For Ding Yu sent over the gift, Peter is very surprised! Some even looked at their subordinates suspiciously!

What's the situation? What do you mean? Is Ding Yu deliberately challenging himself?

If only from the surface, it seems to be true! But is Ding Yu such a playful person? Relying on such a means to pick up their own emotions, too much Pediatrics! Moreover, if he is deliberately provocative, he will not choose at such a time, so behind this small matter, there are other meanings revealed!

This requires their own interpretation!

However, how to interpret this matter and how to interpret it on my side are totally two different concepts. For this point, Peter will never be confused with each other! Even Pete is ready to find Elizabeth when he has time!

If you want to understand, at least Elizabeth still has a good understanding of Ding Yu, but if you really mention the relationship between her and Ding Yu? It seems to be very subtle!

It's like you and Ding Yu! It can be said that two people have never met each other, and even there is no so-called communication between each other, but now there are considerable judgments in each other's hearts! I'm afraid this is the so-called divine friendship!

I really want to talk with Ding Yu face to face, which is definitely a very exciting thing. I don't know if I can keep up with Ding Yu's ideas at that time. I still don't have much assurance about this!

Although he claims that he is no worse than Ding Yu, he has put so much pressure on himself after so many years' performance and actions! No one dares to ignore this, unless his head is broken!

"Suquan, I heard that Ding Yu revenged us?"

The reason for Geng Zhi to call Su Quan is very simple. He wants to know something about the situation! Nothing else!

Previously, it was not able to protect the young saplings, which caused considerable losses to the emotion management department. For this problem, Geng Zhi had a considerable understanding. Previously, he never gave up, but now Geng Zhi has no other thoughts!

I am really old! Although we have a lot of experience in dealing with quite a number of problems, we still lack of accurate and sharp judgment. We have made big mistakes in the past. What's the matter? Do you think you can really do it?

To know this time, there are quite a lot of opinions from the Department of information management. It's not true that I haven't heard of it at all! But the more like this, the more difficult it is for him!

"It's not that big. I've heard some news, but the specific situation has not been confirmed!"

What Su Quan said was measured and did not want to publicize it. Su Quan didn't know much about the specific things. After all, the direction of the supervisor was quite different, and he was not so convenient!

Mr. Geng asked about this matter because he still had a certain complex. In his own opinion, the starting point of Mr. Geng was no problem, but he didn't pay attention to the actual situation. He took it for granted too much! However, it is not easy for Geng Lao to realize his mistakes and reflect on them so quickly!

After all, what kind of identity is Geng always? He is equivalent to taking all the responsibilities in his body, but it is some people admire!

"It doesn't matter whether it's confirmed or not. Hasn't he always been like this?"

Straight slightly sighed, and then said, "at the beginning, some of them took it for granted! I've made a lot of mistakes. It seems that it's really right to retire, and it's not suitable anymore! "

"Well, if you're really interested, I don't think it's a problem to call that asshole now! After all, quite a thing has happened! Now it should not continue to hide! "

This is not su Quan's intention to shirk. Some things are inconvenient for him to say because he does not understand the situation. Moreover, if he mentions it, it will have a considerable impact on himself. But if Ding Yu takes the initiative to mention this matter, it will be another thing! There will be no other involvement!

So it's better for you to call Ding Yu directly. After all, there is still a lot of complex between them. Only the two of them can communicate with each other, and other people are not so suitable!

From my own point of view, my nephew is not a small bellied person! It's really not. Although there are times when there is a need to report revenge, it also needs to divide things and people!

Geng Zhi here didn't say anything else, but after hanging up Su Quan, he thought for a while before he picked up his mobile phone and dialed Ding Yu! Although it seems that there are some embarrassing, but for the upright, it doesn't matter!

When Ding Yu received the call from Geng Zhigeng, there were still some strange things! Mr. Geng even called himself personally! It's not easy!

