My side of the nerve has been tight to the extreme! But Ding Yu's side is good? It's as if I didn't pay attention to it at all! Two a contrast, can only let their side more anxious!

But the problem is that now let the people on your side put down the guy style in their hands. Is it really OK? Can they do it? Even if it can be done, if Ding Yu suddenly starts at this time, can it be restored to the previous state at the first time?

Once the tense mood dissipates, then the whole person will relax immediately, and it is difficult to reflect for a moment and a half!

So now some of them have been put up by Ding Yu! I dare not relax at all! But the more you don't relax, the more nervous the mood will be, but the nervous mood will always collapse!

For Ding Yu, the longer the delay is, the more powerful it will be for him. What's more, there is a third party waiting for him? Ding Yu doesn't need to worry too much! But can you procrastinate for such a long time?

How about joining a third party? Talk to them? After all, there are countless ties behind everyone! The so-called not to look at the Buddhist face, is not it? We are all a family. Sit down and have a good talk. We had quite a misunderstanding before. Let's talk about it! When the time comes, everyone will have the same goal!

Even in the end, we don't want any interests. Your third party can take all the interests of Ding Yu! What's more, we can also pay considerable benefits, which is nothing to do!

There is no way to sing any song standing on the top of a mountain. Ding Yu's skill is really great!

He played cards with him clearly, but even so, at the beginning, everyone didn't even understand why Ding Yu did this. After the effect came out, everyone suddenly realized that this guy was not only cruel and ruthless, but also scheming, which really made people's defense more vulnerable!

The third party also knows quite a bit of news. They have no big moves now. Although Ding Yu's opponents have shown considerable sincerity, what about that? The third party is a bit unmoved!

If you show your sincerity, we will be driven by you. Is there really such a cheap thing under heaven and earth? You know that person is Ding Yu! He has not even started to work, you can not carry! If Ding Yu really began to work! What will happen again?

If you are afraid of death, we will not be afraid of death. Because of your sincerity, we will fight with Ding Yu. When the time comes, you will pick up a bargain from behind, and even take advantage of our hard fight with Ding Yu, we will all be cleaned up at that time! That really happened. Who should I talk to then?

Why don't you sit still now and don't need to be in such a hurry, we'll keep quite neutral. If you really can't help it, take the lead, and wait for you and Ding Yu to have a quarrel, and then you will bite again. How much benefit will it bring? This problem is not as simple as negotiation!

To put it more bluntly, it's not to say how many problems you want to take out, but how much we want, you have to take out, there is no room for any! We still need to praise Ding Yu. This guy is short in time. We should give him enough time. We can't limit it in the future!

It is also because of this aspect that the third party does not mean to fight against Ding Yu now! Even if Ding Yu really failed! The third party will not give the so-called dead hand, leaving a favor is definitely better than offending Ding Yu to death!

What's more, this time the two sides fight, it is true that there will be considerable consequences, but really want to take Ding Yu down, let him disappear, such a thing we are not so optimistic about, maybe there are some possibilities, but this possibility is too small!

What's more, there are not so many children in Ding Yu's family. There are only two disciples, Wang An and Tong Tong. As for the direct blood, they are Ding Yun and Ding Chang!

But the four children, the future is really infinite, they have now begun to learn to guide themselves! That is to say, at the same time of hiding ourselves, we are constantly consolidating ourselves!

Don't be attracted by their current light, because their current performance, to a certain extent, is for you to see, or what Ding Yu let you see. As for what you have not seen and what it looks like, there are not many people who can say it clearly!

But one thing is certain, that is, their future may be Ding Yu now, and even surpass them!

However, these are all things in the future. What we need to do now is to watch calmly to see if there will be other changes in Ding Yu's side, and whether Ding Yu's opponents can't bear it! If it is their own words, there are so some can not suppress their emotions!

After all, this is the best opportunity to start, almost all the senior management of the consortium are focusing on that small county! If this time really if the hand, there is no more appropriate than this! I don't know if Ding Yu's opponent has already done the preparatory work. It really makes people feel itchy inside!Ding Yu and Tai Xi attended on time, and even two people were in the central position. Today is the Party of the consortium, so the international style is particularly strong!

