Sun Jun is not clear about the problems and situation, which does not mean that Ding Yu is also not clear! Therefore, Ding Yu needs to have considerable consideration! Then make other decisions!

"Captain, is this your personal opinion? Or... "

"What do you mean?" Sun Jun is a little puzzled! So subconsciously asked a question!

"What do you mean personally? I can understand, after all, stay here for a long time, except for the necessary treatment, there is no other thing, so I want to move my body and keep in good condition! There is no problem, but if there are other aspects involved, it is a problem of another nature! "

"Very important?"

Looking at Sun Jun's appearance, Ding Yu nodded, "it's very important. If it's your personal opinion, it's no big deal. If there are other people involved, the nature of the matter will be different! Who are the rivals of the consortium and the farm? You must know this. It's very tricky and troublesome. I met them and fought against each other, but no one took too much advantage! It can be said that everyone has stepped back a step! A calm situation has been maintained! "


"So the situation is very delicate! Even a small Mars may ignite a raging fire, not only me, but also my opponents, and even the third party who is eyeing at it! Maybe in your opinion, it's just a lack of exercise, so we need to find someone to keep up with it. But how the security personnel will look at it, how my opponents will look at it, and how the third party will look at the problem, all these need to be considered! "

Have said here, how can Sun Jun not understand!

"There have been such great changes. It seems that the party is really intentional!"

"Some things can't be said. It's one thing you can see through, but it's another thing to let others tell you!" Obviously, Ding Yu said this, which means something! "It's better to be a little bit more stable, or it's better to be more stable. It doesn't matter to me, but it's good for you and the intelligence department behind you! You! Now, to a certain extent, they are almost chicken ribs! "

"It's tasteless to eat, but a pity to abandon it?" Sun Jun suddenly laughed!

"It can be said that I didn't agree with you to come here, but someone asked you to come here! The problem is that you want to leave now, it is not so easy, very troublesome! If you leave, the information management department will have considerable opinions and ideas, but if you do not leave, it will easily cause other problems. As far as possible, try to highlight your own non-existence! "

"Highlight your own nonexistence?" Sun Jun murmured to himself! "It seems that it really needs to disappear! If there is any big trouble, it's not my responsibility! In this way, is there any problem? "

"Anyway, from my personal point of view, it's like this. As for whether I listen or not, or what changes will happen in the future, I can't interfere. I can't explain clearly. It changes too fast. Sometimes I have to make quite a decision! And this kind of decision, in your opinion, may not be understood or accepted! "

After Sun Jun left, he met his sister, sun Lisa, and talked about the situation. Then the whole team left and settled in the inside of the farm, not to mention, it really stopped!

There is no one here to disturb! After all, it belongs to the farm's important land, which involves research and experiment bases. It is absolutely the top priority of the farm. Even if Ding Yu comes here, it also needs to be audited at all levels. It's not a joke!

Ding Yu was able to let them settle here, but also paid a considerable price!

It's true that Ding Yu is a man of his word in the interior of the farm, but it doesn't mean that there is no one who can ignore Ding Yu. Even there are many such people. Experts and scholars who can come here will not care who Ding Yu is! Does it have anything to do with me?

I came here for research and experiment. I have nothing to do with other things!

I don't know whether there are such monsters in other places. But there are quite a few such monsters in the farm. Even Ding Yu is very indulgent to these monsters. You can do whatever you want, as long as you feel happy! For experiments and research, it is really open their own pocket!

And these people give Ding Yu a huge return. Otherwise, how can the farm have such a status and development today depends on Ding Yu himself. Don't make such a joke! It's impossible! Even if Ding Yu is covered with iron, how many nails can he make?

You know, these guys are unruly, but they are absolutely the foundation of the farm. As for their temperament? How much is so arbitrary, for Ding Yu, it is a good thing. Don't tie them too much, because they are all sincere, and really don't have too many crooked thoughts!

"Dad, we're going to have an exam in two days!"During the meal, Ding Chang said something out of the blue, which made Ding Yu look at his son. Normally, these words should be expressed by Ding Yun. What's the matter today? Is the sun coming out in the west?

