The next day, the special farm in China will start! It's in the gym! It's not outside. In this weather, if you put it outside, I'm afraid many people's bodies will not be so suitable! Fortunately, the gymnasium is relatively large, and it is more than enough for a party!

Before that, Ding Yu also met with the top management of the farm. We had a chat with each other. We didn't mention too many things about the farm. It was just a little bit casual to talk to you about family matters! But almost all of them are orange apricot in the chair, Ding Yu and Tai Xi are more like company!

"Sir! Are you too carefree? " Luo Xuan is beside Ding Yu, not because of his identity, but because of his proper relationship with Ding Yu. In addition, this time the public relations department has also made quite a splash, so there is no need to be conspicuous any more!

"Everyone is working hard! So a banquet for everyone, it seems that we are still more happy! That's good! "

Then Ding Yu also looked at Luo Xuan, "how's home? Come over at this time, there is no opinion at home! If there is any opinion, I will make a phone call in person, and the old man of province will say that other things are not? "

"Hi! How satisfied are you at home? Along with myself, I also felt that I had a new life. My work was relatively busy, but I was very full. I always wanted to make money, but I never thought that making money would be so substantial. I always played the edge ball in the original time. It seems that it doesn't matter, but in fact it's worried! Other people don't know, is it not clear in my own heart? "

"How's the mood?"

Luo Xuan thought about it for a while, and then he said in a low voice, "before, there was still some tension. After all, we are the public relations department. We can hear some news and all kinds of news. At the beginning, we can still live calmly, but with the change of time, there are too many news! Completely bombed! There are really some trances. To tell you the truth, some people have some problems. It's a pity! "

In this regard, Luo Xuan has a considerable regret, some people's ability is true, but the position is not firm enough!

Although such things are inevitable, but in the end, some people are trained by themselves, thinking that they can change, but did not think that after encountering quite a lot of things, there will be such a problem!

And people with problems can't stay on the farm! Or they are no longer fit to stay on the farm!

What a good platform! Can give full play to their own, in this regard, the farm is absolutely not any obstruction, and even very attentive to cultivate, but what? Maybe this is human nature! Everyone has their own different ideas and ideas, really can not be too unified!

But to a certain extent, it is not a bad thing for the farm. Since we can not keep up with the pace of the farm and keep pace with the farm, we can only find another way! Life is wonderful, I hope they can bloom their own brilliance in the future!

"If you can say something like this, you have a deep feeling for the farm! I have some ideas now. Should I transfer you to the consortium! They also need talents like you

After a while, Toad's boasting is that I can't shake my head for a while, but now it's just a way for me to look at the talent! It doesn't matter. What I'm afraid of is that it will do considerable harm to the consortia and the farm. I will die! "

"There's such a worry!" Ding Yu obviously heard the same ambition! He doesn't have much confidence in this, but it's good to say, "although the development of farms is also in foreign countries, how to say? We still can't break through the boundary of the consortium. Maybe it will be possible in the future, but we need to do a lot of preparation before this! "

"I said, sir, do you trust me so much?"

"I think people have always been very discerning! I always think that you should have some ambition. This is the driving force for progress. The development of consortia and farms requires such ambition. "

"Sir, that's what you said. If other people have said so, I should really think about whether I am ready to resign after I go back!"

"Don't even think about it! If you leave, I have no way to explain to the old man, nor to the next generation of grandfather! So you'd better stay with me honestly. What's more, if you leave, I really doubt if you will go back to the old way

Luo Xuan sighed, "it's really hard to say, a little unwilling! After all, the surrounding environment is a little bad! " After saying that, Luo Xuan himself has so many can not help but smile! There is so much pride!

Looking at other people coming, Luo Xuan did not continue to stay, but to find other people! After all, I also brought a lot of people here. Today, all the high-level people on the farm have come! This party is mainly aimed at the direction of the high-rise farm!Used to stabilize everyone's mind, save you have some other opinions and ideas!

At the beginning of the party, Ding Yu and Tai Xi were sitting in the central position, with orange and apricot next to her. She was in charge of the Asian side. However, she had some dislike for the two people, Dashan and Tanaka!

