When Wang Yang came to look for his own affairs, Ding Yu's heart did not have any ideas and opinions. It mainly involved two aspects: one was family affection, after all, he was his own brother, on the other hand? It's the interests. After all, it represents the Wang family. Ding Yu has such a small resistance on this issue.

The Wangs said that they had something to do with themselves, but they said that they had nothing to do with themselves, and they didn't seem to have much to do with them. They were all problems and ideas between one thought and another. No one knows what kind of thoughts Ding Yu would have at any moment. I'm afraid even Ding Yu himself can't say well about this problem, at least it's not clear.

In the morning, Ding Yu went to pick up Taixi. After all, it was a little faster. Of course, the parents and children of the Jin family came along with him. After all, the Olympic Games are also prosperous. It's good to have a look at it in person. As for other aspects? Ding Yu will make arrangements, but there is no need to worry at all.

Actually, how about watching the Olympic Games? It's just a speech. It's mainly about thinking about the children. This is the most important thing. After coming, Taixi also said hello to Ding Yu's parents. This meeting was also a great gift. After all, it was the first time for parents of both sides to meet. On this issue, there was a little embarrassment between each other.

But it's been done soon. What about the two little guys? They are also surrounded by four parents in the middle. They are very happy. Ding Yu and Jin Taixi are sitting in the starting position. No matter how powerful or how high this position is, now they are really small characters.

Ding Yu chose to let his parents meet with the parents of the Jin family. To a certain extent, Ding Yu acknowledged the identity of Jin Taixi and the identity of the two children. The family didn't have much to pay attention to in the future, but the children could not be wronged. This is fundamental.

Jin Taixi's whole family has come to this matter, it is impossible to hide the eyes of those who have a heart. What about the object Ding Yu is looking for? The old man and the old lady were not very satisfied. How could they not have thought that Ding Yu, the child, would make such a choice. Fortunately? They didn't mean to get married.

This may be one of the few good news, but the old man and the old lady are also very clear, such things step by step with Ding Yu said that there is no problem, if really to mention Ding Yu this child face-to-face, things will certainly stir up the pot, this point is no doubt, the child in some aspects slightly stubborn, the old Wang's temperament.

In some aspects, Ding Yu's child is still a little bit mischievous, and his wild nature is also full. However, it seems understandable to think carefully. After all, this child grew up in the family of the poor people. His education is just the same as that of Wang Yang. You can't admit it, but you can't deny it.

What about the deviation in education? It also leads to problems and mistakes in other aspects of their lives. There is no doubt about this. What about Ding Yu's current problem? It can only be said that he was lost at the beginning, which caused bad consequences.

Although this situation is understandable, Ding Yu is the eldest grandson of the Wang family. Some problems still need to be avoided. When there is time, we still need to discuss with the child about this aspect. Although the Wang family is not a Zhong Ding family, it is still a relatively large door.

"Brother, mother wants to see you!" What about Kim Tae hee? Wang Yang knows it, but he doesn't have much curiosity and excitement. However, he has investigated it. The actress is still clean and clean. It seems that she has been following her brother for a long time. Moreover, she has a clear positioning for herself.

Since he is so discerning and interesting, there is no need to use other means. Don't say that he is a little bit cruel and vicious. He has been in contact with some so-called stars in ordinary times. He is also very clear about what kind of situation it is. He is not unable to look at it, but will not care at all.

"Will father come with you?" Ding Yu didn't have any objection to his mother's desire to see him. He even said to his father deliberately. Wang Yang didn't quite understand his brother's meaning. He shook his head and said, "my father can't leave now. His work is very busy and needs some time."

"I'll be there!" Ding Yu also did not have any hesitation, met on the meeting, this level always needs to face, even if it is to avoid again also can't, let alone more is to avoid it? The more worried, for Ding Yu, or as soon as possible to solve this matter is better, save the emergence of other problems and conditions.

Wang Yang looks at his brother. His face is a little complicated. What about his reaction? Wang Yang really did not know what to say, why these reactions are not in their own expectations? At least give some excited expression! Don't have any reaction, OK! Must not be excited, but also too calm?