"Hello, Mr. Geng." Although the previous thing, let his heart is not so happy, but he is not as much as to blame for this thing, things have passed! What's more, standing in his step, what he didn't see was wrong!"You too!" Listening to Ding Yu's voice, he suddenly laughed, "how are you doing recently? No, this word should not be how to say, heard that your opponent these two days is not so good! When I heard this news, I was still very happy. I am retired now! This time, it's a retreat and a rest! But when I heard of such a thing, I was still a little excited. When I asked other people, they didn't know the situation, so I asked you! "

"Is it worth it, Geng Lao?" Ding Yu's question is quite skillful!

"It doesn't matter! How old are you! No matter whether it is right or wrong, the equivalent thing still needs to be shouldered. It is impossible to shift the responsibility to others! It's your own problem, it's your own problem! "

Now the upright is very calm, "the age, the thinking is rigid! As for the handling of quite things, some of them can't keep up with the times! That is to say, there are some so-called experiences, but sometimes these experiences will make you fall into a dilemma. I have made mistakes in this respect before! "

Ding Yu said, "it's not a big deal. My opponent and I can keep calm with each other now. The person who confronts now is Peter. I haven't heard of it in the past! But I think it is not a simple opponent, the specific situation is still under investigation! This time I sent them a message and they accepted it! That's what it looks like on the whole

"I heard you had three parties! I didn't hear anything else

"The pressure from the consortium and the farm is so great that even I can't bear it! You can imagine the people below! "

"There are some people who didn't think of it, but it seems that they lost a lot, otherwise it would not stop like this!" In this regard, Geng Zhi still has considerable interest!

"I've been under a lot of pressure, and my opponents are also under a lot of pressure. Their nerves are so tense! In today's situation, there is one of the quickest and most effective ways to resolve this tension! "

Don't mention the transfer of these people. It was impossible at all. Under the circumstances at that time, there was no other way but to act so quickly! Even before the transfer order has come down, this group of guys may have been carrying the guy inside and straight on! Their emotions are out of your control!

"The purpose is to achieve it! But it's a little bit more... " Of course, Geng Zhi knows why Ding Yu wants to adopt such a method, or that this is the idea Ding Yu gave to his opponent, but he won't be held in any way. At the same time, he will take revenge on his side! Even stabilized the whole situation! Count it with one stone!

"No one wants to do something like this, but it's the fastest and most effective way. But Peter, the old fox, doesn't carry the black pot. He's a good man now! Close up the whole situation For Peter, Ding Yu has other considerations and opinions, "so I asked you to send him some tea."

"What do you want?" Straightforward casually asked a, but then straight on the reaction over, "you boy! Take it easy. This kind of thing can't be urgent. Don't steal chicken. It's not like eating rice! But bad enough

"From the current situation, everything is OK! In any case, there is no harm to each other's stability. After all, there are a third party looking at it covetously. They all want to bite off a piece of meat. It's very troublesome! "

"Did they lose a lot? If the loss is larger, it will be a very happy thing. Our saplings have suffered considerable losses. This is my responsibility, but I can't do anything now! So you may have to deal with it! It's a lot of trouble for you

"The specific situation is unknown. There is no need to do a detailed investigation to a certain extent. If we do this, it will make Peter have other feelings and preparations. However, it can stabilize the situation so quickly, and there is no other emotional infection. Pitt's method is still very superb."

Hearing Ding Yu say so, how can Geng Zhi not understand, so quickly stabilize the situation, even without any waves, it is obvious that this cleaning effect is very good, want to achieve a good effect, in this process, the number of people to be cleaned will not be too few! There will even be quite heavyweight!

Ding Yu is telling himself in a vague way that the result of the matter is very satisfactory!

"Be careful. There's no harm in it. I'm glad to hear this news! I hope that I can still make a great contribution in the future. When I have time, I will come to eat at home! Although there were many inconveniences in the past, there is no need to be so taboo now Send out your invitation!

"Certainly! Do visit when you have time

It is obvious that the settlement of each other's hearts is untied! At least in the future mutual contact, will not use this as an excuse! There is no need at all! And now Geng is retired! Obviously, there won't be any involvement in the affairs of the emotional management department, so even if it's going to have a meal or a cup of tea, it doesn't matter!For the sudden change of Geng Lao, Ding Yu was a little surprised, but at the same time, he felt very normal. Of course, such an idea in his head to turn two circles, there are not too many problems, but really said, it is a little too will not be a man!

