When I get up in the morning, it's still raining outside! But the weather is obviously cold down, in another two days, it should be heating! Ding Yu rubbed his hands and looked out of the window!

Although there is no big movement these days, how to say it? Small action is still constant, there seems to be really iron heart, as if it is really not afraid of, such repeated provocation themselves, really doubt that they are taking the wrong medicine! Or do you think you really dare not give them?

There is a saying how to say, toads jump on the back of their feet, do not bite people, but diaphragm should be!

They are afraid that they are too calm, too calm! Right? So do you need to give them a little bit of a good look? But where to start? It's true that I have done quite a lot of preparatory work, but are these preparations really enough? In this regard, Ding Yu's heart is quite heavy!

Or say oneself this period of time pressure is a little too much! At home, they can't have any disclosure, and they can't spread the pressure to others. The children know something about it, but to a certain extent, some of them are one-sided or even intentional!

How to deal with these things? If you say you are impatient! Then the consortium will certainly be the same, so they need to continue to keep calm, but how to keep calm? Is it as simple as that?

If you say a word can let yourself completely calm down, you are really not a person, but God!

Looking at the autumn rain outside the window, Ding Yu fell into meditation. For a moment, the room was slightly dull and even depressed. However, no one dared to disturb Ding Yu at this time. The security guard at home was very anxious about this matter. Thinking about it, he called Wang an in the past!

When she looks at the Master Wang's house, she looks at her master's position. It seems that the master's job is not to disturb her master Wang's work!

When Ding Yu wakes up, he looks at Wang An and the little girl standing beside him. He is stunned for a moment!

"Why didn't you go to school?" Look at the time on the watch, it's not so early! "I have nothing to do. Go to school first." Then he shook his head with a smile! It seems very relaxed!

Looking at the nanny carrying the tray, Wang an personally picked it up, "master, you scared me to death! When Wang Yu and I came here, we didn't even dare to breathe when we saw you like this

"Hi! There's nothing. There are so many things that I think of in a moment. It's no big deal! " Then he said to the nanny, "let's arrange Wang Yu to go to school first." Immediately let Wang Yu come forward, touched two of her head, almost confused her hair style! But the little girl is still very quiet! Not at all!

After the little girl left, Wang An was slightly worried and stood in front of his master! I can see that the master's mood is a little uncertain!


Ding Yu took a long breath and said, "I fell into meditation earlier! Recently, the pressure is a little bit too big, but there are not too many things at home, mainly because the pressure from outside is a little too big! "

"Master, they are a little too bullying! It's a bit too much of a rascal! At the same time, some of them are too overbearing

Ding Yu couldn't help laughing, "there are so many too scoundrels! Even have quite overbearing, but other people have this capital! The Consortium at home? In recent years, there has been considerable development, which is true, even has a considerable scale, but the details are not enough! It's not enough, at least for our opponents! "

"Master?" Wang an almost bit his teeth and cried out!

"It's OK. I haven't lost my mind!" Ding Yu is very happy now. "The more I am at this time, the more I should calm down. I have been so calm before. Although I haven't lost my calmness, how can I say that? There are so many anger of leaving, even feel a little bit of suffocation

"Master, you are under too much pressure!"

"Get ready to find something to do, relieve your pressure a little, and dredge up! It has nothing to do with you! But now that you know it! It doesn't matter. I think you can feel it. I need to relieve the pressure. It's the same with you. Look at your little face. It's about to draw together! "

"Master, I haven't!"

"At this age, it's not a good thing to know so many things. At this point, I'm a master, and I'm a bit selfish!" Ding Yu said truthfully, "I hope you will not hate me in the future."

"Master, no, absolutely not! I can swear Wang An's face is firm!"Don't talk about it. Come back for lunch! Call them all over, I can't find other people to discuss, so I can only bear the pressure alone, but you are not the same! You have so many children, you can't bear the pressure alone

"Master, I can do it!"

