Every time, my father is like this. From time to time, he sets a trap for himself. Not only himself, but also other children in the family will fall into the trap. No one is immune. There is no way to do it. It's almost normal!

It can be said that they were cheated again and again, but they are all different! Every time I think about it, I feel depressed!

Have you eaten so many beans? Why don't you know the smell of beans?

"Dad, can you talk seriously?" Ding Yun immediately changed a way! If you can't walk on the right road, you can take a detour! It's not the first time!

"Well! Return to the previous topic, but your reaction is very fast! It seems that the lessons given earlier are still very useful. It can be reflected in such a short time. If I do it next time, I should try something else! "

Ding Yun once again felt a little itchy on her feet! My father is really hateful!

After taking a deep breath, this just said again! "Dad, Wei Lai, if these people are well trained, they will certainly have a good development in the future. This is certain. But if we all leave and none of us stay, what will happen? Will it cause a considerable blow to Wei Lai and even have adverse effects? "

Ding Yu knocked his head with his hand. "If it was placed in the past, it would, but now? What they said

"Yes, too!" When talking, the children in the family have come over and sit beside Ding Yu!

"After all, modern society is different! Modern society can communicate with each other, and it is very convenient, even can reach minutes and seconds Ding Yun nodded slightly, "and if we stay here all the time, it will make them have a kind of inertia, and even they will have some other ideas. If we leave, we can well mobilize their subjective initiative! Can play better

"What's more, the farm is still there, and my grandfather and grandmother are there, not to mention the father's side! The external conditions are still very complete. In this case, if they can't keep themselves, it means that they have some problems. Dad, can I say that? "

"It is universal, there are not too many particularities, and the summary is OK. If they lost their fighting spirit because of your leaving, then it is their own problem!"

Ding Yu's speech is very serious! "We all want to protect our friends and expect them to have a good future and development. However, many things can not be decided by us. After all, we still need to see their own. The role we play is only the external cause, and the internal cause is the more natural place for a person to change!"

"Master!" Wang an called out, "still hope they can maintain this enthusiasm, maintain the present state!"

"There may be a considerable deviation between what you expect and the final result. You should have the greatest enthusiasm. As for what the final result will be, just be reasonable! chill! Reason is what you should understand! If you lose your sense and act impulsively, you may succeed, but the probability is poor! "

"Less likely to be struck by thunder?"

"In reality, almost!" Ding Yu said with a smile, "but you can go and find out what the probability of being struck by thunder is. It's a very interesting thing. I've done a lot of investigation! It's fun! "

Talking with the children for a long time, the next morning, looking at the snow outside the window, Ding Yu really felt very funny! The snow is a little late today! But it's not so cold! However, going out at this time is definitely to find their own suffering. As for the children in the house, let them move in the house!

It's not that they are really coquettish, nor is Ding Yu really pampering them. It's mainly because if their parents know about it, they will never give themselves any good fruit to eat!

What's more, they let their children suffer, so that they can better put their energy into some things, for example, when learning, abandon entertainment, social interaction, games and so on, instead of giving them radish and pickled vegetables every day. That is not to let children suffer, but to let them suffer!

The difference between the two is really great! Can't be confused at all!

It is also a wrong educational idea! Of course, some people are adhering to such views and practices. Who can do anything about it? On such issues, Ding Yu will never blindly go tough. What's the point?

"Wow, the first snow of the year Ding Yun opened her hazy eyes and looked on the bed. Then she took a video, but the time was very short. Then she began to exercise her body. She was very attentive. She didn't have any distraction because of the snow outside!

It's not easy to resist such temptation at a young age!

However, it is also due to the formation of good habits, when doing things are dedicated, will not be half hearted, will not fish for three days, two days drying net! From this point of view, no matter what we do in the future, there will be no problems and conditions!After the exercise in the morning, several children went out to take pictures of snow scenery! All the guy's styles are used! Including cameras and UAVs, after all, the way cameras and mobile phones shoot is totally different! The effect of shooting is quite different!

