You should know that from the old man, although the family rules are very strict, it is also a Zhongming Dingshi family. So in the food, there are a little bit of attention. But looking at his brother's meal, Wang Yang felt that he had some brains. Is this really delicious? Seems a little too much? You don't have to eat like this.

What's more, his brother ate too much? I asked for eight dishes in total, but judging from this posture, it seems that even eight more dishes are just enough to fill in the bottom. This is my own treat. It's really humiliating to eat at such a level. It's really rare that the guests are not full.

Ding Yu wiped the corners of his mouth with a paper towel, "let's get down to business." This word also let Wang Yang almost one breath did not come up, "I do not know the situation in the home very well, but such a big family, even 200 million can not come out, this seems to be a bit too funny!"

"Brother! That's 200 million yuan, not two yuan. My grandfather and grandmother have a lot of control in this respect, so we don't allow this kind of situation in our family. It doesn't mean that everyone is the same as you. Taking 200 million yuan is like taking two yuan! " Listening to Wang Yang's tone, Ding Yu also hummed and laughed, "how, it seems that you know something about me?"

"Two hundred and thirty million yuan, and after grandma said it, you can take it out. Although I don't do business, I still have some experience in this area. With 230 million working capital, no one can guarantee that there will be so much money in hand. Unless it's the kind of money that is improper, it's really a little envious!"

Ding Yu slightly nodded his head, "grandma told you?" Wang Yang was very direct and shook his head, "grandma will not tell me such things. I'm afraid no one in the family will mention this to my brother. I'm a small generation. If I say something wrong and do something wrong, I'll give it a beating and scolding. It won't be so good!"

Hearing Wang Yang say so, Ding Yu also looked at him for a period of time, "are you ready to give up your own future? Is it worth it? " Ding Yu is very clear about his brother's meaning. There is no other source of income at home. This is always walking on one leg, which is totally unsound.

Since it is not sound, then we need to think of some ways to make it sound. But the problem is that the Wangs have not found a better way and method, which has always been a concern.

Now suddenly there are more Ding Yu, which is a surprise. Wang Yang is very clear that his father has been in the position, and he can not stand out. If his father is in the position, he still occupies one of the positions. The atmosphere in the home will not be too harmonious. After all, my grandfather is not just a grandson of his own Just father and son.

This is also the main reason why Wang Yang seems to be a bit of a layman. There is no need for this aspect. Although he is not a kind of man who eats and waits for death, he will never go to a high position, which is impossible. Instead, he will come to see his brother alone? It's not that I really want to, but a kind of trial.

If you look at the attitude of my brother towards the family, you need to control the initiative in your own hands. It can be said that it is a little selfish, but balance is the most important thing. There is no way to do it. This balance still needs to be fought for.

"There's nothing worth it or not. It depends on what you mean. If you want to, I'd like to be idle. Anyway, it's the same as usual. There's no difference between them!"

Ding Yu said with a smile, "if I lift the table, what kind of situation would it be?"

Wang Yang, who was full of confidence, was stunned by this remark. He was totally stupid, even a blank in his head. This game is not played like this. How can brother look like this? Wang Yang for a long time did not return to taste, Ding Yu did not too much to force, is to sit there.

"Brother, do you have a problem with your family?" Wang Yang is also puzzled to look at his brother, Ding Yu also narrowed his eyes, "there is blood relationship, there is no emotion, there is no so-called kinship, I took the money, because I am happy, I am willing, does not represent other, more practical, whether I rely on the Wang family, has no influence on me personally! It seems that my grandfather and grandmother didn't tell you about it clearly! "

Wang Yang also suddenly realized that his brother can stand on the side of the capital, and this will not have any relationship with the Wang family. After thinking about it, Wang Yang also felt a little flushed, and his head even fell on the table. "Although there is emotion, it is not good to move too much!"