Wang Yang was disappointed and left. In the evening, he came to pick up Ding Yu in person. Looking at his brother's dress, Wang Yang took a deliberate look. It was not so luxurious as he imagined, but it seemed to reveal his unusual temperament. To know that the clothes on his brother's body were made of better materials at most, there was no other difference.Ding Yu sat in the back seat, not the co pilot's seat. Wang Yang took a look at his brother through the rearview mirror. He didn't mean to keep his eyes closed, but what about his appearance? However, there are some old gods in there, and I don't know what they are thinking about. I can't see through them.

Of course, it's impossible to go to the place where the old man and the old lady live. It's really a bit too eye-catching. At least at this time, Ding Yu is not suitable to appear. That is to say, it is not appropriate to expose the relationship between him and the Wang family in public, so it is also arranged for a normal place.

When he arrived at the place, Ding Yu did not have so much thought to look at the surrounding environment and layout. The courtyard was a little far away from his residence, and relatively speaking, it was a little small. Looking at the open door, Ding Yu also watched for a period of time, and then walked inside with Wang Yang.

Not only the mother is there, but also the old man and the old lady. Su Yuan can't sit still at this time, but the old lady is clinging to her daughter-in-law's hand. It's already this time, so you don't need to care about it, and don't be so agitated. It's best to calm down your heart.

Looking at the four people sitting in the courtyard, as well as a middle-aged woman who had not been held by the old lady, Ding Yu closed his eyes for a while. After a while, he slowly opened his eyes and looked at his mother for a while. Then he slowly knelt down on the ground, worshipped and kowtowed.

Su Yuan was full of tears. She wanted to help her son up. The old lady pulled her back, waiting for Ding Yu to kowtow before her daughter-in-law helped him up. However, there was a little bit of snack in it. The child really looked at the dishes! Seeing myself and the old man, I didn't even have a basic reaction and expression.

But after meeting my mother? One worship and three kowtows, this etiquette can be said to be quite large. After lifting up his son, Su Yuan was holding his son and crying bitterly. He was totally unable to do it himself. He dreamed for many years. Although he later gave birth to another pair of children, he could not be compared with each other.

This cry lasted for a long time, and Su Yuan's spirit seemed to be a little depressed. Ding Yu touched his mother's neck deeply, and then he laid down his mother on the chair beside him. The master and the old lady both looked into his eyes.

In such a scene, his grandson can not see any excitement at all. He is calm and makes his scalp feel numb. Taking care of his mother is just right. At the same time, he really has to do it! The old man and the old lady also have some air conditioners.

This grandson is really amazing. Wang Yang has been watching his brother's performance all the time. His mouth twitches from time to time. When he encounters such a situation, he can't stop his tears. But what about his brother? The expression on his face is still the same as before, without much change. Is he a cold-blooded animal?

After holding his mother on the reclining chair, Ding Yu also pulled a chair for himself and sat down beside his mother. Because his mother's hand was still clinging to him, he didn't mean to let go. Then he also looked at his grandfather and grandmother sitting nearby.

"Yes, it's so cool to deal with such a thing!" Wang Pu also said coldly, what about this? How many have so some denouncement meaning, you child calm down, this is a good thing, but in front of his mother, unexpectedly still like this, how many so some should not be?

At this time, even if it's a show, it's OK! But you, this guy, don't mean to pretend, which makes the old man feel a little unacceptable.

Ding Yu took a look at her mother. She just nodded her head slightly. She didn't respond to her grandfather at all. Looking at the situation of the old man and his grandson, the old lady also gave a smile. "Today is a day to celebrate. I've asked Wang Yang to prepare. When your mother wakes up, our family will be a small reunion."

Things have been ready before. What about Wang Yang? There are also some small bad, deliberately put two bottles of wine on the table, before his brother did not give himself this face, so today? Grandfather and grandmother are in, there is also the mother, this time the elder brother will give face?

When Wang Yang went to decorate, the old lady also looked at Ding Yu, "did you take over the children and the whole family?" Ding Yu blinked his eyes and slightly nodded his head. Such a thing doesn't need to be denied too much. It's a normal thing. He doesn't want to hide it from others.