When seeing Ding Yu and Tai Xi appear, the four old people sitting in the box are extremely satisfied! It's a pity that the children at home are not there, so much less fun!

Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying didn't want to attend, but think carefully. If they refused to watch the performance just because they didn't like those people from abroad, would they let their parents have other opinions and ideas? After all, to some extent, they are also foreign! isn't it?

Although the children didn't stay in the box, they would come here from time to time to show their faces, say hello, and even drink water. For the elderly at home, even if the stage performance is wonderful, it is not as good as seeing the children's performance! In their mind, children are the future!

"Sir, I've heard that Pete's side is a little agitated!"

Sitting by Ding Yu's side, sun Yingnan whispered to Ding Yu, "we can just keep calm! Even if they are anxious, at least at this time, there will not be too many movements. They are also so unbearable. Look at the people below. Even now, their emotions have not been much relieved! "

"Sir, this is a normal thing. If you don't take charge of it, I believe many people are at a loss now! But fortunately, we can still restrain ourselves. It's hard to imagine what kind of situation we will face if we don't have any restraint! "

Ding Yu is watching the performance on the stage. Listening to sun Yingnan's words, he shakes his head. "It's not as exaggerated as you said. Really, I was so nervous before. In the face of such a great pressure, how could I have no sense of this aspect at all, but if I don't calm down, what should I do next?"

There are so many intentional meanings in it! However, Sasa, sitting next to sun Yingnan, snorted coldly!

"In my opinion, our opponents will never be too honest. If they don't do it at this time, it doesn't mean they won't do it, and they are very nervous now!"

Ding Yu looked over his head, "do you want to say that they will take the initiative to pick it up? But what do you think of it? "

"That's all I have in mind!" Sasha snorted her little nose again. "From my personal point of view, I don't think they're going to hit you, because it's obviously not a wise choice."

"It's a little too penetrating." Ding Yu has understood what Shasha wants to say!

They can't do it to Ding Yu or a third party, but on the contrary, can't they do it by themselves? I will not reveal anything to myself, whether it is Ding Yu or a third party. I am even happy that such things happen. I even hope that the more such things happen, the better!

"Smart!" In this way, Sasha can say it, even if she dares to say it! Hee Tai is able to explain in a low voice!

There are quite a few reasons for this? Because Taixi did not get involved in the affairs of the consortium! Although Taixi has a group of its own, her group is still so small compared with the whole consortium!

"On purpose, isn't it?" Ding Yu shakes his head, such words say so! Isn't it intentional? We should know that there are not a few people coming in, even quite a few weasels. Of course, their purpose is not to target Ding Yu or consortia, but to observe Ding Yu and see if there are other actions or intentions!

Don't say a word to Ding Yu! It's not nice to say that even if Ding Yu farts, they need to record it carefully!

"It's not intentional, it's just reciprocity. It depends on whether they dare! I think for them with all my heart After that, he also took a provocative look at Ding Yu. The meaning is very clear. I don't believe that you really have no opinions and ideas in this respect in your heart!

Since you also have the opinion and the idea in this respect, then don't the boss say the second! In fact, we are all the same! No one can get there better than anyone! So there is no need to despise each other!

After the party was over, Ding Yu was a member of the group! This time, there were not too many outsiders to attend, because this is the internal party. Compared with yesterday, today's children were most warmly welcomed!

In the past, it was difficult for us to express, but now the situation is different! So everyone's emotional outburst is particularly strong! But Wei Lai and their little friends, looking at Wang An and Tong Tong, Ding Yun and Ding Chang's condition, can not help feeling that there are so many toothache, when the eldest sister should be so stable!

But no way! Although it is not renmermaid now, it seems that it is not as good as that!"My God! If you let me do this, you might as well give me a happy one directly

When the four of them came back, the spirit of the whole person was about to wither! The people next to me are handing towels and ice water! Fortunately, this is in the rest room! Otherwise, I don't know how many people will look at it with different eyes!