Ding Yu patted Wang an on the shoulder twice. "I know you can, but you can't charge ahead alone. What's wrong with them? What more than you? Or you are less than them. There is no such thing. Under my door, it is always like this. I may not be able to achieve absolute fairness, but I can still do it relatively! "

Seeing his master's determination, Wang an did not hesitate any more! At home, a car was arranged to send Wang An to the school. However, when other children saw Wang An, they were a little surprised, because Wang an came a little late, and he actually came in the car at home!

The children in the family don't have any jealousy. On the contrary, there are some doubts. There must be something wrong. Otherwise, Wang An would never come by car, because this regulation is universal for all children in the family!

"Elder martial brother, is something wrong?"

Wang an looked at his younger brother and younger sister and nodded her head slightly. "It's not a big thing. The pressure from the master is a little bit too big, so I'm a bit upset. We'll go back to dinner together at noon."

Several children looked at each other, "elder martial brother, those guys really need to show them a little bit fierce!"

"These things are not what we need to consider. On the way back, I thought about it carefully. I think Shifu is right. Sometimes, we can't be too calm. We don't have to bear any pressure at all, but master? All the things are carried by the master alone. I'm so tired! "

After a few simple words, people are separated! But they all have considerable consideration!

At noon, the car at home was picked up for them to eat in the villa! Back at the right time, Ding Yu personally cooks, "I made something before, and the taste is ordinary. I'll try it!"

"Dad, you cook yourself?" Ding Yun looks at her father strangely. Although her father has never avoided this, his work is too busy! Basically do not have too much time, so today's cooking, people a bit unbearable feeling!

"Not bad! It's delicious, another way to say, but it should still be able to eat Then Ding Yu also sat in front of the table, "eat first! You should all be hungry! Originally, I felt a little anxious in my heart, but after I did something, I felt quite relieved! "

Although Ding Yu didn't eat much, several children ate a lot. After eating, they all ate for a period of time, and then they sat down again, "Dad, the elder martial brother said that you are under great pressure, and you are even in a trance!"

"Hi! See the autumn rain in the morning, a little other feelings just, Wang An's words a little exaggerated! But the pressure is a little bit high, which is the real situation! " Talk to their children, but also do not need to hide too much, although they do not understand the overall situation, but quite a lot of things still know!

"Daddy, did they bully you?"

"Give you a chance to reorganize your language!"

"Well! Dad, why are they so in control? What's more, as far as I know, Dad, you never seem to be such an aggrieved person. It's strange that you can't even understand it! "

"Tripartite confrontation, now two sides fight, no one dare to act rashly. In the end, two aspects need to be done once. The problem is that no one can bear too much loss, and the third party is eyeing it. Everyone needs to take precautions! This has nothing to do with friendship and so on. It's pure benefit

"Too bad!"

"I can't say that!" Ding Yu waved his hand, "not only on my side, but also on my opponent's side? As for those big consortia and forces, they feel tied. Why do they always make small moves? To a certain extent, they are used to frighten people. I'm afraid of nothing now. Don't come to me. If you dare to come to me, the guy in my hand is not vegetarian. On the whole, that's the meaning! "

"And they are afraid too." Ding Yun suddenly smiles, "Daddy, make him a guy!"

Obviously, Ding Yun! Everyone also followed and laughed, "boy, why can't we do this?" Ding Yu called the roll!

"Master!" Tong Tong stood up and said, "it's like a confrontation between two groups of people. Now, there are still some calm people. Although the people who stand against us are holding the guy style in their hands, and they are still arrogant, but they are also afraid and worried. If we hold the same guy style and confront them together, then we will really be If anyone doesn't calm down, a little bit of fire will lead to a terrible disaster"Good! It's a calm analysis, and it's true! "

Ding Yu continued to say, "now both sides have kept quite calm, but not everyone has kept calm. Now how many people have been unable to bear the panic in their heart, and now there is no fire, but Mars has begun to splash around!"

"Dad, if that's the case, it's going to be very difficult! You need to get rid of the anger

"So? If you have any ideas, please tell me what you think

Several children looked at each other, but Wang an looked at his master, and suddenly took a look at Ding Chang! Two people low voice exchange for a period of time, they are now a little bit of feeling!

