"I don't like to hear that. That's your grandmother, but that's my mother! My own mother, if I don't pay attention, am I still alone? "

Looking at his uncle's face, the traces portrayed by the years are too obvious. It is absolutely the result of the wind and sunshine, not because of the good conditions at home! Just loaf around and ignore it! On the contrary, we are still sticking to our duty!

Placed on other people, it should be absolutely invisible! Who has such conditions in his family and can still do so?

"Uncle, you know, I'm a doctor. I've seen too many scenes like this in the hospital! The so-called long sick bed without filial son, this is not a white saying! The more you see, the more you feel like you and your aunt. It's amazing! What's more, whether it's inside or outside the village, who mentions that uncle doesn't erect his thumb! "

"Nothing!" My uncle waved his hand, but his face was full of pride! This is also a place of pride! But more emotional or his nephew, for the home, that really did not say! Whether it's an old lady or her own side, even if it's a picky person again! Also can't pick out any fault!

Just like the army of his own family, what kind of situation is he? Does he have no self-knowledge at all? To put it mildly, it's a college graduation! But what kind of university can let him find a job in the capital, and still a job so secure, with marriage and other aspects, is in front of this nephew to take down!

Of course, Ding Ding played an important role in it, but why? My heart is still very clear, very clear! Because of his nephew in the back!

From his nephew's position today, he can completely ignore the old lady, and other people will not have any words. After all, what's the old lady's attitude towards Ding Yu, not only the people in the family, but also some strangers know something about it! But my nephew never complained! Not a word!

Just this nature of mind, let yourself this old guy extraordinary admiration, change to other people, can you see if you can do it?

It's already so powerful! Who still listen to you say those broken words! Such people have not never seen it before!

"Yes! Uncle, where's the army? He didn't come back? New year's coming soon! Although there is a considerable distance from the Spring Festival! But if you don't come back and have a look, he should be more convenient now? "

"Promoted! You don't know yet, do you? " The expression on his uncle's face was also a joy when he mentioned his son, "what's more! What are you doing back here? Originally, it was inconvenient to talk to each other. Now it's very convenient to watch anything through the video. What's more, the child's age is still so small that it can't be tossed back and forth! Not to mention that we can make food for them. What else can we do? "

"You are a grandfather! Say that again

"What's the matter? How nice they are in the capital! It's not that we are not good here, but relatively speaking, the conditions in the capital are better. When you want to, go and have a look. Don't let the children go back and forth. Your aunt and I are not unable to walk. If there is a day, there will be no way out! "

The dinner is very rich, thanks to Ding Yu brought a little more things, whether it is Tiannan or Haibei, although the old lady does not leave home, it can be said that there are not many things she has not tried!

But the old lady? Personality comparison strange, for those so-called treasures or nutrients do not have too much interest, or feel corn porridge and Chinese cabbage, radish is the best! This has become the third on the table! Without these three things, you can't eat any more!

On this issue, it is really different from person to person. The children in the family have a good understanding of this. If they are allowed to eat these things every day, they can't bear it! There are a little more mental and physical work! If not timely supplement, for their body is an overdraft!

As for why the old lady doesn't eat such high-grade food, the reason is very simple. How old is she? Now basically there is not too much consumption, so eating something light is conducive to her health, of course, appropriate time to supplement some nutrition is OK! If she really let go of eating, I'm afraid it won't take a month, the old lady's health will have problems! And it's a big problem!

After coming out of grandma's house, several children didn't have a car with Ding Yu and Tai Xi. They got on Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying's car! It's a little bit lively, and Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying like it very much!

"Seeing here, I feel you are a normal person!" Obviously, Taixi's words mean something!

"Wasn't I normal before?" Ding Yu has a suspicious look!

"In the past, I was too calm! Even in the capital, it's the same. I always feel like you think too much! But here, I feel that you are very casual, and even quite relaxed. To be exact, I can't understand why grandma treats you like this, but you don't have any complaints? I feel a little embarrassed sometimes! "Looking at Tai Xi's curious eyes, Ding Yu blinked his own eyes!