The main reason is that two people robbed the regular script and left the cursive script to orange apricot! This matter lets orange apricot close to a little angry can't expose, what joke? How dare you do that? I didn't wait for myself to come here!

You know, it's handwritten by your husband. I've read the cursive script myself! The mark on it is very clear, but Dashan and Tanaka didn't even give the chance to appreciate it. They gave it to Baoyuan directly!

Sure, cursive script is very good, but what about that? These things are not only reserved for appreciation, but also used for inheriting the family. What a pity! They didn't give themselves any chance! So orange apricot is particularly dissatisfied with this!

So now I see the mountains and fields sitting beside me, and they look so strange! If it's not because of the uncomfortable situation, I must break with them!

In fact, they should attend the party tomorrow, but due to the fact that Ju Xingzi is in charge of some affairs of the farm, so they have the opportunity now. However, it is obvious that both Dingyu and Taixi are not prepared to appear today. Almost all the opportunities are given to Ju Xingzi. At least in name, Ju Xingzi is the director of the farm!

After the party started, all the people in the stadium cried out! Ding Yu and Tai Xi two people look at each other, at least from the opening effect, or very good, the atmosphere is very warm!

Almost all the staff were motivated by the farm's willingness to spend money. On the one hand, it was to stabilize everyone's mood, on the other hand? For so many years, there has been no much publicity for the farm. This time, it is regarded as the promotion of the farm!

However, from Ding Yu's point of view, how much publicity effect it can play is not what I value, even it doesn't matter! What I value more is to be able to stabilize the farm, because the farm is also our rear position! If there are some problems in the farm, then I really need to think about it!

"Didn't see the troublemakers, where did they go?" Ding Yu whispered in Taixi's ear!

"With classmates and friends? They have their own joy, father and mother with friends, after all, each other's preferences are quite different, so now each has its own place! There are no other things or situations! "

Taixi knew what the father was worried about, so he gave a lot of feedback at the first time!

The atmosphere of the party is more and more warm, the stars are bright, and one wave after another, without any stagnation! See the audience on the scene high. Tide. Repeatedly! One or two of them can be seen from their red faces, and even many people's voices have been hoarse!

"I didn't expect that everyone would like it so much!" Tai Xi is also pulling Ding Yu's arm, she is also excited at this time! I feel that I can't sit still! But there is no way, the child's father can sit safely, as the child's mother, how much still need to pay attention to some manners!

Maybe my father-in-law and my mother-in-law didn't choose the front desk because of this!

Tomorrow, my father, mother and others will come here. I really need to ask more. Compared with my father-in-law and mother-in-law, there are still some problems and conditions in my family! Although the father of the child never has any words, but he can not care!

At the end of the party, everyone was still in the air, but the party on the farm started! In the past, when we watched the party performance, we really didn't have much feeling. Now that the party is over, we find that we are really a little hungry!

When Tai Xi helped Ding Yu out, there was a big round of applause. Behind Ding Yu, on the one hand, were the high-level of the farm, on the other hand, the parents and children in the family. The previous party was a bit inappropriate, but now there are not too many problems with the reception! And the children at home have changed their clothes again!

Along with a lot of guests in the city, of course, the guests who can enter the reception are very special! Or it is particularly valued by Ding Yu, otherwise! ha-ha!

"Wow!" Xiaogang stood in the corner of the position, next to a group of children in the family, they came here to see, it is true that they have experienced, but this time the experience is very different, their father is also there, but the only feeling is that there are some, but unfortunately, friends are a little bit less!

Unlike the previous party, students and friends are almost all there. Today's occasion is not good to bring them together!

But like Wei Lai, they can still come here. Obviously, today's situation is different, so we have a little bit of caution and caution. If it was not for the elder sister, they would not even dare to move at this time!There was no such experience in the past, and I didn't even know how to deal with it!

"Elder sister, what should we do?" Wei Lai is brave and brave! But now still feel brave have so some worry, to know that their father can not come in, but they actually came!

Happy is happy, but happy at the same time, there are so many can not put their hands and feet!

"It's time to eat, drink! There won't be too many people who will take care of us! We are just coming to see and see, open our eyes! The provincial later encountered such a scene, do not know how to deal with it! " When talking, also kicked a foot Wei Lai, usually, you are not like this!

