"I know the power of it! It shows that there has been considerable growth, which is a good thing! "

For the elephant, Ding Yu is not so strict, and even has other expectations. So naturally, this talk is a lot more. From another perspective, this concern is also a little bit more!

"Uncle Ding, I like China very much. I think it's hard to imagine what my home would look like if I hadn't been born in China. I've been abroad, and I've seen a lot of low-level family life, and I've also met quite a few children and peers. They are excellent in all aspects, but because of family reasons, their world outlook and values To some extent, they failed to live up to themselves. "

For the expression of the elephant, Ding Yu slightly nodded his head!

"Go out! Just know how to position themselves, whether to stay at home or not, of course, it is good. You are a treasure at home, let alone you! Even I am the same! What to eat, what to do at home, what to use, what to buy at home, there will never be any complaints, parents will support! But only when we go out, can we know that the world is like this, we are a grass, we need to face the wind! Because we need to resist, in order to protect the parents behind us! "

The words make the elephant very excited, even can't help nodding!

"Uncle Ding, mother and sister always want to thank you, but they can't find any chance!"

"Hi! Say this, there are so many childish love! I have a very deep impression on your mother. As for your sister, the first sense is good, but if you really want to say that she is good, I can't say it. There is no long-term contact. It's too hypocritical for you to let me say some compliments! "

Ding Yu is to tell the truth, but this is very much to the elephant's appetite! Because this is the uncle Ding who I know, sincere and true, without any false politeness!

"Most of your success is due to your family. If your family doesn't set up a very good idea for you, then you won't have the mentality you have now. There are a lot of talented people, but there are very few people who can really realize their talents. I hope you don't let your family down!"

If they were other children, they could not hear them, so Ding Yu would not say so. But the elephant was different. He could understand the real meaning of his words!

Looking at Ding Yu, the elephant said seriously, "Uncle Ding, why don't you and the farm be mentioned here? I don't understand! "

"Even if you don't have me or the farm, you will come out. It may be a bit bumpy or even circuitous. The talent I see is different from the talent you understand. To be more straightforward, I am also investing. If you really become a superstar, I am very happy. I have a share of my credit in this, and for the farm, how much I have paid It's worth it

Although Ding Yu is such an explanation, but listening to the elephant's ears, it is not such a thing!

I have seen a lot of children, and they all have a lot of talent. Why do they have the support of the farm now? Is it because of their talent or because they are friends of Xiaogang? Absolutely not!

Some words can't just look at the surface, but need further understanding! Just like what Ding Shugang said!

"The way at home doesn't apply to you. To be exact, it's only part of it that applies to you. It's not that I'm self-conscious. Some of it is because of your age that I can't learn because it requires a gradual process. What's more? Your development is different! Although I have done some research on it, the research is limited! "

"Uncle Ding, I can't get along with you. I know what I said may be too straightforward, but I've seen Xiaogang's exercise and talked with Xiaogang's nanny and security guard. I can't adapt to it. I have a certain positioning for myself! I can't thank you enough for your guidance! In my mother's words, I've already burned high incense! "

Ding Yu once again laughed, laughing a little proud!

"Everyone has their own positioning and goals. To be exact, I only have two disciples, one is Wang An, the other is Tongtong, and the children in my family are well trained. Xiaogang can be said that I raised them since I was a child. I put a lot of effort into them. There is Xiaoyu in my family, which is Wang An My sister, although she has also got considerable training, but the qualification is not enough! "

"Uncle Ding, is it because of talent?"

"For this reason, what I have learned is a bit mixed, and I need to have a certain mentality. To some extent, you can only be regarded as a beginner. If you can't keep a good attitude, you will easily collapse. If you know what the collapse is, the problem is what the consequences will be, which is hard to predict?"

"Uncle Ding, it's easy for me to feel ashamed if you say so!"

Looking at the elephant standing beside him, Ding Yu was very happy. "Quite a lot of people think that children's childhood should be happy, but who can do this? Very few. Your mentality is in line with it, but your other qualifications are not so good. If you can learn more, you should learn more. Anyway, there is never any intention to stop you at home. I even think it is a happy thing! ""Ding Yu, why does this happen? In my opinion, many people have other ideas about it. The so-called passing on the son does not pass on the daughter. Such a tradition is still very common in modern society."