Or because their grandparents, their mothers and uncles have left! So Ding Chang has a little bit of "recklessness"?

Ding Yu did not immediately answer, and then said, "what? Is it about your friends? " Besides, Ding Yu can't think of any other reason and reason! After all, the affairs of the consortia and the farm have become more and more peaceful now, and their children are no longer under so much pressure!

"Almost! There are no problems in the examination. This year's exam is divided into two sessions. One is the unified examination of the whole city. Look at the gap between the schools and find out the corresponding problems. The other is organized by the school. We need to find out some problems and situations of everyone? " Ding Chang speaks with a straight eye!

"Ouch?" Ding Yu suddenly laughed, "so you mean something on purpose! How could you give me such a hand? It's interesting! So what? "

"Dad, there is no problem with the exam, whether it's in the city or in the school, but what about the holidays? In the end, there are still some problems and situations. We have to rely on our own words, and there are always some difficulties to do! "

Ding Yu did not answer Ding Chang's words, but looked at his two apprentices, and then looked again at his daughter!

"It's really strange today! Where's the elder sister? Where did you go? "

Ding Yun puffed up her mouth, and the chopsticks in her hand were still holding beef. After swallowing the things in her mouth, she was very dissatisfied and took a look at her father!

"Dad, are you showing your dissatisfaction with me?" In this regard, Ding Yun's opinion is very big, "I didn't say anything! Is it because I'd better be bullied

Looking at her angry look, Ding Yu is laughing, "how to say? Now that you've come forward, show your opinions and ideas! There's never a single word at home! "

Ding Yun snorted, "I won't be cheated? I won't say it Then I picked up the chopsticks and continued to eat meat. Such scenes are really rare! Ding Yu is looking at his two disciples!

"Well! Since you don't say so, let's talk about it! " I didn't look at my son with disgust, but I felt quite surprised. When did my son want to be so famous? He always played the role of a feather fan behind his back. It seems that the sun is really coming from the West today!

"Dad, we need quite a lot of time, so we have to arrange the other time by ourselves except for the very necessary things." When he said this, Ding Chang was acting like a real thing!

"So, you've all made quite a plan. Can I understand that?"

"Quite a plan!" Ding Chang said, "it's not appropriate for us to abandon our friends and friends at this time. It's not in line with our life's growth plan! Under such circumstances, we have made a considerable judgment! As for the so-called plans, not all of them have been completed. After all, there are still quite a few changes in them! "

"Understandable!" Ding Yu slightly nodded his head, "and then?" To be able to let Ding Chang say this, it shows that these children in the family have considerable consideration! Otherwise, his black heart little cotton padded jacket would have already spoken!

"It needs a lot of funding."

Ding Yu couldn't help but smile, a little wanton! "It's the plan in this respect! I said you were one by one? Is it a little too much? Anyway, you are also a little rich man. The little rich woman is here. Now you are counting this? That's too much! This seems to be really out of date

"Dad, we have the capital and the ability, but if we come out with this money, the situation will be different! And the money can't come from dad. If you do, there will be quite a lot of trouble! "

"I see!" Ding Yu understood their idea, "it's a good idea to let the farm pay the money, or let the farm fund the money, which is reasonable and reasonable!" Then Ding Yu nodded and was ready to pick up the chopsticks. "Is there anything else? If not, I will continue to eat!"

"Dad, did you agree so quickly?"

Ding Yun hesitated for a moment, then put a piece of beef for her father and put it in the plate in front of Ding Yu!

"What? Let me give you some trouble? " Ding Yu shook his head. "It's not a big deal. You've made quite a choice, and it's still quite meaningful. Why should I object? You may not be that old in terms of age, but you are basically impeccable in terms of experience and experience! "

"Dad, we'll be proud to say that!"

"Proud or not proud, this is my business, you are my children, I have proud capital! As for you? " Ding Yu hums, how many have so some disdainful taste! "Say, do something that should be done, what is specific, I will not discuss one by one! You've already said it anyway! "The children at home look at each other! Obviously for Ding Yu's words, are more convinced, dad did not deliberately set up any obstacles, nor to add any pressure to them, all you have to deal with on your own!

"Dad, should we say thank you?"