After saying that, Ding Yu also stood up, "brother, it's very difficult in this aspect at home. The 30 million yuan was taken by my grandmother to make up for the deficit. Although I don't know how much deficit there is, in my opinion, there should be little left, so I come to you directly, hoping you can help! After all, you are also the blood of the Wang family. "

Wang Yang's words did not let Ding Yu have too much pause and hesitation, "you are young and ignorant, so this time I forgive you. I don't know your style of doing things in the past, but I hope that in the future I may be a little more calm. I forgive you not because you are my brother, but because you are from the Wang family!"After that, Ding Yu left. Wang Yang also sat down on the chair and laughed bitterly for a while. His brother didn't give face at all! Anyway, I'm a top-notch childe! As for how to attack yourself? My brother is too heartless, what's more?

Looking at the unsealed wine on the table, Wang Yang really wanted to open it, and then pour it all down for himself. Maybe he could figure out how it was. After thinking about it, he put the wine back in his car, but what about this car? It is really too common, ordinary people will not even look at passing people.

After starting the car, Wang Yang also patted the steering wheel heavily, which made him feel very angry, angry, and even bent. How could things reach such a degree? Back home, looking at the grandfather and grandmother sitting there, Wang Yang also cracked his mouth, trying to show a smile, but it is a bitter smile.

The old lady looked at her grandson and then looked at the old man. "Although you didn't say what you were going to do tonight, your grandfather and I have basically guessed. Even what kind of situation you are going to be tonight, we have almost guessed. This is a very inevitable thing. Your brother is very smart

Listening to his grandmother's words, Wang Yang felt that he wanted to cry a little bit. He was really like this. He was very aggrieved. How could he be like this? Even if you want to abuse yourself, don't you have to find such a way? Although I am young, I have always been a part of abusing others, and others dare not abuse themselves.

"Too much? My face is about to be beaten and swollen, and I feel so ashamed

"You deserve it!" Wang Pu is also very dissatisfied with a sentence, said after that is also involuntary smile, "you! It's just from the honey pot. It's too smooth. In ordinary times, people give you this face, which makes you a little bit forgetful. It's not necessarily a bad thing to learn a little bit! "

"Grandfather, I don't deny that I have not experienced too much, but it seems that there are many. It is really my brother who is too merciless. I feel that I can't think about it. Why do I have to do this? It's not good. It seems that the Wangs have no influence on him. His attitude is a little distant! "

"Your brother is a wise man, and your experience is still too little. If you don't give you a bit of blow, I'm afraid you'll never know what it's called" heaven and earth ". Are you really so easy to take that money? It's not like that, and the power behind your brother is very important. You can really despise the existence of our family! "

Wang Yang's look is also a daze, very distrustful looking at his grandfather, grandfather said this is not a little too confident, how can it be like this? "Grandfather, who is my brother? I still feel that I don't believe it, but judging from the tone of his speech, it seems that there is such a taste! "

"I don't know who your brother is. I just have some guesses. The relationship between him and the military is extraordinary. At the beginning, he should be the target of military training. During this period, there were certain conditions and problems, which led him to leave the military. As for the follow-up? It's even more impossible to talk about it! "

"The military?" Wang Yang also felt that he had some silly eyes, and then he seemed to think of something. "Grandfather, is this so-called God of killing, is it the name he passed from the military? Anyway, I feel so cold all over. I have seen many military people. My grandfather is a military person, and I don't feel so good?"

"Do you think that old man of your grandfather is willing to tease the chicks now?" Wang Pu also had some small joys. "What's more, your brother and your grandfather are not very related in nature, so they really can't make too much comparison. But if the old guy knows the news about the child, is he happy? Or anger? "

Wang Yang felt that he didn't quite understand. The old lady also explained that "your brother used to be the target of military training. There is no doubt about this, but the problem is that there are mistakes and problems in it, which led to his retirement from the military before he started to grow up. This matter makes some people very angry."

"This is really the first time I heard that elder brother is an experimental soldier?"

Wang Pu was also stunned for a moment, and then took a deep look at his grandson, "I don't know where you got the news, but the military didn't call it that way, but you can't help saying that, but the military suppressed this matter at that time, because your brother didn't perform well at that time! It seems like this. "

"So the military is going to make a comeback?"