"You two have no plans to get married?"

"It depends." Ding Yu's answer has some perfunctory meaning. It's not the first time that the old lady has asked about this. From the identity of Kim Tae hee, marriage is not the most suitable candidate. What's more, what's more, it depends on their two conditions? It seems that I really don't want to get married. If that's the case, it's a good thing.Wang Pu beside looked at his wife, "you should not go back for a short time this time! There are not many people in the family who know about this matter, but with your uncle's bedding, I think we can basically accept the situation in this respect, but I can feel that there is still some resistance in your heart! "

Ding Yu is very attentive to listen to this, but also chewed for a period of time, then slowly said, "there is no dissatisfaction, it is the situation is too abrupt, need a period of time good news, after the calm life is broken, always need a period of time to adjust the agent, I think so!"

To a certain extent, this answer also explains some problems and situations. If you disturb me, it doesn't matter. It seems that it is too much to deny the relationship. What's more, I don't want to deny it. But also, don't disturb my parents. The parents in this are Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying.

On this issue, Ding Yu's attitude can be said to be unswerving, and other aspects of the matter can be discussed, but only his parents, there is no right to bargain, how much his parents have paid for themselves, this matter I did not see, but the efforts of his adoptive father and mother in his own body Yes.

Wang Pu is very clear about what Ding Yu said, and he is very helpless about it. In fact, he wants to make this matter public. This publicity means that the two families have made this matter public. The Wangs are very grateful to Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying for their training and care of the child.

But the question is, what about Ding Yu? It's totally a refusal attitude, which has even become an inviolable forbidden area. No matter who dares to make any small moves on this issue, Ding Yu will definitely turn over his face. Ding Yu has already revealed this point well and has not given face, so he would be embarrassed.

Wang Pu is also looking at his grandson, and he is quite satisfied with other aspects. But only in terms of personality, he really doesn't know what to say. There are some old ladies shaking their heads beside him, and his old man is also fighting with a child, as for?

"My child! What about things at home? You need to have your own consideration. If you are born in such a family, you are bound to give up some things. This is inevitable! " The old lady also said earnestly, "you should think and do it yourself. This is your own right. No one can interfere with it."

There's no way. Now it's only the old lady to ease the embarrassing atmosphere and mood. Other people should forget it! There is no such possibility at all. Although Su Yuan said that she was a mother, the problem is that she is still in a small coma, and she may not be very worried about her son.

Wang Yang is looking at his brother and his grandparents looking at each other, even there are some small confrontation, this heart is also admirable, don't say his own generation, even if the father in front of his grandfather and grandmother, that is the same as quail, this may be a little exaggerated, but this shows the prestige of the old man in the home.

But what about your brother? Speaking with my grandfather and grandma, it seems that they are very equal. Some of the problems in this are worth studying. I understand very well. What about my brother? How much so some guilt, of course, this is not the most important, the most important is that his brother has this power and capital.

This a little let oneself feel a little bit envious, but envy to envy, let oneself also make such achievement, this still forget? Without his brother's brain and perseverance, it is impossible.

There is no lack of genius in this world, but I am definitely not one of them. What about the chicken soup for the soul? Or don't find your own body. There may be one among millions, but which one is next? It will never be yours. Wang Yang has a very clear understanding of himself.

Envy is good, but do not have any jealousy, this is also their envy can not come, jealousy can not play any role, so I still stand beside the position to see the scenery. When talking, mother is also slowly wake up, relative to the previous spirit? It seems to be much better.

When he woke up, he grabbed it subconsciously. Maybe he felt something, and then he loosened it. But he still grasped Ding Yu's hand, so he didn't mean to give up. Ding Yu also felt something, so he moved his hand and gave his mother a response.

Su Yuan slowly woke up and looked at his son sitting next to him. He was also very relieved. He looked at his son carefully. He and his husband were carved out of the same mold. What about the eyebrows? How much can see their own appearance, the more you see, the more you feel like it.

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