"Mother! I'll give Xiao Gang a call to go over! I didn't know what I said before

Then Wang Yang took out his mobile phone and hung up a video for his son. He really took it! And the children in the family are all there. Look, this means having dinner together!

OK? People in the family are worried to death! You guys are good! How could you eat it there!

"Are they all there? It seems that you are really happy? "

Wang Xiaogang is so clever that he doesn't know what his father means by saying this? What's more, my father's voice is a little different!

"Well! Elephant and I just came here today, so elder martial brother invited us to have a meal and taste the characteristics here. However, uncle and aunt are busy and have no time. Otherwise, they will come here too! "

Although it is his father face to face, and even see his grandmother and mother, but Wang Xiaogang did not have any tension!

The elephant sitting next to Wang Yang was the first to greet Wang Yang, followed by Wang An and others, but they were not at all. There were many children in the family, all of them were there!

Wang Yang really can't say anything at once! Look at these children at home. Their faces are full of smiles. It is obviously just a simple party. The arrival of Wang Xiaogang is a very happy thing for the children at home!

"Grandma Seeing his grandmother appeared in the camera, Wang Xiaogang called out kindly and respectfully!

"Well! Are they all there? What are you going to eat today

"Grandma, I'll say it!" Ding Yun immediately grabbed his mobile phone in his hand. "Today, I took Xiaogang and the elephant to taste the characteristics here. Although Xiaogang often eats in the provincial capital, how to say, after leaving the mountains and rivers here, the taste is still worse! But the elephant is a bit of a pity! What he eats is quite quantitative

"There is such a thing to say! Then you need a good treat! It's a bit greedy to talk about! "

Ding Yun, of course, recognized the meaning of the words. She spat out her little tongue and giggled, "I think it should be a simple little problem for Dad!" I'd better leave it to my father! Let him deal with it. He really can't deal with this problem!

Su Yuan pretended to be angry and snorted, "your grandfather and uncle are all here! Tea in the back now

"Is it?" Ding Yun knocked on the head of Ding Chang beside him, "let Ding Chang tell you! This year's party was planned by several of us. At least, we mentioned quite a few opinions and ideas. There is no objection to this matter from my father. We can be very tired. Even if it is like this, there are still many loopholes in it! "

"Is it?" Su Yuan was stunned for a moment, but he didn't know what he knew. "Did you guys do it? I don't believe you have so much ability

"It's not a big deal, actually." Ding Yun was very proud of this. "Dad feels a little pressure there. All the things inside and outside are carried by him on his shoulder. He seems to be a little impatient. Under such circumstances, we feel it necessary to share the pressure of dad, so we come up with an idea. Dad thinks it's a good idea, so he makes a fuss!"

Ding Chang picked up the mobile phone and laughed at her grandmother. "Grandma, it's not so exaggerated. In fact, it's the consortium that wants to dissipate the tension. That's why we organized such a party. We don't have any other ideas."

Not only Su Yuan listened to Ding Chang's explanation, but also Wang Changlin in the room could see the picture. As for how to see it, don't ask such questions. It's not a difficult thing!

"So your father and mother will certainly be there!"

"Well, there are three parties in total. One belongs to China, which is generally within the scope of the farm. The other belongs to a consortium. The general scope of the party is foreign. There is also a comprehensive one. Father and mother are busy in these two days."

"The scale is a little bit bigger, and we are all ready for it!"

"We have put forward quite a framework, but the specific control, hey, we can't catch it! We have limited ability to deal with such things. If we really get involved, we can only make a mess of things! "

"Well, I think your dishes are on the table! Eat first

"Grandma, have you eaten yet?" Quite a thing has been finished! Then give the whole thing temporary draw a full stop, before this, still need to add a so-called modifier, this will appear more perfect some!

"I have already eaten them! Just enjoy it

After hanging up the video, we all looked at each other. Judging from the situation revealed by the children at home, Ding Yu asked Wang Xiaogang to go to the party. Even to a certain extent, Wang Xiaogang seemed to have participated in it. If nothing was involved, it would never have happened!This bastard, who participated in such a thing, didn't even tell his family!

But think carefully, Ding Yu's education for children is all-round, the family can know, but absolutely not allow any interference! So what about Wang Xiaogang? There is really no one in the family!

