"So now, three aspects, including our father, want to do something, but they dare not do it! In fact, everyone's hearts are like being scratched by a cat. They are extremely itchy, but they can only bear it! "

"On the whole, it should be such a situation. I think our father should also have plans, but such plans are very difficult! Easy to steal chicken, not into erosion of rice, and it is easy to be seen through! If so, Dad would be a disgrace! For Dad, such things... "

listening to Ding Yun's voice like an owl, everyone shook their heads! Ding Yun is intentional!

But how bad is the relationship if you don't know her father? To a certain extent, Ding Yun is also the physical performance of black heart cotton padded jacket!

"Master, did you show us these things on purpose? There must be something else in it? " Wang An's heart suddenly moved to say! "After all, it seems a little too easy now!"

And Ding Chang is kneading and moving back and forth with his feet on the bear's body, which is very comfortable! Listening to the elder martial brother's words, he said, "my father has always been like this. We planned this party before. It seems to be very wonderful, but we don't think much about it! Even in the loopholes, dad is waiting for such an opportunity! We seem to fall into the trap again! And we are going in on our own initiative

Hit the nail on the head! Directly to this pussy bag to squeeze! There is no room left!

"What's the purpose of Shifu? So fast to pierce the window paper this time, for the master, is there some too casual? " Tong Tong expressed quite incomprehensible to this, is there any other meaning behind this? This is what Tong Tong really wants to express!

Ding Chang rubbed his head, "I don't know. Now there are still so many things I don't know. I feel that things are a little bit too much! Even if it's completely out of our control, I don't know if dad has already planned it? Then wait for us to make a fool of ourselves, not to say there is no such possibility! He likes it so much! "

Think about Ding Yu's bad taste. It is not possible that there is no such thing! Everybody, look at me, I'll see yours!

"now Tucao can not solve any problem, the master's meaning should be let us continue to think, the three sides, everyone has the difficulties that can not be said, although they make complaints about each other, but seemingly no one will pierce this layer of window paper, everything seems to be heading for a good direction. If you follow this line of thought, it seems that nothing will happen, is it? "

This question once again caused everyone's doubts, is this really the case?

If so, what is the significance of Ding Yu's giving the matter to them for discussion? It's hard to feel your head!

"Elder martial brother, do you think that dad still wants us to continue to dominate this time?"

Everyone is a Leng, "Ding Chang, why do you say so?"

"Just the character of Dad! Will he give up halfway? Especially things like this? It can not only teach us a long lesson, but also enrich our experience. Under such circumstances, I think Dad will never give up! "

The people looked at each other again, "it's very reasonable, but the question is, what else can we do?" In this regard, we are very puzzled, even have considerable doubts! Because Ding Yu did not give them any ideas, they do not know how to do now!

Is it difficult to find your father now? This matter is shameful enough not to say, when the time will definitely be their father to ridicule, no one will want to encounter such a blessing, then even if it is to cover their own face, it is difficult to see people!

However, when we are still in doubt, we suddenly received a call from Wang Xiaogang! Wang Xiaogang unexpectedly came to the farm side, and not only he came alone, but also with his friends!

When receiving the call from Wang Xiaogang, all the children were dumbfounded! Along with Ding Yun and Ding Chang, their chins are about to fall off, and even they give each other a fist, and then they both show their teeth, which is very painful!

Obviously, this is not a dream, but a fact!

What's the situation? Wang Xiaogang has come in person! And now they have moved into the farm. Are you kidding me?

"Wow, what does daddy mean?" Ding Chang was the first to call out, "let Xiaogang come here? Breaking the line? Is this the father I know? He's not a replacement, is he? I have heard of such a thing as possession and reincarnation! "

Before he finished speaking, he got a kick from Ding Yun! "It seems a little too strange! But interesting? Xiaogang even ran over. We didn't get any news. If we said that without dad's consent, Xiaogang would never come over. I believe everyone has a lot of feelings about this! "Wang An and Tong Tong look at each other, for the problems inside, they still know! Although the old master of Wang's hometown has never been mentioned, he has never wanted to be a master here! Su family or Zheng family, no one is allowed to set foot in this place!