So it's better to take it easy! What's more, why does Geng Lao become such a situation now? It has something to do with myself. Of course, I am not aiming at Geng Lao. I can only say that there are certain problems and situations in the mutual communication between them! We didn't step on the same drum!

There is no need to investigate in such a matter, who is right and who is wrong! It doesn't make any sense!

If you say that you are always holding on to such a thing! Then don't think about the continuous development!

Looking back, Ding Yu thinks that Peter is still very interesting! Now there is no action at this time, just try to close the personnel and stabilize the situation! It's amazing! The more such an old guy, the more can not underestimate!

Underestimated that they need to pay a price, but also a serious price!

Don't look at the honest one now, but when there is a real need, the old guy will rush forward like a hungry wolf. He can even imagine how big a mouth he will open when he arrives!

Want to strangle him thoroughly, there is not too much need, at least at this time is not too much necessary!

It's not easy to find a cool opponent! Keeping calm means that we can communicate with each other. Whether it's the coffee in front of us or the tea now, it's quite a problem!

If there is really a strange character of the Lord, it is difficult to understand his ideas! Because his practice may be quite extreme and extreme, to know that he is not too calm, too cold and quiet people!

If two people are not calm enough to compete with each other, no one knows what will happen at that time. They may have a good chat, and then suddenly burst out, and then fight! No guarantee!

So it is necessary to calm down, and Peter is a very good candidate from now on!

At least from Ding Yu's point of view, Pete is a favorite opponent! Let him control the situation temporarily! It's good for both of us. What's next? It depends on the development of the situation!

What's more, both sides remain calm. What about the third party? Can they be as calm as they are? This time, they did not have any participation, but all of them can be seen in the eyes!

How will the third party make this choice? Is it to continue to watch, or to add fuel to each other? If you add oil and vinegar, the best time has passed! Whether it's Ding Yu's party or Peter's cleaning, there are countless opportunities! But the third party didn't do anything!

Now Ding Yu is safe here! Pete's side also stopped, so the third party came out? What do they want? Do you have to toss and toss, and then let Ding Yu and Peter unite to target the third party together?

As long as the third party is not stupid, basically will not make such a choice!

So now it is a rare period of calm! It's a good thing that no one will act!

All of them have stopped. We have basically kept calm! As for what will be done next, this question? Ding Yu has so much confidence! Although Ding Yu has not made a final judgment, Ding Yu has already made quite a plan in his heart! In other words, Ding Yu has already given considerable consideration to the way ahead!

I believe that Peter should also have considerable consideration, and even now he has begun to make considerable preparations! We fight each other in the air, win and lose! No one stands to be cheap, but really suffer a loss! I don't seem to suffer too much! On the whole, we are still in a situation of confrontation!

While Ding Yu was still thinking, there was a knock on the door from the office, looking at the people coming in from outside!

Ding Yu slightly nodded his head, "how? Is it very free today? I haven't been busy these two days, and I haven't paid much attention to it! "

Sun Jun shook his head. "It's not very idle. It's just that I've been here for such a long time. There's no movement. There's no command on it. I'm in a trance! I'm almost forgetting what my job is? The security on the farm side is good, but it's obviously different from my business. It's a bit out of step! "

Holding his chin, is already Ding Yu's habit!

"So? What do you want to do? " Ding Yu asked, "I don't have any interest in your affairs. This need to be explained in advance! To a certain extent, you are very casual! Within a certain range, you can do whatever you want. I believe you can grasp the scale of it

"I can grasp the scale, but the problem is that the people on the farm are not so suitable any more! The current conditions are more suitable, do you think? "Oh, Ding Yu has understood now. Why did Sun Jun come to the door on purpose! This is the original plan!

Ding Yu really needs to think carefully. Is it really appropriate to do this at this time? I need to think about the security situation around me! Things can not be one-sided to make this decision!

Although I said this, there will be no security problems, but how will other parties look at this matter? After all, every move on my side will have a serious impact on the entire consortium and the farm! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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