"It's a long-term thing to say! At that time, my father and mother wanted to adopt me, which was extremely inappropriate in the small county town, especially in the village. At that time, people's ideas were not so open, and there were some old-fashioned ideas. There were different opinions about this matter in the family as well! "

"Ah?" Tai Xi looked at Ding Yu nervously, but Ding Yu waved his hand!

"It's nothing extraordinary. It's a normal thing. In those days, grandma made a decision and tried to beat the crowd's opinions. That's why I was able to survive. But because of this, my mom and Dad were under a lot of pressure! What's more, when I graduated from high school, my father and mother were shocked again! But the good thing is that it's good to have all the hard work now! "

"How have you heard of it?"

"It's all old stuff! Even Ding Ding Ding is not so clear. What about the old lady? In those days, she gave death orders. Although grandma is now an old lady! At that time, I was in charge of my family. At that time, a little old lady was in charge of the family, but it was a wonderful thing! She put it down with one hand

"It's amazing! Heroine Taixi, who had some ideas about the old lady, has disappeared at this time! Without the old lady, there would be no father of the child! How much kindness is this?

"Although my grandmother is old, her heart is very bright. She is very clear in her heart. I have never complained about this matter to me, because I know very well what the reason is!"

"Rare mind!"

"It's not a matter of mind, man! Be grateful and afraid at the same time! Otherwise, it will be really unscrupulous and lawless! Freedom is a thing, but you can't forget yourself! "

However, the children at home are still slightly excited. After returning home, there is still no rest. Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying will not accompany them to make trouble. It is better for Ding Yu to do such a thing!

"Daddy, the new year will start in a week!"

"I see!" Ding Yu knocked on his head, "I know better than you, and I understand better." Looking up and down at Ding Yun, Ding Yu still knows something about her careful thinking, "how? Are you all ready? "

"Of course, we are ready. We are full of confidence, OK?"

For this matter! Ding Yu doesn't have much control at all. If he wants to, he will perform on the stage. If he doesn't want to, he will be the audience below. That kind of identity is OK! For Ding Yun, it's time for her to be curious. It's not a bad thing to toss about it. I'm afraid she won't do it!

"Yes! It's said that after the Spring Festival, you are going to fight against the schools in the province? "

"It doesn't mean much! Through Xiao Gang's one-sided understanding for a while, it's not that such a way is good or bad, but I don't feel too much interest, and even can't put forward any interest! Quite a few of them are so stupid! Besides books, there is not much ability! I wonder if they need to be fed when they eat. Dad, how do they live in the future

"There is a little more homework. This is a normal situation. Quite a lot of school work is very heavy. Just like your school, the same is true of your school. However, you can concentrate, so you can finish faster. However, for children of the same age in other schools, it is a little difficult to do this! However, my statement is quite one-sided. In some schools, the homework is a little too heavy! "

"I feel better! At least in our school, the homework is not as heavy as imagined, and there is quite a lot of spare time. We can do what we want to do in our spare time, and exercise our ability together! "

"Too few!" Ding Yu shook his head. "Such a school is still a little less, and it takes quite a long time. What's more, do you think the school doesn't cost money? It is not easy for us to have such a development in a small city. The country does not want the more schools, the better? The same expectation, but the population base is too big, this problem needs time! You can't go to heaven in vain! "

"So it is!" Ding Yun can't help nodding. This truth can be understood by himself. The more we know, the more we understand the equivalent things. It is not to say that the popularity is good. We can't treat all the problems like this! Specific problems, specific analysis, specific treatment! Just in line with the rules!

"The atmosphere in the school has changed a lot. We have talked with the teacher, and he has a lot of emotion! He said that in the past two years, he knew what it was like to be a teacher and what it was to respect teachers. In the past, although everyone respected teachers, they didn't know what was going on behind them. "

"What? It's quite a feeling? " Ding Yu's funny smile!"Yes!" Ding Yun still expressed his personality. "There are still quite a few problems. We can't achieve absolute fairness. However, this is also a common sense. People are selfish. However, it is very difficult to achieve relative fairness! Dad, you are very good

"What other adjectives did I expect to have? The result is a great one! A little disappointed! "

Ding Yun laughed and said, "Dad, you feel better! I'm still good at it! "