But today? Wang Xiaogang, the eldest son and grandson of the Wang family, has come! Look at this meaning or swagger over. What is this one trying to do? Deliberately easing the relationship? Because I can't carry it! So bring the Wangs here?

It's not right. Some children are not idiots. Although they are young, they still have some judgment!

The influence of the three schools is not small, but now even if they join in, it will not have any effect. After all, Ding Yu has no relationship with the three families with the enemy they are facing. That is to say, whether they join or not, they will not have any influence. Under such circumstances, Wang Xiaogang represents the significance of the three schools, so there will be no existence!

If it is not for this reason, then what are the reasons? A few children can say that they are puzzled!

"How did you come here?" A group of children came to the dormitory side, Wang Xiaogang and they stayed at the farm side, want to go to Ding Yu's side? Now this time is not so appropriate, so the children are deliberately come over!

Wang Xiaogang grinned and touched his head, "uncle asked me to come here, I came here! I heard that the party will start the day after tomorrow! There's nothing wrong with the school. It's easy to talk about the elephant! So we'll advance it a little bit! "

Ding Yun revolves around Wang Xiaogang for two times, and then kicks his ass hard! "Don't say a word in advance, so that we don't have any preparation. I think you really need to be beaten? Just want to see our jokes, don't you? "

"Uncle, don't let me talk! What's more, it's still such a thing. To know, I'm still very nervous in my heart now. I don't know how to deal with this matter. How can I do it? "

Although the truth is said, but we still look at Wang Xiaogang, and then a pair of eyes, Wang Xiaogang to press in the bed, is a meal of ravage, and with the little girl is also to start, including the bear, it does not know where the interest is from, Wang Xiaogang this unusual helpless!

Big bear's tongue has so some soft, lick in Wang Xiaogang's hair, can be used as head oil! In no way, Wang Xiaogang can only go to a new wash, but bear does not care at all!

"Now that they are here! We'll have some delicious food together in the evening. Anyway, the local food is more authentic. I'm afraid it's hard for me to try this evening! What a pity

"I wanted to visit my uncle and aunt, but I didn't have time for them. It's a pity!"

We all went out of the farm together with the elephant! But the bear is a little too prominent! This son stands there, just like a giant! All of them were compared by him!

The little girl just passed his waist. What's more, which arm is thicker than the leg of the little girl. But the whole person doesn't feel bloated, even thinner and weaker than before. It feels so symmetrical!

People are very surprised about this, and even want to study it! Bear did not have any antipathy, because he is very clear, his progress today is how to come! The biggest support from the farm! With their own family here, there is no worry!

But the farm does not have any meaning of squeezing. Although it has a small name now, the farm has never meant to be proud and proud because of this! Oneself can very good place own mentality! Because there is nothing to praise!

Compared with those foreign guys, there is still a considerable gap between their physical fitness and other aspects. This gap is not to say that we can surpass them in one day or two, which is impossible at all! This is a slow evolution process!

Although they exercise every day, but the relevant study has not put down any, associated with some kinematics and health! Nerve! Medicine and so on, oneself all have certain understanding! What's more, I don't have any problems with my foreign language!

Even if you don't engage in sports in the future, you will not starve to death, and even can live a very good life!

But I still like basketball, this is the core of my meal now!

With Wang Xiaogang together, I feel very comfortable, did not give myself the feeling of being superior, and with the children of the Ding family, I have never given myself any feeling of being unattainable! There is no denying that they may be quite different in life, but in their own understanding, this is very common, OK?

What's the matter? Family wealth Wanguan eat radish and cabbage every day, so as to meet the standard? Are you kidding?

What's more, although the Ding family's family is extraordinary, it's not that they haven't eaten at home, and they haven't made considerable contact with Uncle Ding. The amount of food is a little more, and the food they eat is not as fine as their own to a certain extent! This is the truth!As for food, they need to consider too much, and they don't have this aspect to worry about! However, the farm supports itself. If it is not for the farm, we should only eat this aspect of consumption, not to mention our own home! Even if there is a small strength in the family, it will not work! The gap is too far!

"Wow, I didn't expect that there would be such a scenery here. It's really quite different!"

Wang Xiaogang has gone through many places, but this is the first time for him to come here. Although he can learn from other materials, he can't catch up with his own eyes! Many kinds of high-rise buildings may be rare, but there is a flavor in them, looking at people extremely comfortable and comfortable!