Is it a mistake? Not really! "Mother! How do I feel Xiaogang very happy? "

"Can you not be happy? There are friends, brothers and sisters, as well as food and drink, how can such things not be happy, let alone participate in such things, the heart is happy? Is there anything more fulfilling than seeing the seeds you've planted blooming and fruiting? "

Xiaobao half sat there, a little lazy, the family has been very used to this! He always looked like this, "Auntie, I think it's a good thing. Although the situation is unknown, there is no need to worry about it at home."

"Xiaobao, what do you want to say?" Su Yuan asked a little puzzled!

"I don't think there's too much thinking at home!" When talking, Xiao Bao deliberately changed his posture. "If the elder brother really has this idea, I think I'm the best candidate. No matter who the other people in the family are, no matter who they are, they are not so suitable. But now the elder brother let Xiao Gang pass, he has already expressed his intention!"

"You mean it has nothing to do with the family, is it?"

"I guess it's like this. If the elder brother really needs help from his family, he doesn't need such means at all. Even if he doesn't help at home, he doesn't mention it at all, so we can see one or two of them. As for Xiaogang's visit to big brother, do I think this is the case? It has nothing to do with the family, but on the contrary, it has a lot to do with it! "

When they spoke, Wang Changlin and they had already come out. Xiaobao's father looked at his son's appearance and looked at him with hatred!

Su Quan points Xiaobao with his finger. It seems that he agrees with Xiaobao's words!

"Tell me! Let's all listen

"Xiao gang went to the elder brother there, and would never have any involvement with the family. If you don't have a bit of liberties, you will despise this thing in the house!" Although this is not very nice to hear, but we all know that it is really the same as Xiaobao said! Ding Yu doesn't care about the things in the house!

"Just let Xiaogang go to your elder brother's place and feel the atmosphere. Is the activity too big?"

"Wouldn't it be better to put the party in a small place like this?"

Wang Li coughed a little and then said, "I think this is quite in line with the big brother's view. We should know that these three parties are not for everyone to see, but for the staff inside the farm and for the foreign people. This should be the purpose of the elder brother. What's more, the elder brother is not a person who likes to show off!"

After all, the people were really surprised. After all, the direction that big brother considered was totally different from that of Wang Li and Xiao Bao! What on earth is this?

But the home also does not go back to investigate, because this has nothing to do with right and wrong! It can only be said that their consideration is quite different from that of adults! That's it!

"Now the limelight has come out!" Xiao Bao, who was next to him, said sadly, "I heard that the party was quite dynamic, and there were quite a lot of people invited. There are many heavyweight stars in China. As for the foreign side, I know some of them! They are all at the level of carrying the handle

Seeing his father stare again, Xiaobao stands up his shoulder for a moment. "Some people want to go and have a look, but they are afraid to provoke big brother, so they want me to find out, but I dare to do such things there! What I mean is very simple. I want to go. It doesn't matter. But if anything happens, it has nothing to do with me. I didn't ask them to go, did I? "

Su Yuan shakes his head, a little want to laugh! Xiaobao! It's really such a temperament, that is, the eldest brother can cure him, others really can't, the original time is OK, but these calendars are really different!

Why is it better and better than Wang Yang? Wang Yang is so clumsy, even on purpose! This son is also growing up! Under the influence of his big brother, it also gives out a very bright light!

"It seems that your elder brother is really under a lot of pressure. Just now Ding Yun and Ding Chang also said that! The boss was under a lot of pressure, so we held such a party

Wang Changlin and Su Quan looked at each other! Several parents are sitting together at this time! The position is a little bit back! Obviously, they still have considerable thinking at this time!

"Lao Zheng, what do you think of this matter?""Not so much? Things are a little strange, even not quite in line with the common sense, lack of considerable understanding, boss! Everything is good. I have nothing to say when I am an elder. Sometimes it is too boring! Can't you do a big favor? Can't you help a little? I think it can help! "

"Stop it! As for the character of the boss, his father didn't speak up! "

Obviously, this is intentional. Wang Changlin also smiles helplessly. Then he takes out the cigarette in his pocket. There was a box of cigarettes in his study before. As a result, he was robbed by Lao Zheng. He had no choice but to come out with a new one!

