Ding Yu didn't make any response to his opponent, but he really took a high look!

Although this is not their own plan, but according to their own estimation, these guys should take appropriate action!

But the problem is that they are quiet now, which is a bit interesting! Now I'm looking forward to it. How will my opponent do it? Or they already have a plan! To put it bluntly, they have grasped the guy's style in their hands and are waiting to fight head-on with themselves!

Ding Yu has some doubts about this. Is it so tough to start the war?

Not likely, not even! To know that there are third parties in the covetous look at, in such a case, for their own hand, when the time really will be both losers! They will not think about such a problem carelessly!

Have you already joined hands with a third party? They had a talk? If that's the case, I can't have any information about this aspect. The so-called cat has a cat's road, a mouse has a rat's way! They also have a lot of channels. They can't hide their eyes, just like if they unite with a third party, they can't hide their opponents!

Under such circumstances, they still do not have any action, is it so determined that the mood can be stable? To this oneself can say is very not optimistic! So what kind of attention are they fighting now? It's really strange!

But Ding Yu is not ready to immediately start what action, or deliberately release some wind, there is no such need, should know all should have known! What should not be known? ha-ha!

There is a saying how to say, there are ghosts who die in that temple!

What's more, no matter from any point of view, they are their own enemies and opponents. Do they need to consider for their own enemies and opponents? Crocodile tears are really not necessary!

"What can I do for you, sir?"

Sun Yingnan, who has already returned, is a little puzzled about this matter, so he calls Ding Yu and hopes to get Ding Yu's support. After all, he is in her position and has considerable consideration!

"No need!" Ding Yu is clearly aware of the reason why Sun Yingnan made this call. "Although I'm also interested in it, it's not meaningful to make a big fuss about it. Let's sit down and have a cup of coffee now! There's no need to do anything else! "

"Sir, I'm a little puzzled. This is a very good opportunity for us!"

"To make good use of is an opportunity; if not, it is a trap." Ding Yu has a very clear judgment on this, "even if there is no such thing, the mood of those guys who are hostile to us has already fluctuated very much! Even to a certain extent, there has been an uncontrolled situation! Yingnan, if it were you, how would you deal with this problem if you were sitting in the position? "

"Two ways! One is to transfer internal contradictions through external contradictions, for example, to fight us now. Is the other one? It's self digestion, because the external situation is too complicated. Now, whoever starts first will fall into the inferior position and even be beaten up by the United forces! "

"We can think about it, and I believe our opponents can do the same."

Sun Yingnan was silent for some time. "Our opponents have not made any movement. I believe that they have received considerable information, and even many people have received considerable information. Judging from my personal point of view, this is the best way for them to deal with problems! But it's been too long! "

They are all understanding people, nothing can not understand!

Now we have to deal with quite a number of people, calm down, and then confront Ding Yu again. Although this way of handling may cause some problems, it is definitely better than fighting with Ding Yu directly. Now is definitely not the best time to fight with Ding Yu. Ding Yu is not ready. Are they ready by themselves?

"So we don't need to worry too much now that we have already talked to you! We even invited you to watch a party. Now we should relax. We don't need to go back to the original position without taking a bath, drinking coffee or taking a rest after watching the party. This is not a relief of emotion, but a tightening of the wind! "

"Yes! Sir, I know what to do

Without too many greetings, sun Yingnan hung up the phone and knew what he meant! Now that you know it! Then we need to work well next! If you are not in a hurry, you should not be worried! Mr. Zhang gave me a positive answer. If I still can't settle myself under such circumstances, then I need to leave my present position!

Pete is not so irritable now. He is really in charge of his own affairs, but he still needs to report to the top. As for the opinions above, this has nothing to do with himself!And from Pete's observation, the above for the current situation, is also feel tricky, or is ready to start to take appropriate action! For this point, Pitt has no objection, of course, there will be no support, as long as things do not have their own side! Everything else doesn't matter!

