"In general, I understand it!" Although it is a bit hard to talk, Su Quan doesn't mean that his head is really uncivilized at all. On the contrary, Su Yuan is very flexible! "But it's so noisy, isn't it?"

"Just a cup of coffee, not a big deal! Such things should be called big events? Some of them are too exaggerated

Su Quan said, "say big or not, say small or not. You should know that everyone has expressed considerable concern about this, that is to know that you have gone to drink coffee! But I really don't know anything about the follow-up! "

"It doesn't matter." Ding Yu didn't care about it. "Anyone who wants to make a fuss will make a fuss! No one can manage such a thing, anyway, I have no interest in it personally! You can't take care of people's shit and fart, can't you? "

"That's disgusting! Give you a chance to reorganize your words! "

"Well! If anyone is willing to do so, he or she will get involved in the mud. It is also a matter of good luck. Not everyone has such opportunities and luck! "

Obviously, Ding Yu said this with a certain meaning. After all, the intelligence and management department was a strong man before, so there would be such an opportunity. If other people showed their interest in this aspect, would they come out? It's hard to say!

Some people can't stop their heads! At this point, Ding Yu has a very good attitude!

If you really want to! No one can stop it! Or Ding Yu has felt something!

I went to drink a cup of coffee by myself, which was quite a warning. But what is the significance of this warning? On this issue, Peter has already given a considerable response, and coffee beans have been sent. Can't it explain the problem?

Su Quan has already had the most profound feeling to this! About the affairs of the intelligence and governance department, Ding Yu has already revealed his own meaning at the very beginning, but now Ding Yu seems to have no attention, but if other forces are involved in this matter, there will be no good end. This is a matter of note!

"I said, boss, is your temper a little bit too big? Some things still need to stop, not too much! Of course, I think from my personal point of view. What I said may be quite inappropriate! "

Stick and carrot need to be used at the same time, otherwise there is no effect, but it is used! Can play what kind of effect, it is really difficult to say, for his nephew ah! I am also quite helpless!

Su Quan can make sure that he knows why the flowers are so red!

But this person is his nephew, he also has long been taught! It's really not possible!

"How are you! I'm quite calm recently. I don't feel too much irritability! "

Get it! You are the ancestor! All right? Suquan is really feeling that there are so many gas blockage! Feel to say two more words, maybe he will really be angry out of a good or bad to come, a bit more than worth the loss!

"Yes! I hear you have guests in your house! " Now that the business is over! Then say something else, "I'll tell you whether your half baked level is OK or not. If you can't, get help and don't be disgraced!"

"I can barely make it! What's the matter? Would you like to have a try, uncle

"I'll let it go! Just physical examination, no problem! by the way! Your father and your mother also have a physical examination! There are not too many problems, just a little older! It needs a little exercise! "

Tell Ding Yu what the reason is. Su Quan doesn't need to say more. Anyway, it tells you! If you want to do it, if you don't, there will never be anyone forcing you!

In this regard, Ding Yu slightly has so some bared teeth, his uncle is intentional! Although it is not a big deal, but since I know it! You can't do nothing, can you? In that case, it would be too irresponsible!

So put down the uncle's phone, Ding Yu took the initiative to call his mother over there! I never thought my mother was there with my grandfather and grandma! Su Yuan was a little dizzy when he heard his eldest son call from the attendant. After all, such a thing is really rare!

"Mom Ding Yu called out!

"Ah! Have you eaten yet Su Yuan has even been happy to forget what time it is, "how is your health recently?"

"Not bad, not bad! I heard you went to my grandparents. How are they doing After a pause for a moment, Ding Yu continued to say, "I heard you and my father experienced it! It's a lack of sports! Is there anything wrong? "

"How do you know that?" Su Yuan was very strange, "there's no big problem. Just say you can increase the amount of exercise. There's nothing too big. I'm here with your grandparents. They've just finished their experience. The problem is not so big. I'll come and have a look! See if there is anything I can do for you"I'll talk to them for a second."

Wang Pu said no two words, then handed the phone to the old lady, a look of disgust! The old lady is looking at her old man with a smile, which is a little too affectation! I don't know who it is. I was in such a hurry! Now that I have said nothing, I just want to kick my feet!

