At noon, not only Ding Yu, but also the children at home took the same nap for a period of time. However, this statement is not so accurate. Ding Yu and Taixi are taking a nap. As for the children? They sleep like pigs! Lying all over the bed!

I went to bed too late last night and got up too early this morning! In addition, there are quite a number of activities tonight, even if they have a considerable way and method to alleviate, it is not comparable to Ding Yu! It's just two things!

But soon Ding Yu met with all the members of the consortium, and even held a few short meetings with them to understand the situation and calm everyone's mind. How about coming here today? It's the party and the party! Do not need to have too much burden, as long as keep calm mind good! Don't get too excited!

Some people really come to Ding Yu's hometown for the first time. Although it is a small county town and there is no airport, the environment here is really beautiful and the geographical location is outstanding! And after these years of development, show different style, let oneself have different senses!

It's not too late for the children at home, even when it comes to time, it's just right! It's all the children in the family, not just Ding Yun and Ding Chang. The consortium is familiar with the children in the family. Although we don't understand Ding Yu's meaning, we still know something about it!

It is absolutely unacceptable to place such a practice in other families. However, it is very common to place it in Ding Yu's place. If you can inherit the mantle, you may have to take over the consortium in the future. If you can't inherit the mantle, then you will be regarded as my own son and daughter!

Are they too ruthless and cruel? But from the perspective of the future development of the consortium, it seems that there are many advantages! More importantly, Ding Yun and Ding Chang did not show any jealousy and dissatisfaction!

I don't know it was Ding Yu who cultivated it very well? Or they two people hide too well, for this, I'm afraid not many people can say why! At least not at this time!

Even now no one dares to do so. Of course, is the more important reason? Do you really think the teachers and security guards around these children are vegetarian? Right? In the past, there were only teachers. Maybe it was better. But now the security is all in place. These guys are all stepping down from Ding Yu's side. Their skills are not ordinary!

Therefore, do not move any bad ideas, otherwise Ding Yu will do what kind of things, it is difficult to say!

When they talk to the children in the family, they have different attitudes, but they don't mean to please these children. At most, they praise them. I don't know what kind of development and performance they will have in the future. What's more, the present consortium is Sir's!

Some things can be done, but some things are done! Too much taboo!

We are all adults! How can you not understand such a thing? I don't know?

"Daddy, I'm so tired! My legs are almost thin! "

Ding Yun is very impolite. Obviously, she is trying to find fault. Taixi is pouring tea for the children at home. Now she can see more clearly! It is obvious that the children in the family will be rich and prosperous in the future, but can they carry the burden? This problem is really a matter for discussion!

Maybe, but there is also a great possibility that we can't carry it! If they can't carry it, it will be the most serious blow to the whole consortium. After all, the speed of the rise of the consortium is too fast!

How many forces regard the consortium as a thorn in the flesh. Don't you know what the father looks like? Even he sometimes has so many can not carry, can the children resist?

What's more, they have accumulated a lot of family wealth for them. In this case, let alone them! Even their children will be well fed and clothed in the future! So what about the equivalent? Don't worry too much! Let them grow well!

Their father didn't start from scratch, so they can get such achievements today. If they have such ability, their future goals should be set higher. Even if they can't surpass their father, they should maintain a certain level with their father. In this way, it's not a failure to live up to their father's expectations!

Of course, with the change of time, will your ideas change? Will there be a considerable change in children's minds? It's hard to say! When I was at the beginning, did not I have other ideas? So this kind of thing really can't say!

Ding Yu takes a look at Tai Xi. That's your daughter. Do you care? But Taixi didn't pay any attention at all! As if nothing to see the same, this is quite different from the usual!

So this kind of thing still needs to come by oneself! "Even if you want to go back to sleep in now, it's impossible! So you don't have to think about where to cool! What's more, your business is not over yet? A lot of things need to be handled by you. After all, it's up to youNot to mention this, but to mention this, Ding Yun felt that she was so frustrated and even depressed in her heart. Do you want to know that this is the plan of her father? Unfortunately, they fell into this pit, there is no way, can only struggle to climb out!

