Ding Yu patted everyone on the shoulder. It was a great encouragement for Wei Lai, their children! Let their spirit is also excited up!

In the past, I have attended some of my parents' parties and seen some so-called scenes. But the experience of the day before yesterday and yesterday made us feel very small, and at the same time, they had considerable expectations for the future, isn't it? The eyes are already shining!

After having dinner in the villa, Wei Lai, they are also full of fire!

Looking at these children, Tai Xi exclaimed, "it's good to look at them. Although they are not old enough, they have already been able to see their elegant demeanor. They are very eager to see how they will bloom when they grow up in the future."

"It's easy for a person to make progress, but it's very difficult to make progress together! Now the children in the family have such opportunities. It's the result of many aspects. It's not my side or the farm's side. There are still some problems in this, which need to be changed step by step. "

"They haven't got up yet. The old people in the family are not satisfied with this! They say you are a little too strict with children! How do you become a parent again? "

Ding Yu couldn't seem to laugh or cry, "today, the party is basically over! If there is no accident, we should be able to hear some news. I don't know if they have made quite a decision. I have a little expectation for this! "

At noon, several children came out of the room one after another, and had a meal with their grandparents, grandparents and grandparents. As for their parents, they were not there, obviously they were still busy!

Several children stayed with the four old people for quite a long time, which was a little relaxing for them. After all, these two days made them a little bit overworked! It's not impossible to continue, but to do anything needs relaxation!

Until the evening, four children accompanied the old man to watch the party, Ding Yu and Tai Xi two people still attended! I didn't sit in the private room. Obviously, it's an ending!

For Wei Lai, these children, after a night's time, they are almost all helped to go to bed. They can't do it by themselves. Even when they get up the next morning, their heads all have a sense of cracking!

Fortunately, Ding Yu is quite prepared here. Otherwise, how they can go home is a matter of two words!

However, judging from the effect, this party was very successful!

The only thing that makes Ding Yu feel that there are some flaws is that his opponent has never made any response. In terms of time, it has been a bit too long!

Everything is about timeliness! Early to do the reaction and response, then more chance to win, especially at this time, his side has to be ready to go! But what about your opponent? Is still pressing their own emotions, the steel wire is already in the edge of breaking! Are you so confident?

The party is over! For the small county is shocking, for the farm, the effect is obvious, but for the consortium, the above goal has been achieved, only a little regret! Everything else is OK!

Now sit down and wait for the change!

But as Ding Yu's opponent, their mood is really not general impatient, because the attention given by Sasha is really good! OK, let Pete know about this matter, and the whole person has been sluggish! There is no action and reaction for half a day, just like a robot!

The other people in the room, when they knew the news, were convulsed. It seemed that the news was from Shasha, but from the conversation, it was obvious that Ding Yu agreed, even deliberately spread the matter through Sasha!

This is so insidious! Let a person hear after, have a kind of chilly feeling!

And the more important question is, what kind of situation will those people in the front line look like now! You know, they hold hands for a long time, the spirit is going to collapse!

Can they bear such a blow now? The unseen! If there is any action on their side, can the colleagues on the front line understand it? Basically, there is not much possibility that they will even have mental breakdown. What should we do then?

It's Ding Yu's idea and idea. It's so vicious! Pete even appeared a moment of trance, of course, he knew the power of Ding Yu, but never thought that he would give himself such a hand! Let yourself in a dilemma!

We do not deny that this is a way to solve the problem. However, in this way, we do not hurt the enemy by 1000 or 800, but by injuring the enemy by a hair and losing 10000! After all, the impact of morale and other aspects is immeasurable! It's much more serious than self damage 800!

But now Peter is also thinking about this problem. Ding Yu points out a direction and how to deal with it!As if you don't know anything? Not good! If you follow this idea, then Ding Yu will broadcast a lot to let everyone know about the situation. At that time, there will be a lack of people's will! At that time, if you want to clean up the situation, you can only make the situation worse!

It seems to be passive to follow Ding Yu's ideas, but it has to be said that this can solve the problems of those guys standing in the front line at the first time! Although the way to solve the problem may be a little rough, or even some cruel, but it can not be denied that this is a very good way!

There is also a very important reason. From Peter's personal point of view, calm to look at the problem, why does Ding Yu take the initiative to cool down? Does he really want to fight? So prepare well in advance. Don't make such a joke!

Ding Yu's purpose should be very simple. It is absolutely not an all-round war. It is just that some people must be punished! After all, we all know what kind of things we have done!

Peter has considered for quite a long time. It seems that this hand is quite vicious. However, in his own interpretation, Ding Yu has already expressed quite a meaning. Now the problem is how to accept the move and pass on his meaning to Ding Yu at the same time! I believe he should also be watching this thing now!

But Pete is not saying that there is no place to hold back! You should know to start with your own people, such a thing, no matter how it is, will always be criticized! This is the only place to let yourself have some taboos!

It's not to say that I have never done such a thing, and I have done a lot of it, but this time the situation is totally different! I don't want to carry such a black pot! You can be coerced, but you can't take the initiative! Because this will lead to two completely different results!

This is also the reason why I haven't had any action in the past two days! I can bear it, but I believe some people can't help it! Although it has a slight impact on the whole, it doesn't matter, everything is still under control! For this, Peter has a lot of confidence!

"Elder sister, are you so spiritual?"

After Wei Lai and his colleagues came to the school, they seemed to be in a bit of mental distress. Of course, this is not because of their forgetfulness of playing. It has nothing to do with these things. The main thing is that things are like tides. They are a bit unbearable for a moment, and there will be no other problems in two days!

Under the current situation, they need to be quite relaxed, and even if it is imposed on them, it has no effect. They can not bring up too much spirit in anything they do now. This is a doomed thing!