"Xiaoyu! I haven't been back for a while! How are you doing? "

The old lady is a kind-hearted woman, and her words are very clear and organized. Wang Pu and she are now enjoying their days. If other families, they basically need to lie down in the hospital, but they have considerable conditions, but they are also very comfortable! And where do these conditions come from?

"Not bad! Honest lie down at home, I'm afraid it's hard to come out in a short time! You and your grandfather are worried! Nothing. Everything is very good. Just rest assured

"How are the children? I've come to see us before. You are also a father! Pay more attention to it! "

"It's OK. Anyway, I'm more obedient and progressive at home, but when I'm outside, I'm going to call the devil king! Ding Yun, in particular, is now a famous elder sister. No one dares to provoke him! It's not only around the house, but also in the school. As a father, I don't know how to say it! "

The old lady was a little overjoyed to hear of her great achievement! "She! I'm so young and active. This is a normal thing. It's no big deal! " Obviously, the old lady is deliberately supporting!

Said a good period of time, just reluctantly gave the phone to Su Yuan! Su Yuan talked a few words here, and then he put the phone down. "I didn't expect that the boss called me. It's quite unexpected!"

The old lady nodded happily, "it's very good. Sometimes one way can't go. It's just another way! Don't go to the dark When talking, he also deliberately looked at Wang Pu! But Wang Pu did not pay any attention to it, and even intentionally hummed a sound, which is obviously quite dissatisfied with this!

This is my attitude. What can you do?

In the evening, Su Yuan also deliberately mentioned this matter to her husband. He was very happy. Wang Changlin nodded. He didn't expect that his eldest son also called in person, which was quite unexpected!

"Didn't you ask him what was going on there? What's more, what's going on at home? "

"He's OK. As for the situation at home, that is to say, he mentioned two things about the children. As for his adoptive father and adoptive mother, he didn't mention anything, but I can't say too much about things there."

For this point, Su Yuan is also optimistic! After all, for so many years, even if you can't see it, what can it do? And now it's great! The relationship between each other has been eased to the greatest extent. It is not as rigid or even embarrassing as before, which has made Su Yuan very satisfied!

"There should be nothing wrong with his family! If anything happened, I believe there would have been news of it! " In this regard, Wang Changlin has his own judgment, whether it's something or nothing, his eldest son is focused on countless eyes! Sometimes you can't solve problems by avoiding them!

Of course, there are quite a number of reasons, but also because his eldest son, do not have this idea! If there is news in this area, he will control it to prevent it from spreading out. No one can do it!

"Yes! It may be a little early to mention it now. The Chinese new year will be coming soon in a few months! "

"It's tough. It's possible that the children will come over in the new year, but the boss doesn't have to think about it! He can't move now, nor can he move at all Wang Changlin knows a lot about things, so he is not afraid to tell his wife. It's not a big deal!

"I've heard some news, but I don't know whether it's true or not. I can't come back for the Spring Festival, so the Spring Festival is even more unlikely! Is it? " This is like asking Wang Changlin, but more like asking himself!

Wang Changlin did not give any answer, because this is obviously doomed! Even if you want to deny it, how can you deny it! That's what happened! I don't want to let the children come back to spend the new year together and the Spring Festival together, but is the boss allowed to do so? Not allowed!

But Ding Yu did not think about these things at all. The time is still a little early!

And I'm really busy here. I need to control the direction of the whole consortium! Other times, you can be lazy, you can manage, you can ignore, it doesn't matter, but at this time, if you don't care, what direction the ship will go is really too difficult to say!

Even if you are in control of the general direction, there will be a case of hitting the reef, these are hard to say!

"Sir In the video, Dashan and Tanaka are sitting in a dangerous position. Seeing Ding Yu's first moment, they stand up and bow to admit their mistakes!"What's the matter? Is this? " Ding Yu is so puzzled!

"Sir, Yang Chen has a problem here. No matter what the reason is, it is our problem! We deeply regret that Mr. Zhang didn't investigate and give us time. "

"Hi! What did I think happened? " Ding Yu waved his hand disapprovingly, "all sit down and say!" After seeing the two people sitting down, Ding Yu said again, "Yang Chen let him experience in the past. Putting him in your place is also more reassuring to you. After all, his identity is different. To a certain extent, it also makes you embarrassed."