If you want to let your father stretch out his hand, you can't even think about it!

He does not push, is already very lucky thing! For this, no matter oneself, or the elder martial brothers and younger brothers and sisters around, all have the same feeling. After all, I have experienced a little more things! So everyone has a long memory!

"Dad, that's a little too much! What's more, it's a rather excessive one! "

"I can't do anything about it." Ding Yu spread out his hands and looked at his daughter patiently, "under such circumstances, I still need to explain the truth to you carefully, and even lead you into this door. As for how you will go in the future, I will not interfere in this issue, but you need to understand the context of it."

"Dad, can I understand that you imposed this on me?"

"The other way around, it's deliberate. Do you mean it?" Ding Yu raised his eyebrows. Is this intentional? I haven't said anything yet? You don't appreciate it! Even so, if this is changed to other people, what kind of results will be? Self-evident!

After a while of mischief, he was relieved. For these, Taixi looked into his eyes and didn't think that his daughter had such a hand. However, after careful consideration, it seems that she is the most suitable one. Is there anyone else left? Either it's a matter of age or identity!

Wang Yu, a little girl, is suitable. However, the qualification is always a problem. There is never any shortage in the family. This is like learning. Some people have no interest in it, but they can't learn it. What can you do?

There is no need to force what, even if there will be other problems and conditions, then it will not be beautiful!

So it's no big deal to keep the current situation and have your daughter's pet alone!

From another point of view, my daughter! Being spoiled by his father is very powerful, it is also the only one in the family, which is really like his aunt, whether ding ding or Wang Li, there are some similarities!

It's really not my own nonsense, the fact is the case! If you don't believe it, if you compare it carefully, you will find some problems and situations! And the more you look at it, the more you feel. It's so similar!

"Daddy, will there still be no big news tonight?" The joke is over! So let's get something practical! Yesterday's party about the farm was very successful. Even the following reception did not encounter any waves. Everything was too calm! Calm people feel a little uncomfortable!

"What's the matter? You're going to set off two firecrackers and hear it? " Ding Yu asked back!

"Already! But did not personally start, or see fireworks more beautiful! You don't have much interest in doing it yourself! But Dad, today is really very important! After today, the situation may be quite different, right! My uncle and grandfather called me earlier and told me that there seemed to be a lot of people coming to the capital. I heard that the evening party was very lively and everyone was very interested in it! "

Taixi's face slightly changed, but Ding Yu didn't show any attitude. At most, he snorted!

"Still in stock. Come here at this time? What's the matter? Do you have to go to the front when there is excitement? Is it really that good-looking? "

"I don't know! But it should be wonderful. If it's not wonderful, we won't be so interested! " Then Ding Yun's words suddenly changed, "what's more, a lot of programs are selected by us in person. They are all heavyweight stars. I believe they will attract many people's attention."

"There can be other ways of saying that?" Ding Yu suddenly burst into a bad smile!

Ding Yun is the first time to go forward, cover his father's mouth, because he has thought of his father will say what kind of words, such a time to say these, dad? We'll have dinner soon! You take it easy. We're thinking about a big meal?

Not only himself, but also the other children beside him, looked at Ding Yu with such strange eyes! They know it!

The party is very wonderful, not only attracted a lot of people to watch, but also attracted quite a lot of flies and mice. They will also think about it, but don't say such things! Some are too disgusting! Father can bear to live, but others can not afford to live!

Therefore, Ding Yun will boldly cover Ding Yu's mouth, such a thing or forget it! Dad, you are kind, this is the best way, don't let everyone have no appetite at that time!

Having a frolic with the children at home, Ding Yu and Taixi left first after dinner! And these children in the family have brought other children and classmates here. They are very interested in foreign stars. After all, domestic stars can still be seen, but foreign stars are rare to see!This kind of Western scenery is rare, so we can't do it by ourselves! Fortunately, the venue is big enough, otherwise, there will be no one who can hold so many people!