Fortunately, the school is very aware of this. After all, we have had quite a communication with the farm. For these students, it is a great good thing. The general students don't mention this age! Even if you go to university or even enter the society, you will never have such an experience. This has laid a good foundation for the future development of students!

So the school these days, also did not give students too much pressure, so that they can a little relief!

But even so, to play basketball or entertainment, basically not, everyone is lying on the top of the desk, there is a sentence each sentence, with the enthusiasm of eating is not too much!

"Which eye of yours sees us well!" Ding Yun hummed, if placed in the past, may also kick Wei Lai, but these two days is really no such interest! "My grandfather and grandmother, my grandfather and my grandmother are all here. The father and mother are the ones who suffer the most in these two days! Seeing the appearance of my father and mother, I feel a little better in my heart! "

"I believe uncle Ding would be very happy to know that you said so!"

"Dad doesn't have so much time and energy to pay attention to these things, but my mother is suffering a little bit!" When talking, Ding Yun was not powerless, but he didn't have much spirit. "By the way, how's your home? I don't blame you for this, do you? "

"Don't talk about my house! If one of them is counted as one, it is almost as if they were offered by their ancestors! " Wei Lai shook his head. "It's just so hard to adapt! Even some can't themselves, when did it become this way! It's a little incomprehensible! "

"What can't be understood is that the elders in my family, especially my grandfather and grandmother, treat us as treasures and hold them in their hands for fear of falling! I'm afraid it's contained in my mouth! With my grandfather and grandmother, even the father and mother side is not so useful! Now I can understand why my uncle is like that

It's a bit of a joke. At noon, everyone is preparing to eat something simply. But Wei Lai's parents have come up with the strength. The children in the family have a considerable deficit. Isn't it a good time to make up for it?

Basically all are big bag small bag, anyway schoolmate also is more! Who's home is not so bad, just hope that the children can eat better! To know this time, the farm has given the children considerable opportunities to have a very wide range of knowledge. I really can't thank you!In that case, there is no problem in making something to eat?

"Wow, auntie, are you still so polite?" Looking at the people waiting there, Ding Yun ran over with a smile. There was no burden on his identity at all! I don't even take myself as a thing! Then he sniffed his nose, "Wow, pork ribs and wax gourd soup!"

"Or your little nose!"

Wei Lai, look at his mother, OK? I can't pass it! Is this a lunch box? Give your own feeling, bring your own pot over? I really doubt if I have left it to my father. Looking at her mother's appearance, her attention should be focused on the elder sister's head. Even if she is her own, it seems that she has no effect!

The food at noon is very rich! But Wei Lai and his people still can't mention any interest!

"Auntie, Wei came to them these two days? Maybe the spirit still needs to recover. Dad has shown it to them! The problem is not so big, but his work there is more busy, so at most is to send a wechat, you understand! How sorry

"Well, Wei Lai, they have burned high incense!"

"This is the result of their own efforts. Without their own efforts, even if they were given such a platform, they would not be able to play it out!" It's not time for Ding Yun to recover! Although the previous is also very uncomfortable, but they can use the shortest time, as usual!

What Ding Yun said is all experience. After all, Wei Lai and his family have no experience of Titus! Even Wei Lai's father may have experience in this area, but the effect of these experiences on Wei Lai is too limited! After all, there is a considerable difference in the age of two people!

In other words, there is a generation gap between each other!

There's nothing wrong with such a thing, it's normal! There is a generation gap between myself and my father and mother. They are quite puzzled about people of their own age. There are quite some errors in understanding music, art, etc. between them. This is a very normal thing!

Of course, this is also because of family education, so I can communicate well. It's not a terrible thing to have a generation gap. What's terrible is that the purchasing agent can't communicate with each other. This is the trouble!

As for Wei Lai, they didn't have any intention of going forward at this time. At most, they were lazy and didn't care about it!

After dinner, several children in the family get together! "I feel that the pressure from my father is a little bit too big. Wei Lai, they can't even carry some of them. Even Xiaogang, who called earlier, didn't know how he went back!"

Ding Chang is holding his chin, which is very similar to his father, the same habit!

"All right! I don't know how my grandparents in Beijing would think about this problem. I didn't go back for the Spring Festival holiday. It was here! There seems to be a lot of people coming to the capital, but fortunately there is no trouble. But after careful consideration, I can still feel that there are other meanings in it! "

These are not Wang An and Tong Tong two strong points, as for the little girl, not to mention! What's more, she's not here!

"It's going to be a test in a while!" Ding Yun said something abruptly! "This year's holiday will be a little early, and now it's time to make some arrangements!"

In fact, in addition to the Convention, their own holidays will not be too few! There are no rigid requirements at home, as long as you feel full, then everything has no problem!

The family seems to be a free range education, but in fact, it is because these children in the family have their own exclusive, and they no longer need to learn in order to learn! So there is no need to have too many targeted arrangements!

"There won't be any problems in the exam!" Ding Yun is quite sure about this. Of course, this is not about themselves, but about all the students. "They can recover in a few days at most, and even if they don't, there won't be any problems in the exam. But what kind of arrangements and ideas will dad have for the Chinese new year this year?"

The meaning of Ding Yun's saying this is very obvious. She wants to ask about your opinions and ideas! Do you want to continue with the following students, after all, they do not have much time to stay!

Half a year at most, and then they will leave!

We looked at each other, nearly half a year, the progress of these students and friends is what situation, we are also looking in the eye, from the performance now, no say! It's really wonderful!

Under such circumstances, so to give up, is really the heart is unwilling!

But from another point of view, if you don't give up, it means you need to pay more. For the children at home, this is really the first time, so now I feel a little bit headache!How to choose? Other things are easier to say, but what about this one? Absolutely not one sentence two words can say clearly! It takes a lot of determination!

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