However, such a thing in the hands of low-end players, certainly will not have a considerable feeling, because the distinction is not so obvious. At this point, Ding Yu belongs to the low-end players, and even despises the existence of the bottom of the chain. Any child in the family is much better than Ding Yu in shooting this point!

After all, it is the international masters who teach them this knowledge! Although this master in Ding Yu's view, is an old not serious, but in the shooting above, really need to admit, almost impeccable!

The children in the family are interested in this, and they can learn a few hands, but there is no problem! Even as a hobby!

Of course, from another point of view, Bruno still has his own uniqueness in teaching. The so-called interest is the best teacher, which may also be due to this aspect. Therefore, although the children in the family do not have any style, they still have a considerable aesthetic feeling in their photos!

"Dad, mom, why are you all out?"

"Nothing, just take it as exercise! by the way! It's snowing today. Isn't there anything on the farm? You need to pay attention to protection! " Ding Lin is very patient!

"I haven't heard of the report, let alone let me care about the direction of the farm. There is no problem, but to what extent, this is not enough! What's more, if I get involved, they will not be too busy to die. If you want to know that staying here, they will have some troubles all over the body! "

"Hi! It's true! " Ding Lin laughed, but did not disturb the children, and then with the nanny at home to sweep the snow, but to a greater extent, is to exercise, not to clean up!

When the children arrived at school, they basically didn't go home at noon. Everyone was in the school. Besides clearing the snow, of course, it was a snowball fight! How can I give up such an enjoyable thing? Whether it is boys or girls, even including a considerable number of teachers are involved in it! It's just a mess!

Except on campus! It is basically impossible to see such a scene again in other places!

However, in addition to this school, other schools in the city also have snowball fights, but no matter in terms of scale or heat, they are much worse! As for the reasons? It's really hard to say!

"In less than a month, sir, the new year will be celebrated."

"Yes! In another month's time, the new year is coming! "

Ding Yu sighed a little, this period of time is relatively stable, whether it is Pete's side, or the third party, have maintained quite calm, and the consortium is also the same, we all have so many meanings that can't be heard!

As for the farm side, because there is another month to celebrate the New Year! Therefore, the throughput has been greatly increased. Although the price of farm products is so expensive, due to the high quality and not afraid of any inspection, if you can find out the problem, I will not only not accept the money, but also pay back 10 times. In serious cases, even 100 times of compensation, these are quite precedent!

This point has been warmly welcomed by all of you. Now your quality of life has been greatly improved, so you have a considerable understanding of the quality of your own food. Whether things are expensive or not is not important. As long as you are safe, then we can pay for it!

But even if it is like this, there are many times when the ditch should not be sought. If there is no way out, the farm will not kill the chicken and lay eggs. We have such a large supply. After all, our general supply is not domestic, we need to earn extra money!

But the more so, the more enthusiastic the domestic public is! Although the farm did not deliberately publicize anything, the name of the farm has really spread out, but it is not so many people who can get the certification of the farm! They all want to cooperate with the farm, but the farm has its own standard!

It's not that the store bullies. The farm really doesn't lack this money. I need to be responsible for my own things. If I want to cooperate with me, it's not impossible. Can I meet my so-called standards, be able to do things that don't matter, and there's no deposit. But if you can't do it, I'm sorry, even if the golden mountains and silver sea are placed in front of me, It's not worth mentioning!

Although the farm assessment is very strict, but really quite a number of people were selected! It's hard to say whether it's a fire or not, but it's definitely full of customers. After all, the production of the farm is not a joke!

"Sir, the farm's new year's approval has been called in!"

Ding Yu shook his head, "I don't care about this matter! It's not what I should manage. The people on the farm know how to do it. Let me control the so-called general direction. There is no problem with this. But let me manage these things. I promise that the farm will be in chaos in less than a week! "Sitting in front of Ding Yu's office, the senior manager of the farm also knew that he should never be flattered at this time, because he didn't like to hear such words! It's really strange to say that the farm was founded by Mr. Zhang, but Mr. Zhang basically doesn't interfere with the operation of the farm. At most, he uses an office space in his hometown's farm!

If it's someone else, I'm afraid it's already a problem! But here, sir, not only did not appear any problem, even the development of the whole farm is also thriving, you say strange not strange!