"Elder sister, don't you! I don't know what to do now! The whole people have some dizzy dishes! " Immediately looked around, their classmates and friends, still not compared to themselves!

Dingyu and Taixi greet quite a lot of people, many of them are high-level farm. Of course, the people from the city, Dingyu has not been cold and cold. They play a crucial role. Everyone complements each other. Without them, there is no stable environment!

As for the other people, there are not too close to Dingyu and Taixi, as for who is Dingyu? Everyone knows! At most, there are so many not too common! It's not that you don't know!

While in his spare time, Dingyu went to the side of these children, pressed Wei Lai's head, and rubbed it twice!

"You don't fear indigestion if you eat so much!"

"Uncle Ding!" Other children also soon gathered around Dingyu's side position, "do not eat white, do not eat, if you waste! I am also a considerable contribution! Is it? "

Dingyu laughed at it with ridicule. "How do you feel? Is there any other feeling? "

"It was still very deep, but there was considerable doubt!" Although Ding Yu is facing, but Wei Lai has responded to them at this time, so it is not so afraid! Because Dingyu stood by, it was like finding the main heart bone!

"Impressive? That's all right! At least there are considerable gains, but how to understand and explain it? Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow there are quite a chance to see more, there is no harm, don't be too excited! Don't be too excited! "

For Ding Yu can come here personally, many children, still feel very encouraged! After all, how busy the wine will be, we still know, even if we say two words, we can see that Ding Yu values these children!

After the party was over, everyone was more happy, and the high-level people on the farm also had no previous tension. Whether it was Mr. dingyuding or orange apricot, they all stood out to give you considerable confidence. As for the party? For the farm's top, of course, it's also meaningful! It's just that? It's for the public! Not for them!

The next day, not only the children in the family, but also Wei Lai were also in the early morning, and they ran to Dingyu villa, and did not know where the spirit came. They all slept very late last night, and they still got up so early this morning! If you say you don't have a rest at noon, then it's not going to be too spiritual tonight!

"What's the matter? And that spirit? I said how can you afford it? Special circumstances, there is not so much attention! "

"Uncle Ding, it was so exciting last night! But after coming back, I basically slept down! And sleep very well, at noon another time of rest, at night will never be any situation, you can rest assured

Because the children come a little early, so Taixi and nanny are busy here, these are not need to borrow artificial hands!

After the exercise, all the children are focused on the villa side, even some people can not sit down, there are not so many chairs in the home, and there are a little more children coming! But it's really lively!

"Don't be too excited! Although there are many people in the past two days, it is not a big deal to keep calm! " Although Dingyu does not directly pour cold water, but such a talk, a bit of strike enthusiasm!

"Dad, you can live with reserve. After all, you have a considerable experience, so you are not doing one thing naturally, but we are different! Don't say it's a classmate! Even parents, there is not too much experience in this area! We are a small county town after all. How can we live with such a lot of stars? "

Dingyu was stunned, and then he laughed! "It seems that's true! It seems like my problem. I think it's a bit of a mistake! "

It is Ding Yun who looks at his father to admit defeat, immediately, he will rise to the power, a bit of a World-long appearance! Tai Xi is very helpless in the side of shaking his head, his daughter! Let yourself say something good!

But look around these children, it seems to be very convincing to their daughter! It's really strange!

Although there are many people, but when we eat breakfast, we have no confusion and very good rules! But after breakfast, we have so many sheep! Dingyu doesn't have so much time to pay attention to them!Today's party is about consortia. People from the consortium will come one after another! I need to receive them and talk with them about the situation and stabilize their mind! At least to the consortium to do a role model!

So the things here at home can only be led by Wang an! How to deal with it! Look at the ability of his elder martial brother! This is also the time for him to show his ability!

These things do not need to be accounted for, along with other children in the family, such as Ding Yun and Ding Chang, Tong Tong and Wang Yu, can not have any leisure, they all have a considerable task! At this time, if anyone makes any so-called moths, Ding Yu will not be punished, but he will never have any good fruit to eat. This is for sure! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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