"After all, sir, he was hurt!"

"That's not his ability. It has nothing to do with other aspects. To let him go out to experience is to let him have long experience. What's the matter? After many years of wind and rain, you have to fight for yourself! Can you grow up in a honeypot? Will you succeed? "

"There is no need to cover up for him, and there is no need to take such responsibility on your own. If you have such behavior, I will be a little unhappy! All the children in the family need to face the wind and rain, that is, when the food is provided in the greenhouse, they will take it with them. What can they learn? When the sky falls down, someone will carry them. When they are hungry, they will not know what to eat. Anyway, there are ready-made ones. In the long run, they will be a waste man! "

Ding Yu's speech is a little vulgar!

"Yes! sir! We get it! "

Both of them didn't expect Ding Yu to say so. It was really beyond their expectation. But after careful consideration, it seems that it is really like this! Just like the children of Dashan family, Ding Yu, who wants to be a pillar, is very attentive and strict in his cultivation!

Dashan and Tanaka are both very concerned about this, and naturally they have a lot of understanding. But really speaking, Mr. Zhang's discipline is strict, but there is no intention of binding children! This is really admirable!

Now, Mr. Yang Chen is also using the same way and method. It is because he has expectations of you that he will be strict with you. If there is no expectation, who will pay attention to you? If you are drunk or drunk, no one will have any reason!

"Sir, let Yang Chen continue?" Dashan asked tentatively!

"His work has not been finished, no one will clean up the so-called mess for him, and he will do his own thing by himself! We're not his nannies. What's the matter? You have to wait for food. You don't have long hands? "

Listening to Mr. Sun's words, Dashan and Tanaka are very happy. They are really happy. It's not that Yang Chen did something wrong. There is really no relationship between them! It's mainly the attitude shown by the gentleman! Let two people even a little excited!

"The action of the consortium is not big. You should also bear considerable pressure."

"Oranges and apricots have made considerable arrangements. On the whole, they are quite good!" Tanaka and orange apricot relationship is very good, so there is no taboo! Say it directly!

"I sent some things in the past, which are not valuable things. If you like, you can share them at will."

Dashan and Tanaka are strange. I don't know what it is! After waiting for two days, Ding Yu's gift was sent over, OK? Dashan and Tanaka are short of martial arts! Two regular script, one cursive script!

When two people saw calligraphy, their eyes were red. Relatively speaking, Mr. Zhang gave them many gifts, but none of them was more important than the calligraphy in front of them! Seeing words is like seeing people. Mr. Zhang's handwriting is rarely spread outside!

What's more, there are Ding Yu's name and mark on it. It's really not easy to focus on these two points!

Both of them understood that Mr. Zhang was praising them. This time, they were very satisfied with what they had dealt with Yang Chen. That's why they got such a reward! So they were excited!

Looking at the three characters on the table, two people's eyes are round, and no one is willing to give in to each other!

Although one of them belongs to orange apricot, but she is not here now, such things pay attention to is first come, then, as for you later, there is no way to do things, who let you late! Right?

To know this thing, to a certain extent, it can be handed down, and it can't be regarded as a leisure thing!

If you don't believe it, you can see if your husband will write another one for you. What's the good thing? It's impossible! This is also why two people fight for the red in the face of the reason!

The security guards standing at the door looked at each other, and there were some twitches in the corners of their mouths. How can they go forward, how dare they go forward, or as if nothing has happened? It's better. All the things have nothing to do with them! This is the correct solution!

The time of two people's argument is a little longer, no one has absolutely convincing reason! But this matter can not find outsiders to judge, if this let outsiders know, who knows whether there will be other thoughts? Even oranges and apricots? Will there be other thoughts, are very difficult to say!Don't think that tangerine and apricot don't know anything. You're kidding. Oranges and apricots are also family origins! Therefore, we must make a good decision before the orange and apricot comes, and let the orange and apricot have nothing to say. This is the most secure way!

If there are no oranges and apricots, the two people may continue to tangle and fight, but with oranges and apricots, two people look at each other, and then they take out the cursive script alone! The cursive script will be left for orange and apricot! As for regular script, two people will discuss the next step to see who is the most suitable candidate!

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