"You can't say whether it's right or wrong to stick to the concept! However, from my personal point of view, I don't agree with this. Of course, there are still some specific analysis on some issues, which can't be generalized. It seems that you should also have the so-called unique skills, and other people are also very interested in it. Are you a professor or not? "

For this question, the elephant thought for a while, and then said aloud, "some people I can teach, but some people I have no interest in this aspect! Or from the inside out, I feel very disgusted! "

"There are quite a number of reasons, because some people want to improve their own level, and they even come up with their own unique skills to exchange with you. Of course, it may not be suitable for you, but it is absolutely for the sake of improvement, but some people are not like this. To some extent, they are just for self-interest! What a nuisance

"You can only see a part of life. Some people you like and some people you don't like. They will exist. But as time goes on, you will find that with your progress, some people can still keep up with you, but some people have gone with the wind! You will never meet again, but on the new road, you will encounter people or things you like, people you don't like or things you hate

Ding Yu and the elephant chat is very happy, it is true that his qualifications are not so good, but only relative to the children at home! But the mentality is absolutely good! The right age! I have experienced a lot. At this age, I can keep up with Wang An. Of course, with the development of time, there may be quite different performances, but who knows? But for Wang Xiaogang now, it is absolutely appropriate!

Soon, Wang Xiaogang finished the exercise and went to Ding Yu's side! The expression on the face is naturally very happy! After all, I came to my uncle's villa, which I had never had before. Of course, I was very excited!

"Are you so happy?"

Ding Yu handed over the towel and warm water in the past. For his nephew, Ding Yu did not attach great importance to him. His treatment and education were the same as those of the children at home, even higher to some extent! Thus, what kind of status does Wang Xiaogang have in Ding Yu's mind!

"Of course! Uncle, this is the first time. You won't hurt my enthusiasm, will you? "

"Hum!" Ding Yu slightly hummed, "since you have come, then do something! These two days are busy, you should also know, under such circumstances, don't wait to eat ready-made! "

"Uncle, is this really good?" Looking at the uncle's face, Wang Xiaogang giggled, but soon changed his face, "uncle, my things are easy to say, but what about the family affairs? After all, I'm a client, and I can't act as if I don't know anything! "

"What's the matter? What else do you want to do? " In this regard, Ding Yu has some thoughts!

"Uncle, I have some doubts now. Last night, I had a video at home! Obviously already quite anxious! But then nothing happened. I think it calmed down! " After taking a look at his uncle, Xiao Gang continued, "it is obvious that the family should have understood the intention of the uncle, but things always come to...."

"It's no big deal for the outside world to have a look at it. What's more, if you come here this time, it has nothing to do with other parties. If anyone has any opinion, does it have anything to do with them? This is my family business. What's going on? I need to report my own affairs to them? "

Yeah? Wang Xiaogang was a little surprised! I really didn't expect that uncle would say so, so I didn't react for a moment!

But think carefully, it seems that it is really such a thing! What's the relationship between your own affairs and you? Is it difficult for us to report to you about our family affairs?

"Uncle, you're very aggressive!"

Ding Yu glared discontentedly. Wang Xiaogang spat out his tongue by wiping sweat. His uncle is still so terrible! At least there are so some not very easy to provoke, they just want to test it, did not expect that will be such a result, if continue to explore, ha ha!

Finally came the children at home, Ding Yun is the most dissatisfied, the expression on his face is enough to explain everything! Press small Gang is a meal of ravage, is in front of his father's face, let us finally, last night, when we want to say! But my father didn't give any chance at all!

It's called a pain! That's a pain, but Dad seems to be a good person! Along with this morning, they were the last people to see, so Wang Xiaogang suffered so much! But he seems to enjoy it too!

The elephant is watching, feeling very interesting, also very interesting!"Dad, is it really appropriate for you to do this In this regard, Ding Yun almost bit his own teeth to say!