Now Peter is observing Ding Yu. To be exact, he hopes Ding Yu can do something, even if it is a cry. However, the problem is that Ding Yu has nothing to do with it. With sun Yingnan and them who come back, they are also very honest, as if everything in the outer world has nothing to do with them!

If the situation permits, Peter really wants to go to sun Yingnan to have a good chat. You just watched the party and came back leisurely! Even now there is still time for doughnuts and coffee. Is that really good? Isn't it a little too much! Don't you think about your opponent's ideas at all?

But from this, we can really see other problems. Ding Yu doesn't mean to go to war now, but he should be well prepared and even skillful. Otherwise, in order to relieve the pressure and show off the financial group and the farm, he held such a big party. This is not Ding Yu's character!

It's a good thing to have Ding Yu's opponent. He can keep his vigilance all the time. If he is a little careless, the consequences will be serious, just as it is now. The situation is too bad!

However, it is not a good thing to have Ding Yu as an opponent. He is too tortured and has no rest for a moment. He must keep up with Ding Yu's ideas. If he can't keep up with Ding Yu's ideas, he will be eliminated in the end. Too many people have had such experience! Think about it, it's a pity!

Many of them, their own colleagues, and even quite a few of them, were once optimistic about themselves, but what was the result? They have all gone there now, heaven and hell, always need a choice? isn't it? What's more, many of them are not the hands of Ding Yu!

For a moment, Pete thought a little bit more! But it's obviously a little too late!

After they came back, sun Yingnan didn't make any action, even when they were made trouble, they didn't show any attitude, they didn't have any ridicule or dissatisfaction. They were calm with each other!

When receiving these news, Peter asked people to withdraw, because sun Yingnan could keep calm, but they did not ensure that the people under their hands could also maintain a calm attitude, if the people below could not bear it! The situation will get worse then! What's more, sun Yingnan's identity is also very important!

Do you really think that consortia is dough that you can knead at will? What shape do you want to roll into? Impossible things can be done in any way within the scope of the conditions, but in the scope of not allowed, it needs to pay a huge price!

There are rules for everything. Some rules can't be broken. If it's broken, no one can bear the consequences. Anyway, I can't afford it!

It is impossible for Ding Yu to ease his emotional problems. So what is the final way? It may still be necessary to start from the inside, but we also need to pay close attention to it! After all, a considerable number of people in the interior have already known about this matter! If you don't do it again, there will be no problems on the outside, but there will be chaos inside!

But there are too many things like this! There are so many can not say clearly!

Under such circumstances, what kind of changes will be made to the minds of the insiders? Also need to consider, can not say as what has not happened! How to pacify the internal staff's mood, this is a very important problem!

How many of the security guards under Ding Yu's hands are recruited elites? Why did these elites go to Ding Yu's place and how were they recruited by Ding Yu? Is it money? Don't make such a joke!

Money may be one aspect, but it is definitely not the most important! So it's your own problem! We must pay attention to it. Pete is planning to do this now, or to make a considerable repair. Can't everyone feel cold? It is necessary to deal with the equal number of people, but equally, we should also let the equivalent people be saved!

After two days, Peter received the phone call, looking at the people standing in front of his office desk, Pete moved his nose slightly, the smell is very pungent, it is obvious that these guys have finished their work to come to their side!

It is obvious that the above has received considerable information, and even made considerable feedback. What kind of effect will be? It is still unknown, but anyway, among them, there is no movement on Ding Yu's side, nor on the third party side!

Is it difficult for me to clean up my own garbage and tidy up my house, I still need to tell you no?

However, Ding Yu and the third party did not participate in any of this, which made Peter some unexpected, because this is a very good opportunity! If you really act, what kind of situation will come out? It's hard to say!It's understandable that the third party didn't do it, but why didn't Ding Yu do the same? Is there any other change in this? During these two days, Peter pretended that he didn't know anything, but everything was under Peter's control. It was just a blind eye. Let's take a look at the specific situation by the way!