"All right! You don't have one in your house

"Mad, that bastard Xiaobao often goes back and steals. The girl in our family is very careful!" Laozheng is very distressed about this, "a total of so few, anyway, you don't smoke much!" As for Su Quan, don't think about it. No one can pick it out of his hand!

"In this case, we are just worrying about Xiaogang's business!"

Su Quan hummed, but it's not that there is any dissatisfaction, with these are really not too much related!

"What's going to happen outside? After all, when Xiaogang went there, there will be quite a stir in this matter to a certain extent. There still needs to be a statement in the family, which is your grandson! "

Wang Changlin played the ash, let himself say, how do you say it? "I don't know anything! The situation is such a situation, anyway, there is no opinion and idea in the family, that is to know this matter only! "

This is the explanation! If you want to listen, just listen. If you don't want to listen, I have no way!

Su Quan and old Zheng looked at each other, but it was a good saying!

Xiao Gang and elephant are very happy to eat, especially Xiao Gang. After all, the elephant needs to pay attention to something. There is no way to do it, because the occupation he is engaged in determines that he needs to keep a cautious attitude towards the equivalent things!

Although I'm still young now, even if I play two games, I may consume high calorie things. But for myself, if I go on like this for a long time, I will form quite a habit. On this point, I am quite different from Xiao Gang and the children of Ding family! After all, the individual body is different!

Don't think Xiaogang's food is much higher than his own. It's really not the case. Maybe the cooking method is a little different!

After eating, Xiao Gang and elephant went back to have a rest! Wang An and they are back to the villa, but only to see Tai Xi, did not see Ding Yu! Seeing Tai Xi's appearance, everyone knows that it is impossible to see Ding Yu!

"Xiaogang has settled down there?"

"It's settled down! I'll probably come by tomorrow morning! " Ding Yun touches the bear's head! I'm sorry that I didn't take it out today. It's a little troublesome!

After all, big bear and little lazy are different! The size and appearance of the bear, others suddenly saw it! It's three feet high in January, but it's not the same as lazy! Everyone wants to be able to touch it! It's so cute! And the family is also careful care of the small lazy!

Of course, all the animals at home have such treatment, bathing! Shearing! Repair and so on! Sometimes think about it, staying in the Ding family's environment is definitely not a general pleasure! However, quite a lot of things are done by the children in the family. They absolutely do not borrow people. As for the bear, it is the special favor of Ding Yun and Ding Chang!

"Are you going to find your father? I can't do anything about it! " Tai Xi shook his head. It was not what they wanted to do. "I think if I had a chance tomorrow morning, I could ask about it."

"Daddy, you bad guy!"

Tai Xi is very dissatisfied with a glance! Ding Yun is a little indifferent, "he made things, now good! I can imagine that the capital is already in chaos! Earlier, my uncle called me and my grandmother was there. Didn't my mother receive the call? "

"More busy!" For this matter, Taixi really knows, but knowing is one thing, and how to say it is another. Obviously, Xiaogang's arrival has a considerable impact on the children in the family. They have numerous doubts, but the problem is that the people who can solve them have not given them any time at all!

Not only Ding Chang and Ding Yun, but also Wang An and their several are quite depressed, but there is no way, otherwise what? Break into your dad's office? Are you kidding? At that time, their father will never give them any good looks, and even there will be other joint reactions, such things or forget it!

The next morning, the children all got up early, Xiao Gang and elephant also appeared in the villa side!

But each other's exercise is a little different, especially the elephant, after all, his physical condition is different, to a certain extent, because of their different development direction in the future, it means that they need different ways to exercise themselves! To lay a good foundation!"The physical quality is very good, I believe that the average child can't catch up with you! Even a child three or five years older than you can't catch up with you! "

"Uncle Ding, I can't find a chance to thank you!" The elephant wiped the sweat on his forehead with a towel, and said sincerely!

"Not exactly! What I appreciate more is your present state of mind. It is particularly important for you to keep a good attitude. However, being able to be so mature is really unexpected and even unexpected! I've heard a lot of people talk about you, and even some of our teachers here praise you

"Not yet, there is a considerable gap! Only when I went abroad did I know how it happened. However, I believe I will not be far behind. At least I am still on the road! I will not give up! "

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