"Dad, it's all family members anyway. Have a meal!"

"It's also a way!" Then Ding Yu looked at Wang An and said, "Wang An, what about you? What do you say about this? Since we have discussed with Ding Chang! Then tell me what you think

"Master, it's almost the New Year! In the past years, there were quite celebrations on the farm! "

Hearing Wang An's words, Wang Xiaogang's eyes suddenly brightened in the video. But Uncle Wang said earlier that it's OK to participate in the video, but it's not allowed to happen. I've racked my brains and didn't think of any way. But after hearing the words of the elder martial brother and Ding Chang's brother, I also had an idea!

Ding Yu laughed, "OK! When you come back in the evening, give me your specific ideas, go to school! Xiao Gang, you can keep it for a while Obviously, Ding Yu has something to say to Xiaogang!

After all the children left home, Ding Yucai looked at Xiaogang in the video, "you say it!"

"Uncle, I think it's a very good idea. I even want to run some large-scale operations. We can find all the important personnel of the consortium. We can get together and calm our minds. At the same time, we can also show it to the outside world to let them know that we are not unprepared! Don't stand there yelling

"What kind of scale do you think is better?"

"Uncle, I think the scale can be a little larger, not only domestic, but also foreign. Anyway, it is to invite some stars. I believe you are still very interested in this! After all, we can all see the development of the farm in these years. To show it can also attract the attention of the outside world. "

Ding Yu snorted, "I'll think about it! And, if it's possible, you can come with us! When the time comes, I'll be in charge of doing chores. I'm familiar with my face! That's it for the moment! "

"Uncle, is that ok?" Wang Xiaogang doesn't know anything, on the contrary, Wang Xiaogang knows a lot! You should know that the three families never allowed to set foot in the uncle's hometown. In the past, there were quite a lesson. Now the uncle suddenly let go of his mouth. Is it really good to do this?

Ding Yu snorted, did not make any other explanation, and then hung up the video, and Wang Xiaogang looked at the black screen video, is giggling, laughing a little proud! Just forget it!

In the evening, several children came back! They are all so excited. Although it is quite a long time before the new year's party, they can participate in it and even plan some things, which makes it difficult for them to be themselves!

The Li family and his wife were very happy when they saw several children. The most important thing was that they spent almost a week. During this period, Ding Yu had two injections, but the effect was really good! There is no disease at all, and the sleeping time has been improved!

Follow up treatment, there is no need to continue to rely on the Ding side! Relatively speaking, the Ding family is really not said! But you can't be too shameless! It's true that they didn't do it once, but what they couldn't do didn't happen, did they?

If not for Zhao Shuying's strong dissuasion, the Li family and his wife would have left long ago! After all, Ding Yu has written down the following recuperation and specific ways! Follow up only need to follow Ding Yu's formula to do it!

During the meal, the Li family were really grateful. They didn't take too much medicine here, but the whole person got a great recovery. If you have time every month, you can come and have a follow-up visit! Anyway, the distance is not so far, there will be no other delay, from the truth above, really not a word of thanks, can explain everything!

"Uncle Li, auntie, you and my parents, a lifetime of friendship, to say thank you, is really unnecessary! I'm just trying it. I'm really worried about other accidents and situations. After I go back, I still need to follow the doctor's advice. I can't stop taking medicine when I feel better. This is absolutely impossible! "

"Don't worry, big nephew. You must follow your way! It's hard to see a little hope. It can't run away! "

After dinner, Ding Yu took the lead to leave. After the children in the family cleaned up, they went to Ding Yu's villa for the first time. In the afternoon, they had already had a considerable discussion! Even made quite a plan!Although it is an outline, if the outline can not be passed, then there is no significance. We must let the outline pass temporarily, and then we can go down to the following! Now let's see how Ding Yu will make a decision!

Looking at the children rushing in, Ding Yu put down the document in his hand, buckled it upside down on the table, and then took up the outline they handed over and looked at it. There are many contents on the outline. It is difficult for them to do it in the afternoon!

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