Ding Yu has a bad look at Ding Yun, who is talking. Then he begins to eat! However, the children in the family are laughing after having a meal. The matter has been supported, so the concrete operation will begin next!

Because Ding Yu has not entered the study, so Ding Yun pad his feet to his father's side position! The big prick sat down, and the little four eyes was lying at Ding Yun's feet!

"Dad, in fact, we don't have much confidence in this matter!"

"Isn't it?" In this regard, Ding Yu expressed the most serious doubt! "This is the first time I've heard you say that?"

Ding Yun tucked back her hair and hadn't cut it for a while! So the hair is a little bit longer! But this time Ding Yun is not ready to decorate! Previously, the weather was hot, so there was no problem, but now it's almost winter! It should snow in two days! Still have short hair, a little inappropriate!

"In fact, it's not that I don't have confidence. I just feel that things are coming a little bit faster. I didn't expect to be separated from you in a little half a year! I don't know what will happen next. In a moment? It's a little hard to accept, Dad. What do you think? "

"You want chicken soup? Or do you want to hear what I really think? "

Ding Yun can't expose her anger, so she immediately raises her little feet and stands up with her little four eyes. It seems that if Ding Yun does something, she will never lag behind others!

Fortunately, Ding Yun still considered the little four eyes and didn't mean to challenge her father too much!

"It's just that I feel a little reluctant and even worried!"

"I understand!" Ding Yu nodded, "just want to know some real situation, don't you?" Seeing her nodding daughter, Ding Yu went on to say, "for you, this is a life experience, and for Wei Lai, they are the same! To a certain extent, it will become the normal of your life! "

"Dad, is life like this?"

"The life of man! There will be quite a lot of friends, but intimate friends and like-minded friends will never be as many as you can imagine, and it is impossible at all! " Then Ding Yu pointed to himself, "I have a lot of friends, but those are like-minded friends. Compared with the proportion of people I have contacted, they are a little bit less!"

"Yes! There are many people who are aiming at your identity and position! "

"Stop talking about me! Even if you, friends are many, the school can basically call on the number! What about primary school? Is a class of primary school, junior high school is a group of people's junior high school, and high school is a few people's high school! There is a considerable universality, but also a certain particularity! It's like you guys! Now you are junior high school! It can be said that the junior high school of a group of people has brought them all along, but look at the little girl again

"Dad, what you said is so sad!" Ding Yun puffed up her mouth. "We have a lot of friends, but really speaking, Dad, your friends don't seem to be as many as you think. Ha ha!"

"What about me? I don't like social intercourse very much. Of course, it's also because of the high school affairs. The problems caused are too serious. Even now, I'm still impressed. But it doesn't have much to do with you. I just hope you don't make such mistakes in the future. "

Ding Yun nodded, "sometimes there are contradictions with my friends, and there are even quite some problems. It is difficult to resolve them! There is always a sense of our identity... "

"Ha ha, it can be said that it is fear, it can also be said that it is fear! These are common sense things, even if you have paid attention to them! But such problems still exist! From my personal point of view, I can understand, but not everyone will understand! Sometimes it has nothing to do with the right or wrong of things! "

"Dad, let me ask you, did your classmates in high school still keep in touch with each other

"Unless there is something, otherwise, there is little contact, like a fat man! The old turtles, that is, when they come back to their hometown during the Spring Festival, we can sit together, have a cup of tea, and have a chat. Usually, they have their own families, jobs and lives. Sometimes, if they want to make a phone call and contact their feelings, they will feel embarrassed because there is nothing to say! "

"Strange! How can there be no words? "

"Different! Quite good friends, except for coming back for the Spring Festival, do not usually have too much contact. If they really make a phone call, it means that they are really encountering problems and conditions. This is the normal of our age! What you are thinking about is totally different from what we are considering! Of course, you understand it as a generation gap, and it's not impossible! "But Ding Yun immediately shook her head, grabbed her father's hand and twisted it violently!

"Dad, you give me a circle again, I don't want you to be dizzy again! I'm not asking about this at all, OK? " In this regard, Ding Yun expressed the most serious dissatisfaction, even the whole person was about to fly!

My father is so hateful! How could he do that? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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