different! We can understand quite a few problems! "

"The economy has developed! People's life is easy! Why do they have to be careful, because the money is not easy! But now? When things get better, you will find that the people really care about not so many things! "

The two people talked about things for a long time. Ding Yu didn't give a long speech, nor did he sing high-profile songs. Hao Liang admired them very much! Unfortunately, after breakfast, Ding Yu left!

"Husband, how did you talk to the elder brother?"

"Great!" Hao Liang put up his thumb. "When I first came here, I was really worried. What am I? I am still very clear in my heart. There is no comparability with the elder brother of the Ding family. What's more, people are elephants. I'm just a little ant. People can take care of you or ignore you! To exaggerate, I can be blown to the sky when people blow their breath! "

"Hey, hey Li Lan also couldn't stop laughing. "You can be better. When I first came here, I looked at the big brother's face, and I thought he didn't like it. Later, I found that I was thinking a little too much!"

Husband and wife looked at each other, no one disliked who, no one is good there, these are just normal reactions, nothing to be ashamed of! It would be strange if there was no such reaction at all!

"Speaking of it, big brother is still approachable, but his face is a little serious! I had a few meals with my elder brother and watched him treat my mother. The absolute good doctor is that he is too busy! I don't have any leisure time at all. Although my time is limited, I'm too tired to listen to my father and my mother

"What about these problems? It doesn't belong to us, it's not our turn, but anyway? I think we underestimate big brother a little, but we are also too cautious

Looking at his wife, Hao Liang also laughed, "be careful, there is no problem, we should have been modest, let alone what capital we have in front of others? People just look at the face of their father-in-law and mother-in-law, but the eldest brother is really admirable! "

And Ding Yu here, sitting in the office, received his uncle's phone call, Ding Yu was quite surprised, the affairs of the intelligence department had come to an end! What do you mean by your uncle calling me?

"How are you, uncle?"

"What a fart!" Su Quan couldn't help cursing, "what's the situation? I don't believe you don't know anything about it. It's very troublesome, even a little cumbersome! Things can't be solved in an hour and a half, but I heard that you go out for coffee, it's a very strange thing, and even makes people can't help it! "

"Go out for coffee, uncle. Do you care?" Ding Yu is speechless!

"I don't care too much! After all, we need to know something about it. At least we should have some confidence in our hearts. Otherwise, we really don't know how to deal with it! "

Ding Yu said, "in fact, it's not a big deal. It's just that there's nothing wrong with being idle! So I went out and had a look at the scenery outside! Then I stopped by for a cup of coffee, that's all! Of course, after a few words with the manager, their manager is still very sensible. At least I like it very much. So I made a cup of Hawaiian coffee beans for me by myself. I feel it's very good! "

"How do I feel like you're lying to a ghost when you say that?"

"That's what it is. Can I make up other patterns? I don't think so! "

Ding Yu said it truthfully! My uncle is obviously a little distrustful, but what else can he say!

"You're just talking to me, aren't you?" Su Yuan's eyebrows beat more than once, even the corners of his mouth have so some twitch, his nephew! It's bad enough. Can I not know the truth? What I want to know is the situation behind it! This is the reason why I called!

"Uncle, I heard that things are busy there. You should know the smell of beans!"

"I don't mean to eat beans!" Su Quan felt that when he spoke, his voice was so much too much! "What's the matter? You really think your wings are hard, don't you? I really want to see! "

"I went to have a cup of coffee, and then someone sent sun Yingnan some coffee beans, which have been delivered to me! Uncle, do you need it? It's guaranteed to be genuine. It's been checked! How many sacks! I'll ask the housekeeper to give you a taste. The taste is still very good! Very silky"If you want to drink coffee, they will give you coffee beans. If you want to take a plane some other day, will they give you one?"

"What a bargain! And the cost performance is not so high, so I don't have much interest and nature about it. But if you are interested in this, uncle, you can talk about it! "

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