"Why not? What's wrong with it? " Ding Yu asked back!

"When Xiao Gang came here, it was like a hot pot with boiling water at home! Dad, you don't worry at all! It's true that the family can understand what you mean, but your behavior like this will give you a certain illusion. If there is any problem or situation, how can you end it? "

"Is that worrying about me? If so, should I feel so ashamed? Let the children in my family worry about me? "

Listening to Ding Yu's words, Ding Yun feels a little out of control of her anger. She stands up with her little four eyes and even grins at Ding Yu! Obviously, he expressed his dissatisfaction with Ding Yu!

"That's a little too much!"

Looking at small four eyes, Ding Yu hummed, but did not think that small four eyes did not pay any attention to, and even called at Ding Yu, and I would not cry, right? I call better than you! All of a sudden, Ding Yu was angry!

"All right, all right! Let's stop a little bit and don't take a common view! "

With that, Ding Yun squatted down and comforted the bear, but she could tell by her expression. Now, I don't know how proud she is? As expected, he was raised since he was young, and there is no one else in this spirit! What I want is this effect!

"Dad, you see, our big bear knows the power of it!"

At this time, the bear has climbed down again. As to whether it is Ding Yu's reason or Ding Yun's reason, it's not clear! Anyway, it's very honest now! But Ding Yu? It's not as happy as you can imagine!

For such a small joke, no one as a matter, Ding Yun and bear is deliberately playing tricks!

"It's all happened. Now just think about how to deal with it! In any case, now the capital has known quite a lot of news. It doesn't matter if the family can understand it, but I don't know if other people can understand it as well! "

"Master, it's a little too brainburn! I'm afraid it will be very difficult for them to hold their own mood

Immediately, Wang An and others immediately reacted and looked at Ding Yu, who scared the elephant. What happened? How did they suddenly become like this!

"Dad, you won't! You mean it? Don't tell me that's the case! "

"I've never said that. These are your own brain tonic!" Ding Yu did not show any attitude, and even some doubts, which made the children very dissatisfied! How can my father do this?

So the children at home are so angry, but let the elephant see these friends, there is such a side, it is very interesting! They are not as dull as they think. They are also childish, but they don't show much about it in peacetime!

"Dad, even if it's our own brain tonic, but the fact is the fact, OK?" Ding Chang doesn't do it either! At that time, many small faces will be excited when the party comes! Dad, you don't even count these in it, do you? "

"What I said just now is very clear! But you don't listen to any explanation, and I'm quite helpless about it. " Ding Yu spread out his hands, "but look at this situation, I'm going to have breakfast! I ate it here this morning! It's almost ready! After dinner, what should I do! I'm still very busy! "

I'm full of gas! How can you still think of eating, but when you see the rich breakfast on the table, the children's mind is all at once gone! But there are so many children at home! Tai hee looks at these children, their appetite is exaggerated enough!

The father's appetite has made him very scared! But look at these children, one by one is like a little tiger, and even their own daughter has no exception. Fortunately, there is no problem in the management of the body. Otherwise, they will become piglets!

After dinner, Ding Yu ran away like a slip of smoke, and had no intention to stay at all!

While the children at home are looking at Ding Yu, there are some strange eyes, Taixi is smiling at the children at home, he will not stay, although he has a lot of things, but it is obvious that the father of the children has given these children to pit! If you stay, who knows what will happen?

So the children at home can only play their own! What if not?

"Daddy is so bad! I knew there must be a problem, but I didn't expect such a big problem! "

While talking, Ding Yun combed the bear's hair at the same time! Now it's just a big bear! Otherwise, it is easy to be depressed to death! Dad didn't give them a chance!"There is no way." Ding Chang also felt very depressed, "originally thought this was a very good opportunity, but I didn't expect to step in actively. Now even if I want to break free, I can't get rid of it. Why is dad always like this?"

"I think we are too anxious! What's more, at that time, I didn't think much about it! "

Wang An made a considerable summary, the starting point is good, but what?

PS: happy National Day and Mid Autumn Festival!

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