I never thought that Ding Yu did not have any movement. He was even more calm than himself. Maybe he is sitting on the sofa, drinking coffee, watching the play, and at ease! End is natural and unrestrained!

"Mr. Peter, meet for the first time!"

The expression on Pete's face is not so good-looking, staring at the opposite person for a long time, but the people standing opposite Peter are not moved at all, anyway, they have already started! Even if you want to stop now, there is no effect. We have already done what should be done! What can you do?

On the surface, Pete is very angry, but not angry! But in fact, Peter is very happy. He doesn't need to bear the black pot by himself, and he has made a considerable struggle. Maybe some people will see through it, but what about that? Who can say why?

"I don't want that to happen again! And I need someone to account for this. Why is this happening? " Peter is not angry, but from his attitude, it can be shown that he is extremely dissatisfied with things, but good quality makes him not directly roar!

"There will be an account, but Mr. Peter, I hope you can restrain your subordinates! I respect you. In the process of investigation, I also know that you have done a lot of work, but I just talk about things based on things, and I don't mean to aim at other people! "

The person standing in front of Pete looks arrogant, but in fact, he doesn't say that he has no worries at all, because there are some people who hate him for doing such a job! Even on the back of the body, life is not clear!

There is no way of things, their own work is like this, it is difficult not to account for their own work, they can directly throw the document on their boss's face, tell him no, or say they deliberately shirk, don't think about it!

I have only one choice, that is, to complete this job wholeheartedly. As for the result and end of this job, I don't know? Maybe that day they will also disappear without a trace, and then there will be no one to trace, this is certain!

The reason why I come to find Peter now also has this aspect reason!

Now that it's happened! Then don't offend Peter too much! Some things do not say that they must do this, and they do not have any relationship, the above down order, they do not have any way!

So Peter's reaction is also in his own expectations, of course, he will never compromise, it is time to show a considerable attitude! What if Pete really gave them? It's what I expected, but it's obvious that Pete is a mature man! He expressed his anger, but did not make any action!

When Ding Yu got the news, he was stunned!

"That is to say, it's not Peter who started it, is it?"

Sun Yingnan, who was asked, "as far as I know, he is very angry now! It's said that the people who started it have found Pete! But now I think Peter is really hard to deal with, absolute old fox

"No wonder!" Ding Yu suddenly laughed, "I said why I didn't do it before. There are quite a few reasons! It's not that he doesn't have this ability, nor that he doesn't have such a chance, but he doesn't want to! This old guy really cherishes his reputation and doesn't want to carry such a black pot

"Sir, although they didn't make a lot of noise this time, they were on the radio. After I heard about it, they all felt a little chilly. There was no movement at all. Even Pete was still placating in the open. They suddenly started at this time, which can be said to have hit many people by surprise!"

"We will not do it, nor will the third party. The so-called surprise attack should be our opponents themselves. Some people are not prepared enough! But have already flushed the head, even if wants to calm down, also did not have to be able to calm down! But it's a good thing to say

Ding Yu naturally has some considerations of his own, now the problem is very simple! Ding Yu held a party to calm down his side of the mood, and Ding Yu's opponent, also calm their own mood! Although there are different methods, but the purpose is the same!

So now it seems that they have been tied once. As for what will happen next? This question? To be discussed, of course, it takes time!

"Sir, even if Pete wants to deal with it, I'm afraid it will take some time!"

"No!" Ding Yu's attitude is very resolute, "let them deal with it, and we will not arouse their anger! There is no such need. The gain is not worth the loss. ""I see what you mean, sir. The question is what will happen to Pete, and will he?"

Ding Yu thought for a period of time, "what you said is not wrong. He is really an old fox! It's very inappropriate to start directly. It's not enough to have a cup of coffee at this time! Or we should invite him to have a cup of tea, you send him some tea for me! He should take it! "

"Yes, sir!"

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