"No wonder uncle has never let me come here. It turns out that there are such changes in it! It really doesn't look like a small town! " When thinking of this place, Wang Xiaogang is thinking of Wang An, "senior brother, is there any mountain in the city?"

"There is a mountain in the city, which can be seen far away! If you go up the whole way, it will take about two hours. Now there is a walking park at the foot of the mountain, but it is diagonally opposite to the home, which is a little far away! Sometimes my grandfather and grandma would come over and climb the mountain with some old colleagues and old friends for a chat. However, at the foot of the mountain, few people climb up directly now, "

" I really want to go and have a look, so that it may be more intuitive to understand some! "

"Hey, it's not easy!" Ding Yun snorted, "it's not like there's no UAV in the house. If you want to enjoy it, we still have the video data. In contrast, the development in the city is very fast. If you have been away from home for ten years, you can't even find your own home!"

"Big brother, the place to eat is not too exaggerated?"

"Hi, what do you think?" Ding Yun knocked on Wang Xiaogang's head and said, "people are not big, but they think about many things." A little bit of Wang Xiaogang, then everyone got out of the car, there was no warm welcome, there was no surprise, there is a waiter with a smile to come forward!

"Uncle Gao, there is something wrong with your dress today! Is this not intentional? "

Ding Yun is not polite at all! Obviously, I am very familiar with gaoyifei! However, it is no wonder that Gao Nan of their family is Ding Yun's classmate, and their relationship is also very familiar!

"Hi! I don't raise my hand to welcome you when I know you're coming. If it wasn't for the inconvenience, I would have lifted my feet! " Gaoyifei is really very happy. The children in the family don't need to worry about themselves! In this, the Ding family and the Ding family's children played a crucial role!

Don't say it's for dinner, even if it's to treat yourself every day, there's no problem! I won't have any complaints!

"Gao Nan went to the farm. It seems that he can't come back these two days! I don't know where it comes from! "

"Originally we were going to be there, but we didn't come here. So we came here to have a taste of our local characteristics. I still think that uncle Gao's things are the most authentic." Ding Yun is very happy to say!

When they entered the big private room, gaoyifei didn't stay too much. They didn't even let Ding Chang order their dishes. It's not the first time that they came here. Today, they have to cook by themselves. They must let the children have a good taste of their own crafts!

At the same time, there were some accidents and even shock in Wang family!

Who did not expect that Wang Xiaogang went to Ding Yu's old guy? What's more, it doesn't seem like a day or two. What does this mean? Is Ding Yu asking for help from his family on purpose?

Not only Wang Changlin and Suquan, but also Xiao Bao's father came together. What happened was a little too sudden! All of a sudden, there was no preparation. After all, it was the old boss's hometown. The old boss said that the three families were not allowed to have any foot in the road!

"What does that mean, boss? I'm not accusing him? Just feel a little confused! I don't understand at all. My head is a little confused! "

Su Quanqing holding his chin, "not really, I think it has nothing to do with home!" Then the eyes are also looking at Wang Changlin, that is your son, we both said! You should be a father to say two words!

"Xiaogang sent the news to my family after I got there. I also felt very suddenly that he didn't say anything and didn't know what the boss meant! But I don't think it has much to do with my family! " Wang Changlin pondered for a moment. "He can't have any relationship with his family. He does everything by himself. Even if we want to help, we don't know how to help."

"If you can help, there's no problem!" Xiao Bao's father is on Ding Yu's side!

"No way!" Su Quan expressed his opposition, and then revealed his own ideas, "we can't open this gap. If possible, the boss can't open it. If we do, all the previous achievements will be wasted!"Wang Changlin slightly nodded his head, "I agree, now is not clear about the boss's specific ideas, we are here to discuss, I'm afraid we can not come up with anything, if not, then ask!"

Xiao Bao's father's face is as usual. Although there is no problem in this way, it's a bit difficult to pass from the emotional point of view!

Ding Yu has been supporting the three families for so many years. If it wasn't for Ding Yu, how could the three families have their present development? But if they were desperate, the damage to them would be huge! The three families can't afford it!

From this point of view, it is not really three cold-blooded and merciless, because the reality is like this!

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