Looking at his daughter, Ding Yu is really crying and laughing, "OK! So what kind of reward do you want? I think that's what you came here for? I wonder where you've put your mind to it? "

"As long as it's a good place! It doesn't matter! "

In this regard, Ding Yun's performance is not satisfied, "not enough dad, there are so many people recently, I have heard about it! Is there really no problem? I heard from Wei that the pressure in the city is very big! But at the same time, it is also quite exciting. Such a situation can promote the development of the city. "

"Everyone stands from different angles, so does understanding nature! Need to let the outside world know us, but also need to the outside world for a while we! This is a mutual matter, can not be handled alone! As for the city, the farm side has done a good job of communication. It may be a little tired, but there will never be any problems and conditions! "

"Dad, you seem to have a lot of confidence!" Ding Yun widened her eyes and looked at her father. "This is at your door. Don't you worry about something? If something really happens, it's hard to do! "

"If it were you, would you do it like this? Or is this your common idea? "

In the face of her father's question, Ding Yun nodded, "I have this idea! There's always a lot of worry! "

"Why?" Ding Yu obviously means to take an examination of the school, so he would like to ask!

"Dad, you know it's a three-way game now!" Ding Yun said their worries! "What if a third party did it? Now is the best chance! Now there is a confrontation between the two sides, a little spark will be a raging fire! Don't say it's water! Even if it rains, it won't solve any problems! "

"I don't see the other side! If there is a problem on our side, then which side is hostile to us will immediately stand on our side! " Ding Yu seems to be very confident!

"Dad, we've talked about it, but why not guarantee that they won't be on your opponent's side? All of a sudden, we found that there was something wrong with our idea, and it was quite a problem! There's so much uncertainty in it! Great things will come out of it! "

Looking at Ding Yun's small face, Ding Yu couldn't help laughing, so proud!

"I think a lot, but it's not true. Quite the case, we are considering it, they are also considering it, and the third party is also considering it. We are all calculating whether it is really realistic to do so?"

"Dad, judging from the current situation, will our opponents fight? Will a third party do it? "

"Say so! Which party is confronting us, hoping that the third party can do it, and the third party? We hope that the party who confronts us can do it, and even pay any price! And me? I hope I can hear quite a lot of news, no matter which side hands it! I'm looking forward to it

Ding Yun's expression was so dull that he even touched his father's forehead actively. Didn't his head burn out? Why do you talk about it so much? My head now feel a little confused!

"Go and consult! That's what I said just now. We should look at the problem from a certain perspective. At the same time, we should not just think about ourselves. Sometimes we also need to consider our opponents and third parties. After we have done a lot of consideration, you will find out something! "

I don't understand. I'm puzzled, but Ding Yun went out soon! Looking at the eyes of Wang An and others, Ding Yun is very depressed. She repeats the conversation with her father word by word, and then sits on one side in a stuffy voice!

Little girl Wang Yu has already run away! It's not there. She doesn't know? I don't know what it will be like if I stay next to me at this time? I still don't want to find myself guilty! But the big bear was lying there in a stuffy voice. It seemed that he didn't care about Ding Yun's ravage!

However, the little girl is very envious of this, and she also wants to get close to bear. However, the bear never gives any face, and even her brother is the same. The big bear only recognizes Ding Yun and Ding Chang, and uncle Ding is also helpless for the bear!

To a certain extent, the house can walk horizontally, that is, the bear! the one and only!"Elder martial brother, do you speak first?" The atmosphere is a little dull, Ding Chang is the first to open his mouth, "I think there is a little too confident Dad! Was it intentional? Not really! Dad seldom talks big. His words should have a good basis. It's true that sometimes he will shake us, but such a thing should not be! "

"I think the meaning of master's words is extraordinary! It seems to be a confrontation between two sides, but in fact it is a confrontation among three parties. Each of them knows exactly how it happened! All want to do it, but no one dares to do it! There's no problem with making a little fuss, or even yelling at two voices. But who really takes the lead in doing it is a problem! "

"Big brother!" Tong Tong interposed, "if you say so, the master may join hands with the opposing party. This is the reason why the third party dare not do it. They are also worried! There is no excuse, but sometimes you don't need that excuse, do you? "

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