Although Mr. Lian is now working in the farm, when do you see Ding Yu checking and inspecting the farm? Basically, you can't see such a situation. At most, he has a meal in the canteen! That's it! As for the operation of the farm, we basically turn a blind eye to the operation of the farm!

"Sir, if there's nothing wrong, I'll go out first!"

"I don't care about the operation of the farm. However, we can't have any problems or problems in terms of welfare. We have worked hard for a year, and we all want to have a good year! Don't let everyone down! How many families are looking forward to it! So this piece must satisfy everyone! Listen to everyone's opinions

"Some people, sir, are still too much! I even want to have a party, and even want to have a party at the door of my own house. It's so fantastic

Ding Yu laughed, "have you got a request? Not terrible, afraid of nothing! There are some things we can't say too clearly, and we need to be considerate

When I come back in the evening, all the children's exams have been finished! Even on that day, the results have been sent to wechat group! Now the marking paper does not need to be manual, all are mechanized, very simple! It's also very efficient!

For the city's examination results and school examination results, not only the school, but also parents are very satisfied! To a certain extent, it also reflects the learning situation of this half semester. Although it is not so absolute, it is quite universal!

"Dad, the school is quite busy, and the teachers are making a considerable summary. After all, only the teacher has a comprehensive grasp of the semester situation of each student, so we need to draw a certain conclusion to facilitate us to make appropriate corrections!"

Ding Yu knocked on his head, "didn't you have said that before? You can make a good plan yourself! It has nothing to do with me. Remember to come back for the Spring Festival! I don't want to let the family have a lot of complaints, especially your grandparents, staring at it

"That's not the case." Ding Yun is very cute with her little mouth! "Dad, do you have time? We want to treat you to a meal, but it's not a delicacy, or a gourmet food. We didn't have as much pocket money as we thought. We just wanted to treat you to a meal

"Let you be the representative?" Ding Yu felt a little funny, "it's not impossible! what time? I need to have a look. After all, I don't have enough time. I need to do some planning! "

"Just these two days, the faster the better!"

Ding Yu inquired for a moment, then he stretched out his hand and pinched it on his daughter's face! I don't know what happened to you! Tomorrow! tomorrow night! It doesn't matter what you eat. Then please take a bath together! The hot spring of the villa is very good

The next day, Ding Yu accompanied the children to eat together. It can be said that it was a little bit simple, even a little rough, but Ding Yu ate a lot, and there was no point to waste!

For this point, let the children are very happy! Because Uncle Ding didn't mean to dislike him! In other words, uncle Ding looked up to them and didn't look at them with his eyelids! Let them get considerable respect!

As for the Ding family, we all know about it. Even in our hearts, there are some worries. Uncle Ding has no shelf. But if we invite uncle Ding to eat this food, we always feel guilty!

Relative to Uncle Ding's pay, their return is less, there are so some pitiful!

"Uncle Ding, we are so ashamed that we can't treat you to a big meal?"

"For me personally, it's a very happy thing that you can invite me today or even the teacher to have a meal yesterday. It doesn't matter what you eat. Even if it's pickled vegetables, it's also your wish. No matter your teachers or I, we hope you can grow up healthily."

"Uncle Ding, we didn't invite you to have a meal at home. Instead, we invited you to have a meal. I feel a little proud!"

"Two times, I really feel uncomfortable eating with your parents. Your parents are not comfortable. I also feel uncomfortable. I can't let go of each other's identity! To a certain extent, people are divided into three, six, nine, and you? There is no such situation, or it rarely happens! I hope you can keep this pure heart in the future, and don't drop any students in the future! Progress togetherThese children are one by one. Ding Yu basically has a good understanding. This kind of understanding has nothing to do with the family. Some people are smarter and some are frank. They all have advantages and disadvantages. Maybe they can't reach the level of children in the family, but they never give up!

This kind of character is commendable!

But Ding Yu didn't bother them too much. He invited them to go to the hot spring together. Let's meet each other honestly!

Although the number may be a little more, but absolute harmony!

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