But there are those who are interested, and others who dare not. It's as if Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying are not interested in the party tonight, and they haven't seen it. Anyway, for them, how to be awkward! The traditional ideas of the older generation have nothing to do with other aspects!

But it's not that they don't have anything else today! Today my in laws are all here! As the host, we must treat them well! Unfortunately, the children are too busy! No matter where the son is? It's the same with grandsons and granddaughters!

The Kim family is here? Is it just to watch the party? Can't say so, although we usually have a lot of contact, but how to say? Still a little bit far away! Old and old! If you really walk around, it's not so convenient! Now, with such an opportunity, we really need a good reception!

"Have you settled down all over the house? I haven't been able to say a few words just now! "

Although not to the scene, is in his office, but Ding Yu still expressed his apology! I really don't have time to entertain on my side. It's not that I don't want to! There's no such thing!

Taixi is to tidy up Ding Yu's clothes, very attentive, with his hands to clean every crease on the clothes, although there are quite a number of service personnel standing behind, but this kind of thing is always done by himself, more at ease!

"I told you before I came! I never thought that my father-in-law and my mother-in-law were so polite that they both seemed to be more or less worried! " Looking at his father's dress in front of him, it is still very satisfactory! Glancing at her secretary, her eyes are almost unable to pull out!

"There are quite a lot of things for the children. They seem to be excited these two days, but in fact they are under great pressure. This is a very good exercise opportunity for them. I hope the two old people can understand it!"

"I'm so happy!" Obviously, Taixi has a right to speak on this issue. "If they have any dissatisfaction with this, it's a bone in the egg! It's a little too outrageous, but their uncle is not so good. Some children like to play tricks on their uncle, you see! If you can't use it tomorrow, you'll come and complain! "

When they were talking, there was a knock at the door!

Yesterday, orange and apricot can be in front of the position, but not today! The people from the consortium are basically here! At this time, we can't let Sun Yingnan take the lead. It's not appropriate, nor is it so appropriate. It doesn't mean to leave a bad influence on the outside world. It doesn't matter at all!

What I'm afraid of is that it will have a bad influence on the interior, which is not appropriate! What's the purpose of the party? Don't you still keep your mind steady? Let everybody not appear the fluctuation of thought above! The enemy standing opposite us is the paper tiger. In fact, it is nothing but shouting twice!

Even if they are standing opposite us right now, and even holding the guy style in their hands, what's the matter? Now we sit down and stabilize our emotions. We should eat and drink! You can even sit down and enjoy the scenery, but I don't know if those people in the opposite side are in the same mood now!

Everything is afraid of comparison. We have a party here. Everyone is laughing and laughing, but what about the opposite? Will they be particularly nervous or even angry? If they do something at this time, it's really their expectation. I hope they can understand it earlier!

This time, he took the lead in the move! It's not that every time I sit and wait to be beaten, this time I changed a way, I took the lead, you are not shouting? Isn't it a guy in the hand? okay! I'm waiting for you to come, but I don't know if you dare now?

Opportunities have been given to you! Don't shout so much. When it's time to start, it's nothing! What a shame! If you really dare not, there is no need to stand at the door position, will affect other people!

I don't play charades with you now. I'll show you clearly now! Fight if you have the courage! To put it bluntly, it is so simple!

Don't mention Ding Yu's hand, it really makes people standing opposite Ding Yu feel a little helpless, even from inside to outside, there is a kind of unspeakable nausea, want to vomit but can't spit out!

We didn't feel that there were any problems and conditions before, but when the facts happened, we suddenly found that the mood was a little too tight! It's like the law on the line, it can't relax at all!

Or the guy in the hand is too long! Let them a little bit out of control! If Ding Yu on the other side is doing the same thing, maybe it's better. Everyone's mood is more tense! Even if it is impulsive! Then the result may be to fight together, pull can not open!But now the development, with everyone's imagination is completely different! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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