"I don't really understand the specific situation. Some of your brother's information has been covered up by the military. The military later realized the importance of your brother. It should have talked about some conditions with your brother, so your brother doesn't need to rely on the family at all. There is no need for this aspect at all!"Wang Yang felt that the amount of information he got this evening was a little bit large, and he also had some doubts. Why did his grandfather and grandmother mention this to him? Even he had some doubts. His father and mother should not know the news, and certainly would not know it.

Wang Yang thought for a while, and then he looked at his grandfather and grandmother solemnly. There was a sense of inquiry in his eyes. The old man and the old lady also laughed. "From their own conditions, you are not the most suitable. Although you are still young, you are already very good, but from your own position, you are the most suitable person !”

"I see!" Wang Yang is still very smart. He considers this matter from the interests of the whole family. He can't follow the same road as his father. In that way, the family will be completely disordered, and the same will not be allowed outside. It is impossible for the Wang family to take such a road directly for two generations, which is not appropriate.

"But grandfather, grandma, will the elder brother agree? I tried to test his idea today. It seems that he should not do something about this matter at all. Anyway, I didn't catch any clue! " What about this? Wang Yang is really a few not very optimistic, relying on the so-called kinship to move his brother, a little unrealistic.

Wang Yang has a very clear understanding of this issue, not to mention the so-called kinship, have you? If you ask yourself this question, there is no such thing at all. You should know that the establishment of all this is due to the fact that your brother still admits the family relationship. Otherwise, everything is nonsense and has no value and significance.

This situation also made the old man and the old lady silent for a period of time. It is undeniable that this idea is good, but no one can be sure whether the matter will succeed in the end. After all, no one knows exactly what Ding Yu is thinking. This is a difficult problem.

Previously, Ding Yu's ability to provide 230 million yuan does not mean that Ding Yu will continue to invest in it. In more practical terms, there is only input and no output. Why should we do this? It is better to take this money to do other things?

This problem has nothing to do with feelings, what's more, what's the so-called feelings between each other? It's impossible. Ding Yu is just a member of the Wang family. Is there anything else? Not at all. At least at this time, Ding Yu doesn't have many ideas and opinions about it.

Looking at the silent grandfather and grandmother, Wang Yangxin also sighed. For the family, this is definitely a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Now the family only lacks this opportunity, but the problem is that his brother is very indifferent to the family's feelings, and his brother's dependence is even harder than the family.

He relies on the military. Compared with the whole military, the Wang family is not as simple as a little bit. What's more important is that they don't know what kind of conditions to give Ding Yu. This is the most important thing. If it's family relationship, Ding Yu has already given 230 million yuan to Ding Yu, which seems to be a bit high!

"Grandfather, I heard that my brother and Wang Laosan have a very good relationship. Do you want to touch the details?"

"Wang Jianguo?" Wang Pu also wanted to export, but immediately shook his head, "your brother's details are not at home, his power is abroad, some in the UK, and some in the United States, but how is the specific thing, I'm afraid only the military can say clearly, but I'm afraid it's just barely clear! At least that's how I feel. "

"The left is not the right, nor is it. Things can't always be horizontal here?" Wang Yang is also feeling a little anxious, how can things come to such a point? Brother gave a hope to the family, and then a little ruthless refused himself, inside and outside the situation makes him feel extremely uncomfortable.

"This is the game. You are still a little too young. You don't see the problems very clearly!" Wang Pu also said with a sigh, "your brother now has the support of the military. It doesn't matter whether you have the support of the Wang family now, but..."

Wang Yang slightly a Leng, and then seems to understand what, "if brother is Wang family, then this nature is not the same, is it?"

For Sun Tzu's understanding, the old man also nodded, "even if the military knows about this matter, it will not have any publicity, and will try to cover it up. But if the Wang family takes the initiative to disclose this matter, then the military will have other ideas for our family! It's almost certain. "

The old lady also said, "so your brother is a smart man. He has seen through the essence of this time. Sometimes it's not a bad thing to be indifferent. After all, apart from family relationship, what about our family? Some political problems have been designed, and there is no choice! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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