"My God! At last, I am alive

Ding Chang stabbed himself on the sofa. Although he didn't have much time, he was absolutely tired. We should know that they were all at the top of the consortia. They were all top-notch people, not ordinary people! Just rely on the personal want to subdue them, don't even think about the impossible!

"Get up for me!" After Ding Yun kicks a foot, he lies on the side of the seat, and Wang An and Tong Tong are not good there either! They are also rubbing their own head, experience a little bit more!

The people nearby were all looking at each other, because they had never seen that they would be so tired. When did you see four people sitting down at the same time, together with Ding Yun and Ding Chang, they had already fallen down, while Wang An and Tong Tong Tong had already leaned on the sofa, so we could see what their state was like!

"Elder sister, are you ok! Can it hold up? "

Ding Yun closed her eyes. "There are a little more substantial things in my head. It takes time to sort them out slowly. You should pay more attention to tomorrow's things! We're sure we won't recover until tomorrow night! "

After a breath of relief, he kicked Ding Chang again! But Ding Chang pretended to be dead beside him. There was no word or movement at all. However, Wang an noticed quite a situation and said it aloud!

"Wei Lai, tomorrow, we will not wake up. The impact tonight is a little big. We need a lot of time to sort it out. After all, such an opportunity is fleeting. I think the master should also have such opinions and ideas. You have had considerable experience yesterday, but prepare more, and I believe you will come to an end It would never be great! Just look at us

Wei Lai, there are so many twitches in the corners of their mouths! And Wang Xiaogang? At this time, I can't open my eyes! After all, in terms of age, he is the youngest, and his bearing capacity is also the worst! This is determined by personal physical limitations! Nothing else!

As for Ding Yu, he went to bed later! Nothing happened today. For Ding Yu, there are still some regrets. Those guys are too cautious! Such a good opportunity, they did not have any action! Thanks to their own expectations of them, you give some reaction! Right?

In fact, there is another layer of meaning. Ding Yu sits and waits for his opponent's reaction. He really wants to see what kind of response they will make after they know the corresponding situation!

If we say that we should deal with it at the first time, maybe Ding Yu will really take a high look at it. After all, he will make a decision immediately. This is not an easy thing! It takes quite a lot of effort, but obviously, before Ding Yu goes to sleep, he doesn't get any reply!

Even when Ding Yu wakes up, he still doesn't hear any news. Ding Yu's attitude is a little bit of fun. These guys! A little let oneself feel disappointed! It's been a long time and they haven't made the final decision yet! This is definitely not a matter of reaction speed!

Sometimes, thinking too much, it will cause considerable constraints, if you know the news in the first time to do a considerable deal! Then there will never be so much trouble! Even now, even if they want to do something, then some people have already learned the news. What should we do? So Ding Yu laughed!

In the morning, the children didn't come here! Look at this situation, they have not been able to wake up this morning! With Wang Xiaogang is also the same, but the children in the family did not come, does not mean Wei Lai, they are the same!

"Uncle Ding!" Wei Lai, their mental state is still very good!

What makes them so excited is that they were all the elder sister heads before, but now they can't hold on to it! So it's their turn! Such an opportunity is once in a blue moon!

My father knew this time, the whole person was about to collapse! If it wasn't for the wrong situation, would you be standing outside the door now? But Uncle Ding has always been not so concerned about this! Otherwise, even if the threshold in Uncle Ding's house is higher, it should be smoothed down at this time!

Ding Yu put his hands together, and the string of beads in his hand was also held at his wrist!

"How about it? It seems that there are still some small tensions! "

"Uncle Ding, when I got up in the morning, I still felt that my legs and stomach were turning. These guys didn't get there well. They all helped me here! Otherwise, I don't know how to walk! "

Ding Yu couldn't help laughing, "you boy! I'm very modest. It's OK! " Ding Yu comforted him and said, "today is a rare opportunity for you. Opportunities are won by yourself. You are not afraid of doing wrong. What you are afraid of is that you have no such experience! I hope to be able to help you in the future!"Yes, uncle Ding, we won't let you down!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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